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Pabaya Extension Mapulang Lupa, Valenzuela City

Chapter 1



Tardiness is a pessimistic attitude and it is a problem practiced by

students or teachers. Tardiness derived from the Latin word "Tardus" means
"slow, sluggish and dull". Tardiness refers to the habit of being late
( According to study, tardiness mainly evolving around
absenteeism, drugs, gang links, gun control and violence. Class tardiness is one
of the problems between the teachers, students and every school on how to deal
with this phenomenon.

"Tardiness can distract the other students and disrupt the teacher's
instruction. Also, tardiness can negatively affect the overall classroom
environment", the study says. As there are no appropriate punishment for this
nothing will happen, issue of tardiness will still be persistent that's why the
researchers conducted a study on what are the prevention of tardiness and
effective ways to avoid tardiness among the Grade 10 students of Mapulang
Lupa National High School.

This research work aims to determine the effects of students come along
late to school, the reasons that caused them tardiness and what are the
preventive measures to solve this problem. Tardiness can affect the learner's
productivity and academic performance and might be depleted. The researchers
want to imply to the students what is the importance of punctuality and to apply
this trait to their everyday lives and how it related and connects to their future job
performance and lives. Also, the researchers want to install to the students’ mind
what is the importance of implementing and following the Project W.A.T.C.H in
the said school. The project goal is focusing for the students to be more
responsible, discipline, punctual and to be an honest student. When the students

Pabaya Extension Mapulang Lupa, Valenzuela City

are tardy, they negatively impact the classroom atmosphere, their teachers and
other students. Tardy students may have missed important instruction or
activities and get lower or failing grades.

The researchers’ goal is to lessen or decrease the rate of students who

come late in school or in the class and the tardy students by conducting
preventive measures to solve tardiness among the students. Tardiness needs an
appropriate solution to resolve this kind of problem.

Statement of the Problem

We all know that Tardiness is a negative trait and should be avoided. This
research will show the preventive ways for tardiness and to follow and observe
the Project W.A.T.C.H. Also, to encourage them to come to school early and be
active in class by seeking answers for the following questions. Therefore, this
chapter will present the statement of the problem, research objectives, its related
literature and the significance of the study.

1.) What are the common reasons why some of the students in Mapulang Lupa
National High School are late or tardy?

2.) What would be the effects of being tardy or late to the academic performance
among the Grade 10 students of Mapulang Lupa National High School?

3.) What are the possible or best ways to prevent tardiness among the Grade 10
students of Mapulang Lupa National High School?

Pabaya Extension Mapulang Lupa, Valenzuela City

Significance of the Study

The Significance of this Study is to seek information about the Prevention

of Tardiness among the Grade 10 Students of Mapulang Lupa National High
School. Furthermore, this study will help the students to conquer this kind of
challenges in their education.

Students. This study will encourage the students to stop going late to school and
observe Project W.A.T.C.H that focuses on responsibility, honesty and
punctuality of the students, they will possess punctuality and will be more
responsible by the help of the said project. In addition, they can also have a high
grades and they cannot miss any important announcements, academic activities
and instructions provided by their teachers. This research may be the guide or
the cause of the students to apply punctuality in themselves.

Teachers. This study may help the teachers to solve their problems when it
comes to their tardy students. Also, the teachers can discuss without any
distractions in the classroom environment, they will able to give instructions and
deliver their discussions well.

Parents. This study would help the parents of the tardy students to avoid having
call slips because their children are always absent or late in class. The parents
will not be problematic in their child academic performance and they will be
aware of what their child doing like doing this research, making projects and
activities required for the students to be accomplished. In addition, they will be
proud to their children that they are seeing them participating and interacting to
be a good individual.

Pabaya Extension Mapulang Lupa, Valenzuela City

Related Literature
This portion of the research paper presents the related literature and the
other previous studies that tackled the same study, where in it helps the
researchers of this paper to understand the topic better. Relevant literature and
studies will be taken reliable materials, medium and sources regarding the topic.

Local Literature
In the book cited by Santillano, “Never be late again: 7 cures for the
punctually challenged”, the author Diana De Lonzor suggested that some
personality traits could most likely lead to a person being often late. Some of the
traits included were struggling with self control, feeling nervous or uncomfortable
with social situations and getting distracted easily. Santillano also discussed
about the study conducted by De Lonzor at San Francisco State University in
1997 in which she surveyed 225 respondents about their habits that makes them
late from their appointments. It was also a test on the personalities of the
respondents that affect their habits. According to the results of De Lonzor’s
study, those respondents that were often tardy likely to be anxious and gets
distracted easily.

