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Research Proposal

1.1 Background

It is possible that the world will face a global energy crisis due to a decline in the availability of
cheap oil and recommendations to a decreasing dependency on fossil fuel. This has led to
increasing interest in alternate power/fuel research such as fuel cell technology (PZT), hydrogen
fuel, biodiesel, Solar energy, geothermal energy, tidal energy and wind energy. Today, Solar energy,
PZT and Wind energy have significantly alternated fossil fuel with big ecological problems. So we
have decided to combined these energy source to produce large amount of power which will be
pollution free and free of cost.
This project can be used as to power up the domestic houses and to power up the street lights in
two-way roads. Piezoelectric materials are integrated and placed beneath the road for a particular
distance from the street light. Due to mechanical stress produced by the vehicle. piezoelectric
material produces electrical energy which is then it is stored in grid battery.
The aim of using Solar panel is to achieve maximum energy which will also store in the same battery.
Vertical axis wind turbine is placed between the two way roads. Opposite motion of vehicle on two
ways road induces a rotational force on the turbine which will turn produces an electric power. This
power is also stored in the same battery. The battery is then discharged to power up the street
lights. Same set up is built on the roof top of the houses, so that hybrid energy produced from these
is used to power the domestic houses. This idea makes the domestic houses and street light to be
independent of power supply company


The challenge is to design a system which can provide clean and economic energy in the areas
where electricity is either available or not for small duration in the 24 hours or for busy public areas
where we use electricity from these natural resources at a very low cost from natural resources
which is a low maintenance and economical method to use.
On the other hand, some 30,000 villages are yet to be electrified out of a total of 125,000 villages.
This means a population of 30 million remains without electricity in rural areas. Thus, a total of 4.6
million households are to be provided electricity in rural areas.

• We proposed to design a Hybrid power system based on wind and solar and piezoelectric
• Design a battery back-up system for the plant.

• Design switching circuit to shift between energy resources according to load demand and
energy generation for uninterrupted power supply.
• Efficient in terms of amount of power transmitted, resources used, etc..

• Efficiency increases with switching module.

• Power transfer and energy conversion has been focused.

• Ways to minimize the losses have been carried out through the project have been focused.


1) To design a hybrid power system based on wind and solar and piezoelectric
2) To design a battery back-up system for the plant
3) To size the conductors used in the system
4) To provide reliable and affordable electricity supply


1) Wind and Solar and PZT resource assessment

2) Determination of system load and energy input required
3) Design of PV system
4) Design of WTG system
5) Design of PZT system
6) Determination of the battery storage required
7) Coupling of the PV and WTG and PZT systems

1) Study the solar radiation and wind speeds and vibrational requirement of the projected
2) Load assessment of the area.
3) Design a hybrid power system using piezoelectric, wind and solar energy and batteries as
4) Sizing of the conductors used in the system.
5) Provide reliable and affordable electricity supply.

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