Activity For New Year

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Activity for New Year

Narrator: It was two days left for New Year Eve. Everyone was preparing for the New Year party.
Meanwhile, at a school in London, the students were crossing paths with books in their hands.

HMK: Hi, only two days left? Huh? I can’t wait anymore.

KZ: Yeah. What are you planning to do this year?

HMK: Not much. We will just have a family party at our grandparents’ house.

KZ: Honestly. That’s so boring. Isn’t it, KST?

KST: Yes, definitely. For us, we will go to the Countdown festival which will be held in the downtown

HMK: That’s awesome, but I rather spend the last day of this year with my family.

KZ: That’s so kind of you.

Narrator: While they are talking, a girl pushed and rushed right between them.

HMK: Watch out, girl! Why are you such in hurry?

LL: Oh, poor people! Don’t you guys know that? The Walmart is discounting 80% off for everything
today. You should go, too.

HMK: Wow! Let’s go and buy some stuff together then.

KST: Sure.

On the New Year’s Day, KZ and KST were at the concert and HMK was with his family.

There’s also a bunch of people beside HMK’s house. They were SKK, MPK, LL, ZZ, AG. They were also
celebrating the New Year’s Eve.

SKK: Well, I am so glad I could spend the New Year’s Eve with my friends.

AG: Me, too. By the way, will you make any New Year’s resolutions?

ZZ: Of course, I will. I think I told you that I am a big fan of New Year resolutions. Last year, I even got a
new job.

LL: Yes, you told us about that last year. But, I think they are pretty lame for me.

MPK: I don’t think so. In fact, I will make a bunch of resolutions like saving money, helping others, doing
some exercises and stopping procrastination.

There was a knock on the door.

ZZ: Who’s that?

OSA: It’s me OSA. May I come in? I think you invited me a few weeks ago, didn’t you?

MPK: Absolutely. Yes, Come on in. Take a seat. Don’t forget to wash your hands.

Narrator: Wait a minute. It was in Covid-19 pandemic period. People were washing their hands and
wearing masks. Hey, there were also no crowded places like Festivals or concerts. KZ and KST said they
were at the concert. Is that possible? Let’s find out.

KST: Why is there no people here? It seems a little bit quiet, doesn’t it? Look at the ticket. It says 31 st
Dec. (KST showed the ticket to KZ)

KZ: Hey! Look at the year. It says 2019. C’mon! are you kidding me or something? I came prepared.

KST: Yes, I am. Hahaha.

KZ: OMG. I knew it. I had a doubt when you invited me. However, I admit that I was too stupid to come
here with this style. And also, I didn’t remember we are all facing the Global pandemic.

KST: Yes, you should remember. Anyway, let’s just go to SKK’s house.

They went to the SKK’s house.

SKK: KZ, did you enjoy the concert? (laughs out loud)

KZ: How did you know it?

MPK: Hahaha. Every student from the school knows it because your friend, KST posted the video on FB.

KZ: What? NO, you didn’t.

OSA: Yes, he did. You were standing straight with your sunglasses. You really thought that there was a
concert during this pandemic.

AG: It was so funny. Just look! Look at your outfit. You prepared for the concert. That is the best part of
the video.

They laughed out loud.

ZZ: HEY! Could you please be quiet? I am watching my favorite show.

HMK came to their house.

HMK: What are you guys laughing at? We could hear your voices from my house.

AG: Sorry. We’re just laughing at this video.

HMK: Hahaha. Yes, I’ve watched it. You are too stupid, aren’t you, KZ?

KZ: Hey, watch your mouth. Let bygones be bygones. Ok?

HMK: Hey, is that the girl from the Walmart?

OSA: Yes, she is SKK’s sister. She bought all the things for the party with the reasonable prices.
LL: Hi, Nice to meet you all. Don’t forget to wash your hands, HMK. Even your house is near here. It
doesn’t mean you could not catch Covid-19 along the way.

ZZ: Hey… Everyone, Hurry up. The countdown will begin soon.!

OSA: Come here. Hold your drinks.

Everyone held their drinks.

Everyone: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1……….. Happy New Year!!

LL: Happy New Year, everyone. Let’s eat together, shall we?

SKK: HMK. Take your plate. They’re just in the kitchen.

HMK: You guys have fun. I will go back to my place.

ZZ: You can join us if you want to.

HMK: that’s so kind of you but as I said, I rather spend my time with my family.

HE went back to his family.

SKK: make yourselves at home. I am gonna grab some juice. BE right back.

AG: Wow! It is a nice and delicious meal.

MPK: Yeah. I think only a beautiful girl can cook such a delicious meal.


MPK: Me.

LL: You guys are hilarious.

They all spent the night together and since then, they became very good friends.

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