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Mini Wind Turbine Power Generation Project

A Research Presented To

Basic Education Department

Asia Pacific College of Advanced Studies

Balanga City, Bataan

In Partial Fulfillment For


Senior High School 12


Christian Jhon Rhey Hernandez

Prince Aldrine Ventura

John Andrei Padilla

Pierce Pasahol



The researchers would like to extend their deepest gratitude and appreciation to the following
people who have contributed and supported to the successful completion of the investigatory.

Ma’am Lovely Sotto, the researchers’ School Principal, for her words of encouragement and also
for giving a long period of time to deepen this manuscript.

Ma’am Ana Margarita Capule, the researchers’ Thesis Adviser, for all the guidance and support
as far as giving us the motivation all throughout the completion of this study.

Ma’am Leslie Ann Gonzales, the researchers’ Thesis checker and commentator, for her effort in
guidance and support in the completeness of our paper.

Ma’am Ana Margarita Capule, the researchers’ Classroom adviser, for sharing his knowledge
and motivating us every time we need advice and suggestions.

Students, for their worthy support and cooperation in terms of providing the researchers all the
needed information.

ASIA PACIFIC COLLEGE OF ADVANCE STUDIES Panelists for oral examination, who
manifested their distinguished skills and talents in their own fields as seen in their ways of
correction and shared ideas.

The researchers’ families and guardians for their unconditional love and support all throughout
this study.

Above all, the researchers would like to thank the Lord God Almighty for His guidance, wisdom,
strength and love until the completion of the project. Indeed, through You, we can do all things.

The Researchers
Christian Jhon Rhey Hernandez
John Andrei Padilla
Pierce Pasahol
Aldrine Ventura

22th of April, 2021

Mini Wind Turbine Power Generator Project


Christian Jhon Rhey Hernandez

John Andrei Padilla
Aldrine Ventura
Pierce Pasahol

STRAND: Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics

RESEARCH ADVISER: Ms. Ana Margarita Capule


The main problem of this study is to know what are the things the project can operate (Mini Wind

Turbine Power Generator Project) and How much Electricity can this project produce. This study

is called as “Science Investigatory Project” or “SIP” where the researchers needed to create or

formulate a product, in order for the researchers to collect and gather data regarding to the

performance or output of their project, The researchers will make some sort of tests on how will

the Mini Wind Turbine Power Generator Project operates. They also need to form some sorts of

observations on how much energy this project can produce. Lastly these steps lead the researchers

to clearly answer, determine and analyze the questions they sought to answer. Therefore, this

research/study project (Mini Wind Turbine Power Generator Project) can produce electricity. The

researchers also observe that the more blades that this project has, the more electricity and faster

this project can produce. Also the researchers find that the project needs the consistency of the

wind energy in order to produce electricity/generate electricity continuously. Based on the

summary of the findings presented above, the following conclusions were formulated, Mini Wind

Turbine Power Generator Project can produce Electricity. The researchers have a hard time

looking for the specific materials that they need in order to make the product (Mini Wind Turbine

Power Generator Project) perform well. It also costs the researchers to complete the materials and

components they need; they need the total cost of 1,300 pesos. It also needs a week to build the

product. The product worked and did the expected outcome of the researchers to produce

electricity. With these results, the researchers concluded that making this product (Mini Wind

Turbine Power Generator Project) is efficient in terms of Price, Time, and Availability of

Materials. However, It is not too efficient when it comes to its performance regarding the

consistency of wind energy. The researchers concluded that the project they build can produce

electricity but it takes time for this project to produce electricity. The researchers concluded that

the more consistent the wind energy is, the more successful the project will be, Therefore the

project needs the consistency of the wind energy in order to produce electricity continuously. The

researchers concluded that the more blades that this project have the more electricity that this

project can produce. To further improve the study the researcher recommends the following: To

the Future Researchers must need to complete all the materials required in order to make the

product more efficient. Researchers should try to improve the DC Motor in order to make the

production of electricity by this project increase. The researchers need to find a place where the

wind is consistent in order to make the results reliable and efficient also.



