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Brilliant Stars Int’l


I. Write the suitable places for these sentences. (first 15 words)

1. We went to a trip to a/an ___________ because my daughter told me that she

want to see sharks and turtles.
2. My uncle work in a/an ____________ where ships are repaired or built.
3. You should go to the near ___________ if you are not feeling well.
4. Look at my ______________! You can see many cars as I have a hobby,
collecting cars.
5. Each farmers has _____________ so that they can store their grains.
6. I go to the ___________ every Sunday to pray.
7. ______________ is my favourite place because I love cakes.
8. Before you go to the ____________, we should buy some popcorns.
9. Soldiers live in the _________________.
10. Dead bodies are buried in the ________________.

II. Choose the correct places. (another 16 words)

1. A place where young plants are grown,

(A) museum (B) nursery (C) orchard
2. A hall where plays are acted on stage.
(A) garage (B) quay (C) theatre
3. A house for orphans.
(A) orphanage (B) resevoir (C) market
4. A place where ships are loaded and unloaded.
(A) dairy (B) dock (C) quay
5. A place where grape vines are grown.
(A) orchard (B) vineyard (C) jail

III. Rearrange and make sentences with the words below.

1. entergnikdar
2. usemum
3. ozo
4. alij
5. airyd

CHARACTERS: MRS. TAYLOR– Amanda and Monica’s mother, AMANDA, MONICA,



(The lamp, some papers,and cushions are on the floor. Mrs. Taylor, Amanda, and Monica enter
the stage)
AMANDA: The movie was great!.
MRS. TAYLOR: I didn’t like it.
MONICA: You don’t like anything, mom.
MRS. TAYLOR: (looking around) Oh my goodness!. What happened?.
AMANDA: Oh no, someone broke into our house!.
MONICA: It can’t be!. Look at all this mess!.
(Mrs. Taylor picks up the lamp)
AMANDA: No!. Leave everything as it is. I’ll call the cops. (she takes the phone, dials a
number, and talks in a low voice)
MONICA: I’ll go to my bedroom. I hope they didn’t take anything!. (she leaves the stage)
AMANDA: (hangs up the phone) The cops are coming.
MONICA: (enters the stage) They took my Michael Kors watch!.
AMANDA: Poor sister…it cost you a lot of money. I told you many times not to buy it!.
MONICA: I know!. Next time I’ll buy a fake one.
MRS. TAYLOR: (to Amanda) Go to your room and mine and check if there’s something
missing. Meanwhile, I’ll go to the kitchen.
AMANDA: Yes mother. (They leave the stage. A few minutes later they enter the stage)
They didn’t take anything!.
MRS. TAYLOR: Thank God!. There are some things missing in the kitchen.
They took the blender, the toaster, and the coffee maker.
AMANDA: Where’s Niki?. I haven’t heard him barking.
MONICA: That’s true.
MRS. TAYLOR: (yelling) Niki!. Niki!.
AMANDA: I’ll look for him. (leaves the stage)
MONICA: It’s weird he didn’t come to the door when we got home.
(Amanda enters the stage)
AMANDA: Niki is not here!.


AMANDA: They took our dear dog!.

MONICA: What am I going to do without him?.
MRS. TAYLOR: Calm down girls.
(There’s a knock at the door)
AMANDA: That must be the police. I’ll open the door. (she opens the door)
POLICE 1: We got a call about a robbery.
MRS. TAYLOR: That’s right officer, please come in.
(Police 1 and 2 enter)
POLICE 2: (taking notes) Good afternoon, mam. At what time did you find out about the
robbery, and what did they take?.
MRS. TAYLOR: We came back from the movies about twenty minutes ago. When we came in
there was a mess in the living room. The thieves took my daughter’s Michael Kors watch, and
they also took the blender, the toaster, and the coffee maker.
POLICE 1: Is that all?.
MONICA: They also took our dog!.
POLICE 2: Well, that’s unusual.
POLICE 1: What breed is your dog?.

AMANDA: We don’t make differences between dogs. That’s discrimination!.

