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Name: ___________________________________________ Score: ______________

Grade 3 - _____________ Date: ______________

I. Read the following sentences below. Identify what is described and encircle the correct answer.

1. It is a precious resource that all creatures need.

a. water b. Gadgets c. house d. soil
2. A screen in the atmosphere that protects the Earth from the sun’s harmful radiation.
a. greenhouse effectb. ozone layer c. sky d. CFCs
3. They are used to make aerosol sprays like hair spray, cockroach killer, and air freshener.
a. greenhouse effectb. ozone layer c. sky d. CFCs
4. Refers to the variety of life on Earth including plants, animals and microorganisms.
a. biodiversity b. water c. community d. carbon
5. Many Filipinos worked as _______________ during the early 1900s.
a. Engineers b. construction worker c. teacher d. plantation worker
6. They are called “unsung heroes”.
a. teachers b. OFWs c. military d. president
7. An association of at least 15 persons with the objective of promoting savings among themselves.
a. Cooperative b. bank c. BDO d. BPI
8. It is a community that wants to live in peace and therefore declare its area off limits to an armed conflict
between soldiers and rebels.
a. Culture of peace b. zone of peace c. zone of quiet d. zone of silence
9. It refers to a world where every member can live with dignity.
a. Culture of peace b. zone of peace c. zone of quiet d. zone of silence
10. It is a territory which is placed under an administrative authority.
a. Trust territory b. peace territory c. Philippine territory d. world territory
II. Read the sentences below. Shade the box if the sentence shows the contributions of OFWs to the
1. Dollar remittances of OFWs constitute the highest source of dollar income of the Philippine


2. Bought “pasalubongs” to their families.

3. They keep our country economically afloat.

4. OFWs have put up their own businesses.

5. They have enough money for saving.

III. Match what is described in column A to the answers in column B. Write the letter of the correct
answer in the line provided before the number.

______1. He led the rebel group of military officers which
was Reform the Armed Forces Movement a. MNLF
______2. It is an attempt by members of the military
to remove the president or head of a country. b. Fidel Ramos
______3. He led the Moro National Liberation Front c. CPP-NPA
______4. It was organized in the seventies to fight
for the rights of the Muslim people in Mindanao. d. military coup
______5. It is during his term when the government signed
a peace agreement with the MNLF in September 1996. e. Moro Islamic
Liberation Front
______6. He is the chairman of the CPP-NPA. f. Gregorio Honasan
______7. It is against the democratic system of the government
and its members resort to violence and destruction to
demand reforms and other benefits for the people. g. Jose Maria “Joma” Sison
_______8. They fought to gain independence of the Islamic
population in the Philippines especially in Mindanao. h. Nur Misauri
_______9. It means to take away weapons or reduce arms. i. Disarmament
IV. ASEAN is composed of 10 countries to promote closer international cooperation among the member
countries within the Southeast Asian region. Supply the boxes with letters to complete the 10 countries.

1. B
2. B
3. C
4. I
5. L
6. M
7. S
8. P
9. T
10. V

V. Identify what country is being described in each sentence. Write your answer in the box provided after
the sentence.

1. One of the richest countries in the world and has a

tropical climate.

2. It has a tropical monsoon climate and its capital is Ragoon.

3. Their official language is Malay.

4. It lies between Vietnam and Thailand.

5. Their major religion is Theravada Buddhism.

6. It is the fourth most populated country in the world with the largest
population of Muslims.

7. It is a land-locked country.

8. A city state that was founded as a British trading company

in 1819.

9. Their official language is Thai.

10. Its nationals are known as Vietnamese.

VI. Connect the country with the correct currency.

1. Brunei peso

2. Burma kip

3. Cambodia dollar

4. Laos baht

5. Indonesia ringgit (Myr)

6. Malaysia dong

7. Philippines rupiah

8. Singapore riel

9. Thailand kyat

10. Vietnam ringgit ( Malay)

VII. Classify the different capitals to its corresponding country. Choose your answer in the box below.

Banjar Seri Begawan Rangoon Phnom Penh Jakarta Vientiane

Kuala Lumpur Singapore Bangkok Hanoi Manila

1. Brunei - ___________________
2. Burma- ___________________
3. Cambodia- _________________________
4. Laos- ____________________
5. Indonesia- ______________________
6. Malaysia - ________________________
7. Philippines- _____________________
8. Singapore- ________________________
9. Thailand - ______________________
10. Vietnam- ___________________
Give the 6 Rs for environmental solutions in saving our planet.
1. ________________ 4. ________________
2. ________________ 5. ________________
3. ________________ 6. ________________


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