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6.1 Atoms
LO: Explain what an atom is

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Atoms and elements 原子与元素
There are 92 elements found naturally on Earth. Scientists
have made at least 25 (now 26) more.

Elements are made up of particles called atoms. An atom is

the smallest part of an element that can exist.
Atoms are tiny. The diameter of one atom is
about 0.000 000 01 cm. If you could place
one hundred million atoms side by side,
they would stretch one centimetre.
Every element has its own type of atom. The atoms of
each element are different from the atoms of every
other element.
So all zinc atoms are alike, but zinc atoms are
different from copper atoms, gold atoms, and iron
Imagining atoms
Toy bricks can help us imagine atoms.
Atoms – ideas and evidence 想法与证据
Ideas about atoms are not new. More than 2500 years ago, Greek thinkers asked a
question. Could you go on cutting a piece of matter into smaller and smaller pieces
for ever?
Scientist name Ideas
Zeno芝诺 answered ‘yes’. He said that matter
completely fills its space. So you can keep cutting it
into smaller pieces for ever.

Leucippus留基伯 and Democritus德谟克利特 thought

differently. They said that matter is divided into tiny
separate bits – atoms – with empty space between.
They believed that atoms are the smallest pieces of
matter that exist.
Evidence for atoms came later. In the 1660s, Robert
Boyle波义耳 used ideas about atoms to explain
experimental observations. Around the year 1800,
John Dalton道尔顿 collected evidence from his own
investigations, and from other scientists. He thought
about the evidence. It supported the explanation that
matter is made up of atoms.
1. Learn Quizlet 6.1&6.2
2. Finish Workbook 6.1
Extension——Atomic structure
LO:Describe the structure of an atom

Video Link:

Models of atoms
No one can see inside an
atom. Scientists have
developed models of
atoms. A scientific model
describes an object or a
system. It is simpler than
the real object or system.
Until the early 1900s, scientists imagined atoms as
solid spheres. This model is good enough to explain
the behaviour of solids, liquids, and gases.
1932: a new model
The new model states that
atoms are made up of tiny
sub-atomic particles. There are
three types of sub-atomic
particle – protons, neutrons,
and electrons.
The table gives the masses质量 and charges电荷 of
protons, neutrons, and electrons.
Why do atoms have no
electric charge?

This is because, in any atom, the

number of protons is the same as
the number of electrons.
How to read the periodic table?
Atoms of the same element that have different numbers of
neutrons are called isotopes. The different isotopes of an
element have a different atomic mass.
Atomic mass

Every carbon atom has 6 protons.

Every carbon atom also has 6 electrons.
Most carbon atoms have 6 neutrons. However, some carbon
atoms have 8 neutrons, and some have 7 neutrons.
5. Complete the Microsoft form 6.1
6.2 Elements and their symbols
LO:Understand why scientists use symbols for elements

Video Link:

Some elements have long names. So each element has its
own chemical symbol. It’s much easier to write Pr than

1 capital 1 capital +
letter 1 lowercase
Often, the chemical symbol is the first one or two
letters of an element’s name in English.
Sometimes the chemical symbol is made up from the
first and third letters of the English name of an

The chemical symbols for some elements come from other languages.
Group 族

Period 周期
You need to
learn the English
and Chinese
names of the
first 20
Platinum (Pt) 铂
Platinum is a metal, so it conducts
electricity well. It is shiny, and is not
damaged by air or water.
Platinum in catalytic
converters reduces
pollution from cars.
Tantalum (Ta) 钽
Acids do not damage it. Tantalum is a good
conductor of electricity.

Tantalum capacitors store electrical energy in cell

phones and computers.
1. Give the chemical symbols of these elements:
hydrogen, helium, lithium, beryllium, boron, carbon,
nitrogen, oxygen, fluorine, neon.

2. Give the names of the elements with these chemical

symbols: Na, Mg, Al, Si, P, S, Cl, Ar, K, Ca.

