Instructions Chemistry

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Tech Chemistry Laboratory (CY1094D)

B.Tech. Laboratory Coordinator: Course Faculty
Dr. Janardhan B Dr. Parameswaran Pattiyil
Assistant Professor Associate Professor
Department of Chemistry Department of Chemistry
National Institute of Technology Calicut National Institute of Technology Calicut
Room no. 210(C) Email ID:
Email id: Contact number
Contact number Office : 0495-2285304
Office : 0495-2285324 Mobile : 9400282159
Mobile : 8111938615

1. pH metry: To determine the strength of the given acid by titrating it against
alkali using a pH meter.
2. Complexometry: Estimate the amount of magnesium present per litre of the
given solution of magnesium sulphate.
3. Potentiometry: To estimate the amount of chloride ions in the given solution,
4. Polarimetry: Determination of specific rotation and strength of unknown sugar
solution polarimetrically.
5. Conductometry: To determine the strength of the given acidic solution using
standard alkali solution, conductometrically.
6. Colorimetry: To determine the amount of copper present in brass by
colorimetric method.
1. G. H. Jeffery, J. Bassett, J. Mendham, R. C. Denny, Vogel’s Text Book of
Quantitative Chemical Analysis, Longmann Scientific and Technical, John
Wiley, New York.

2. J. B. Yadav, Advanced Practical Physical Chemistry, Goel Publishing House,


3. A. I. Vogel, A. R. Tatchell, B. S. Furnis, A. J. Hannaford, P. W. G. Smith, Vogel’s

Text Book of Practical Organic Chemistry, Longman and Scientific Technical,
New York, 1989.

Total Marks: 100

Each experiment carries max.: 10 M Written Exam: 40 M

Total No. of Experiments: 6 Exam date: Tentatively
6 x 10 = 60 M
(10 M for each of the experiment will be given
based on the calculations and result provided)

Grading: Absolute
Minimum 39% marks are required
(90-100 — S; 80-89 — A; 70-79 — B; 60-69 — C; 50-59 — D;
40-49 — E; 0-39 — F)
1. All are requested to attend the demonstration classes without fail. If anybody failed to attend, the
marks allotted to that experiment (10 M) will be deducted. If a student failed to attend minimum of 3
experiments, he/she will not be allowed to write the written exam and considered as fail in the
chemistry lab course.
2. If a student having a proper reason with approval from FA for not attending the lab classes
(maximum of 2 experiments), and if he/she wanted to finish the experiment(s), one/two extra
class(es) will be conducted after completion of all the experiments.
3. Before attending each demonstration class try to understand the theory behind the experiment (List
of the experiments in the order has given in slide 2 and the lab manual has already circulated).
4. Assignment submission: Must and should submit the assignment in A4 size paper (each page
contain name and roll number) in a single pdf within the given time (48-72 hours) after
demonstration of the experiment.
5. The assignment file should be saved with your name and roll number, for example,
Bhaskar@B200562CE than upload in the eduserver.
6. Written examination will be based on the basic knowledge about all the experiments.

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