According to, Pimentel and Quijada (2011) to their conducted study in Up

Cebu. They focused on the frequency of use by the UP Cebu freshmen students
of Facebook. They also stated that in another part of their study they discussed
about the effect of this famous social networking site, which is Facebook to UP
Cebu students’ punctuality and academic performance.

According to the conducted study of Pimentel and Quijada, they collected

60 respondents and they provide their respondents a questinnaires. The
questionnaires are containing questions about the UP Cebu freshmen students
usage of Facebook and its effects to them. According to the results of their study,

Pabaya Extension Mapulang Lupa, Valenzuela City

it shows that 3 out of 60 of their respondents are always late, 8 of them said they
are sometimes late, 12 said they are seldom late and 37 of them said that they
never get late due to late-night use of Facebook. As a whole, their study results
showed that the respondents they get are seldomly late in class because of late-
night use of social netwoeking site. Ledoux, as cited by Pimentel and Quijada,
said that lack of sleep causes neural malfunctions and further affects a person’s
behavior. In the study’s case, it is a student’s punctuality that is affected.

The study to the Up Cebu students aims to find out tardiness and the
reasons that may influence tardiness.

Sometimes it is not always the students' fault why they keep on being late
or tardy in coming to school. The response of the teachers to tardy students
sometimes is one of the factor that could affect the punctuality of a student.
According to Sprick and Daniels (2007) they stated that the range of the
teachers’ response was “from ignoring them to sending them to office”. This
could lead the students to confusion as to how important it is to be on time in
going to class. Another reason is the lack of motivation. Students who come to
school on time are not given incentives or rewards. Another reason is “giving the
student the impression that they won’t be missing anything if they are late” since
in some classes, no important activities and no lessons are being done for first
few minutes. Lastly, crowded hallways could create traffic because the other
students are blocking the hallways, that's why it is hard for them to pass through.

According to Valeriano (2016) Valeriano stated that many countries such

as the Philippines have declared a stereotype pf being tardy as "Filipino Time".
Also, historians say that this attitude recounts back to the idea of siesta by the
Spaniards that is still present today. As cited by Tan (2015) that here in the

Pabaya Extension Mapulang Lupa, Valenzuela City

Philippines, in the being late and doing things late has always been part of
Filipino culture, this clearly shows tardiness.

Foreign Literature
As cited by Nakpodia and Dafiaghor (2011) they emphasized that lateness
or tardiness is not just the problem of the late student but it can also affects the
other people surrounding them. According to them the student coming late in
class distracts the other students and also interrupt the flow of the teacher’s
discussion. The rest of the effects given by Nakpodia and Dafiaghor are about
the benefit for the whole school, its productivity and strength. According to
Weade (2004) he defined tardiness as “being late for any measurable length of
time past the stated or scheduled start time for work or school.” Also, in most
schools, a student is considered tardy when he or she is not present when the
school bell rings or when the first teacher starts to give instructions and start the
discussion in the morning class. Studies revealed that those students with
“perfect or close perfect attendance” have good grades compared to those
students who miss classes and late-comers. As cited by Sprick and Daniels
(2007) they said that one of the most persists and most frustrating problem that
school nowadays are having tardiness. Tardiness makes problems, not just to
the students but also to the teachers. According to Cowan Crier, the official
School Publication of CAESC, he states that while having “occasional tardiness”
is not a big deal but the unfailing tardiness is and it gives students problems
including being ill-prepared for their job in the future.

According to Nakpodia and Dafiaghor (2011) they stated that "lateness”

can be defined as the “situation where an individual arrives after the right
schedule or usual time. As cited by Lauby (2009). Lauby puts it as a term used to
describe “people not showing up on time” and Breeze et al. (2010) contributed by
saying that, lateness is synonymous with “tardiness”, which shows being slow to

Pabaya Extension Mapulang Lupa, Valenzuela City

act or slow to respond. According to the results of the study of the U.S.
Department of Education on “truancy”, which is related to tardiness, being
present and on time in going to school are big factors on the “success of the
students and to their behavior”. According to CAESC (2007) and Zeiger (2010),
the most necessary learning time of the day for the students lies in the morning,
specifically, between 8:00 to 9:30 AM because the students are most mindful and
observant at this time of the day. It is also the reason why the most important
lessons and instructions are discussed during this time. So when students are
late or they are not present during this time of the day, they negatively affect their
knowledge and can negatively affect their academic performance too. Tardy
students miss out most of the important and specific lessons or discussions to be
know and learned.

