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The gospel in the bible has something to do with the community and the pantry that
serves as a free passionately commemorative plaintiff of God’s bond to his people, we all have
the greatest bond that tangled us to the Lord’s wisdom ad teachings as he sacrifices his life to
save us. Spiritual ties have seen even in the midst of pandemic, this is all a proof that God never
forgets us. The gospel that was considered as God’s precious teachings were given in the pantry
by the twelve apostles. This community also gives nourishment for the soul and not only for
the body. The word of God is the food for the spirit, just as bread is food for the body, this
community also gives nourishment for the soul and not only for the body. The word of God
is the food for the spirit, just as bread is food for the body. Here our vocation in helping
others give an impact to our soulful spirituality. Vocation will reprimand the values that
God has been given to us. A comprehensive understanding of progress occurs during the
mature years of a person who has a great belief in the great works of spirituality. Christian
people may be involved in exploring their spirituality and finding what God is calling them to
do, their vocation, and identity development with a higher impact on their lives as they
commemorate with those proofs that they have experienced. Personality development and
greater understanding of Christian vocation were described; gained identity situations were
positively associated with a greater understanding of Christian vocation. Diffused statuses were
related because of different beliefs with understanding Christian vocation this leads to a
widespread of faith and the pureness of one who believes. Greater spiritual vitality and
commitment and secure spiritual attachment were related to a greater understanding of vocation.
A preoccupied spiritual attachment was proven to have an understanding vocation. Christianity is
profoundly seen in people’s devotion on a certain faith which will suddenly leads to a lot of great
things, as a whole human person this depicts ways to prove how faithful a person in his chosen
religion whatever God he/she is worshipping. The concept of “vocation” is one that is constantly
evolving inside the community are using the term” vocation” to prompt discussion of meaning,
purpose, and calling in life. Identifying what great purpose of living in this world creates a better
vision and understanding why vocation is related to the church, while thinking deep what is
really one’s purpose and the calling of that certain place they need to establish while the faith is
still there getting stronger in everyday of each person’s life. Upon living into this difficult world,
we hardly seek for grounded support, that’s when catechism is seen in the picture. Within the
moral complexity of the world, no practice better orients our reflection toward God’s truth and
God’s love than the Church’s ancient practice of catechesis or formal preparation of new
followers in faithfulness. Catechesis new believers from listeners into discoverers. Catechism is
simply instruction in the fundamental doctrines of the Christian faith. Instead of substituting or
replacing the role of the Bible in Christian education, catechism ideally helps as the basis for it.
The application of catechism, as properly understood, is the Christian equivalent of resembling at
the box top of a jig-saw puzzle before one starts to put all of those hundreds of tiny pieces
together. It is essential to look at the big picture and have it clearly in mind to not bog down in
details or get endlessly diverted by some unimportant or irrelevant issue. The theological
classifications given to us through catechism help us make sense of the myriad of features found
in the Scriptures themselves. Catechism attends as a guide to better understanding Scripture.
That being noted. However, we need to remind ourselves that Protestants have always argued
that creeds, confessions, and catechisms are authorized only so far as they faithfully reflect the
pedagogy of Holy Scripture. This means that the use of catechisms, which correctly review
biblical teaching, does not negate or remove the role of Holy Scripture. Instead, these same
creeds, confessions, and catechisms.


A Christian that urges to do in order to fulfill his dreams will serve God in his chosen
field of vocation because religion does not need to constrain the achievement of one’s person to
what he needs to fulfill in order to have that vocation and grab that opportunity that has come in
their way no matter what. In order to embark on that acquired vocation, the general thought of
giving and sharing the blessings He gave to You as a whole person may become a different
sentiment when you serve others, like serving him in a lot greater purpose. In short, you may be
a blessing as a return of the blessing that he has given you.

Catechism is important to our chosen vocation which serves us to be believing in a

written doctrine, creating our own path in our chosen way of life is said to be needed guidance
for you as a person is a believer. Catechism should ideally have an emphasis. The first of these
emphases’ centers around the home. If Christian men are wondering about what their primary
role should be as a father, in terms of their obligation to be priests of their own homes,
suggesting that the practice of catechism occupy a significant role. The second emphasis of
catechism centers on the role of the local church. Here the role of the pastor and elders and the
goal of the other senior elder, which educate you on the purpose of life's different challenges,
should be to further and support those efforts at catechism that have begun in the home. Parents
should not assume that the church's role is to supply the catechetical instruction as parents make
little or no effort to provide at home and educate them.

