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Alimentarse DE - Feeding from - Feed from, Feeding of, Feeding on

2. Concentrarse EN - Concentrate on - Focus on , Concentrating on, dwell on,

3. Estar A dieta - Being on a diet.- Be on a diet, Diet, Dieting

4. Estar EN huelga - Being on strike - Be on strike, To be on strike.

5. A propósito, adrede - by the way- on purpose, deliberately, by design

6. Aprovechar algo al máximo, sacar el máximo partido de algo - Making the most of
something- Get the most out of something, get the most out of something, make the most of

7. Se dio la casualidad de que yo estaba aquí - I happened to be here-

It happened that I was here, I just happened to be here.

8. Caímos en la cuenta de que estaba cerrado - We realized that it was closed- We

realized it was closed

9. Por si no vienen. Por si no tenemos tiempo. - In case they don't come.- Just in case
they don't come. In case they do not come./ In case we don't have time- In case we do not
have time, in case we don't have the time

10. Lo haré lo mejor que pueda/ lo mejor posible - I will do my best- I'll do my best/ as best
as possible- as well as posible, to the best of our ability.

11. Buscar la diferencia entre “at the end” y “in the end” –

-We use in the end to refer to a conclusion after a long process, after a lot of changes or after a
lot of discussion:

We were going to ski in Austria, then the South of France and in the end we decided to go to

And then, in the end, after months of discussion they offered to buy our house.

- At the end: at the point where something stops.

I think the film’s a bit weak at the end.

At the end of July.

At the end of the trip.

At the end of the movie.

-in the end ,lo usamos para referirnos a una conclusión después de un largo proceso, después
de muchos cambios o después de mucha discusión:

Íbamos a esquiar a Austria, luego al sur de Francia y al final decidimos ir a Italia.

Y luego, al final, después de meses de discusión ofrecieron comprar nuestra casa.

- At the end: en el punto donde algo se detiene.

Creo que la película es un poco débil al final.

A finales de julio.

Al final del viaje.

Al final de la película.

12. Buscar varias maneras de decir “reír” y explicar las peculiaridades de cada una –

TO LAUGH-The children were laughing at the cartoons.

Chuckle-She was chuckling as she read the letter.

Giggle-The girls were giggling at the back of the classroom.

Snigger-They sniggered at what she was wearing.

snicker -Stop snickering at that rude joke and get back to your classwork.

Chortle-She chortled with glee at the news.

crack up -I just cracked up when I saw him in that hat.

burst out laughing-I fell over the chair and everyone burst out laughing.

in stitches i-His jokes had us all in stitches.

13. Hacer lo mismo con “mirar –

TO LOOK - Look over there! A rainbow!

Watch-I sat by the window and watched people walking past.

Glance-She glanced around the room to see who was there.

Peep-She peeped through the curtains to see what was happening.

Peek-He peeked inside the box.

Stare-Don't stare at people like that - it's rude.

Gaze-We sat there gazing at the lake.

Peer-When no one answered the door, she peered through the window.

Examine-Police are examining the house for clues.

Inspect-She inspected the car for damage.

Scrutinize-He scrutinized the woman's face to see if she was lying.

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