To us, dogs are the same and we love them all.
POLICE 1: That’s fine, but we need more information about your dog so we can find him.
How was your dog?.
AMANDA: If you tell me “how was your dog” it means that our dog is dead, but to us he’s
not dead.
He is alive…somewhere else.
MRS. TAYLOR: I hope so!.
AMANDA: Mom, don’t be so negative!.
POLICE 2: Please, forgive my partner, and just describe your dog.
MONICA: He’s beautiful. He likes to play. He sleeps all afternoon.
He wags his tail when we come home from work, and …
POLICE 2: I mean physically!.
AMANDA: He’s white with black spots. He has a lot of hair, and he’s wearing
a blue collar with his name on it…Niki.
POLICE 1: Very good. I hope we can find him soon, as well as the other objects they stole
from you.
(There’s a noise at the door)
MRS. TAYLOR: Did you hear that strange noise?. It seems like if someone is scratching the
I’ll see who it is. (she opens the door) It’s Niki!.
AMANDA AND MONICA: (hugging the dog) Niki, where have you been?. We missed you a
(Nikki runs toward Police 1 and bites and pulls his pants)
AMANDA: I know Niki. He wants you to follow him.
POLICE 2: Let’s see what he wants, then.
(They all leave the stage)


(They all enter the stage following Niki)
MRS. TAYLOR: He’s going to our neighbor’s house.
(Niki stops in front of the door)
POLICE 1: I’ll knock, and please, stay away from the door. It can be dangerous!.
MRS. TAYLOR: I know my neighbors really well. They have always been so kind to me!.
AMANDA: Mom, there a saying that goes: “We can see the faces, but we do not know the
hearts”. They never say hi to me!.
MONICA: Me neither!.
(Police 1 knocks at the door. Thief 1 opens the door and Niki starts growling and barking)
THIEF 1: (frightened and yelling) Take that dog out of here!. He bit me, look at my hand!.
POLICE 2: You had this dog here with you?.
THIEF 1: Oh, I’m sorry…that’s not what I meant. I made a mistake.
(Thief 2 approaches Thief 1. Thief 2 is holding the toaster)
THIEF 2: Stop talking to these people, we have a lot of work to do.
THIEF 1: It’s the police!.
THIEF 2: What?.
MRS. TAYLOR: That’s my toaster!.
THIEF 1 AND 2: We’ve been caught!.
MRS. TAYLOR: So you were also robbing our neighbor’s house!.
POLICE 1: You are under arrest!.
THIEF 2: Take your toaster, mam. I prefer another brand. (gives the toaster to Mrs. Taylor)
(Police 2 cuffs Thief 1 and 2. Police 1 enters the house and comes back with the blender
and the coffee maker)
POLICE 1: (to Mrs. Taylor) Are these yours?.
MRS. TAYLOR: Yes, that’s my blender and my coffee maker!.
POLICE 1: (gives the blender and the coffee maker to Mrs. Taylor) Take them, but tomorrow
first thing in the morning you need to go to the police station to file a report.
MRS. TAYLOR: We will, officer.
MONICA: What about my watch?.
POLICE 1: (to Thief 2) Where’s the watch you took from her house?
THIEF 2: Was it a Michael Kors wrist watch?.
THIEF 2: I have it on.
(Police 1 takes the watch from Thief 2)
POLICE 1: (gives the watch to Monica) Here’s your watch.
MONICA: Thank you so much!.
THIEF 2: (to Mónica) The watch wasn’t working, so I had to buy a new battery.
You owe me five dollars lady!.
MONICA: You should be ashamed of yourself!.
MRS. TAYLOR: (to Police 1 and 2) Thank you very much for helping us.
POLICE 2: Your dog was the one who led us to the thieves.
POLICE 1: Have a nice day.
(Police 1 and 2, and Thief 1 and 2 leave the stage)
MRS. TAYLOR: Today has been a long day. Let’s go home and get some rest!.
AMANDA AND MONICA: Let’s go Niki!.
(They leave the stage)
Brilliant Stars Int’l School
G8 (Grammar, Writing)

Question words (WH,H)

1. What + ...............? (asking for information about something)

Eg. What is your name?

2. When+...............? (asking about time)

Eg. When did he leave?

3. Where+..............? (asking about the places or the positions)

Eg.(1) Where is the Eiffel Tower?
(2) Where do they live?

4. Which+..........? (.......... or ..........)? (asking about choice)

Eg. Which do you prefer? (Lemon cake or Chesse cake?)

5. Who+.............? (asking what or which person or people)

Eg. (1) Who is your father?
(2) Who opened the door?

6. Whom +..........? (asking what or which person or people)

Eg. Whom did you see?

7. Whose +noun+ ...........? (asking about ownership)

Eg. Whose book is this?

8. How+..................? (asking about manner, condition or quality)

Eg. (1) How do you go to school?
(2) How was your exam?

9. How+adj...........? (asking about degree)

Eg. (1) How long is that rope?
(2) How old are you?

