Journal and Commentary Emma

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Journal Review and commentary

Journal: “Analyzing cultural tourism promotion on Instagram: a cross-cultural

perspective”, Emanuele Mele, Peter Kerkhof & Lorenzo Cantoni (2021)

The journal written by Emanuele Mele, Peter Kerkhof & Lorenzo Cantoni (2021)

entitled "Analyzing cultural tourism promotion on Instagram: a cross-cultural

perspective” has been crafted and published due to the observable absence of

researches and journals related to cross-cultural as promoted in social media platforms.

The dimensions integrated are the Collected-Individualism, High-Context over Low-

Context, and Power Distance. The journal analyzed the content of cultural differences in

posts rendered on Instagram that advocates cultural tourism which is issued by national

tourism in four chosen countries which are Portugal, Chile, Netherlands, and the United

States of America. By integrating the LIWC2015 an automated content analysis has

been conducted to assess the distinction between the individualist and collectivist posts

regarding destinations.

The information rendered to me has been very informative since the facts that

are proposed are new. I was quite amazed when I grasp the distinction between the

four countries being divided into two groups which are individualist and collectivist. I
realized that I am thronged to the letter crowd, and so every typical Filipinos are. We

Filipinos love to post photos on any social media app not only limited to Instagram

together with our friends, family, classmates, lovers, or neighbors. We believe in the

idea “the more, the merrier”. Like with the family I am in, we love to fill the gaps may it

be in photos or real-life. Also, in terms of caption we Filipinos who are naturally

empathetic or sympathetic love to hear shared experiences more and collective

feelings. This is very true for me and my family members as we love to discuss anything

under the sun during leisure times or even at the table during meals. Hence, Filipinos

also love to use third personal pronouns such as “us” or “we”. This usage is so broad

that even in events may it be victorious or hardships, Filipinos tend to stick together or

the “Spirit of Bayanihan” prevails. Such values are very observable in my group of

friends as we tend to look after each other’s welfare. More importantly, being

sympathetic prompts us to do a thing sometimes as being stimulated by our emotions.

Instead of looking at the prize of or being a low-context, we at some moments buy a

thing or subscribe to a certain service because we know the provider or we simply feel

the need to help the seller. On the contrary, there are few percentages of people who

are individualist. This group loves to post pictures alone. This is like one my classmates

who are loner, who loves to travel, do the task alone, and enjoy own company. These

people are so independent that their pronoun is always “I”. And it is the price that they

always seek whenever they are urged to subscribe to a service, visit a place, or buy a

The journal does typically inform but also reminds us that we should always be

culture-sensitive. Having presented the two groups, we can perceive opposing cultures

or behaviors but these two are grounded on the truth that all they want is to promote

their tourism. We should always learn to respect other race’s cultures and not be so

easy to judge because say for instance if we judge the individualist being a collectivist,

we are merely judging. If we further explore the reason behind it, we can realize that it is

due to their upbringing or them being taught to be independent. Furthermore, the journal

is very helpful to me as an HTM student to be aware that if in the future may I become

the owner of a tourism or hospitality business or simply an employee, I should consider

the culture of other’s as well enrich the experiences of the visitors and to promote my

B. Comprehensive Written Answers

Answer the following questions:

A. General Questions

1. What are three benefits of globalization in terms of tourism? What are three

negative impacts due to global tourism?

Globalization implies the growing interdependence of the world’s economies,

cultures, and populations, brought about by cross-border trade in goods and

services, technology, and flows of investment, people, and information. On the other

hand, tourism pertains to a phenomenon culturally or socially involving the

movement of individuals to places or countries external to the place they lived in for

professional/ business and leisure purposes (Dwyer, 2015).

Globalization as closely linked to tourism has a positive influence on it.

