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Shoa Internship report 2014


Wonji/shoa sugar factory located at south eastern central Rift Valley 110Km away from Addis
Ababa in Eastern Oromia. The old Wonji/Shoa Sugar Factory was established in 1954 by Dutch
Company and the new factory started to produce sugar in 2005.

Wonji/shoa Sugar Factory (WSSF), Ethiopia on behalf of the Governmental of Federal

Democratic Republic of Ethiopia intends to install one new sugar factory designed cane crushing
capacity of 40-60 TCD (Tons crushing per Day) including cogeneration. The project site is
located about 100Km South East of Addis Ababa in the East Oromia Region of Ethiopia. The
project site is adjacent to the Adama-Asela highway with a distance to the Port of Djibouti,
which is about 850Km.

The project financed by the Governmental of India and by other local financial institution. The
project includes 20000 hectares of agricultural expansion.

In Wonji Shoa Sugar Factory a main product is sugar but by using wastage products can be
produced electric power. Molasses also is one of a main wastage product, it used to ethanol
production (90%), this factory is supplying for alcohol industry but the feature to constructing
ethanol industry.

This report describing mostly about mechanical parts of the factory these of for cane
preparation parts, in juice extraction mach of mill machine, in boiling plant of o-c filter machine,
in vacuum and centrifugal plant also two type of centrifugal machines are batch and
continuesmachine and boiler plant mostly steam turbine and condenser.

The sugar is distributing by Government for having private license of merchants then these
merchants again distributing for people. And also the electric power is selling for Ethiopia
electric power corporation.

1.1General description of sugar process


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Filter mud

Brown sugar

Sugar cane

6000 tons



Electric power
Ethanol alcohol

Figure: 1 byproduct

1.2 Cane weighbridge

Weighbridge is electronics load cell type with automatic computerized weight recording
facility. The computerized system is included with accounting, up to date crushing status report
generation, fact access and analysis, PC based supervisory station, relevant software for report
generation, including identification of customer/farmer, field, tractor number, cane variety, cane,

Capacity: 40 ton

Type of weighbridge: electronics load cell type

Type of platform: pit less or surface mounted

Platform size: 3000mm * 20000mm

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Figure: 2 cane weighbridge

There are two unloaders at which are used for unload cane bins for the feed table at the
beginning of the ACC (Auxiliary Cane Carrier). Both feed tables can be directly get feed by
unloaders and one is possible to directly dump cane from farmers’ tractors. The second one is fed
with company bins. The function of the unloaders is to feed continuously the ACC (auxiliary
cane carrier) with cane. The unloaders are controlled by the unloader controller room. The
purpose of kicker is to be control the limit of supplying cane for the ACC.The operator in the
control room is responsible to keep a continuous and uniform feed of cane to the ACC.

Hilo type cane unloaders of mobile/stationary type are provided. Hilo dumping crane is used
to unload the cane from trailers on feed table. Capacity of each hilounloader is suitable for
unloading 20 ton of cane from the trailer on to the feeder table and is capable of 20 cane
unloader cycle (lifts) per hour. Vertical travel is 12.5 m minimum and lifting speed is 25 m/min.
width of unloader is to suit the feed carrier. The hilounloader is completed with chin net,
operator’s cabin hydraulic power pack system.

Figure: 3 unloader

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For using cane preparations having three machine
1. First cutter (copper)
2. Second cutter (leveler)
3. fibrizer


There are two cutters, installed to the ACC (auxiliary cane carrier). Cutters in the sense
contain rotating knives. Figure shows cutter.The cutters assist the extraction of the mill by
breaking the rind of sugar-cane and reducing the size. The first cutter has 48 blades. These blade
motors are turning clockwise at a speed close to 600 rpm. The cane travelling on the ACC is
going against the cutter movement and is being cut into three or four pieces. The second cutter
has 60 blades and is also turning clockwise.

For both cutters, the blades are getting worn during the week. Then on maintenance day hard
facing is performed on the blades. It consists in reinforcing the blades by putting additional metal
on the worn parts. This operation is done by welding an alloy of metal on the worn part (alloys
chromium, iron, carbon, manganese). When the blade is worn, several centimetres of steel can be
missing. This thickness is replaced so as to give the blade its original shape. However after
sometimes the blade has to be replaced by a new one. Sometimes, a blade can brake and fall into
the cane, in that case the piece of iron is automatically removed by a magnetic separator which is
along MCC (main cane carrier).

figure: 4 cutter

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The next step of cane preparation is achieved by the fibrizer. The fibrizer has 172 hammers
that torn the cane into fibrous pieces having a length of a couple of centimetres. The fibrizer is
also turning clockwise, hammering the cane against the direction in which it’s coming and
shattering it against the plate. During the maintenance, the hammers require hard-facing. It is
performed on the extremities of the hammers by adding tips.

The fibrizer is activated by a slip ring induction motor. The motor is turning at 750 rpm but
the integral, intermediate and fibrizer gear boxes are transmitting a speed of about 5.5 rpm to the
fibrizer. The speed of the fibrizer is changed to modify the preparation of cane the speed of the
motor is not changed: the speed of the fibrizer is changed by modifying the settings of the

Figure: 5 fibrizer


The feed roller is pushing the cane into the mill .Then the cane is crushed between the feed
roller and the top roller. The top roller is the one which is submitted to hydraulic pressure.
Basically in PSIL this pressure is maintained at 340 kg/cm². As the cane is rejected by these
rollers it falls on the trash plate but is still under the pressure of the top roller. The juice is
collected by the juice drains and goes down to the juice tray. Again the bagasse is submitted to
high pressure when it comes to the delivery roll and the bagasse is rejected. The bagasse falls and
climbs again with a hopper to the next mill.

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The mill pressure is controlled by an accumulator. The pressure given by the roller to the cane
is the same as the one in the accumulator hydraulics. Indeed if there is more coming cane, the
roller will tend to go up and so will the piston. This will send more oil in the accumulator,
increasing the pressure of oil. The N2 is maintained at high pressure so it will re-expand and
reject the oil, sending the piston down along with the top roller, again giving more force to the
roller in order to keep the cane under equal pressure. The pressure can be increased by setting up
the accumulator, even when the mill is working.

Figure: 6 mill roller arrangement

1.6 Automated Raw-juice Scale

The raw juice entering to the process house after the sand extraction it is weighed before the
process house operations. When the tank fills 6 tons of juice a diaphragm is opened and juice
flows out of the tank and again another 6 tons of juice is filled to the tank. After an every pass
the counter of the scale is raised by one point.