3. Extension: Describe the properties of Chlorine, and

list three uses of it.
1. Finish Workbook 6.2
Lab Report
● Objective/Question
● Hypothesis
● Apparatus
● Steps
● Observation(picture)/Data collection
● Conclusion
Give the names of two elements in the same period
as magnesium.

Give the symbols of two elements in the same group

as helium.
6.5 Interpreting data from
secondary sources
LO:Practise interpreting secondary data
Video Link:
Patterns in the properties of elements

When you do not do experiments

by yourself but collect data from
a data book. The data book is a
secondary source.
Melting point patterns 熔点规律
The vertical columns in
the periodic table are
called groups. The
students collect data
about the elements in
Groups 7.

What do you notice?

Write down your analysis of the datas.
Density patterns 密度规律
Mendeleev developed the periodic table. He predicted the density
of an element that had not been discovered.
The elements of the Earth’s crust

1. Use the pie chart to name the three

elements that are most abundant in the
Earth’s crust.

2. Haki makes a conclusion from his pie

chart. He says there is no tin in the
Earth’s crust. Do you think he is correct?
Give a reason for your decision.
1. Learn Quizlet 6.5&6.6
2. Finish workbook 6.5
6.6 Explaining differences between
metals and non-metals
LO:Explain differences between metals and non-metals

Video Link:

Metals and non-metals in the periodic table
Properties of metals and non-metals
Atom arrangements in metals and

● how the atoms are arranged

● how the atoms are held together

In metals, the atoms are arranged in a huge pattern.
Strong forces hold the atoms together.
Some non-metal elements exist as
single atoms. There are weak forces
between an atom and its neighbours.
Strong Weak

Some non-metal elements exist

as molecules分子. A molecule is
a group of atoms that are held
together by strong forces. There
are weak forces between a
molecule and its neighbours.
Melting and boiling points
Metals have high melting and boiling points. This is because,
strong forces hold the atoms together.

Most non-metals have low melting and boiling points. This is

because there are weak forces between the molecules or
single atoms.
Carbon is different to other non-metals. Its
atoms are joined together in a huge
structure. The forces between the atoms
are very strong.
Lab Report
● Question
● Research查找资料了解自古以来人们对水的组成的认识
● Apparatus
● Steps
● Observation(picture)
● Conclusion
Is air an element?

How could you design an

experiment to test?
1. Finish workbook 6.6
2. Microsoft Form 6.1-6.6
6.7 What are compounds?
LO:Give examples of compounds and state how their
properties are different from the elements
Video Link:
What’s in a tooth?

The white part of your teeth is called enamel珐琅质. It contains three elements:

● calcium – a shiny metal that fizzes in water.

● phosphorus – a poisonous solid that catches fire easily.

● oxygen – a gas that helps things burn.

So why don’t your teeth catch fire? Or poison
you? Or fizz when you drink water?
The elements in tooth enamel are not just
mixed up. Their atoms have joined
together to make one substance –
calcium phosphate磷酸钙 Ca3(PO4)2
Compounds 化合物
Most substances are not elements
on their own. They are made up of
atoms of elements joined to atoms of
other elements. These substances
are compounds.
Which three are
Which three are
The properties of a
compound are
different from the
properties of the
elements in it.
Elements ⇒ Compound
Joining together 12 g of carbon and 16 g
Carbon of oxygen makes carbon monoxide. This
compound is a deadly poison.
Each molecule consists of one atom of
一氧化碳 carbon joined to one atom of oxygen.

1. Quizlet 6.7&6.8
2. Finish workbook 6.7
6.8 Making a compound
LO:Understand the stages involved in an enquiry

Video Link:

Iron wool
Is there any other way to
show an increase in mass?
A hazard危险 is a possible source of danger.

Zac must control the risks from these hazards. Risk is

the chance of damage or injury from a hazard.
* iron wool – low hazard to health, but can cut skin
* iron wool catches fire easily when in contact with a flame
* when iron wool burns, pieces of burning iron wool fall off
* the metal ruler may get very hot when heated by the hot iron wool
Time – Turn off the Bunsen burner
as soon as possible.