Another study was conducted by Enamiroro Oghuvbu in Nigeria. The

focus of his study is to determine the causes of the absenteeism and lateness
among the secondary students in Nigeria and to seek or find solutions to this
problem. According to Oghuvbu (2008), the female students are more likely to be
late than male students because of “their involvement in domestic activities and
household chores by their parents”. Also, as cited by Oghuvbu, that “the distance
to school, family background and school location” are some of the common
causes for the tardiness of the secondary students. Oghuvbu collected the data
from a sample size of 17, 417 Nigerian respondents from 2005-2006. Oghuvbu
sample was made up of 20 principals and 50 each from a set of teachers,
parents and students. The means of his collecting data was through a thirty-item
questionnaire answerable by either strongly agree (SA), agreed (A), disagree
(D), and strongly disagreed (SD). The questionnaire that Oghuvbu provide had
four questions, one of which was about the causes of lateness among the
secondary students of Nigeria.

Pabaya Extension Mapulang Lupa, Valenzuela City

Oghuvbu study revealed that the causes of lateness among the secondary
students in Nigeria were “going late to bed because of watching films and home
movies, resulting into wake up late in the morning, distance to school and
keeping friends who are not students”. These results went consistent with the
results of Oghuvbu’s reference studies which proves that tardiness among
students have been a growing and persistent problem between students and
teachers and not just because of the students but also because of the lack of
discipline from the parents.

Nakpodia and Dafiaghor attribute lateness or tardiness to a lot of factors

or causes. Going late to bed and waking up late next morning are the most
common. The authors added film-watching late at night as a cause for tardiness.
The parent’s untimely tasks and commands are also reasons that students come
late to school. Habitual tardiness can also be learned from other members of the
family, especially from the older ones. Lack of a firm and consistent rules on
punctuality also encourages students to come late at school since there are no
consequences for lateness or tardiness and the school administrators must lead
as a good example. They should be punctual in their own meetings and classes
to avoid students to think that being late is just alright since even the authoritative
persons are doing it. The effort on the remedy on lateness or tardiness does not
start and end with the school. It must begin with the parents of the students and
the government should take part for this problem. Transportation must be
improved in order to avoid students getting stuck in traffic.

Pabaya Extension Mapulang Lupa, Valenzuela City

Chapter 2

This chapter will present the methods and procedures that the researchers
did in the study. This chapter shows the total number of respondents for the
study, the study sample, procedures and the things we did that we're going to
use for data gathering and we need to analyze. This study will determine and
create preventive measures to prevent tardiness among the Grade 10 Students
of Mapulang Lupa National High School by selecting respondents who can
answer the provided survey questionnaire. This will be used for determining the
effective solutions to solve this problem.

Research Method

The research methods of this study are Descriptive and Qualitative

Method. It is descriptive because it is supported by literature that only provides
some studies and facts about the prevention of tardiness and gives some
information on how students to be punctual. Qualitative method is also used in
this study because we gather non-numerical data, concepts, and the responses
of the students to analyze among the selected Grade 10 Students.

Respondents and Setting of this Study

In this study the respondents were the selected Grade 10 students of

Mapulang Lupa National High School. The female respondents were 22 while the
male were 8. Their age ranges from 15 to 17 years old. They were known as
tardy inside their classroom. We, the researchers select them from different
sections in Grade 10 level. From Rizal, Lapu-lapu and Valenzuela are 5 students

Pabaya Extension Mapulang Lupa, Valenzuela City

each, 6 students from Dagohoy and Abad Santos while the Mabini is the least
number of 3.

Data Gathering Procedure

The Researchers conduct a Survey Questionnaire. This was distributed to

the selected Grade 10 Students as our respondents those students are what we
called “late comers”. We, the researchers created 10 questions from specific to
general questions inclined to our chosen topic which is the “Prevention of
Tardiness among the Grade 10 Students of Mapulang Lupa National High
School”. The questions are multiple choices, can answerable by yes or no and
also can be answered opinionated. We distributed the questionnaire to all the
sections of Grade 10 and we give the respondents enough time to be able them
to answer it properly and honestly.

Pabaya Extension Mapulang Lupa, Valenzuela City

Chapter 3


This chapter will present the presentation, analysis, and interpretation of

data that we gathered for this study. In this chapter we are going to exemplify the
presentation of the answers in survey questionnaire through the use of tables
and graphs. It also shows the analyzation of the answers given by the
respondents and interpretation of data gathered from the survey questionnaire
wherein it was answered by the selected Grade 10 students of Mapulang Lupa
National High School. This will expose their opinion and insight towards the
questions. The respondent’s answers and opinions are the evidences and proofs
that the researchers will use in creating a conclusion and recommendations.