The reading of the scale is important for production management to make the daily
calculations and know exactly how much of juice in entering the process house. This is the only
one point at which measure the juice flow. The most important calculation is the crushing rate

The juice is heated twice: before and after the clarification (in preparation of the evaporation).
The first heating prepares the juice for clarification. The juice is heated up to 75°C. The juice is
going through a large number of small tubes, going up and down all round the heater. The steam
is passing in tubes in contact with the tubes of juice. The heat exchange depends on the fluid
velocity and the scaling. For that reason, at the end of the week, the heat exchange is lower than

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just after the maintenance. At high temperature the fluidity is increased, this makes the
clarification easier.

After heating, the juice is going through a flash tank. In this tank the juice is submitted to a
short and violent heating, and follows a turbulent flow. This is removing the non-condensable
gases contained in the juice, some vapor is also lost.

The juice will be heated again after clarification by the secondary heaters (same as primary
heaters) up to 125°C. Secondary heating is done in the case of temperature drop of clear juice.

A clarifier is used to separate out the solids suspended in the cane juice. These solids originate
from sand adhering to the cane stalks as well as from material inherent in the cane stalk. The
separation takes place by allowing the solid particles to settle out onto a tray. The solids are
swept from the tray into a mud compartment, from which it is pumped to filters for desweetening
and dewatering.

In the past multitray clarifiers, such as the Dorr, Graver, Bach and RapiDorr were popular, but
the SRI clarifier is almost standard for all new installations. The SRI clarifier is a single tray
clarifier (also known, oddly, as a trayless clarifier), characterised by short juice retention times
(usually 40 minutes or less).


Figure: 7 evaporation tanks

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The crystallization will occur only if the water content in the juice is low (Brix above 78).
The Brix of the clarified juice is 12, consequently some water has to be evaporated to bring it up
to Brix 66. This operation is achieved economically by a multiple effect evaporator. The factory
has an evaporator with 5 effects. This operation is based on the principles of Rieux. The first
effect is heated by exhaust vapor; then the water evaporated in this effect is used to heat the
second effect etc. each effect supplying the steam for the following one. In the last effect the
boiling is done under vacuum because there is not enough temperature difference between the
steam and the juice. In addition if the juice is heated over 120°C the sucrose Distortions will
occur, so the boiling point has to be lowered.
The clarified juice, heated up to 110°C in the secondary heaters is sent to the first effect. The
juice enters the vessel from the bottom and climbs through small tubes located in the lower half
of the tank in a structure called calandria. The steam travels across the vessel in contact of the
tubes. The air is removed continuously because if the pressure rises to much the boiling will stop.
In this vessel the temperature is just below 120°C. After reaching the top of the tubes, the juice is
on a plate and vapor evaporates from it. The vapor rises to the top of the vessel, and is collected.
The particles of juice coming along with the vapor fall down back to the juice and the vapor is
sent to heat the next vessel. No sugar should contaminate the vapor (this is checked very
frequently) otherwise all the steam supply system would be blocked. The juice is sent to the
bottom of the next vessel. The temperature in the second vessel is 110°C and its volume is
slightly smaller than the first one. The process is the same and then the juice is sent to the third
effect where the temperature is 90°C and then to the fourth effect where the temperature is 65°C
and finally to the fifth vessel where the temperature is 54°C and some vacuum is created. After
the last effect, the juice is called syrup and has a Brix of 65. The steam is recovered in the
barometric condensers and sent along with the condensates from the third effect as hot water for
the imbibition in the mill house. The condensates from the first and second effect are sent to the
process condensates tank and will be used as boiler feed. Part of Fist and second effect steam is
used for heating pan boilers and heaters.


There is a natural tendency for the sugar crystals to form as pure sucrose, rejecting the non-
sugars. Thus, when the sugar crystals are grown in the mother liquor they tend to be pure and the
mother liquor becomes more impure. Most remaining non-sugar in the product is contained in
the coating of mother liquor left on the crystals

Pan boiling step results in the formation of sugar crystals (constituent of the final product).
This is a very problematic and qualitative operation that has to be done by experimented people.
Indeed the product has to be uniform with the right size of crystals, without wasting syrup
(potential crystals). The structure of the vacuum pan looks like the one of the evaporator but
allows handling high viscosity product such as the massecuites that can’t circulate in a multiple

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The first step of the operation is called concentration. The pan is washed with water and steam
under partial vacuum. Then the syrup is added in the pan, water can be added (at the appreciation
of the operator) and steam is admitted. The vacuum is increased and the concentration rises up to
super saturation.

The second step is called seeding. When the optimum concentration is reached, the steam
flow is decreased and slurry is injected by intervals. The operator checks visually some samples
taken out to see if the number of crystals is acceptable. Water is added so the concentration goes
down and again steam is injected to maintain the concentration. The crystals are growing
together so no space is left for the false grains to grow.

The following step is called crystal growing. The feeding is always controlled to avoid the
formation of false grains. The viscosity is gradually increasing, the circulation rate is decreasing
because of the hydrostatic load and the diffusion time of sucrose is becoming high. This
phenomenon has to be controlled otherwise the temperature of the upper massecuite will fall
down, allowing false graining. The high concentration should be avoided because if the liable
zone is entered, false grain will form, entailing centrifugation problem.

The final step is called brixing. When the pan capacity is reached, the feeding is stopped and
the steaming leads to evaporation. If the Brix is too low, the steam inlet is closed and the vacuum
is released. The product obtained is called massecuites. Following its physical properties it’s
classified as A, B or C massecuites. The brix of the A massecuites is around 100°. The Brix for B
is 97° and 95° for C massecuites.

After crystallization, the massecuites are sent for centrifugation but only the A massecuites
will be selected for sugar processing. The B and C massecuites have to be reprocessed

The following diagram shows the complete arrangement of the pan boiling. In PSIL after the C
pan there is a Crystallizer which aid to the c pan. There is a continuous centrifuge which has
better performance. It was a project of Indians. It only runs at the main season.


The purpose of the centrifugation is to separate the sugar crystals from the molasses. For
example the A massecuite is separated into raw sugar and A molasses. The principle is that the
molasses are liquid and consequently able to pass through a screen but the crystals are not.
Following the time of centrifugation, it will remain more or less molasses in the sugar,
modifying its colour and taste. Water and steam are applied on the basket to wash out more

The A messecuite are centrifuged by batch centrifugals while the C and B massecuites are

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centrifuged by continuous centrifugals.

The batch centrifugal is fed by the top (under the command of the operator) and discharges the
crystals from the bottom when the relevant buttons are pressed at the beginning and the end of
the cycle.

The continuous centrifugals are designed for curing continuously low grade messecuite,
rotating at a constant speed close to 1500 rpm. Water and steam are to be added in the basket in
order to increase the sugar and molasses purity but there is an optimum point not to exceed.

