Department of Education Schools Division Office Judge Jose de Venecia Sr. Technical-Vocational Secondary School

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Republic of Education

Region I
Dagupan City

NAME: ____________________________________________________________Section: ________________

I. DIRECTIONS: Choose the best answer. Write your answer on a clean sheet of paper

1. One of the properties of a well-written text which deals with the quality that makes your writing understandable.
a. Organization b. Coherence c. Language use d. Unity
2. One of the properties of a well-written text which they are not simply rules that we must memorize and follow; they
are specific signals to the reader.
a. Language use b. Coherence c. Organization d. Mechanics
3. One of the properties of a well-written text which represents the way you arrange your assisting phrases.
a. Coherence b. Organization c. Mechanics d. Language use
4. One of the properties of a well-written text which deals with the text is structured, the grammatical features and
the word choice.
a. Mechanics b. Coherence c. Language use d. Organization
5. It is the act of writing the first letter of a word in uppercase while the rest of the letters are in lowercase.
a. Parts of Speech b. Subject-Verb Agreement c. Capitalization d. Punctuation
6. It is the act of using a system of symbols such as the comma, period, quotation marks, question marks, etc. that
are used to give structure to and organize a text It also guides the reader regarding how the text should be read.
a. Parts of Speech b. Subject-Verb Agreement c. Capitalization d. Punctuation
7. A text with ____________u_ has a central concept or “glue” that holds all the different ideas together.
a. Coherence b. Cohesion c. Language use d. Mechanics
8. It is a language which is usually used in writing academic, business, and official texts.
a. Formal Language b. Language use c. Informal Language d. Direct Language
9. A text with ___________ has ideas that are logically sequenced in a way that is easy to follow for the reader.
a. Coherence b. Cohesion c. Language use d. Mechanics
10. This is how the text is structured, the grammatical features and the word choice EXCEPT one:
a. Always use blanket words
b. Include supportive statements when necessary.
c. Choose your words carefully.
d. Avoid using words like “always” and “never”—these box the writer in and create finality

II. Revise to achieve coherence. Write your answer on a clean sheet of paper.

1. Life is absurd most of the time. People get hurt and confused. We sometimes lost perspective.



Properties of a well-written text
• organization
• coherence and cohesion
• language use
• mechanics
• ORGANIZATION represents the way you arrange your assisting phrases. Whether you choose date
order, order of importance, or another reasonable demonstration of detail, a solid sentence always has a
certain organization. In a well-ordered sentence, people follow along easily, with the design you’ve
• COHERENCE is the quality that makes your writing understandable. Sentences within a paragraph need
to connect to each other and work together as a whole. One of the best ways to achieve coherency is to
use transition words. These words create bridges from one sentence to the next. You can use transition
words that show order (first, second, third); spatial relationships (above, below) or logic (furthermore, in
addition, in fact). Also, in writing a paragraph, using a consistent verb tense and point of view are
• UNITY or COHESION in a sentence starts with the subject phrase. Every sentence has one individual,
managing concept that is indicated in its subject phrase, which is generally the first phrase of the
sentence. A sentence is specific around this main concept, with the assisting phrases offering details and
conversation. In order to create a good subject phrase, think about your style and all the details you want
to make.
• LANGUAGE USE this is how the text is structured , the grammatical features and the word choice.
 Distinguish facts from opinions.
 Include supportive statements when necessary.
 Choose your words carefully.
 Avoid using words like “always” and “never”—these box the writer in and create finality
 Avoid “blanket words”
• MECHANICS -Capitalization and punctuation are the mechanics of writing. They are not simply rules that
we must memorize and follow; they are specific signals to the reader. These mechanics are used to
determine meaning and to clarify intent. It is possible to change the connotation of a sentence by altering
punctuation and/or capitalization."
 Parts of Speech
 Subject-Verb Agreement
 Capitalization
 Punctuation
 Homophones, Homonyms, Homographs

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