This important point is significant to every human that has been in their journey in
choosing their calling, it’s their belief to be I that field because for believing in themselves and
falter embarks teachings and learning because of life experiences. The deep understanding for
vocation, catechism and the values we learned as a human being creates a steadfast faith in
ourselves and to the man up.

Our primordial role is not just been written in the sacred scriptures but it is the faith that
leads us to God as he works himself during his time and create a very impressive time of his life.
As our savior our hope that would incarcerate our belief may know as we discover more for
ourselves in pursuing our dream a we step one a time on those ladders. Is our effective way of
reaching out to God?

As the bible verse from the book of 2 Thessalonians 1:11 says that “To this end we
always pray for you, that our God may make you worthy of his calling and may fulfill every
resolve for good and every work of faith by his power”, and the bible verse from the book of
John 15:16 also says that “You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you
should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide, so that whatever you ask the Father in
my name, he may give it to you”. Vocation is not our own choice but is our destiny which God’s
prior point that we need to nurture, it’s our choice if we could make it enriching or not. But
defining vocation as the one’s response to a call from beyond oneself to use one’s strengths and
gifts to make the world a better place through service, creativity, and leadership. We now may
get the idea that every people get a call from God to do a certain job this can also be being called
into Christianity by God, it may not be ta proper calling that we need to receive but is a strong
feeling like a bolt of lightning that you are created by God and it’s your duty that calls.
Discipleship is another distinctive term used by Christians when following the works and life
Jesus, being compassionate to others, giving hope and loving them without anything in return
while serving them is a concrete application of discipleship like being a doctor, nurse, teacher
and soldier. Now adays it is simply seen in pantries that people evocate themselves to be the
strength of others, just like decades ago, Gospels are beneficial in our lives that is why catechism
has a greater role in our totality as a human being. God himself is a great worker, he have done a
lot of work in his entire life, just like the community we lived in. our community is making a lot
of work too which develops a very convenient way of living our life, just like God, when he had
to work to save humanity, he sacrificed his life. Spirituality is about discovering and responding
to the presence and purposes of God in every context, every task, every relationship and every
moment of every day. A spiritually healthy being is more dedicated and devoted to the calling
that has God assigned us, is not the prowess we claimed but the solemn work we have done to
ourself and the community.

Today's evangelical community's dominant models of spirituality depend heavily upon 'monastic'
practices of withdrawal and disengagement. Consequently, they do little to enable the Christian
to connect the presence of God with the realities and contexts of daily life, especially life in the
marketplace. Words and images that commonly dominate this spiritual landscape include
withdrawal, relinquishment, silence, solitude, meditation, serenity, and stillness. Words and
images dominating life in the marketplace are almost the antitheses of these. Tragically, this sets
up an unfortunate dichotomy between the so-called 'spiritual' realm and the world of work.
Religion has been recognized to mold humanity into a near-perfect society devoid of ill-
mannered individuals, who were always wayward and tended to deviate from the decorum that
society expected everyone to subscribe to.

Therefore, a religious community is a societal unit that subscribes to doctrines set out by
the religion that it holds dear with unfaltering faith, which defines the moral code of demeanor
that its followers are expected to adhere to. Such a community blends with followers of other
religious communities

Some members of a religious community may deem it fit to live a life of isolation. They
devote their lives to prayer and service to the community, unlike ordinary members. The latter
choose to fulfill the bare minimum requirements that the community doctrines designate.
These may require daily or weekly visits to the places of worship, which can either be
synagogues, mosques, or churches, depending on the religion. Religion is taken very menacingly
in specific communities. It has led to the configuration of theocratic states with single religions
acknowledged by the states, like Saudi Arabia and most countries within the Arab Emirates.

For the most part, vindictive measures are usually taken against people who flout the
commandments prescribed by the state concerning conduct in some of these states to ensure that
everyone in the country is a virtuous person. On the flip side, within the Christianity circles, the
Vatican is an example of a theocratic state that is catholic, with the pope flanked by his cardinals
as the rulers. With many break- away factions, a lot of barbs have been thrown at the Catholic
Church on its tough stand of celibacy, despite the cases of child molestation that have cast
aspersions on the need for this policy. Formation of the secret societies within the Catholic
domain, especially in Africa, that ordain priests who are allowed to marry have also been