After this sugar is dried in rotary dryer and it will be bagged.

General process of the factory

Figure: 8 general process of sugar product

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Roller is the main constituent of Mill. All rollers shaft are of forged steel, ultrasonically tested
and coarse-grained cast iron. The coarse-grained cast iron microstructure used to helps in
preventing roller surfaces getting polished smooth. Further the surface is treated with special
kind of welding known as 'Arcing'. The weld splatter thus deposited helps in gripping bagasse.
The shafts have squared ends for allowing the power transmission through tail bar and coupling.

There are three types of rollers:

1) Top roller
2) Delivery roller and
3) Feed roller
Each mill roller is maximum outside diameters 1140mm and 2134mm length. Rollers are
coarse grain cast iron having hardness 180 to 210 BHN.

Bottom rollers are provided with juice rings and removable guards to prevent enter of juice in
the bearings. Stationary flange isprovided for top roller.Mill rollers are provided proper sealing
to avoid enter of juice.

Feed roller of all the mills has messcheart juice grooves. These narrow and deep grooves
provide escape route for the juice extracted during compression. In order to avoid weakening of
roller in later mills (where pitch of grooving is small) grooves are machined on alternate pitch.

Figure: 9 rollers

2.2 Main Parts of Mill

►Head Stock ► Rollers► Crown Pinion ► Bearings ► Scrapers
► Top Cap and trash plate

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heavy duty cast steel headstocks are held together by sturdy steel tie beams for
maintaining perpendicularity of the housings to the base. Headstocks are mounted directly on
foundation and are held through foundation/anchor bolts. Headstocks are match machined with
respective top and side caps for trouble free assembly and disassembly.

Figure: 10 Head stock

Head stock


Torque given to Top roller is transmitted to Feed & Discharge roller through, crown pinions
fitted on these rollers. Since the mill setting can be varied and top roller can float, these crown
pinions have special low-pressure angle profile to accommodate centre distance variation. In
addition it is necessary to transmit high torque at low speeds. Hence these are made of high
strength cast steel to reduce wear.

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Figure: 11 crown pinion


Top roller scraper is floating type, i.e. attached to the pressure plate which moves up & down
along with top roller. Hence its relative position with roller does not alter at any given lift of the
top roller. Scraper blades are grooved according to profile of roller. The scraper blades mounted
on back plate is attached to the square shaft. This shaft is held in space by bracket plate mounted
on pressure plate. Square shaft can be rotated (by small angles) about its axis through spring
loaded tension bar and lever assembly.

Bottom scraper blades are grooved to match with those on the discharge roller. Scraper blades
mounted on back plate is attached to the square shaft. This shaft is supported on its ends on
bearing brackets fixed to the headstock. Blade position can be adjusted through adjusting rod and
scraper lever.

Messchaert scraper comprise of spring steel blades of high wear strength, match with juice
grooves on feed roller. These blades are mounted on a square shaft having machined slots. These
blades are clamped to the shaft through bolts. Square shaft is held on two bearings mounted on
headstocks. The angular position of blades can be altered through adjusting lever.

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Figure: 12 scrapers


Water is circulated in top and side bearings to take away heat. Main water supply pipe is fitted
at the mill foundation level. This pipe is connected to bearings by means of rubber hoses.

The outlet water coming from the bearings are connected to drain line. From this tank water is
emptied to common, return pipeline laid along with mill foundation platforms. Flow is controlled
by means of valves easily accessible from mill foundation platform.


The system of hydraulic pressure exerted on top rollers of mills is so designed as to maintain
constant pressure irrespective of the volume of cane or bagasse passing through the mill. In
modern mills the pressure is transmitted to the top roller journals from hydro pneumatic
accumulator by a system of piping conveying oil under high pressure (up to 304 kg/cm2).

A typical accumulator is a cylinder containing nitrogen filled in inflated bladder, which gets
compressed or dilated when the hydraulic ram on the top of roller journals, is lifted or falls due
to the variations in the quantities of cane or bagasse passing through mills. The accumulators are
provided for both the top caps.


Trash plate has matching teeth to fit closely with feed roller. The function of trash plate is to
guide the bagasse coming from feed side for further compression on discharge side. Bagasse
moves in cavity between top roller and trash plate.


All the mill are driven by 650 KW, 1000 rpm, and mounted squirrel cage induction motor.
Drive motor is provided with external motor cooling arrangement, to operate the motor at 40% of
rated speed.
Input parameters:
a. Voltage 11KV, 3 Phase AC
b. Frequency50 Hz


The principle of operation

The Multi mis-alignment coupling is a revolutionary concept for transmitting torques from
gear to mill top. It replaces the square coupling and tail bars. Like all other couplings, the Rope
Coupling consists of a driving half and a driven half. The coupling directly connects the final

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speed reducer of the Mill Drive to the Top Roller of the Mill. The driving half mounts on the
final speed reducer output shaft square end and the driven half mounts on the square end of the
mill top roller. Torque is transmitted from the driving half to the driven half by means of
Polyester Slings hence the name 'ROPE COUPLING'. Because of the Polyester Slings the design
is completely flexible and absorbs large mis-alignments of the top roller with respect to the
output shaft of the driving gear. These flexible elements forms balanced couples in a plane
normal to the coupling axis. This eliminates in a single coupling the large bending moments and
thrust generation that normally results from the axial and radial mis-alignments between gear and
top roller.

Figure: 13 rope coupling

2.3.1 Anticipated life of the ropes

The life of a steel rope is directly dependent on angle of deflection, cycle’s per-minute and
safety factor. Before the final rope size was selected, the manufacturers conducted exhaustive
fatigue tests to determine the anticipated life of the rope sunder various conditions. A steel rope
is considered discard able when only ten visible wires have failed with in a length of six rope
The following graph (Figure 13) shows predicted life in cycles plotted against load for 10, 1.50
and 30 of deflection for the ropes that were selected. These deflections equate respectively to 10,
16 and 31 millimeters of deflection in the rope or 21, 31 and 63 millimeters of shaft
misalignment at the centre-line of the coupling. The actual angles of flex are 1.9o and 0.750 for

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"worst" and "normal" conditions respectively and their positions shown on the graph are

Figure: 14 Life of the ropes

Pr-tensile stress in the rope would be some 17.2% tress in the rope would be some 17.2%. The
graph shows that for the worst case, the predicted life would be 7.5 X 106 cycles, which is
equivalent to ± 38 months of operation.