Distance – Stand back from the

burning iron wool.

Shielding – Wear eye protection.

Wear gloves when handling iron
iron(solid)+oxygen(gas)⇒iron oxide(solid)
What is the mass of oxygen added to the iron?
1. Lab report
2. Finish workbook 6.8
6.9 Naming compounds and writing
LO:Write and interpret formulae

Video Link:

Compounds of a metal and a non-metal
1. Write the name of the metal.

2. Write the name of the non-metal, but change the end of its name to -ide.

Compounds of a metal, a non-metal, and

1. Write the name of the metal.

2. Write the name of the non-metal, but change the end of its name to -ate.
Compounds containing non-metals only
You need to know the numbers of atoms of each element
in a molecule of the compound.
carbon tetrafluoride
dinitrogen pent(a)oxide
Writing formulae

A formula shows the

number of atoms of each
element in a compound.
1. Quizlet 6.9&6.10
2. Finish workbook 6.9
6.10 Oxides, hydroxides, sulfates, and
LO:Describe difference in the properties of metal oxides
and non-metal oxides
Video Link:
Heating sulfur
in air makes
sulfur dioxide.
The oxygen
has come
from the air.
Some elements join to
oxygen without heating.
As soon as you cut a
piece of aluminium, its
surface atoms join with
oxygen from the air.

4 3 2
The uses of oxides depend on their properties.
● Magnesium oxide has a very high melting point. It is
used in furnaces熔炉.
● Titanium dioxide is bright white. It is used in paints油漆
and toothpastes牙膏.
Metal oxides and non-metal oxides
have different properties.
Most non-metal oxides are acidic. If you
bubble carbon dioxide gas into pure water, a
solution forms. Its pH is less than 7.
Metal oxides are bases碱. This means
that they neutralise acids.
Some metal oxides, for example sodium oxide, dissolve in
water to form alkaline solutions.

NH4OH 氨水
1. Finish workbook 6.10
6.11 Chlorides 氯化物
LO:Plan investigations, present evidence, and consider the
Video Link:
A chloride is a compound made up of chlorine and one
other element. Examples include sodium chloride氯化钠
and calcium chloride氯化钙.
Making sodium chloride

1. Fills a gas jar with chlorine gas.

2. Heats a small piece of sodium until it melts
3. Places the sodium in the chlorine gas.

Observation: The sodium burns with a bright yellow flame.

Clouds of white sodium chloride form.
There is no need
to make sodium
chloride. Huge
amounts of the
salt exist
dissolved in
What mass of salt is dissolved in 20 cm3
of water from the Red Sea?
The bottom, not the top, of the curved
surface of the liquid (the meniscus)
should be level with the mark.
1. Quizlet 6.11&6.12&6.13
2. Finish workbook 6.11
6.12 Mixtures 混合物
LO:Understand the differences between elements,
mixtures, and compounds
Video Link:
The substances
in mixtures are
not joined to
each other.
They are just
mixed up.
Sometimes it is
easy to separate
the substances in
a mixture.
Air – an important mixture
● elements – for example nitrogen (N2),
oxygen (O2), and argon (Ar)
● compounds – for example carbon
dioxide (CO2).
Product Ingredient English Name Chemical Formula
产品 成分(中文名) 英文名 化学方程式

How are elements, mixtures,

and compounds different?
When you heat the mixture. The two elements
join together. A compound, iron sulfide, has
formed. You cannot get iron out of the compound
with magnet. The compound looks different from
the elements it is made from. Its properties are
different from its elements.
7:8 7:16 7:4 7:16 7:20
化合物里各种元素之间有 混合物里各种成分之间可
固定的比率 以有不同的比例


C=12 O=16 12:(16x2)=12:32=3:8

1. Finish workbook 6.12
6.13 Filtering and decanting 过滤和倾析
LO:Describe how to separate mixtures by decanting and
Video Link:
Collect water
from a pond.
The water is

How to separate

Leave it in the bucket. The

mud settles to the bottom.