Foremost, globalization has fostered global mobility, making traveling around the

globe easier (Linetti, 2019). Cheaper flights that are offered by big companies, the

existence of companies supplementing international cards, and trouble-free changing

currencies services as brought by globalization indeed facilitate the smooth sailing of

tourism. Second, globalization stimulates the free flow of information (Linetti, 2019).
With the aid of information and communication technologies, and the people being

connected to the internet, it is now easier for travelers to visit the countries and

places they aspire to experience the culture and beliefs. If not, they can always learn

it on the internet or by gaining information from their Facebook friends. Third, with the

free flow of information brought by social media platforms, the tourism sector is

graced by several travelers visiting the countries and places (Linetti, 2019). Many

hotels and workers are blessed as there are more job vacancies to be filled. On the

contrary, global tourism has some undesirable effects. First, global tourism is the

avenue for terrorism to transpire. ISIS, Boko Haram, and Al-Qaeda utilize social

media to disseminate their terror messages (Linetti, 2019). Criminals and weapons

used in terrorization also easily circulate the country which results in an upsurge

number of deaths. With this perpetuating, tourism is affected as tourism services will

be halted due to the terrorism threat and incident especially those places frequently

victimized that may soon become isolated from other nations. Second, global tourism

causes cultural erosion (Linetti, 2019). With globalization rapidly reigning around the

planet, many people are practicing colonial mentality, in which they patronized the

culture of other races more than their own. Lastly, global tourism causes poverty

(Linetti, 2019). Most developed countries are those that likely benefit from this activity

as not all countries especially the developing countries have advanced technologies

that can adapt to natural calamities or have available tools to simply enhance or

beautify their tourism spots.

With the negative impact being stated, these gaps can be amended by foremost

loving and patronizing our own culture and loving what we are. We tend to admire

those races who do not even appreciate our people who are only leeching us. We

should start traveling in our country by discovering hotels and services which are

inclined to our liking. Second, to address the terrorism concern, security must be

tightened. The goal for letting a foreigner stay in another country must not just

because it can contribute to economic growth but as well as it can be a bearer of

peace. Lastly, developing countries must mitigate their peculiar ways to attract

tourists. Though not as fully advance and equipped as other countries, there is

always beauty in simplicity.

2. Why is it important for a local tour operator, general manager, or tourism business

owner to think about globalization? Where should we be looking to understand

globalization and future trends? Name three sources.

There are various reasons why local operators, general managers, or tourism

business owners must consider globalization. Globalization is the very driver of the

tourism market (Emanuele et al., 2021). Without globalization, the said sector would

not thrive as in the Philippines the force that contributes to the tourism profits are the

foreigners that come and go in the Philippines. Globalization can be used as a tool to

enrich tourism. Say for instance with the reign of information and communication

technologies today as brought by globalization, many audiences can be reached

through social media platforms and integrating e-marketing strategies. In this regard,
it is important to look at some things to understand globalization and future trends.

Foremost, we should always analyze the fads and trends in social media which will

determine what people nowadays are up to. Second, we must stay updated with the

current news through skimming legitimate television broadcasting channels. And

lastly, we must consider statements coming from interviews.

3. The claim of an authentic experience is a common promise for tourism marketers.

Name two ways visitors can determine whether an experience is authentic. In your

own words, what is the value of authenticity, if any, in a globalized world?

The word authentic is defined as the quality of being worthy of belief or

recognition as coinciding to or grounded on facts. Whereas authenticity entails

remaining true to one’s values, spirit, or personality amidst the pressure one is

subjected to. To everything we do, authenticity is very important to persist, likewise,

an authentic experience must be observable in tourism marketers (Denett & Song,


In the tourism world, authenticity implies the assessment of individuals regarding

the veracity of their impressions and expectations from places they have visited.

There are various ways in which visitors can determine whether an experience is

authentic but there are two that are the most prevalent signs. Foremost, visitors can

say that the experience is genuine is when they can make establish personal

connections or they express their genuine self (Hostelworld, 2021). This can be
achieved through portraying genuine interest in local culture and people, overcoming

the language barrier through learning basic phrases, restricting oneself from utilizing

gadgets to garner real-time experiences, listening to local songs, eating local food,

gaining new friends, and a lot more. Another way of determining if an experience is

genuine is when you can retain most of the memories you made from it. You may find

yourself laughing while remembering all the silly stuff you have made during the

staycation like running into a pole because you were too occupied with your phone or

otherwise blushing while remembering the handsome boy you have seen.

Authenticity in the global setting is very important as it entails trust. It is when you

have ordered a sandal from Shoppe or Lazada and receiving the prototype or the

actual pictures provided by the seller.