It also shows for a normal case, life would be ±33 X 106 cycles, or some 170 months of
operation. These figures are based on 5RPM 27 days per month operation.
In addition, the rope fixings are designed for periodic (quarterly) 120' rotation.
This theoretically trebles the life of the ropes, but its main purpose would be to establish if any
wires had broken; and plan for impetus (force) replacement.

2.3.2 Radial Load generated by the coupling

It is inevitable that the coupling will tend to centralize the shaft shat are misaligned. In order to
calculate the radial loads generated, it is best to consider the external forces acting on the
compression plate. As it is a free-floating body, it can be assumed that all these forces are
balanced. Consider the diagram of forces shown in Figure 14:

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Figure: 15 radial load diagrams

Conceders the "worst" condition for the coupling installed, namely 1.5
MN-m and 40.23 mm of misalignment, the ropes would flex 20.115 mm, equating an
angleof1.920.Under this worst condition, the one pair of ropes closes down to an angle of 86.160
(2 X a) around one end of the compression plate, while the other set opens up to an angle of
93.840 (2 X B) around the other end.

The net vertical load imposed on the yokes of the coupling is therefore T2-TI = 50 kN, or 5
metric tons force. As the radial loads are proportional to angle of flexure and torque, for the
'normal' condition of operating, the radial load would reduce to 16 KN, orapproximately1 kN

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force per mm of misalignment at the centre-line of the coupling. It can be seen that the order of
magnitude of generated radial loads is relatively low, and would therefore have only a minor
effect on the bending stresses already present in the shaft under milling conditions.
2.3.3 Advantage and disadvantage of rope coupling
Advantage of rope coupling:

(i) Maintenance - The only maintenance required is a quarterly rotation of the ropes.
There is no off crop maintenance to 'squares as the hubs are keyed on solidly and do
not fret. Pre-tensile
(ii) No thrust between mill and gearbox - The coupling is incapable of generating axial
thrust. Even in the event of a transverse shaft-break, the coupling ropes would merely
come out of their grooves in the yokes and compression plate. Mill and final- drive
bearing life must be greatly improved.
(iii) No seizure - The coupling cannot seize up and apply unquantifiable bending
moments to the mill-roll shaft. This is considered to be a major contributing factor in
the breaking of mill-roll shafts.
In the rope coupling, these loads are quantified and the additional bending stresses in
the shaft can therefore easily be calculated. The major advantage therefore is in the
increased life of mill-roll shafts.
(vi) Reduces vibration and noise during running of the mill.
(vii) Maximum angular misalignment up to 7 degrees.
Disadvantages of the coupling
The only disadvantages of the coupling are:
(i) Radial swing - The coupling installed is 2, 7 m across comers and in most
installations would require guarding to prevent injury to personnel.
(ii) Cost – Currentcosts are roughly twice that of a conventionalcoupling, depending on
themethodoffixingto the shafts.Itshould be pointed out here that in thecase of a new
tandem installation, these extra costs wouldbe more than offset by savings on mill-
house and foundationcosts.
To date, the coupling has achieved everything it was designed to do, and only time will confirm
or disprove the anticipated life claims.

• Imbibition water dilutes the juice in bagasse and reduces the viscosity, the characteristic
of low viscosity of juice increases the flow of juice through bagasse there by macerating
the juice cells to yield easily

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• Hot water used will rupture the juice cells and further helps to reduce viscosity for easy
permeability and dilutes the un extracted juice

• The hot water will be applied before last mill

• The water is forced through nozzles just in front of discharge scraper

• The bagasse coming out of discharge roller is having void spaces after loosing juice and
water should be sprayed in this spongy bagasse before air occupies the void space

• The water should have enough head to penetrate through the bed of bagasse

How Much?
Generally bagasse is having the tendency to hold the water 8 times its weight without loosing so
quantity of imbibition water will be restricted by

a) Extraction ability of last mill

b) Process house capacity

c) Steam availability

d) Feeding devices employed on mill

The ideal quantity of minimum imbibition water is 220 to 250 % on fiber with 60 to 70 degree

It may be noted that high imbibition will not increase the moisture of last mill bagasse but it is
due to improper drainage, low compression, and high speed

Millers should try to employ as much maximum as possible to get the better results

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For better results the rate of imbibition should be in proportion to cane crushing unless low
cane more water will lead to wet bagasse hindering the combustion in furnace there by whole
factory operation. So the rate of imbibition is automated with load on previous mill

What is Compound Imbibition?

The addition of water in 4th mill will dilute the juice by reducing its brix substantially to the
value of 4 to 5, this diluted low brix juice is applied over the bagasse coming out of 3 rd mill and
consequently 4th mill juice on 2nd mill out coming bagasse

This compound imbibition has substantially improved the milling performance

Care to be Exercised
Just adding water in mills will not give the desired results so following care should be taken
throughout the milling

1. All spray nozzles should be cleared immediately if any choke

2. Water/Juice distribution should be entire length of roller
3. Avoid intermittent juice imbibtion by regulating the flap in juice box
4. Avoid the short circuiting of juice through bypass gutter
5. Totally eliminate the culture of adding water in tray
6. Imbibition juice pumps should be stopped immediately during gaps due to poor feeding,
accumulation of juice in tray will lead to mill choking
7. Never try for dry milling, which will create excess pressure on scraper plate
8. Frequently monitor the rate of imbibition and correct instead of waiting still end of shift

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Flow diagram of juice extraction


1st mill machine

1 bagasses
2nd mill machine
3rd juice
Juice screen

Hot water
3rd mill machine

Hot 4th juice 5th juice Receivin

imbibi th g tank
tions 4 mill machine

5th mill machine

Juice to clarifier

Final bagasse

Figure: 16 juice extraction process

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The clarification process separates the juices treated into two layers.

(a) The clear juice, which rises to the surface.

(b) The mud, which collects at the bottom.

The clear juice goes to manufacture, that is in general, direct to the evaporators. The settled
mud in clarifier contains 5 – 7% precipitate in suspension and sugar which has to be removed to
desugarise the same by the process of filtration. The mud has first to be filtered in order to
separate from the juice.In present economic trend all sugar factories are under pressure to reduce
cost of production by increasing efficiency and productivity, this is filter called o-c filter.


Rotary vacuum drum filter is so many advantages over the plate and frame type filter presses.

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Figure: 17 vacuum filter drum


The rotary vacuum drum filter belongs to the bottom feed group. It is supported by a large
diameter trunion on the valve end and a bearing on the drive end and is divided into two
segments. The drum phase is divided into circumferential sectors. Each forming is separate
vacuum cell. Each section is connected through S.S. pipe lined called spider coils to the
automatic valve.

The drum is covered with S.S ribbed plate called dacking plate insection supports the S.S
screens and to facilitates filtrate flow.