Later, carefully pour the

water into another container.
This is decanting倾析. The
mud remains in the bucket.
● Pours the mixture onto a piece of filter
● Sand remains in the filter paper. Water
passes through tiny holes in the paper.
● This is using filtration过滤 to separate
an insoluble solid from a liquid.
Teacher gives you a mixture
of salt and sand. He tells you
to separate the sand and salt.
1. Add hot water to the
mixtures and stir.
2. ……
3. ……
4. …...
1. Lab report
2. Finish workbook 6.13
6.14 Evaporation and distillation 蒸发与蒸馏

LO:Understand how evaporation and distillation separate

liquids and solids from solutions
Video Link:
Evaporation gets
faster when the
temperature is higher.
To make copper sulfate crystals
1. Add copper sulfate powder to
the water.
2. The solution is a mixture of
copper sulfate and water.
3. Then remove water from the
When about half the liquid water has
changed state to become steam,
stop heating. Leave the evaporating
dish and its contents in a warm, dry
room. Water evaporates from the

Copper sulfate solution, beaker, glass rod,
alcohol lamp, tripod, evaporating dish

1. Pour, small amount,
2. Light up, to heat
3. Stir slowly, a little bit of liquid
4. Put off, leave it in a warm place
Every year, companies make more and
Lithium more electric cars. The cars are powered

compounds by lithium-containing batteries. Huge

amounts of lithium will be needed.
Up to half of the world’s lithium is found in Bolivia.
Lithium compounds are dissolved in water under an
enormous salt desert.
It rains very little in Saudi Arabia.
There are no permanent rivers or
lakes, so about half the country’s
drinking water comes from the sea.
But you can’t drink seawater.
Huge plants like this separate pure water from the
compounds that are dissolved in it. They use a
process called multistage flash distillation多级闪蒸.
In the laboratory, you can use the apparatus above to
separate pure water from seawater by distillation.
1. The salty water boils. Some of the liquid water evaporates,
forming steam.
2. Steam travels through the condenser冷凝器 and cools
down. It condenses to liquid water.
3. The liquid water goes into the beaker.
Evaporation 蒸发 Distillation 蒸馏

To separate the solvent from the

To separate the solute from the solution

Vapours are not collected Vapours are collected and cooled down

Products are solid Products are liquid

Slow Fast
1. Quizlet 6.14&6.15
2. Finish workbook 6.14
6.15 Fractional distillation 分馏
LO:Explain how fractional distillation separates mixtures of
liquids with different boiling points
Video Link:
Ethanol and water
Fractional distillation separates
mixtures of liquids. It only works if the
liquids have different boiling points.
Cooling down
Fractionating column 分馏塔
1. Mr. Reed has a mixture of ethanol
and water. He sets up the apparatus
opposite. He heats the flask gently.

2. As the mixture gets hotter, both

liquids evaporate. Vapours form.

3. At first, both vapours condense

when they reach the cooler
fractionating column.
4. When the fractionating column
reaches 78 ºC, ethanol vapour does not
condense. It enters the condenser.

5. Here, ethanol vapour cools and

condenses. Liquid ethanol drips into the

6. Continues to heat gently, so that the

temperature stays at 78 ºC.
7. When all the ethanol has evaporated,
Mr. Reed removes the flask of liquid

8. He heats more strongly. The

temperature of the fractionating column
reaches 100 ºC. new

9. Water vapour enters the condenser.

There, it condenses, and drips into the
new flask.
Mrs. Reed has a mixture of hexane and heptane己烷和庚烷.
The boiling point of hexane is 69 ºC. The boiling point of
heptane is 98 ºC. Which liquid will she collect first during
fractional distillation of the mixture?
汽油 柴油

Crude oil 原油
Diesel and petrol are separated from
crude oil. Crude oil is a mixture of
hundreds of hydrocarbons.
Crude oil is hugely important. Most crude oil is used for fuels. But we also use it to
make plastics, paints, and medicines.
Crude oil is heated to more
than 450 ºC. Its compounds
become gases. The gases
enter a fractionating column.
They move upwards, getting
cooler all the time.
As the gases cool, they
condense. Because they
have different boiling
points, they condense at
different temperatures.
1. Lab report
2. Finish workbook 6.15
6.16 Chromatography 色谱法
LO:Understand how chromatography separates mixtures

Video Link:

What is chromatography?

