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Yesterday, May 17, 2018, was one of my memorable days and a heart-warming experience. We

went to a Children's Home located at Pacol, Naga City. It was my first time doing an outreach in that kind of

place where children are abandoned, neglected and orphaned. We conducted a program, we had games, we

also had health teaching to teach them proper hygiene and we gave them gifts, a school supply, that they can

use for school since they have a classroom inside. Some of the children there are just accused by other people

that’s why they are in that place. But some of them are really a shoplifter, a drug addict, a smoker and alcohol

addict even though they are so young that’s why they need to be in rehab to help them change their life to be a

better person. And some of them live in the street like in the plaza where they sleep. That was their life before

they entered Children’s Home.

It was really a heart-warming experience for me since it was my first time interacting with that kind of

child who was neglected, abandoned, and orphaned. I was thinking how lucky I am because I live with my

parents, raised by my parents and have a complete family though we experienced a lot of problems but still I

have them by my side. Compared to the children there it was really hard for them to be alone in their young age

in this world living with other people who they never knew. And I was like why is there such a thing happening in

this world, and I really wish everything has an equal life so that every child will not experience these things.

When we arrived in that place I saw how happy the children were, and they are so cooperative in all

the activities. But with the other side I can feel the loneliness and longing for their family and for their love. The

children really long to be loved because they don’t have any more family to make them feel loved. I can feel how

they wanted to have freedom but in that place they are safe doing bad things and Children’s Home is really

helpful for them because it’s for their future if they are outside in that place they are not sure if they can go to

school, if they can eat in a right time, sleep in a right time and play, because for sure their life will be more

miserable because of what is happening around them, because no one will guide them in a right way.

This experience gave me deeper love and understanding for the children, especially those who are

abandoned, neglected and orphaned. I know how hard it is for them to be away from their family. That's why let’s

all show our love to them to make them feel a little relief on what happened in their life.

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