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Select and drag the right answers.

Selecciona y arrastra las respuestas correctas.

I don’t like using the computer vacío I don’t type quickly. vacío , sometimes the computer crashes and I
lose all my material. There are viruses vacío annoying advertisements. vacío , connecting to the
Internet is expensive.

becausedespitewhileFurthermoreFinallyHoweverbut alsoaftersuch asMoreoverAs soon asDue to

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Select and drag the right answers.

Selecciona y arrastra las respuestas correctas

John and Carol’s “dream vacation” didn’t go off as planned at all. vacío , their flight was delayed
unexpectedly. vacío they had to wait for six hours at the airport. vacío , during the flight, there was a
lot of turbulence and Carol got sick. When they landed, they found that the rental car agency didn’t have
a car ready for them. vacío , they were able to rent a car from another company. vacío , the weather
was rainy and cold in Paris. They had to spend more money than they’d planned because everything was
so expensive. They were very disappointed. vacío , there were many enjoyable moments.
First of allUnlesssonextBesidesIn briefFortunatelyIfOn the other handBecause HoweverHence

John and Carol’s “dream vacation” didn’t go off as planned at all. First of all , their flight was delayed
unexpectedly. Hence they had to wait for six hours at the airport. Besides , during the flight, there was
a lot of turbulence and Carol got sick. When they landed, they found that the rental car agency didn’t
have a car ready for them. Fortunately, they were able to rent a car from another company. however ,
the weather was rainy and cold in Paris. They had to spend more money than they’d planned because
everything was so expensive. They were very disappointed. because , there were many enjoyable

Pregunta 3

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Select the right answer to complete the whole sentence

Selecciona la respuesta correcta para completar toda la oraciòn.

I don’t hate Jim. ____________________

Seleccione una:

a. By comparison, being with him is as easy as falling off a log.

b. Furthermore, they make wonderful walking buddies.

c. On the contrary, I’m rather fond of him.

d. As a consequence, he’s failed his French test.

Quitar mi elección

Pregunta 4

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Select the right answer to complete the whole sentence

Selecciona la respuesta correcta para completar toda la oraciòn.

He is looking for a formal trouser ______________________

Seleccione una:

a. because he has an important meeting tomorrow.

b. consequently I missed the flight.

c. so he is very poor.

d. besides it will also come handy if rainfall starts.

Quitar mi elección

Pregunta 5
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Complete this sentence in a logical way. You have to write a full sentence

Completa esta oraciòn de una manera lògica. Debes escribir una oraciòn completa.

In spite of the pain in his leg, ______________________________________

Familia de fuente

Pregunta 6

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Complete this sentence in a logical way. You have to write a full sentence

Completa esta oraciòn de una manera lògica. Debes escribir una oraciòn completa.

Connectors help reinforce the logic of your writing by signalling the relationship between your ideas.
Thus, __________________________________________________.

Familia de fuente
Pregunta 7

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Complete this sentence in a logical way. You have to write a full sentence

Completa esta oraciòn de una manera lògica. Debes escribir una oraciòn completa.

While Gerald and Tanya were washing their clothes, _______________________________.

While Gerald and Tanya did the laundry, their grandmother cooked the best chicken with white paste
and orange candy.

While Gerald and Tanya were doing the laundry, their friends and family were planning a surprise
welcome party for them.

Familia de fuente

Pregunta 8

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Complete this sentence in a logical way. You have to write a full sentence

Completa esta oraciòn de una manera lògica. Debes escribir una oraciòn completa.

Alex enjoys telling jokes; likewise, ___________

Alex likes to tell jokes; Alex enjoys telling jokes; likewise, alex works as a comedy film actor , and he loves
his profession

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