Chromatography works if all the substances in the mixture dissolve in one solvent.

chroma means "color"

graphy means "to write"
Chromatography of ink
The water moves up the
paper. It takes the dyes染料
in the ink with it.
Different dyes move at
different speeds, so they
A chromatogram色谱图 is
In the chromatogram, the blue dye goes further
up the paper. This might be because:

● blue dye dissolves better in the solvent

● yellow dye sticks more strongly to the paper
Why do we use a pencil to draw the origin line?
Chromatography of spinach

It shows the pigments (colours) in spinach.

Each pigment is a different nutrient.
* Chromatogram of amino acids
Using chromatography
● In some countries, police forces use chromatography to
measure the alcohol in a driver’s blood. This shows whether the
person has had too much alcohol to drive safely.

● Detectives have used chromatography to look for explosives

on the body hair of bomber suspects.

● Scientists use chromatography to identify nutrients in foods.

Scientists use them to identify compounds in
mixtures, and to measure the amounts of compounds
in mixtures.

What is Brown
made of?
Developing empirical questions

In Africa and southern Asia, up to 100 000 children go blind each year. A major
cause of blindness is lack of vitamin A.

Many people in Africa and southern Asia eat a diet rich in cassava木薯.
How much vitamin A
is in the roots and
leaves of different
types of cassava?
They used chromatography to measure the amounts of
vitamin A in yellow cassava roots and in white cassava roots.
They also measured the amounts of vitamin A in dark green
and light green cassava leaves.
Conclusion: Yellow cassava roots are richer in vitamin A
than white roots. Dark green leaves are richer in vitamin A
than light green leaves.

To prevent childhood blindness, children should eat

yellow cassava, not white.
1. Quizlet 6.16&6.17&6.18
2. Finish workbook 6.16
6.17 Separating metals from their ores
LO:Describe how to separate metals from ores

Video Link:

Separating gold from sand:
Gold exists naturally as an element on its own.
Gold is separated from its mixture by panning淘金.
Panning works because the
substances in the mixture have
different densities密度.

Gold falls to the bottom of the

pan. Sand mixes with the water
and, on shaking, escapes over
the edge of the pan.
Extracting tin from its ore
Most metals do not exist naturally as elements
on their own. They are found joined to other
elements, in compounds. These compounds are
mixed with other compounds in rocks called

copper, iron, tin ores

Tin exists naturally as tin oxide, SnO2.
1. Filtration separates tin oxide from big pieces of unwanted material
2. Gravity separates tin oxide from sand and mud. This works because tin
oxide has a higher density than sand and mud.

The filtration and gravity produce

almost pure tin oxide. It contains
more than 70% tin by mass.
1. Filtration separates tin oxide from big pieces of unwanted material
2. Gravity separates tin oxide from sand and mud. This works because tin
oxide has a higher density than sand and mud.
3. The tin oxide is placed in a furnace熔炉 with carbon. The mixture is
heated to 1400 °C. Carbon removes oxygen from the tin oxide. Tin
metal remains.
1. Filtration separates tin oxide from big pieces of unwanted material
2. Gravity separates tin oxide from sand and mud. This works because tin
oxide has a higher density than sand and mud.
3. The tin oxide is placed in a furnace with carbon. The mixture is heated to
1400 °C. Carbon removes oxygen from the tin oxide. Tin metal remains.
4. The tin metal is not pure. The mixture is separated by heating. Tin melts
at the lowest temperature. It is poured off. The other elements are left
Calculate the mass of tin that can be extracted from
100 kg of tin ore that contains 1% tin by mass. Calculate
the mass of waste produced.
1. Textbook p130 (Review 6.19)
Question 1-5
6.18 What are you made of?人体内的元素
LO:Name the main elements in living things

Video Link:

Asim has a mass of 50 kg. His body contains:
● enough hydrogen to fill his classroom
● enough oxygen to fill a room in his house
● enough nitrogen to fill his school bag 85 times
● and enough carbon to make a huge number of pencils.