Sections Total Number of Students

Rizal 5
Dagohoy 6
Mabini 3
Lapu-lapu 5
Valenzuela 5
Abad Santos 6
TOTAL: 30 Students
Table 1. Number of Chosen Grade 10 students according to Sections

The table presents the total number of Grade 10 Students used as

Respondents to answer the Survey Questionnaire.

Pabaya Extension Mapulang Lupa, Valenzuela City

Table 2. The waking up time during weekdays.

E 25
P 20
O Table 1
N 15
E 10
N 10 12
T 5
4:00-4:30 4:45-5:00 5:15-5:30


Pabaya Extension Mapulang Lupa, Valenzuela City

Table 3. The Frequency of time spending in fixing their selves.

R 30
E 25
P 20
Table 1
O 15
10 19
E 5 4 5
N 2
T 0
S A. 15 mins. B. 20 mins. C. 25 mins. D. more than
25 mins.

Table 2 shows that there are students who wake up early and still there
are students waking up late that cause them to be late in school because they
don’t have enough time to fix their selves for going to school early. As you can
see, 33.33% of students who wake up early ranges from 4:00-4:30 A.M and then
40% of students from 4:45-5:00 A.M and 26.26% of students who are so late
from 5:15-5:30 A.M.


13.33% 6.66%

Table 3 shows how long the fixing time of Grade 10 students before going
to school. Many students said that they are preparing for only 15 minutes,
equivalent to 13.33% then 6.66% of students answered 20 minutes, 16.66%

Pabaya Extension Mapulang Lupa, Valenzuela City

answered 25 minutes and 63.33% answered more than 25 minutes. 5 students

said that they are fixing themselves for only 25 minutes.

Table 4. The distance of school from their residence.

R 30
S 25
O 20 Table 1
D 15
E 10 12
T 5
A. Yes B. No



Pabaya Extension Mapulang Lupa, Valenzuela City

Table 5. The kind of their transportation going to school.

R 30
E 25
P 20
O Table 1
N 15
E 10 17
N 8
T 5 5
S 0
A. Tricycle B. Motorcycle C. Just Walking

Table 4 shows that there are still students who are coming late to school and
tardy even if the school is near to them. In this table we see that there are 40% of
students responded that they are far from school and 60% of students are not.



Table 5 shows that there are many students more preferred to walk going
to school than taking a motorcycle or riding a tricycle. As we can see, 26.66% of

Pabaya Extension Mapulang Lupa, Valenzuela City

students riding a tricycle it’s either because they are late or they don’t
want to walk even though the school is not that far away from them then 16.66%
of students taking motorcycle and 56.66% of students preferred just to walk.

Table 6. The Frequency of students coming to school in the right time

E 25
P 20
O Table
N 15 1
E 10
N 10 9 10
T 5
A. Yes B. No C. Maybe

33. 33% 33.33%


Pabaya Extension Mapulang Lupa, Valenzuela City

Table 6 shows the frequency of students coming in the right on school. As you
can see, 33.33% of students answered they are coming to school early then 30%
of students answered they are not and then 33.33% of students answered said
maybe means they are not sure.

Table 7. The Frequency of absences students committing in a week.

S 20
P Table 1
O 15
N 10
D 15
E 10
N 3 2
T 0
S A. 0 Absent B. 1 Absent C. 2 D. More
Absences than 2


10% 6.66%

Pabaya Extension Mapulang Lupa, Valenzuela City

Table 8. The Frequency of Tardiness that affects their Academic


E 25
P 20
O Table 1
N 15 28
E 10
T 5
S 1 1
A. Yes B. No C. Maybe

Table 7 shows the numbers of absences that the students committing.

As you can see, 50% of students are not committing any absences, 33.33% of
them committing only 1 absent then 10% of students committing 2 absences and
the percent of those students committing more than absences in a week is


3.33% 3.33%

Pabaya Extension Mapulang Lupa, Valenzuela City

Table 8 shows the students who said that if tardiness can affect their academic
performance. As you can see, 93.33% of students said that tardiness can affect
their academic performance it clearly shows that tardiness can affect the whole
study of the student, while 3.33% said that it cannot affect and maybe can affect
their academic performance.

9. Reasons why students are coming early in school and why they are late. The
most common and the most frequent reasons why the students are coming to
school early are they are doing their homework in school, they just want to be
early and they don’t want to be late in their class. While the students’ reasons
why they are coming late to school are they are waking up late, they are sleeping
late every night and they are very slow in fixing themselves.