Generally, authenticity is a very crucial character in which tourism marketers

must uphold. They must only offer what they can provide and not give false hope to

the visitors. Otherwise, travelers will decrease. May the venue be staged or have

integrated the word “Disneyfication” or purely natural, what matters most is the

experiences the visitors will garner (Dennett and Song, 2016). Experiences that

would not be taken away from them and will be forever treasured.

4. Name an economic trend that is prevalent in today’s news and media (e.g., the

position of Canada’s dollar versus the U.S. dollar). List the five sectors of tourism,
and next to each, identify two impacts this economic trend will have on the sector.

Will the effects be the same across the industry? Or different?

An economic trend pertains to the indicator that determines the economic

performance of the country or region (, 2021). Enclosed to this economic

trend is the tourism area that is comprised of five sectors. These are accommodation,

transportation, entertainment, food and beverages, and related industries. Currently,

the reigning economic issue is the string yet uneven economic recovery in global

trade. As we can witness or even we are also buyers and practitioners of consuming

merchandise or product such as electrical and electronic equipment, PPEs, and

many more (United Nations, 2021). These products are the ones which are slowly

progressing and benefitting from the situation yet others especially from the tourism

sectors are hardly striving. For instance, the accommodation sector will be having a

hard time since most places are under lockdowns or quarantines because of the

rising number of COVID-19 cases. Most individuals either voluntary or compelled due

to mandate will preferably stay at home than spend on any hotels. The same

scenario is enduring for the entertainment sector since most shops and stores are

permanently closed due to the contagion threat. However, with transportation, it will

likely thrive. With workers or employees today having no personal vehicles, the

transportation sector can persist. Likewise, the food and beverages will continue

since humans need food and drinks. Related industries will most probably lessen

their operation (Channel, 2019).

Unlike tourism, other businesses will perpetuate especially those who are

offering the daily necessity of everyone such as workplaces, hospitals, agriculture,

etc. What people seek at these trying times is security rather than comfort. However,

the tourism sector can seize this moment to enhance their service or be innovative

and creative to think of a way to survive even with minimal profit.

5. Destinations are beginning to recognize a trend toward travel as a bonding

experience for families and groups. What kinds of experiences can be developed to

attract this market? Name three examples.

The ingredients to a strong and enduring relationship are bonding or quality time.

Everywhere we go today, we can see families spending their leisure time on a beach,

friends jamming in one of their friend’s houses, lovers dining in a restaurant, and

many more. But most often it is the first two that are usually shown.

The destinations embracing and highlighting more importance to experiences of

family and friends as a trend, various experiences can be integrated to gain more

people to engage in this market. Foremost, the tourism market or facilities should

offer experiences that portray relaxation and rejuvenation (Sorrentino, 2021). These

activities may include offering media detoxification through providing hours or some

places in the venues in which gadgets are not allowed. In this way, the groups and

families can more real-time bonding and interaction. Also, the management can
provide a treehouse, in which the family can have a more refreshing and relaxing

staycation (Sorrentino, 2021). Other than that, sleeping in a capsule can also be

provided. Second, activities that entail building and strengthening relationships can

be fostered (Sorrentino, 2021). These endeavors include staying up all night with

friends or family members as well as stargazing with friends or family members.

Third, the activities like putting up facilities that do tattooing, putting a stall that offers

exotic foods, and extreme rides.

In a family and friends bonding, grandeur or luxury is not important. What is more

important is the bonding and memories they will share. The management must also

consider the audience or target group that they are trying to please.

6. Imagine you own a small tourism or hospitality business. Considering today’s

pandemic, identify three ways you could mitigate the negative impacts of this new


The reign of COVID-19 has brought several negative impacts on different

industries. A lot of people has lost their job and a lot of establishment has been shut

down. Along these businesses is the tourism business.

Owning a small tourism or hospitality business, I will mitigate the negative impact

by converting it into a positive. With the lockdowns going on, I will utilize my rooms
and facilities for those who have nowhere to stay during their stranded phase. I would

accommodate them with the things they need from accommodation, foods, gadgets,

etc. Second, I would also provide them with leisure facilities where they can lodge

and enjoy while they are stuck. I would turn the facilities that I have into places that

will bring comfort and entertainment to the customers. Lastly, I will pay more attention

to food. I will make foods in which neighbors can enjoy.