Each filter section is separate by a brass or S.S division strip which is sealed and rivetted to
the surface of the drum. The strip prevents leakage from one section in to the adjoining section
and is designed to hold the screen tight to the deck.

The division strip is grooved so that the screen may be locked and held by zig-zag locking
strips. The drum is driven by a separate motor with variable speed pulley and reduction gear. The
distribution valve is located at the centre and at both sides of the drum, where all S.S pipe
connection is joined to remove the filtrate juice.

Figure: 18 rotary drum vacuum filter

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Figure: 19 valve bridge

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Figure: 20 vacuum tupe

Figure: 21 o-c filter plantation


1. Vacuum: Two vacuum levels.

a. Low vacuum: 8 to 12’’

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 Function: Formation and build up of cake.

 If too low: Filter cake will either not form or will not have the necessary consistency.
Then when washing it with water under pressure from the sprays the filter cake will drop
off the screens which affect the filter operating capacity.
 If too high: More solids goes through the heavy filtrate and screens to be chocked.

b. High vacuum: 15 to 20’’

 Function: Washing and drying of cake.

 If too low: The washing and drying the cake would be deficient. This would results in
filter cake with high sucrose.
 If too high: Filtrate would be cloudier and there would be a tendency for the screens and
suction tube to clog.


Act as a filtering medium and increase the porosity of cake. Hence it is uniform size
and is adequate quantity.

Bagacillo quantity will depend on the texture or density of mud. If the mud is too
diluted it will be necessary to apply more bagacillo and vice versa.

Normally the quantity of bagacillo is from 6 to 8 Kg per ton of cane crushed. This
bagacillo is pumping from bagasses elevator of power generation plant.

Excess of bagacillo reduce the operating capacity of the filter. Adversely affect the
exhaustion the filter cake and increase the polarization and sugar losses.

Lower bagacillo quantities reduce the filtering action. The filtrates are a lot of more cloudy
and it may cause clogging of the screens and suctions tube due to the greater amount of solids
that pass with the juice. The action of the scrapper is also affected which does not clean the


Remove the sugar from the cake by displacement principal. Quantity of wash water 150% on
filter cake and wash water pressure 3-4Kg/cm2.

Part of soluble impurities is picked up during the washing. Resulting is a drop in purity b/w
the juice reaching the filter and the clear filtrate leaving it. This drop is generally of the order of
2-4 units.
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The purity of the filtrate should not differ from that of the clear juice by more than 1.5 units.
The difference in brix b/w these two filtrates for a well controlled washing is b/w 30 –40%.

Wash water temp: 60 – 650C to achieve an efficient exhaustion of the sucrose & less Wax in the

If temp is high: Extract a larger amount of undesirable impurities, more wax will enter in the
process, affecting the filter ability and quality of commercial sugar.

If temp is low: Desugarisation the filter cake is not achieved, results higher pole in filter cake.


Speed 3 to 4 min per revolution. If bagacillo application constant.

If too slow: The filter cake is too thick which would result in higher pol. The mud volume is
increased, reduce the capacity.
If too high: exhaustion and washing is not be properly.


It thickness is 1\2 in.

If too much: - the exhausting of the sucrose in the mud is less, the pol in mud will be higher and
sugar losses will be greater.

If too thin: operating capacity of the filter is adversely affected more. Cloudy filtrate, risk of
clogging in the screens and suction tubes.

Mud temp: 80-850C after the addition of the bagacillo. Below that temp there is a risk of waxes
blocking the gauge.

Trough level: If trough level is higher, the cake should be thin. If trough level is lower, the cake
should be thick.

Advantages of rotary vacuum filter:

 Lower pol loss, increased sugar recovery.

 Quick filtration cycle for reduce inversion of sugar.

 Automatic and continuous operation for easy supervision and cleaner filter station.

 Efficient cake washing reduces evaporation requirements.

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 Odorless, disposable filter cake

 Uniform filter cake enabling reliable sampling

 Saving in labor and maintenance cost and lesser floor space requirements.

Flow diagram of clarification plant

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Figure: 22 Flow diagram of clarification plant


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What is centrifugal?
The machine in which crystals in the massecuite are separated from the surrounding molasses
or mother liquor by a centrifugal force is called centrifugal. It is the last operation of sugar
manufacturing process.

In India the centrifugals came in operation in early 1930 with the water driven centrifugal and
then onwards developments in drive, speed, size etc., took place to the sophisticated continuous
and fully automatic centrifugals with higher capacities. Now a days some factories have even
replaced their self discharging machines by high speed fully automatic batch of 1750Kg/charge
capacities supplied by various suppliers.

What is the need for higher capacity machines?

The advantages of using high capacity machines are

1. Lower space requirement.

2. The large size basket, namely 1000 kg/charge and above have very high movement
of inertia. Fully loaded 1000kg basket has inertia of the order of 550 kg sq. m. and
similarly the 1750 kg basket is in the order of 975 kg sq. m.
3. This makes the acceleration and deceleration times very long and there by affect the
productive time considerably.
4. The large size basket depending upon diameter and height require spinning speed
1300 rpm. Higher speeds even with high content massecuite make the sugar layer
hard in the basket.


Main function of centrifugal is separation of sugar crystal from mother liquor (molasses).

Centrifugals are mainly divided in two types.

1) Batch type Centrifugal machine.

2) Continuous type Centrifugal machine


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Figure: 23 batch type centrifugal machine diagram

4.3.1 Self discharging centrifugal machine

The operation of fully automatic recycling self discharging machine is given below.

1. On pressing “ON” button the machine gets started and 0-200 rpm timer is operated.
Similarly the screen wash timer gets energized.
2. After pre set time of screen wash is over the monitor casing cover gets opened and
charging of massecuite take place simultaneously the charging timer starts.
3. Upon reaching the predetermined level of massecuite charge regulator close the pug mill
gate by electro pneumatic signal in case charge regulator fails charging time close the pug
mill gate.
4. After closing the pug mill gate the machine accelerates at 460 rpm and first water wash
delay starts, after this delay timer is over. Monitor casing flap closes and first wash water
duration start. After the duration timer is over second water wash delay timer starts.
5. When this delay timer is one time of per discharges the washing water spray.


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In most of the sugar factories super heated wash water at 105oC to 110oC and 3 to 4 kg/cm2
pressure is used for washing purposes. The water as it is super heated is broken into very fine
spray given uniform distribution over the wall of the massecuite. The wash water quantity is also
reduced. The time applied to wash and its duration is also important and is to be desired by trails.
Constant attention is required to maintain the temperature and pressure of the super heated wash
water; otherwise there are chances of dust formation.