TITLE PAGE……………………………………………………………………………..1



TABLE OF CONTENTS………………………………………………………………... 5

LIST OF TABLES…………………………………….……….…….…………………. 7

LIST OF FIGURES……………………..…………….……….…….…………………. 7


Introduction……………………...…………………….…………………….…... 8

Statement of the Problem………………………………...……………………… 9

Significance of the Study……………………………………………………...… 10

Scope and Limitation of the Study…………………………….………………… 10

Notes in Chapter I………………………………………………………………... 12


Review of Related Literature……………………………………………………. 13

Review of Related Studies…………...….……...….………...…........................... 15

Related Theories…………………….………………….…………………….…... 17

Paradigm of the Study………………………………...………………………… 18

Hypothesis of the Study…………………………………………….….……...… 18

Definition of Terms………………………………………...….…………………19

Notes in Chapter II……………………………………………………………….20



Research Design…………………………………………………………………22

Research Instrument …………………………………………………………….22

Data Gathering Procedure………………………………..………………………23


How much Energy can this Project produced? (4 blades) ....................................................... 24

How much Electricity is needed in order to charge a mobile phone? ……………………….25

How much Energy can this Project produced? (7 blades) ………….………. ……………...25

What are the specific things that a Mini Wind Turbine Power Generator can

operate?.....................………………………………………………………………………. 26


Summary of Findings……………………………………………………...……. 27

Conclusions……………………………………………………………..………. 29

Recommendations……………………………………………………...……….. 30

References……………………………………………….……………… ………30



How much Electricity is needed in order to charge a mobile phone? ……………………….25

What are the specific things that a Mini Wind Turbine Power Generator can

operate?.....................………………………………………………………………………. 26



1 Paradigm of the study…………………………...…………………….….…… 18

Data Gathering Procedure………………………………..………………………23

How much Energy can this Project produced? (4 blades) ....................................................... 24

How much Energy can this Project produced? (7 blades) ………….………. ……………...25



This chapter presents the following elements of the study; the introduction, which contains

the rationale; the statement of the problem; the scope and delimitation, which identifies the major

variables and sub-variables; the significance of the study which indicates the corresponding

benefits to one another and where we indicate the beneficiaries of this study; and lastly, the



Wind power is the conversion of wind energy into more useful forms, usually electricity

using wind turbines. In 2005, worldwide capacity of wind-powered generators was 58,982

megawatts, their production making up less than 1% of world-wide electricity use. Although still

a relatively minor source of electricity for most countries, it accounts for 23% of electricity use

in Denmark, 4.3% in Germany and around 8% in Spain. Globally, wind power generation more

than quadrupled between 1999 and 2005. Most modern wind power is generated in the form

of electricity by converting the rotation of turbine blades into electrical current by means of an

electrical generator. In windmills (a much older technology) wind energy is used to turn

mechanical machinery to do physical work, like crushing grain or pumping water.

Wind energy development is booming worldwide with China and the United States being

forerunners in installed capacity. Wind power capacity additions are growing at a rapid pace in the

United States. The U.S. wind industry now totals 51,630MW, according to the U.S. Department

of Energy (DOE, 2013) and American Wind Energy Association (AWEA), and more than 40,000

turbines utilized through the end of September 2012 (AWEA, 2013). Because of the developing

wind power investment, an efficient way of managing wind energy generation is needed. A

custom-made wind tunnel attachment may increase the amount of energy produced by a wind

turbine. This study will investigate whether a custom designed wind tunnel attachment is a suitable

apparatus to increase the wind power output or not.

Statement of the Problem

The Researchers want to determine how this Mini Wind Turbine Power Generation Project


Wind power is used in large scale wind farms for national electrical grids as well as in

small individual turbines for providing electricity in isolated locations. Wind energy is abundant,

renewable, widely distributed, cleans, and mitigates the greenhouse effect if it is used to replace

fossil-fuel-derived electricity.