The elements in Asim’s body are not just mixed

up. They are joined together in hundreds of
different compounds.
Asim’s nails are mainly keratin角蛋白.
Keratin is a compound. It is made of
atoms of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen,
and nitrogen. There are also atoms of
sulfur, which makes keratin hard and
All Asim’s body tissues and organs – including his
skin, bones, brain, and heart – are compounds made
mainly of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen.

Amino acid
C, O, H, N


Other important chemicals
Vitamins are compounds made up mainly of the elements carbon, hydrogen, and
Other important chemicals

You also need small amounts of other elements,

such as iron and calcium. But it’s no use
swallowing iron nails or lumps of calcium metal.
You need compounds that contain these
elements, called minerals.
Mineral deficiency
1. Textbook p131 (Review 6.19)
Question 6-10
Extension: Writing equations
LO:Write equations to represent chemical reactions

Video Link:
Word equations 文字反应式
magnesium + oxygen ⟶ magnesium oxide
A word equation shows:

● 反应物 reactants (starting materials) on the left

● 产物 products (what is made in the reaction) on the right

The arrow means react to make. The arrow in a
chemical equation has a different meaning to the
equals sign (=) in a maths equation.
Calcium carbonate is strongly heated until it
undergoes thermal decomposition to form calcium
oxide and carbon dioxide. 强烈加热碳酸钙,直到其发
sodium +water--> sodium hydroxide+hydrogen(g)
iron + _________ → iron chloride

zinc + oxygen → _________

Chemical equation 化学反应式
A chemical equation is the symbolic representation of a chemical
reaction in the form of symbols and formulae. The reactants are
given on the left-hand side and the product on the right-hand side.
The word equation below shows the combustion
reaction 燃烧反应 of carbon in plenty of air to make
carbon dioxide:

carbon + oxygen ⟶ carbon dioxide

How to write this as a chemical equation?

2H2 + O2 → 2H2O
2Na + Cl2→ 2NaCl
in water)
Acids and alkali

Sam adds sodium hydroxide to hydrochloric acid.

The products of the reaction are sodium chloride
and water. How to write the word equation and
chemical equation?
Acids and alkali 酸+碱⟶盐+水
Sam adds sodium hydroxide to hydrochloric acid. The products of the reaction are
sodium chloride and water.

hydrochloric acid + sodium hydroxide ⟶ sodium chloride + water

HCl + NaOH ⟶ NaCl + H2O

The alkali reacts with the acid. A neutralisation reaction中和反应 has happened.
HNO3 + KOH ⟶ ?

H2CO3 + Mg(OH)2⟶ ?
1. Workbook 7.2
2. * Workbook 10.8 (3)
PPT: 6.1-6.18

Quizlet: 6.1&6.2, 6.5&6.6, 6.7&6.8, 6.9&6.10, 6.11&6.12&6.13, 6.14&6.15, 6.16&6.17&6.18

Notebook: 6.1, Extension, 6.2, 6.5, 6.6, 6.7, 6.8, 6.9, 6.10, 6.11, 6.12, 6.13, 6.14, 6.15,
6.16, 6.17, 6.18, Extension II

Workbook: 6.1, 6.2, 6.5, 6.6, 6.7, 6.8, 6.9, 6.10, 6.11, 6.12, 6.13, 6.14, 6.15, 6.16

Review Guide: 6.1-6.10(Olivia), 6.11-6.16(William), Video List(Robin)

Form: Unit 6 Review Quiz

Difficult Parts:
Chromatography (experiment and how to read the result)

Chemical equation (read and write)

Naming compounds (oxides, hydroxides, salts)

Fractional distillation
Workbook p100-104

Questions: 1, 4, 5, 6
Extension Question(2 points)
Describe in details:
1. How to separate the solute from a
2. How to separate the solvent from a

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