Group Contribution Form RTL2

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Group Contribution Name: Bozana Novkovic


Explain your contribution to the group:

How did you contribute to:

 Identifying group and individual topics?

When came time to creating a group for this assessment I was kindly asked by one
group member to join. A group discussion took place while producing individual
topics. During this process I took the lead in opening the discussion and helped
assist delegating what topics the members were most interested in taking on. This
involved note taking by myself, ensuring that this was all recorded and that each
member understood what role they were playing in this assessment.

 Developing and implementing the intervention?

Once we had agreed on each individual topic, contact details were exchanged from
each member so that we could all monitor each other’s process. I ensured that my
details were exchanged and that I was actively contributing. During our last
tutorial, I made sure I took advantage of this time actively participate by
brainstorming ways of approaching each sub-topic as well as my own. By doing
this, each member was confident in how they were going to proceed, along with
how they could assist others when necessary.

 Collecting and analyzing preliminary data?

During this process, I had contacted secondary teachers via Facebook and email to
ask if they were interested in being a participant for this research project. Two
teachers responded confirming that they had wish to do so. Collecting data was
done through a qualitative method, in form of an interview. Based on the questions
developed, an interview was most appropriate as it would allow the teacher to
share a substantial amount of experiences faced during their teaching practice, and
essentially retrieve quality data. Keeping in mind that this was an extremely busy
period for teachers, I was flexible in what time would be most suitable for them to
take part in this interview, and how they would like to take this interview (whether
it be through a zoom call etc).
 Developing the research presentation?

Our group had created a Google Docs presentation which meant that each member
had access to build on the presentation. I had actively incorporated information
from literature findings and preliminary data findings. Important points had been
placed that had targeted each point from the guideline for this assessment. Each
slide sequenced each subtopic and findings with the use of bullet points, Venn-
diagrams, and short paragraphs. Voice recordings were also incorporated by each
member. I ensured that I had an equal amount of speaking in the presentation and
made sure that I had communicated in a clear manner throughout the presentation

 How did you interact with the other group members?

Whilst this assessment was in the stages of proceeding the pandemic had hit. This
meant that no face to face group meetings could take place and that we all had to
utilize other means of communication. A WhatsApp group had been created and was
the base of our group communication. With this app, I actively spoke to the
members of the group about my progress and any clarifications that needed to be
made. Also, zoom call meetings were also made throughout this project. This Zoom
call application was extremely useful as it allowed all members to engage in verbal
communication and have our Google docs file opened at the same time. Each call
allowed members to share their findings and place the appropriate information in
each slide.
Fill out the following rubric for each of your group members:

Group Member: Olivia Buccini 18812943

5 – Excellent, 4 – Good, 3 – Fair, 2 – Poor, 1 – No Contribution

5 4 3 2 1
Took 
leadership role
when needed
Contributed 
ideas and
Polite and 
respectful to all
Completed 
individual tasks

Completed 
tasks on time

Explain scores of 1, 2, or 3.

Group Member: Karen Kafrouni 18704600

5 – Excellent, 4 – Good, 3 – Fair, 2 – Poor, 1 – No Contribution

5 4 3 2 1
Took 
leadership role
when needed
Contributed 
ideas and
Polite and 
respectful to all
Completed 
individual tasks

Completed 
tasks on time

Explain scores of 1, 2, or 3.

Group Member: Sharlette De Carvalho 18068012

5 – Excellent, 4 – Good, 3 – Fair, 2 – Poor, 1 – No Contribution

5 4 3 2 1
Took 
leadership role
when needed
Contributed 
ideas and
Polite and 
respectful to all
Completed 
individual tasks

Completed 
tasks on time

Explain scores of 1, 2, or 3.

Group Member: Sally Hbous 18413540

5 – Excellent, 4 – Good, 3 – Fair, 2 – Poor, 1 – No Contribution

5 4 3 2 1
Took 
leadership role
when needed
Contributed 
ideas and
Polite and 
respectful to all
Completed 
individual tasks

Completed 
tasks on time

Explain scores of 1, 2, or 3.

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