This sought to answer the following Questions:

1. How does the Mini Turbine Power Generation Project operate?

2. Is this Mini Turbine Power Generation Project able to produce electricity?

3. How many Electricity did this Mini Turbine Power Generation Project can


4. Does this Mini Turbine Power Generation Project can make the outlet active in


5. What are the specific things that this Mini Turbine Power Generation Project


Scope and Delimitation

This analysis focuses on the essential of these Mini Wind Turbine Power Generation

Project as an Alternative sources of electricity and different kinds of tests that will be used in the

experimentation if there is any difference or changes among the said variables.

Since we’re isolated, the procedures will take place inside the households of the

researchers, specifically in the backyard where the tools in conducting the experiment are present.

The researchers will repeat the experiment two (2) times for each variable in the SOP to have

accurate data to test if there is a constant change in the product.

Significance of the Study

Wind turbines do not release emissions that can pollute the air or water (with rare

exceptions), and they do not require water for cooling. Wind turbines may also reduce the amount

of electricity generation from fossil fuels, which results in lower total air pollution and carbon

dioxide emissions. The result of this experiment could be highly significant beneficial specifically

to the following:


The teachers will also benefit from this study for they can also share to their students the

things they learn from this research if this will become successful. With that, the awareness in the

10 | P a g e
environment being contaminated will spread knowing that teachers are responsible for giving

knowledge ahead from the parents.


The parents will be one of the beneficiaries of the given study. This study will contribute

to them because with this, they will surely have enough knowledge on how to build or formulate

a wind turbine. Parents will also have an idea on how they can save electric energy. Also Parents

can help the researchers on how they will gather the materials needed on the project.


Our environment is the uttermost beneficiary of this study. With the application of this

scheme, the people in the community will have an idea on how to save money and to lessen the

amount of electric energy they consume. The environment will benefit in this study in a way that

this project does not produce any pollution that can contribute to the community in protecting the

environment to the people who are abusing it.


The student will benefit from this study. This study will contribute to them. Because with

this, students will have knowledge about this project. We all know that the students nowadays can

learn anything when they want it, so that if the students have an interest with this study they can

make this project even more meaningful and they can make another project if they want to.

Future Researchers:

11 | P a g e
This study might help to provide the future researchers some information and guide in

their chosen topic that is in line with this study. This research may potentially be accommodating

for those researchers who’s aiming to improve or to add some variables and find other solutions

in this research paper in another way possible.

Notes in Chapter 1

Hassan, Faida & Saadi, Janah. (2010). Study of a Project for Producing of Wind Energy:

Design, Monitoring and Impact on the Electricity Grid. ICGST - ACSE journal. Volume


Retrieved from:



Nilaj, N & Deshmukh, Nilaj & Yadav, Dinesh & Vade, Abhay. (2008). POWER


Retrieved from:


12 | P a g e


This chapter helps in familiarizing information that are relevant and similar to the present

study, it tackles the different concept, ideas and generalization or conclusions about Mini Wind

Turbine Power Generation Project primarily present different researches and other literatures from

both foreign and local researches which have significant bearing on the variables included in the


Related Literature (3 per variable)

Wind is not a new terminology for humans. Mankind has been using wind that can be traced back

to 3000 years. In earlier times, humans were mostly using wind for agricultural, irrigation and

navigation. However, fossil fuels were the main source of power production. In the 19th

century, commercial exploration shifted from coal to petroleum. Coal and natural gas are still

considered the most common and cheapest form of power production in the wind. Many scientists

and researchers consider wind as a potential resource for meeting future’s electricity demands.

The damaging effects caused by the burning of fossil fuels started the need for alternative sources

of power generation. Social and eco-environment consciousness spread around many countries

demanding for new reliable and clean sources of energy. That was the beginning of research and

development in the wind industry which continue to flourish till today. Wind power is an

13 | P a g e
alternative resource to coal, petroleum and nuclear energy which is more abundant, renewable,

widely distributed and has fewer damaging effects on the environment.

Wind is the result of an air pressure gradient. It is generated due to the changes in the temperature

of different areas. Land and sea have different compositions which give them unique

temperature characteristics. Generally, more wind is available on sea as compared to the land.

