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Coca Cola
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●Coca Cola is a carbonated soft drink produced by

Coca Cola company
●It has a diverse product portfolio in the beverage
industry. Coca Cola was found in May,1886.
●Its revenue in 2015 was 44.29 Billion dollars
Its major competitive rival is Pepsi Co.

›The company has the wide range beverages of 3300

› Beverages are divided into diet category, 100% fruit
juices, fruit drinks, water, energy drinks, tea and coffee
›Coca Cola has its market presence around 200
●Coca Cola follows a 2nd degree price discrimination
strategy in its marketing mix.
●In the sense they charge different prices for products
in different segments
●The beverage market is considered to be an oligopoly
●Coca Cola and Pepsi are the dominant players

●Coco Cola is the world most favourite brand and is

available all over the world
●It has a widest range in distribution network
The company distributes its range of products through
a strong network of 7000 distributors and over 2.6
million retail outlets in India
●Coca Cola has tie up with major food giants and they
supply exclusive Coca Cola in their outlets
Coca Cola adopts various advertising and promotional strategies to create an increased
demand in the market by associating with lifestyle and behaviour and mainly targeting value
based advertising.
Its promotion has two aspects
You are more likely to see a coke and individualized for a particular festival or in with a
general positive message
Recent one being “Taste the feeling” and “open happiness”

›The key of development is quality motivation and rewarding system

to understand their employees needs
›They differentiate financial and non financial incentives
›In their company, performance is monitored and measured through
seven key achievement areas. These are management, business/
financial, people development, leadership, relationship, growth and
innovations and corporate and social responsibility
›The process at Coca Cola Company is transparent and hidden (the whole
process is not visible to the customers).
›Coca Cola has a number of processes which involves bottling and labelling
›The most important stage that Coca Cola consider is control of the
company to get products at the agreed time and good quality, and the last
step they consider is, the selling of beverages for target customers of

›Coca Cola company focus on whole population in the world, but young
generation is the target marketed of the company.
› Also Coca Cola segments different income levels by packing.
›With endless products ,varieties, and package sizes, The Coca Cola
Company is giving you more choices than ever before.

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