4.3.3 Plough Operation

The plough operation is automatic and it takes about 35 sec so that the sugar from the
machine discharges slowly and continuously, which eliminates the possibility of being a thick
blanket of sugar at one place in the hopper.

4.3.4 BRAKES

Pneumatic disc brake system is used. However for retardation of the machine speed electrical
retardation is used. In normal operations pneumatic brake system is not to be used and used only
in case of emergency. At the time of emergency machine can be stopped within 15 sec.

4.3.5 SCREEN

The perforated basket is lined with two screens. The screen serves to retain the crystal is made
up of perforated Brass. The holes are of 4 mm length and 0.25-0.35 mm width. The thickness of
the perforated sheet varies from 0.45 mm to 0.80 mm.


The screen in contact with basket is a wire mesh netting with opening 5-9 mm interposed
between basket wall and Brass liner, which retains sugar. Their function is to have spacer, which
allows the liquor to flow behind working screen to the nearest perforation before escaping to
outer casing and also to provide mechanical support for the thin working screen.


The batch type centrifugals in modern forms gives very effective and satisfactory services,
though the use of continuous centrifugals for low grade massecuite is increasing rapidly due to
it's proven advantages which are as follows.

1. Can tolerate little false grain.

2. Can work with high brix and low purity massecuite satisfactorily.
3. Small size sugar crystals can be kept.
4. Labour saving.
5. Easy operation.

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6. No additional accessories required.

7. Continuous operation.

Continuous operation is really idea from mechanical point of view. The machine runs at
constant speed with constant and continuous feeding of material giving constant output of
sugar. It requires no operator but can work with intermittent supervision.

The only disadvantage is the crystal breakage in continuous centrifugals due to it's very high
peripheral speed. So continuous machines are not preferred for high grade massecuite as crystal
size and shape is the important aspects of sugar in market.

There are two types centrifugal machine developed in the world.

1. Vertical basket type.

2. Horizontal basket type

But in this factory is mounted vertical basket type.

Figure: 24 continues type centrifugal machine diagram

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Figure: 25 continues centrifugal machine plant


The basket of these centrifugal is in the form of an inverted cone with an angle of 30 and 34oC,
mounted with it's axis vertical and driven by 'v' belts from a motor also mounted vertical. The
basket rotates at speed of 1500 rpm.

The massecuite heated at 520C is fed in to the accelerating cup from vertical zero movement.
The massecuite is gradually accelerated while it is spreading out to the actual separating surface
of the basket. This completely prevents damage to sugar crystal.


The purpose of screen as we understood before is to retain the sugar crystals within
the basket and allow the molasses to be removed rapidly under the influence of
centrifugal force. The major difference between batch and continuous centrifugal is that in
batch machine the sugar does not move relative to screen or remains stationary relative to

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screen until discharged while it moves continuously across a continuous centrifugal screen.
Common slot sizes are 0.04, 0.06 and 0.09 mm

Comparative between batch / continuous centrifugal

Sr.No. Parameters continuous batch

1 Capacity/floor space high medium
2 Electric load constant variable
3 Power consumption Med./high Low medium
4 Staffing/lab low medium
5 Maintenance low medium
6 Washing poor good
7 Crystal breaking high low
8 Dryness of sugar medium high
9 Massecuite variation Less sensitive More sensitive
Table: 1

As we know the major disadvantage of continuous machine is grain breakage which is

due to two causes.

1. The crystal is eroded during it’s travel up the cone.

2. It is broken by the violent shock when it is thrown out of cone.

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General flow diagram of boiling and vacuum plant

Vapor Steam Seed Malt
sugar sugar
Steam vapour





Air Dryer

C-final B-molasses
Cooler molasses A-molasses




To store

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Figure: 26 General flow diagram of boiling and vacuum plant

Boiler is a closed vessel in which water is converted in to steam by utilizing the heat of
bagasse combustion.
It is closed pressurized vessel used for generating steam under pressure combustion of heat to be
transferred in to water until it becomes heated water or steam.
Boiler is extremely dangers equipment it should have to treat with ultimate care.
The type of the boiler which is found in the factory is bagasse fired boiler which means uses
bagasse for boiling of water.

Figure: 27 boiling plant

Boiler auxiliaries:-boiler auxiliaries are in the boiler circuit to increase the boiler efficiency
such as:-
 Air pre heater
 Economizer
 Super heater
 Boiler feed pump
 Forced fan
 Mechanical separators
 Feed water, Deaerator.
 Pressure reducing

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 Ash handling system

5.2 Feed, Condensate & make up water

 Feed water ---The water supplied to the boiler that is converted into steam is called feed
 The two sources of feed water are:
 (1) Condensate or condensed steam returned from the processes and
 (2) Makeup water (treated raw water) which must come from outside the boiler room

Capacity of feed water heater 143 m3

Surface area of feed water heater 148.1 m2
In let temperature of feed water heater 105oc
Out let temperature of feed water 160oc
Table 2


Boiler Pressure Parts:-Normally the co-generation Boilers are bi-drum with fin welded wall
The various heat transfer sections of the Boilers are grouped as follows.

1. Furnace water walls

2. Super heater
3. Air preheater
4. Economizer


Furnace is the primary part of the Boiler where chemical energy available in the fuel is
converted to thermal energy by means of combustion.

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Figure: 28 furnace of power generation system


Super heaters are used to increase the temperature of saturated steam in order o increase the
thermodynamic efficiency of the power cycle

Super heaters are meant to raise the steam temperature above the saturation temperatureby
absorbing heat from flue gas. Super heaters are to be steam blown to keep them clean. Fly ash
high moisture content

It May stick to the heat transfer surfaces resulting in low super heater outlet steam
Temperature. The temperature of the flue gases at supper heater out let is 6500c. Then these
directly enters

To the valve here the pressure of the steam is controlled here and the temperature is going to
505±10 0c

 The At temperature is provided to control the designed steam temperature

 The temperature of the superheated steam decreases as the steam flow increase
 The temperature of superheated steam increase as the steam flow increase.


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Air preheaters are a heat transfer surface in which air temperature is raised by transferring heat
from flue gas.

 Air preheater is used when solid fuel are used rarely used with gases or oil fuel.
 It reduces flue gas temperature and allows the lower temperature to chimney.
 Improved the combustion.
 Less unburnt fuel particles in the flue gas.
 This is a non-pressure part and also non-rotating equipment of the boiler.
 Flue gas flows through the tube and air flows outside the tube. It increases boiler


1. increases boiler efficiency.

2. Increases steam capacity per m2 of boiler surface.
3. Improvement in combustion efficiency due to reduction incomplete combustion
4. Very hot air from air heater greatly increases the rate of deterioration of furnace bars
or links of stoker.