Wind turbine is a machine that utilizes wind power and converts it into electric power. Wind is fed

into the mechanically driven shaft that rotates and produces electricity. The output of electricity

depends upon the available wind speed. Wind speed varies very significantly in each hour of the

day but the average wind speed remains consistent throughout each day. This average wind speed

is used for performance and output power calculations. Therefore wind turbines are always used

in conjunction with some electric power source to stabilize the output.

14 | P a g e
Related Studies (3 per variable)

In recent years, implementing renewable energies has moderate to strong support across the world.

Some types of renewable energies such as hydropower are considered to be fully developed, and

others such as solar power are limited to specific regions [1]. Wind power has been used for more

than two thousand years; windmills were capturing wind power since 200 Bc using a constant

speed rotor assembly [2]. Wind power as a free, abundant, globally available, and green energy

source is an obvious choice among all renewable energy sources for generation of electricity [3].

Figure 1 shows the world’s total cumulative installed wind power capacity between 1991 and 2012,

and Fig. 2 shows the shares of five continents in the total installed wind power capacity between

2002 and 2012 [1, 4–7]. The average annual growth in the total installed wind power capacity in

the last ten years has been 25 % per year, and it is expected that the cumulative installed wind

power capacity would pass 400 GW by 2015. It is also anticipated that 12 % of the world’s

electricity consumption will be provided by wind power by 2020 [7].

Wind energy converters are not a new technology and have been utilised for mainly mechanical

applications such as grain crushing since 644 A.D. (first reliable information from historical

sources; as cited ‘Hau, 2000’) Windmills were first used in the ancient area of Seistan ( Persia,

Afghanistan ) and primitive machines are still being used today in the region for grain processing.

The first windmills were vertical axis turbines which used sails around a pivot to create mechanical

power. Centuries after the Persian windmill technology was documented news of the Chinese

utilising wind mills to drain their rice paddies of water reached Europe. Whether or not the Chinese

had already been utilising the windmill or a run-off of a wind mill before the Persians can no longer

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be determined with certainty today.(‘Hau, 2000’) Interestingly, the Chinese windmill was also a

vertical axis bamboo structure with sails, similar to the Persian system. The classical or horizontal

axis wind turbine can be confidently attributed to European designers independent of the oriental

vertical axis systems. The first documented historical evidence of horizontal axis wind mills dates

back to 1180 which tells of a windmill called a post or trestle mill present in the Dutch Normandy.

From there on the post mill quickly spread throughout Europe and was then further developed into

the tower mill two centuries later. In the 16th century the Dutch windmill was developed in

Holland which consisted of a mill house with a rotating tower cap and rotor blades. This design is

still in practical use today throughout the Netherlands and other European countries for traditional

milling processes.

Wind turbines come in a variety of different designs with varying outputs and efficiencies but all

convert the kinetic energy contained in an airstream into mechanical work. The most common type

of wind turbine is the Horizontal axis wind turbine with blade numbers generally ranging from one

to three. (Hau(2000) ; Gipe(2004) and McGowan & Rogers(2003) all state that the three bladed

horizontal axis wind turbine is the most suitable to standard wind conditions and is also the most

aesthetically pleasing of the wind energy converters. There are also a wide variety of vertical axis

wind turbines being utilised for the purpose of electricity production however none can achieve as

high a power coefficient as the horizontal designs. Vertical axis wind turbines were initially

designed to be used as purely drag type rotors however later on engineers redesigned the systems

to also incorporate aerodynamic lift as a source of rotation. The most common type of vertical axis

wind turbine is the Darrieus rotor which can be best 34 | P a g e described as a turbine resembling

the “spinning rope” principle. The specific advantages associated with the vertical axis wind

turbine are generally related to the simplicity of the design. The gearbox and generator can be

placed at ground level which also prevents the need for a yawing system to be incorporated in the

design. However the advantages of the vertical axis turbine are also accompanied by some major

16 | P a g e
disadvantages such as the low tip-speed ratio produced, the inability to self-start and also the

inability to control the power output by self pitching of the blades.

