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63, Site –IV, Sahibabad, Ghaziabad


Session 2020-2021


B.Tech. (CS) -IV SEM

Name of SEM SECTION Name of Faculty Date of Total Lectures Date of

Course Commencement Planned Conclusion
TAFL IV D Ms. Neha Verma 02/04/2021 45 18/06/2021

Course Outcomes:

CO1 On successful completion of this unit students understand the mechanical computations
and will acquire skills that are to be demonstrated through lab and class assignments, to
analyze and design regular language acceptors used in engineering systems
CO2 On successful completion of this unit students will analyzeand design machines (Mealy
and Moore) for mathematical problem solving. The students will demonstrate the same
through lab and class assignments
CO3 On successful completion of this unit students will analyze a Context Free Language
and design rules to generate the strings and verify the properties of the same. The students
will demonstrate the same through lab and class assignments
CO4 On successful completion of this unit students will acquire skills that are to be demon-
strated through lab and class assignments, to analyze CF languages and design Push-
down Automaton to identify the same.
CO5 On successful completion of this unit students will demonstrate their insight, through lab
and class assignments, into analysis of computational problems and design of Turing
Machines for the same.


Discrete Mathematics course, Computer Programming in C course .

TAFL (CODE: KCS-402) Session 2019-2020 (IV Sem) by PREETI GUPTA

Lecture Plan

Lecture Proposed Date Actual Date Assignment Submission

Lecture Topics
No. of delivery of delivery date
Unit 1 : Introduction to theory of
1 computation, Alphabets, Strings and 2/04/2021

Introduction to and Grammars and its

2 types 5/04/2021

Deterministic finite Automata (DFA)-

State transition graph, Transition
3 table, Language of DFA, small 6/04/2021

4 DFA complex examples 7/04/2021

Nondeterministic finite Automata

5 8/04/2021
(NFA), Language, examples

6 NFA examples 9/04/2021

NFA with epsilon transition,

7 10/04/2021
Language of NFA

8 Equivalence of NFA and DFA 12/04/2021

9 Minimization of Finite Automata 13/04/2021

10 Myhill-Nerode Theorem 15/04/2021

11 Revision, MCQ, Assignment 19/04/2021

Unit 2: Regular expression (RE),

Definitions, Operators of regular
12 expression and their precedence, 16/04/2021
Algebraic laws for Regular
Kleen’s Theorem, Regular
13 expression to FA, DFA to Regular 20/04/2021
14 Regular expression to FA 22/04/2021

TAFL (CODE: KCS-402) Session 2019-2020 (IV Sem) by PREETI GUPTA

15 DFA to Regular expression 23/04/2021

16 Arden Theorem 24/04/2021

Non Regular Languages, Pumping

17 Lemma for regular Languages and 26/04/2021
its applications
Closure properties of Regular
18 Languages, Decision properties of 3/05/2021
Regular Languages
FA with output: Moore Machine and
19 4/05/2021
Mealy machine
Equivalence of Moore and Mealy
20 Machine, Applications and 5/05/2021
Limitation of FA.
Unit 3 : Context free grammar
21 (CFG), Context Freee Languages 6/05/2021
(CFL): Definitions, Examples,
Derivation trees, Ambiguity in
22 Grammar, Inherent ambiguity, 7/05/2021
Ambiguous to Unambiguous CFG,
Useless symbols, Simplification of
23 CFGs

24 Normal forms for CFGs: CNF 10/05/2021

25 Normal forms for CFGs: GNF 11/05/2021

Closure proper ties of CFL,

26 Decision Properties of CFLs: 12/05/2021
Emptiness, Finiteness ,membership

27 Pumping lemma for CFLs. 13/05/2021

28 Revision, MCQ 17/05/2021

Push Down Automata (PDA): De-

scription and definition,
29 18/05/2021

Instantaneous Description, Lan-

guage of PDA
30 19/05/2021

Acceptance by Final state, Ac-

31 20/05/2021
ceptance by empty stack
Deterministic PDA, Equivalence of
32 PDA and CFG 21/05/2021

33 CFG to PDA and PDA to CFG, 22/05/2021

Two stack PDA.

34 1/06/2021

Unit 5 : Turing machines (TM):

35 2/06/2021
Basic model,

TAFL (CODE: KCS-402) Session 2019-2020 (IV Sem) by PREETI GUPTA

36 definition and representation, 3/06/2021

Instantaneous Description, Language

37 acceptance by TM

38 Variants of Turing Machine 7/06/2021

39 TM as Computer of Integer functions 8/06/2021

40 Universal TM, Church’s Thesis, 9/06/2021

Recursive and recursively enumerable

41 languages,

Halting problem, Introduction to

42 Undecidability,

43 Undecidable problems about TMs. 16/06/2021

Post correspondence problem (PCP)

44 Modified PCP

45 Revision 18/06/2021

1. Hopcroft, Ullman, “Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages and Computation”, Pear-
son Education.
2. KLP Mishra and N. Chandrasekaran, “Theory of Computer Science: Automata, Languages
and Computation”, PHI Learning Private Limited, Delhi India.
3. Peter Linz, "An Introduction to Formal Language and Automata", Narosa Publishing house.
4. YN Singh “Mathematical Foundation of Computer Science”, New Age International.
5. Malviya, AK "Theory of Computation and Application", BPaperback Publications
6. Papadimitrou, C. and Lewis, CL, “Elements of the Theory of Computation”, Pearson Publi-

TAFL (CODE: KCS-402) Session 2019-2020 (IV Sem) by PREETI GUPTA

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