10. How many+Noun(plu:)+...............? (asking about countable quantity)

Eg. How many cars do you have?

11. How much+Noun(Uncountable)+..........? (asking about uncountable quantity)

Eg. How much money do you have?
Wh- Questions Examples
1. Sarah read the book that was on the stairs.

a. Who read the book? Sarah (Who = Person)

b. What was on the stairs? The book (What = Thing)

c. Where was the book? On the stairs (Where = Place)

2. The car drove slowly into the driveway and parked beside the house.

a. What drove into the driveway? The car (What = Thing)

b. How did the car drive? Slowly (How = Method)

c. Where did the car park? Beside the House (Where = Place)

3. Jessie, the dog, barked annoyingly because the doorbell rang.

a. Who is the dog? Jessie Who = Person

b. Why did Jessie bark? The doorbell rang Why = Reason

c. How did the dog bark? Annoyingly How = Method

I. Underline the phrases that the questions ask.

1. Q: What is your father?

A: My father is a businessman.
2. Q; How do you go to school?
A: I go to school by bus?
3. Q: Why are you late?
A: I am late because I was stuck in the traffic jam.
4. Q: Whose pencil is this?
A: It is mine.
5. Q: How many animals are there in this zoo?
A: There are exactly 150 animals in this zoo.
6. Q: How tall are you?
A: I am 5 feet and 9 inches tall.
7. Q: Whom did you see at the mall?
A: I saw Zoey, a fabulous girl.
Forming Wh-Questions: Worksheet
Exercises #1: Wh-Questions with Helping Verbs

Write a question to ask about the underlined object of the sentence.

1. He will buy wine.
2. He is playing tennis.
3. He teaches French.
4. We should buy tickets.
5. He has visited Italy.
6. They are students.
7. She can come tomorrow.
8. I ate a salad.
Exercises #2: Wh-Questions with Subjects and Objects

1. Donald Trump said that.

2. I study English.

3. December 25th is Christmas.

4. They went to a party.

5. My brother is coming.

6. She called her mother.

7. I’m going downtown tomorrow.
8. Nobody knows the answer.
9. The class starts at 1 p.m.
10. Huge’ means ‘very big’.
11. She was crying because she fell down.
Exercise #3 – Wh-Questions with How/Whose/What kind/How far/How
1. She has two cars.

2. We were at the library for 3 hours.

3. I write with my right hand.

4. Six people live there.

5. She called me in order to invite me.

6. The trip takes one day.

7. It costs three dollars.

8. Their holiday was relaxing.

9. She exercises twice a week.

10. I like rock music.

11. We can meet on Wednesday.

12. I go to school by bus.

13. John’s bag is on the table.

14. He did poorly on the test.


- What the teacher is
- Who he is
- What he looks like
- Which subject he teaches us
- How he teaches us
- How you enjoy teaching with him
- Why he is your favourite teacher

My Favourite Teacher

My Teacher is a mentor, a role model, a guide and a friend we all need in our
daily lives. He is the one to instil amongst the student the values of learning and
becoming a better individual in life. I am a student at a private school in Yangon, and
there are over 40 teachers in my school, but U Soe is the teacher, I admire the most.
He was a robust man in his thirties, tall and had a tough look. His appearance
could be defined as a person wearing simple clothes, but his eyes gleamed
with confidence. From his face, one could make out that he had an enormous amount
of knowledge within himself. He had a postgraduate degree in both History and
English and had an M.Phil. Degree in History.
He used to teach history to around 900 students in our school, and everybody
seemed to love his way of teaching. History was generally considered a boring
subject by me till the time U Soe made his arrival in my life. He introduced me to the
subject in a completely new way, and I started to like the subject and wanted to know
more about it.
U Soe used to believe that only knowledge confined by the syllabus was not
enough, he used to discuss about topics beyond the program and encouraged us to be
updated with things happening around us in our daily lives. We never had to face a
monotonic history class with U Soe as he always made the classes exciting with facts
about history and civics. He also used to crack political jokes in the class, and his
strategy behind doing this was, to understand his jokes about the subject, we had to
know about it, which helped us increase our knowledge in a fun way.
His talks were educative, exciting and were full of literary references. His
baritone voice and dramatic way of explaining the lessons helped us to grab the topic
very quickly and even helped us to remember it. Mr Kahyap was a remarkable man
who had a significant impact on me, my life and my personality. He made sure that I
fell in love with the subject, and I will forever remember him as my favourite teacher
for the values he taught me.

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