There are always things to look forward to amidst this pandemic. What is important

for small businesses to endure at this difficult is to consider the general situation.

Establishing a price that is feasible to all especially those who barely survive a day.

7. What are the e-marketing strategies used by hospitality and tourism

establishments in this modern era?

E-marketing entails the usage of digital technologies to establish awareness and

reach customers/ consumers about the brand you are promoting and the services

you are rendering. It always implies utilizing the appropriate strategy to attract the

target group (Pipeline, 2021).

In today’s modern era, there are various e-marketing strategies used by tourism

and hospitality management to attract and gain many visitors. Foremost, the strategy

I usually see is the utilization of social media platforms. Hospitality and tourism
management hire or pay some influencers, YouTubers, and even actors to promote

their place or their services. Since the people they select are followed by many

people, the fans of these ambassadors will then visit the places. These social media

platforms can be Facebook, YouTube, Google Ads, Instagram, and a lot more. Other

than this, promotions also come in the form of television broadcasting or mentions

during TV shows. Usually, celebrities express their opinion and experiences during

their staycation. The advertisement may also be in the form of radio broadcasting.

Billboards are also utilized by other tourism establishments to raise awareness

among other people.

Just like any other business, what matters most in tourism establishments is utilizing

e-marketing strategies to reach the target group.

B. Questions from the journal, “Analyzing cultural tourism promotion on

Instagram: a cross-cultural perspective”, Emanuele Mele, Peter Kerkhof &

Lorenzo Cantoni (2021)

1. How does heritage tourism promotion on Instagram differs across culturally

distant destinations?

Culture is defined as the pattern of communal and learned beliefs or behavior of

a certain age, social, or ethnic group. Culture serves as the trademarks or identity of

the people in a particular state or country which is why culture varies from place to

In the journal entitled “Analyzing cultural tourism promotion on Instagram: a

cross-cultural perspective” written by Emanuele Mele, Peter Kerkhof & Lorenzo

Cantoni (2021) the four distance countries which are selected as the participants are

Chile, Portugal, the United States of America, and the Netherlands. Chile and

Portugal are described as collectivist while the United States of America and

Netherlands are labeled as an individualist. Basing on their Instagram post about

tourism which technically portrays their culture. The collectivist group is more inclined

to posting pictures with a group while on contrary, the individualist nations are posting

pictures with individual pictures. The collectivist is more inclined to evoking emotions

through bandwagons meaning they are more in high context while the opposing

group is more focused on the discount or price. The two groups also have differences

in terms of linguistic categories. The prior is more likely to use collective or third

pronouns such as “we” or “us” while the latter is more focused on using “I”.

Generally, heritage tourism promotion in Instagram has been portrayed by the

two groups distinctly but all goes down to the point that they all want to uplift their

heritage based on what they are cultured and taught. With this, the culture of each

individual must be considered especially in tourism marketing to avoid


2. What are the issues in this study? Discuss the gaps.

In every research or journal issues are addressed however it is inevitable that

some gaps are also posed. The journal entitled “Analyzing cultural tourism promotion

on Instagram: a cross-cultural perspective” written by Emanuele Mele, Peter Kerkhof &

Lorenzo Cantoni (2021) is no exception.

The study has addressed some issues. Foremost, it has been highlighted that

cultural values are disseminated through the utilization of Instagram on both textual

and visual levels. The research also emphasized that tourism production done on

social media platforms is more effective and persuasive than conventional messages.

They also claimed that posts on Instagram are not neutral. Postings vary depending

on the culture of the country or place. In this regard, the journal articulated that tourist

marketers must consider this factor and must practice cultural adaptation. On the other

hand, the limitations the study conceded to have is foremost the average agreement of

coders for LC-HC interaction, expressing the need for it to be tentative and for the

conclusion to be crafted with caution. Also, another concern is due to the selection of

international Instagram accounts. The author further suggested the future researcher

merge interviews with content analysis to clarify the generation of Instagram posts and

cultural differences. Hence, supplemental cultural constructs must also be taken into

consideration along with the inclusion of content of social media from the Eastern

countries as well as the exploration of multiple tourism destinations for multiple social

media content.
With the data the present journal has fostered and with the gaps to be filled, the

next researchers will be able to formulate an enriched journal or research.


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