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A] Passive Voice: Rewrite the following sentences using the words given. Put the verb into the passive and decide if
you need to use BY.

1) The organizers invite bands from all over the world.

Bands from all over the world _______________________________________________________.

2) Our local music shop is selling tickets.

Tickets _________________________________________________________________________.

3) But my friend has given me a ticket.

But I ___________________________________________________________________________.

4) He also will offer me a lift in his car.

I ______________________________________________________________________________.

5) A man told us where to put our tent.

We _____________________________________________________________________________.

6) The campsite owner is going to provide water for cooking.

Water for cooking ________________________________________________________________.

7) It rained, but the bad weather didn’t spoil our weekend.

It rained, but our weekend _________________________________________________________.

Reported Speech: Re-write these sentences in reported speech so that they mean exactly the same.

1) He said, “I’m going out now”.

He said he __________________________________________________________________.

2) He said to Johnson, “There’s been a terrible accident”

She told ________________________________________________________________________.

3) “When are you thinking of leaving? Marshall asked me.

Marshall asked me _______________________________________________________________.

4) She asked me, “How many books have you got?”

She asked me ___________________________________________________________________.

5) “Do you play tennis?” I asked the girl.

I asked the girl __________________________________________________________________.

6) They asked me: “Are you thinking of going abroad?”

They asked me ________________________________________________________________.

7) “Have you studied French?” the professor asked her.

The professor asked ______________________________________________________________.

Conditionals: Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

1 You may win if you ........................... (take) part in the contest.

2 If I had toothache, I ................................................. (go) to the dentist.

3 They would have helped us move house if we ...............................................................(ask) them.

4 If Jane....................... (be) older, she could live by herself.

5 We would have changed our plans if we ....................................................(hear) the weather forecast.

6 Emma ............................................(send) a card if she had remembered it was their anniversary.

7 Robert .................................................(feel) better if you talked to him.

8 If Sam was still living nearby, you.............................. (invite) him for dinner.

Tenses: Choose the correct answer.

1) “We’d better take a taxi to the station.”

“Yes. The train ____________ in fifteen minutes.”

A has left B will have left C leaves

2) “Whose is this earring?”

“I don’t know. I found it when I __________ the house.”

A was cleaning B had cleaned C am cleaning

3) “I __________ to reach Jane on the phone all day.”

“Don’t you know? She’s gone on holiday.”

A tried B have been trying C have tried

4) “It’s bad news about Janet crashing her car, isn’t it?”

“Yes. She __________ for months to buy it.”

A saved B is saving C had been saving

5) “That ________ like Dad’s car.”

“It is. He must have finished work early.”

A sounds B had sounded C has sounded

6) “Is that a new jumper?”

“No. I _________ it from Laura yesterday.”

A have borrowed B had borrowed C borrowed

7) “____________ to the library today?”

“Yes. Would you like me to return your books?”

A Will you have gone B Will you have been going C Will you be going

8) “I __________ about buying a new car recently.”

“Really? What sort of car?”

A have been thinking B have thought C thought

9) “I haven’t seen Mark for weeks”

“Well, I ____________ him this afternoon. Why don’t you come along?”

A have met B am meeting C meet

10) “We’d better take a taxi to the station.”

“Yes. The train ____________ in fifteen minutes.”

A has left B will have left C leaves

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