It is a device which heats the feed water on its way to boiler by deriving heat from the flue
gas. This results in raising boiler efficiency, saving in fuel and reduced stresses in the boiler due
to higher temperature of feed water. An economizer consists of a large number of closely spaced
parallel steel tubes connected by headers of drums. The feed water flows through these tubes and
the flue gases flow outside. A part of the heat of flue gases is transferred to feed water, raising
the temperature of the later.
Economizer reduces the fuel requirement by transferring heat from flue gas to feed water.
Economizer inlet of water is always at bottom & outlet of water is at top of economizer

Economizer inlet 102oc

Economizer out let 160oc
Economizer heating surface 2312m
Table 3
Subcritical recalculating boilers has large cylindrical vassal called as steam drum.
In which saturated steam is separated by two phase mixture leaving the boiler tubes . Steam
drums has big diameter

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Drum Internals are most important parts of Steam Drum it ensures good quality of steam &
Protects supper heater coil from problem.
Function of steam drum

 To house the necessary equipment to separate the steam water mixture in to saturated
steam which is sent the steam cooled surface in the boiler & saturated liquid for
recirculation to furnace circuit.
 To mix the feed water with saturated liquid after steam separation
 To purify the steam or to remove the impurities & residual moisture
 To mix the chemicals for controlling corrosion

The function of Deaerator is to remove oxygen from feed water. The solubility of oxygen
in water decreases with increase in temperature.
Temperature rose to that at which oxygen has its lower capacity, then the result is total
removal of oxygen present. In deaeration dissolved gasses O2 & CO2 are expelled by
preheating the feed water before it enters to the boiler.When o2 & co2 heated in boiler ,they
released as gasses and combines with water corrodes metal reducing the life of the
equipment .so in order to overcome these problem we use Deaerator.

Capacity of Deaerator 235m3

Capacity of Deaerator tank 120m3
Type Spray and try
Table 4


Air is forced to pass through the furnace super heater, economizer air pre heater & ESP
Plenum on the air before it reaches combustion zone is created by forced draft or a fan to deliver
the air to the furnace, forcing combustion products to flow through the unit and up the stack.


Water used for boiler feed consists of a mixture of condensate & make up water which can be
combined in feed water pump. Boiler feed water has to be treated to prevent the corrosion in the
boiler and steam system. To prevent the scale & deposits on the surface to maintain high level of
steam purity. When steam is utilized for both power generation & process make up water
quantity may increase.


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Boiler requires clean and soft water for longer life and better efficiency.However, the source
of boiler feed water is generally a river or lake which may contain suspended and dissolved
impurities, dissolved gases etc. Therefore, it is very important that water is first purified and
softened by chemical treatment and then delivered to the boiler.


Is advice which condenses the steam at the exhaust of turbine. It serves two important functions.
Firstly, it creates a very low pressure at the exhaust of turbine, thus permitting expansion of the
steam in the prime mover to a very low pressure. This helps in converting heat energy of steam
into mechanical energy in the prime mover. Secondly, the condensed steam can be used as feed
water to the boiler.


In order to improve the efficiency of the plant, the steam exhausted from the turbine is
condensed by means of a condenser. Water is drawn from a natural source of supply such as a
river, canal or lake and is circulated through the condenser. The circulating water takes up the
heat of the exhausted steam and it becomes hot. This hot water coming out from the condenser is
discharged at a suitable location down the river. Hot water from the condenser is passed on to the
cooling towers where it is cooled. The cold water from the cooling tower is reused in the

5.10 VALVE

It is used in order to control steam pressure which is going to be feed to the turbine to maintain
constant working pressure which is 65 kg\cm2.


Turbine is a device, which is converting Steam Energy into Mechanical Energy the type of
turbine which is found here is impulse turbine.
In an impulse turbine, the steam expands completely in the stationary nozzles (or fixed blades),
The pressure over the moving blades remains constant. In doing so, the steam attains a hig55h
velocity and impinges against the moving blades. This results in the impulsive force on the
moving blades which sets the rotor rotating.
The capacity of the turbine is:-
Rated output : 31.15 MW
Rated speed : 6800 rpm
Operating pressure : 65 kg/cm2
Operating temperature : 5050c

Then this turbine is connected to the AC generator to the rotor part.

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If the turbine is running more than one hour with no load then the exhaust hoot temperature
will get increase.

There is a timer in DCS. If the Turbine Speed reaches to its 90% of the rated speed, then this
timer will start its countdown for one hour.

After one Hour automatically DCS will give the trip command to Governor.

The over speed prevention system monitors the speed of the turbine and it will initiate a trip
command if an over speed condition occurs.

Electrical equipments which is found in thermal power plant includes:-

 Alternator
 Transformer

Figure: 29 steam turbine


An alternator is coupled to a steam turbine and converts mechanical energy of the turbine into
electrical energy. The alternator may be hydrogen or air cooled. The necessary excitation is
provided by means of main and pilot exciters directly coupled to the alternator shaft.
Since the speed of the turbine is very high the type of the alternator is non silent pole rotor
alternator. This none salient pole rotor is used for alternators which have 4 poles.
These alternator which is found in the factory generates 31.15 MW among these the factory uses
12.5 MW the remaining power will be send to the grid.

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The capacity of the generator is

Rated Output 31.15 MW

Voltage 11OOOV
Current 2044 Amps
Power Factor 0.8 lags
Frequency 50 HZ
Speed 1500 rpm
Number of poles 4 poles

Table 5


Generator requires direct current to energize its magnetic field. The DC field currents obtained
from a separate source called an exciter. Either rotating or static-type exciters are used for AC
power generation systems.
These types of rotating exciters which is used for the generator is brushless exciters dc exciting
current is obtained from these in order to feed to the rotor field windings.
Brushless exciter system is always preferred with slip ring excitation system because the losses
are minimized in large extent. So the efficiency also increases by use of brushless excitation
Brushless exciter is a small direct coupled AC generator with its field circuit on stator and the
3 phase output of exciter is rectified by solid state rectifier on rotor.
Larger machines – brushless exciters are used to supply the dc field current A brushless exciter
is a small ac generator with its field circuit mounted on the stator and its armature circuit
mounted on the rotor shaft. The 3-phase output of the exciter generator is rectified to direct
current by a 3-phase rectifier circuit also mounted on the shaft of the generator, and is then fed to
the main dc field circuit.