Related Theories (3 whole research)

Renewable energy such as wind energy and solar energy are receiving great attention due to the

price fluctuation of fossil fuels in the international market as well as the adverse environmental

problems from the process of power generation from fossil fuels. Kim Bertelsen (2011), the owner

of Electricon Inc. and a lightning protection expert, stated that wind turbines are constantly

increasing in size and complexity. The wind turbines are relied upon as power plants in the overall

power production planning. If a sudden small interruption occurs, the effects cannot be tolerated

and the turbine is disconnected - leaving the grid on its own plants (Bertelsen, 2011). The modern

wind turbine has to stay connected even during a thunderstorm - and this can no longer be claimed

as an inevitable accident. It is decided that these machines should be running out there and this

demands the same approach to lightning protection, as well as known from conventional onshore

power plants (Bertelsen, 2011).

17 | P a g e
Paradigm of the Study

Input Process Output

How much Collecting The

energy did the of materials benefits of the
wind turbine needed Mini Wind
power Turbine Power
generation Building the Generation
project can tower. Project.
produced? The
Connecting Effectiveness
What are the wires. of Mini Wind
the materials Turbine Power
needed? Measuring Generation
the length of Project to the
Is there any the blades community.

Hypothesis of the Study

Below is the null hypothesis that will be tested for acceptance or rejection:

● There is no significant result between the amount of energy produced by the wind turbine

power generation project and the materials used.

● The Mini Wind Turbine Power Generation Project cannot operate without the help of the

wind energy.

● The Mini Wind Turbine Power Generation Projects depends on the location where it will

be placed in order to operate.

● There is a significant relationship between the Mini Wind Turbine Power Generation

Project and the location where it will be placed.

18 | P a g e
Definition of Terms

This part of the chapter gives the readers a more clear comprehension on the words or gathering

of words that they may experience in reading the study. The accompanying terms were

operationally characterized.

Windmill - A windmill is a structure that converts wind power into rotational energy by means of

vanes called sails or blades, specifically to mill grain, but the term is also extended to windpumps,

wind turbines and other applications. The term wind engine is sometimes used to describe such


Wind Turbines - A wind turbine, or wind energy converter, is a device that converts the wind's

kinetic energy into electrical energy. Wind turbines are manufactured in a wide range of vertical

and horizontal axes.

Renewable Energy - energy from a source that is not depleted when used, such as wind or solar


Hydropower - is electrical energy produced through the power of moving water. Power obtained

from the (typically gravitational) movement of water.

Potential Resources - are known to exist and may be used in the future. ... Actual resources are

those that have been surveyed, their quantity and quality determined, and are being used in present


19 | P a g e
Notes in Chapter 2

Gagandeep Kaur1 , Dimple Pardeshi2 , Balwinder Singh Surjan3 M.E. Scholar, Department

of Electrical Engineering, PEC University of Technology, Chandigarh, India 1, 2 Associate

Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, PEC University of Technology,

Chandigarh, India 3

Retrieved from:

I. Patnaik. (2009). Wind Energy as a Renewable Source of Energy. National Institute of

Technology Rourkela.

Retrieved from:

Dakeev, Ulan, "Analysis of wind power generation with application of wind tunnel

attachment" (2013). Dissertations and Theses @ UNI. 4.

Retrieved from:

Nilaj, N & Deshmukh, Nilaj & Yadav, Dinesh & Vade, Abhay. (2008). POWER


Retrieved from:


20 | P a g e


This chapter of the paper presents the methods and techniques that are used in the study, the

material and equipment that will contribute to gathering data and samples, the general procedure

of the experiment and the data processing.


One 1-inch-dia. PVC 24-inch-long pipe •Duct tape

• Drill •One 1-inch-dia. PVC coupler

•One 1-inch-dia. PVC 2-inch-long pipe •Hot glue/glue gun

•Two alligator clips •Six 1-inch-dia. PVC 6-inch-long pipes

•Poster board for blades or plywoods •Wire cutter


•KidWind Basic Turbine Building Parts kit

(includes DC motor with wires, 12-hole

crimping hub, and 25 dowels)