Our morality relies on how we live our life in spite of challenges, moralism is not the
unrealistic dream of the idealist, nor is it the means of fulfilling the everyday needs of the
materialist. Instead, it provides people with the possibility of merging their mundane objectivity
into supramundane Cognition. The spirit of morality will have to be instilled in human beings
when they first start to learn the lessons of interaction. By interaction, I mean social interaction.
Viewed from this perspective, the mind of a child is the best receptacle for morality. However,
who will impart moral training or education? Parents find fault with teachers, and teachers, in
turn, argue that they cannot give personal attention to an individual child in a crowd of two or
three hundred children. Although most parents are either uneducated or semi-educated and while
it is not unreasonable to expect that teachers will be well-educated, it is not proper to place the
sole responsibility for children’s moral education on the shoulders of their teachers. Increasing
the number of teachers in educational institutions may partially solve moral education, but the
key to the solution lies within the parents themselves. In cases where the parents are unfit to
shoulder this responsibility, the teachers and well-wishers of society will have to come forward
and demonstrate their greater sense of responsibility.

Remember, humanity’s very existence is based on morality; when morality leads human
beings to the fullest expression of their finer human qualities, then alone is its practical value
fully realized. The concerted effort to bridge the gap between the first expression of morality and
establishment in universal humanism is called “social progress.” Furthermore, the collective
body of those engaged in the concerted effort to conquer this gap, I call “society.” The church's
future will be decided by how effectively the people of God are equipped and supported to live
out their faith in the world. Local churches have a crucial role to play in equipping and
supporting their members for this missionary encounter. However, this vision of growing the
kingdom of God in the world is more extensive than just growing a local congregation. Our
conviction that growing congregations alone is not a big enough vision to facilitate effective
ministry in the world. However, to change our focus to pursue this larger vision towards an
emphasis on weekday mission, beyond just Sunday gathering, will require a significant change in
our priorities, the allocation of our resources, and the models of ministry that shape our practice.

As a group that includes several pastors, we recognize that the enormous pressures on
church leaders to produce significant Sunday events make it challenging to prioritize the
significance of weekday ministry. We do not wish to see this added as another set of
expectations on church leaders who are already feeling oppressed by too many expectations.
Instead, we see that what is needed is a change of expectations that is potentially freeing for both
leaders and church members if ministry is better shared and expanded to include the whole of our
life in the world and the church. We find ourselves excited by this vision but are still groping to
define clearly what this means and might involve. In humility, we offer the following
observations about the challenges to marketplace ministry and some suggestions of strategic
action in response.

Being spiritually prepared is one of the provocativeness of being God’s shepherd, our
faith could lead us to holiness our vocation became known with occupation or career with no
other spiritual requirements or connections. Also, the vocation of the Reformers, Puritans, and
other religious persons and enthusiasts failed to address the changes, inequalities, and alienation
resulting from industrialization. Consequently, the Church became estranged mainly from
working-class personalities. Socialism spoke more instantly to their eagerness and distress.
Besides, Catholic theologians have only recently begun to express an interest in developments.
At the same time, many people appear to elevate still the status of ordained pastoral ministry and
missionary service above other vocations. We need to discover a path that will guide us between
the twin heresies of divorcing faith from work and idolizing work. We must rediscover our faith
that our primary vocation is the call to follow Jesus.

Disciples young and old are called by name to go into the vineyard. In responding to this
call, adults have the greatest responsibilities and the capacity to live the Christian message in its
fully developed form. Their formation in faith is essential for the Church to carry out its mandate
to proclaim the Good News of Jesus to the world. Effective adult formation is necessary to
“equip the holy ones for the work of ministry


Gospels are given to us to inculcate teachings of gods life and sacrifices in order for us to
be saved from all our sins which will emancipate our knowledge about his life and death. You,
me and the community is connected to God through life and death, being spiritually prepared is
one of the provocativeness of being God’s shepherd, our faith could lead us to holiness our
vocation became known with occupation or career with no other spiritual requirements or
connections. Also, the vocation of the Reformers, Puritans, and other religious persons and
enthusiasts failed to address the changes, inequalities, and alienation resulting from
industrialization. Consequently, the Church became estranged mainly from working-class
personalities. Socialism spoke more instantly to their eagerness and distress. Besides, Catholic
theologians have only recently begun to express an interest in developments. At the same time,
many people appear to elevate still the status of ordained pastoral ministry and missionary
service above other vocations. We need to discover a path that will guide us between the twin
heresies of divorcing faith from work and idolizing work. We must rediscover our faith that our
primary vocation is the call to follow Jesus.

Disciples young and old are called by name to go into the vineyard. In responding to this
call, adults have the greatest responsibilities and the capacity to live the Christian message in its
fully developed form. Their formation in faith is essential for the Church to carry out its mandate
to proclaim the Good News of Jesus to the world. Effective adult formation is necessary to
“equip the holy ones for the work of ministry.

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