The circulating air absorbs the heat from the machine and dissipates in to the cooling water
through the heat exchanger.
In the Generator there are 15 no’s of RTD’s to measure the stator winding temperature.
Each phase having 5 RTD’s.
The hot air from the machine is made to flow over the heat exchange which is cooled by the
cold water flowing through the tubes.
The air in let temperature to the generator is less than 500C.

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A transformer is an energy coupling device that takes electrical energy at one voltage (from its
source) and transforms it to another voltage.
Power transformer is used in transmission of high voltages to step up and to step down voltages.
When the factory takes power from the grid the transformer used as step down from
132kv to 11kv and when the factory send to the grid it is used as step up transformer from 11kv
to 132kv.only one transformer used for both step up and step down propose. Since the
transformer has tap changer on both primary and secondary side.
Both tap changing which is found on both in primary and secondary side is off load tape
changing. This means which is used to vary the voltage transformation ratio. Here the voltage
levels can be varied only after isolating the primary voltage of the transformer.
The primary side of the transformer is isolated from the 132kv bus by using both automatic and
manual isolator.
The connection of the transformer is delta at the primary side and star at secondary side from the
grid to factory and the power which is generated in the factory steps up from 11kv to 132kv by
using the power transformer. The connection of the transformer is star - delta from the factory to
the grid.

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Figure: 30 power generation flow diagram

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6.1 Problem identification

There many problem in WSSF at the new site. Among these problems the following are
the main problems.

1. In cane preparation process the feed cane carrier at both sides are broken. The cause of
these problem are:-
a. Leveling problem
b. Bending structure problem
c. High vibration
d. Design problem
I. Material selection
II. Diameter of shaft
e. Loading capacity problem
f. Speed of shaft
g. Welding quality

What to do work?

Leveling variation is created by the cause of bending structure because the structure is
sheet metal so, the metal easily bend. Therefore it shall be welded on other supporting structure.

Small variation is used to find the center by itself but, in case of high the load may be vary
the shaft center and then the shaft break. Therefore, to reduce this vibration we have to attach
vibration reducing materials like spring.

Design is the main essential solving the problem because, with the safety factor consider
the diameter of the shaft and select appropriate material mostly to be the material of shaft is low
carbon steel because this types of material have high bending stress i.e. it can be resist the load

Loading capacity is also the main cause of the shaft broken because; the designer must be
consider that the load is the summation of chain weight and cane weight.

Chain weight + cane weight = must be safe load on the shaft

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The speed of shaft must be very low because the exerted on the shaft very high. The
designer shall be check the critical speed and operational (actual) speed.

Critical speed is at least twice of operational speed.

To increase the quality of welding the welder must clean and remove the dust particles from
the surface to be welded.

2. Belt conveyer problem

The belt conveyer is located between fibrizer and first mill machine. In this shop the
problem created is by cut of belt. By this problem the factory is stopped for 2-3 days up to

Solving process

 First peel the two ends of belt.

 Attach this two peeled ends and then stay one day.

3. Plant layout problem on main cane carrier

The main cane carrier is located between auxiliary cane kicker and chopper machine. The
table of this main cane carrier is very long and it causes the following wastes.

 Power wasting
 Time wasting
 Material wasting
 Cost wasting

The solution of this problem is making short this main cane carrier during layout design. But
now it is very difficult to solve the problem.

4. The problem in evaporation plant

The very hazardous problem is sulphur dioxide flue gas released in the plant, this gas is very
dangerous gas that affect the workers life and the house roof is rusted, some of the sulphur
powder is splashed on the ground, it react with the atmospheric air. For this problem we put
down the solution assumption as follows:-

a. Separate the house for sulphitation tank and sulphur burner from evaporation plant. The
worker of the separated plant must use full safety wear.
b. Constructing the flue gas (sulphur dioxide) releasing pipe up to the above of the roof to
release the flue gas.

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 How to operate and maintain different machine components.

 Problem identifying and finding practical solution for the problem.

 How to interpret and execute the procedures set on manuals practically.


 How different machine types work and the variation in structure with variation in

 How to incorporate sensors on any plant components.

 The different components of the plant mechanisms.

 How different systems work.

 How steam is used to produce power.

 How hydraulic system is used in milling plants.


 How to be a good listener and open minded.

 How to develop the ability to accept criticism.
 How to handle and treat different kinds of people.
 How to communicate with others.


 How to facilitate smooth operation.

 How to familiarized oneself with the task done.

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 How to be open minded and accept criticism.


 How much worth it is to be punctual

 How to be self assertive

 How to maintain peaceful environment

 Treating the companies’ properties as our own.

 How to motivate one self

 How to familiarize oneself with the companies’ rules and regulations.


 How to see problems as opportunities.

 How to see the way the country is developing.
 How to see the deviation between demand and supply.
 To know what opportunities there are in our field?
 How to participate in the new transformation in the companies.


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The internship practice has played a tremendous role in equipping us with the practical
knowledge of understanding and implementing it in the real world as engineering students. It
helped us develop self-confidence and introduce us to the world of sugar products and power
generation by steam. It helps us to practically understand the theory we learned in the class.

There are 3 plants in sugar production process as we know in milling plant the extracted and the
bagasses separated. In The evaporation plant this raw juice is clarified and evaporated in five
evaporation tanks and then raise concentration of the clear juice which is then after called syrup.
In the centrifugal plant the grain is made in the pans and the seed sugar is grown and crystallized.
The centrifugals separate the molasses and raw sugar. Finally the sugar is dry and cooled, after
sewing it is be stored.

Additionally, WSSF is one of the biggest manufacturing factories that experience some
knowledge of mechanical and electrical engineering applications. We gained skills that will help
me on professional level.

The skills and experiences we developed can be: -

 Machinery control and operating machine

 Power generating system
 Manufacturing skill
 Communication skill
 Maintenance skill etc.


 We will recommend WSSF that there are no transportation services for interns. The town
where interns live is very far from the factory so; the factory should permit the
transportation services for interns.
 If creating the problem in the machine, it cannot be solved automatically.
 In case of machine maintenance, the workers wait for the machine up to breaking and
destruction. If there is a problem with machine it must be maintained before destruction.

Wonji/shoa sugar factory internship report of DBU Page 51

Shoa Internship report 2014

 The molasses is splashing on the floor because of design problem and installation. The
factory manager should give priority to maintain and fix the problem.
 The factory workers and managers as well as engineers didn’t give sufficient information
about the whole process of the factory.


1. Handbook Of Cane Sugar Engineering With OCR & Best Quality

2. Wonji-shoa handbook manual
3. Technical Specification (WSSF-JE-VI-D)
4. sugar process and plant technology

Wonji/shoa sugar factory internship report of DBU Page 52

Shoa Internship report 2014

Wonji/shoa sugar factory internship report of DBU Page 53

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