•Sound & Light Board

•5-mm LED Bulb

•Five 1-inch-dia. PVC 90-degree fittings

•20-inch box fan or other wind source

•Three 1-inch-dia. PVC tee fittings

21 | P a g e

This paper is employing a scientific method to test and study some variables and ideas. According

to Ruff (2020), A Science Investigatory Project (SIP) uses the scientific method to study and test

an idea about how something works. It involves researching a topic, formulating a working theory

(or hypothesis) that can be tested, conducting the experiment, and recording and reporting the

results. However, knowing how to do an SIP is useful for anyone interested in the sciences as well

as anyone who wants to improve their problem-solving skills. This paper also involves doing an

experiment since it is a Science Investigatory project that will test the hypothesis and determine

something using the scientific procedures.


This study is called as “Science Investigatory Project” or “SIP” where the researchers needed to

create or formulate a product, in order for the researchers to collect and gather data regarding to

the performance or output of their project, The researchers will make some sort of tests on how

will the Mini Wind Turbine Power Generator Project operates. They also need to form some sorts

of observations on how much energy this project can produce. Lastly these steps lead the

researchers to clearly answer, determine and analyze the questions they sought to answer.

22 | P a g e

In gathering data for this study, the researchers use two different types of techniques and

procedures; First techniques are the researchers will try to operate the Wind Turbine Power

Generator Project, during the process of operating the Wind Turbine Power Generator Project the

other researchers will make some sort of observations to the project. And it will serve as the

conclusion or result of the study.

Flow Chart
Gathering and Build the Rotor &
Preparation of the Nacelle

Attach the Tower to

the Base Build the Base and

Create the Blades of Put the Generator

the Mini Wind to Work

Mini Wind Turbine Power Generator


Figure 1. Flow Chart of the General Procedure of the Study

23 | P a g e

Results and Discussion

The study presents different data, information and citations necessary to discuss the findings


The study aims to determine the success formula of Mini Wind Turbine Power Generator Project.

Obtaining this data came from observing the proposed product by the researchers when the product

is starting to operate.

Figure 1. The amount of Electricity produced by the wind turbine power generator with the given

In Figure 1, The maximum amount of electricity that a wind turbine power generator produces
within 2 mins is 0.256 V, 0.416 V in 5 minutes, 0. 636 V in 10 minutes and 1 V in 20 minutes.

24 | P a g e
How much Electricity is needed in order to YES OR NO
charge a mobile phone?

1 V? NO

2 V? NO

3 V? YES

5 V? YES

Figure 2. Shows the amount of electricity that a wind turbine power generator can produce and
how much electricity needed in order to charge a mobile phone.

In Figure 2, The maximum Electricity that a wind turbine power generator can produced is 5 V
and it can charge a mobile phone, the next is 3 V it can also charge a mobile phone, next is 2 V it
can’t charge a mobile phone Lastly 1 V it can’t charge a mobile phone also.

Figure 3. Figure 1. The amount of Electricity produced by the wind turbine power generator
with the given time.

25 | P a g e
Figure 3, The maximum amount of electricity that a wind turbine power generator produces within
1 min is 0.96 V, 1.94 V in 2 minutes, 3.64 V in 5 minutes and 4.943 V in 10 minutes and Lastly
5.84 V in 20 minutes.

What are the specific things that a Mini Wind YES OR NO?
Turbine Power Generator can operate?

1. Light Bulb? YES

2. Charge a Mobile Phone/Smartphone? YES

3. Charge a Battery and Flashlight? YES

4. Can make the outlet alive? NO

Figure 4. The things that a Mini Wind Turbine Power Generator can operate.

Figure 4 shows, The things that a Mini Wind Turbine Power Generator can operate. The first one
is Light Bulb. It can operate by the Mini Wind Turbine, Next is will a mini wind turbine can charge
a mobile phone or smartphone? The answer is Yes. Next is will a mini wind turbine charge a
battery and flashlight? The answer is Yes. Lastly is Can this Mini Wind Turbine Power Generator
make the outlet alive? The answer is No.

26 | P a g e


This chapter contains the research summary, conclusions and recommendations of the whole

study. The findings of the study without so much detailed information is written on the summary.

