Activity 6

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Guerra, Merlyn M.


Activity 6

What are the challenges in the five goals enumerated in the article?

Goal 1: Achieve Efficient Fulfillment

 The Incredible Shrinking Delivery Window and The Push for Productivity
 Speed and productivity are paramount in the fulfillment industry. The pace can be
challenging to keep up with. Ultimately, though, we find the challenge enjoyable and we
take sincere joy in helping our customers succeed.

Goal 2: Drive Customer Value

 Understanding Customer Expectations

 Understanding diverse and constantly changing customer expectations. Most companies
target specific customers — by gender, race, age, generation, etc. While these customer
classifications may share similar basic requirements of a certain product, they do have
varied desires that they take into account when purchasing a product.
 Reaching Out to Customers
 The primary challenge is to get the message across. With telephones, the challenge is to
understand just by listening. The challenge in emails and chats is to understand
emotions by reading through the opinions that have no tone. In social media, the
challenge is to present everything with the pressure of doing it in public. Implementing a
customer feedback service and having a systematic approach to gathering data from
customers will help the company understand and work for a better customer
 Exceeding Customer Expectations
 It is not just enough to meet the customer’s expectations. The fact that these
expectations are constantly changing, companies must then be always a step ahead. It is
also noteworthy to know that often times, the expectations of customers are set by the
 Consistency
 Great customer service must be delivered to all customers, across all business channels,
24/7. Each and every experience of each and every customer must be equally good. But
customers do not care much about singular touch points. What affects customer
satisfaction are cumulative experiences across multiple touch points and in multiple
channels over time.
 Employing Skilled Customer Service Professionals
 Considering that customer service is one of the most stressful jobs, companies must also
provide benefits that offer work-life balance and support lifestyle activities that can
reduce stress and boost productivity.
 Creating a Customer-First Culture
 It is difficult to thrive, much less stay ahead of the competition, in today’s market. But
having exceptional customer service makes this possible. The good starting point is to
focus first on the employees. Satisfied employees mean satisfied customers.

Goal 3: Enhance Organizational Responsiveness

 Organizational culture, organizational leadership, organizational rules and structure,

dependency on a stakeholder making a demand, and the extent of external control placed on
the agency.

Goal 4: Build Network Resiliency

 cost constraints; virtualization and traffic trends; multilayer technology and cross-layer mapping;
multiple networks and operators, regulatory issues and ultra-high availability traffic; variation
and correlation of failure rates; and green networking

Goal 5: Facilitate Financial Success

 Not Having Clear Financial Goals, Inability to Control Spending, Trying to Chase High Returns,
Borrowing in Excess, Inadequately Planning for Emergencies and Inflation
 Nothing worth doing in life comes without its own share of challenges and obstacles.
While these obstacles cannot be altogether avoided, you can definitely identify them
ahead of time and plan how you can best tackle them to reach your financial goals.

Choose one among the goals and give your own example based on the cited case in the article.

 Facilitate Financial Success

 One of the most important goals of the supply chain is to pitch in towards the financial
success of the organization. From cost efficiency to reduced inventory costs, minimal
labor expenses and decreased logistical costs, the supply chain has the power to push
things forward. Apart from this it also enables to improve sales, accesses new markets
and enhances differentiation. Supply chain acts as an engine to pull all major business
units towards delivering value to the customers.

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