10. The students’ reasons for committing absences in a week are, the others said
is for emergency purposes, they are feeling very sick and they are waking up late
that’s why they decided to absent.

11. Students reasons for being tardy that can affect their academic performance.
Majority said that they are rushing in time if they possess tardiness, others said
that they will get lower grades if they are tardy and they said that if they are tardy
there’s a possibility that they will repeat their level now on next year.

Pabaya Extension Mapulang Lupa, Valenzuela City

Chapter 4


This chapter of the research paper presents the summary, conclusions

and the recommendations of the study. The Summary of analysis,
recommendations, gathering procedure and interpretation of data are presented
in this chapter. Likewise, the conclusions and recommendations of the study are
provided in this portion of the research paper.


This was conducted with the purpose of showing the reasons why the
students are tardy and late comers among the students of Mapulang Lupa
National High School. Specifically the Grade 10 students. Tardiness is a
pessimistic attitude and a problem practiced by students or teachers. Tardiness
can affect the students’ academic performance and their job careers in the future.
Based on our research, there are so many reasons why a student is tardy. The
main reason is they are waking up late because of sleeping late at night. Based
on our research, there are many reasons or factors why the student is tardy or
sometimes late in class. Majority and the main reason is they are waking up late
in school days due to sleeping late at night. On the other hand, there are still
students who are coming to school early and the main is they are doing their
homeworks in school not in their houses, but even though they are coming early
they are still showing or possessing tardiness because they are not able to their
homeworks at home. Late comers students tend to cause disruption to the class
discussion and they can negatively impact their fellow students as well as their

Pabaya Extension Mapulang Lupa, Valenzuela City

Another factor why students are tardy and the others are late comers is
their distance of the school from their residence. 40% of our respondents
answered that they are far to school and also they indicate that sometimes they
are just walking that’s why they are late when they reach the school. Second, the
kind of transportation they are taking. 26.66% of our respondents answered that
they are taking tricycle then 16.66% answered they are taking motorcycle while
56.66% of our respondents answered that they are just walking. It clearly shows
that the percentage of the students that are just walking is commonly the late

The study was conducted only at Mapulang Lupa National High School
S.Y 2019-2020. The respondents for this research are the randomly selected
Grade 10 students of the said school. The total number of our respondents for
this research is 30 students only.

In conducting this research study we use the method of Qualitative and

Descriptive method and for the data gathering procedure we applied the survey
questionnaire for us to create graphs and tables. We, the researchers properly
analyze, observe and gather the information that we are needed to this study.

Pabaya Extension Mapulang Lupa, Valenzuela City


Based on the studies and findings, the following conclusions were

formulated and stated.

The students and respondents are going to school but sometimes they are
not mentally and physically active. Also, there are so many factors why the
students are tardy and there are so many effects to the students of possessing
tardiness. Tardiness can affect their academic performance and the whole study
of the students. In addition, the implementing of Project W.A.T.C.H. is very
helpful to lessen the students who are late comers in school because once the
student reach the limit number or quota for being so late they will have a call slips
for their parents. We concluded that in order to reduce or lessen the rate of tardy
students and late comers there should be fines and punishments to those who
are always late to avoid coming to school late and to avoid being tardy so that
they have to enter the school early and mentally and physically active if they
don’t want to deal with these sanctions. In addition, we concluded that the
percentage of tardiness and late comers are not that high and this attitude is

Pabaya Extension Mapulang Lupa, Valenzuela City


Based on the conclusions, the following recommendations were drawn.


The students must learn to manage their time, note the things that they need
to do like homeworks, wake up early, fix themselves fast and go to school on
time. They should obey the rules and regulations of the school to avoid the
consequences. Aside from it, student needs to come to school early to avoid their
names to be listed as latecomers this rule is implemented by the Project
W.A.T.C.H on the said school.


Parents are expected to cooperate with the school authorities by enforcing

punctuality and discipline. Aside from it, parents should communicate with the
teachers of their children to monitor their condition and performance in school.
Parents should remind their children to go to school on time and to put to their
minds that being tardy and late in school or in class will never be right because
tardiness is negative attitude and they might possess tardiness in the future.


Teachers should be the role model of the students. Teachers need to be

industrious and to be punctual for the students to see them as a real model.
Teachers should enter the classroom early or on the right time. They also need
to observe and give more attention or instructions to their students to avoid them
Pabaya Extension Mapulang Lupa, Valenzuela City

to be tardy. Aside from it, teachers should remind their students to go to school
on right time and to study hard for their future.


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