Generalizations and other interferences would be seen on the conclusion while the

recommendations of the researchers to the beneficiaries of this study can also be seen in this

chapter. Generally, this chapter aims to cover-up the end result of the study.

Summary of the Findings

The findings of the study were summarized according to the Statement of the Problem stated in

Chapter I.

1. How does the Mini Turbine Power Generation Project operate?

- As the researchers observe while the project is building they conclude that

it operates through the use of a dc motor and also the consistent wind


2. Is this Mini Turbine Power Generator Project able to produce electricity?

- As the researchers observe in the results of the findings the Mini Turbine

Power Generator Project is able to produce electricity, but it needs a

consistent wind energy.

3. How much Electricity did this Mini Turbine Power Generator Project can produce?

- Based on the results the maximum amount of electricity can be produced by

the Mini Wind Turbine Power Generator Project is 6 V with the total of the

27 | P a g e
blades is 7. While the maximum amount of electricity can be produced by

the Mini Turbine Power Generator Project is 1 V with the total of the blades

is 4.

4. Does this Mini Turbine Power Generator Project can make the outlet active in


- Based on the results in the Chapter IV Mini Turbine Power Generator

Project can’t make the outlet active in electricity.Therefore the researchers

concluded that the amount of power of the DC motor is not enough in order

to let the output power active.

5. What are the specific things that this Mini Turbine Power Generation Project


- Based on the results conducted by the researchers,The researchers

concluded that the specific things that the Mini Turbine Power Generator

Project can operates are the following:

1. Light Bulb

2. Can charge a smartphone

3. Can charge a flashlight and battery.

28 | P a g e

Based on the summary of the findings presented above, the following conclusions were

formulated, Mini Wind Turbine Power Generator Project can produce Electricity.

1. The researchers have a hard time looking for the specific materials that they need in order

to make the product (Mini Wind Turbine Power Generator Project) perform well. It also

costs the researchers to complete the materials and components they need; they need the

total cost of 1,300 pesos. It also needs a week to build the product. The product worked

and did the expected outcome of the researchers to produce electricity.

1.1) With these results, the researchers concluded that making this product (Mini Wind

Turbine Power Generator Project) is efficient in terms of Price, Time, and Availability of

Materials. However, It is not too efficient when it comes to its performance regarding the

consistency of wind energy.

2. The researchers concluded that the project they build can produce electricity but it takes

time for this project to produce electricity.

3. The researchers concluded that the more consistent the wind energy is, the more successful

the project will be, Therefore the project needs the consistency of the wind energy in order

to produce electricity continuously.

4. The researchers concluded that the more blades that this project have the more electricity

that this project can produce.

29 | P a g e

To further improve the study the researcher recommends the following:

1. To the Future Researchers must need to complete all the materials required in order to

make the product more efficient.

2. Researchers should try to improve the DC Motor in order to make the production of

electricity by this project increase.

3. The researchers need to find a place where the wind is consistent in order to make the

results reliable and efficient also.


Hassan, Faida & Saadi, Janah. (2010). Study of a Project for Producing of Wind Energy:

Design, Monitoring and Impact on the Electricity Grid. ICGST - ACSE journal. Volume


Retrieved from:



Nilaj, N & Deshmukh, Nilaj & Yadav, Dinesh & Vade, Abhay. (2008). POWER


Retrieved from:

30 | P a g e


Gagandeep Kaur1 , Dimple Pardeshi2 , Balwinder Singh Surjan3 M.E. Scholar, Department

of Electrical Engineering, PEC University of Technology, Chandigarh, India 1, 2 Associate

Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, PEC University of Technology,

Chandigarh, India 3

Retrieved from:

I. Patnaik. (2009). Wind Energy as a Renewable Source of Energy. National Institute of

Technology Rourkela.

Retrieved from:

Dakeev, Ulan, "Analysis of wind power generation with application of wind tunnel

attachment" (2013). Dissertations and Theses @ UNI. 4.

Retrieved from:

Nilaj, N & Deshmukh, Nilaj & Yadav, Dinesh & Vade, Abhay. (2008). POWER


Retrieved from:


31 | P a g e
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