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Book Review: An Aurora Teagarden Mystery Series –

A Fool and His Honey

By Charlaine Harris

A Fool and His Honey is the 6th book in the Aurora Teagarden Mystery Series. It is a

worldwide mystery has enjoyed great success with the Aurora Teagarden Mystery

Series by Charlaine Harris. This prolific mystery writer is also well-known for her

Shakespeare, Arkansas mysteries featuring Lily Bard. A Fool and His Honey is the

latest reissue and another gripping instalment in the series and one of the darkest

instalments in the Aurora Teagarden series. On June 4, 2014, author Charlaine Harris

announced on her Facebook page that the Aurora Teagarden books would be adapted

into a series of two-hour films and would air on Hallmark Movies Channel.


Most of the characters in A Fool and His Honey are new but we do see the return of

Martin's ex-wife Cindy who is also dragged into Regina's disappearance. The people of

Lawrenceton aren’t given too much of a mention this time as most of the story takes

place in Corinth, Ohio. As well as Regina and her husband were introduced to Rory, a

friend of the couple, and their neighbors Margaret and Luke.

Aurora Teagarden is a fictional character created by author Charlaine Harris. She is the

protagonist of a series of eleven crime novels written from 1990 to 2017, like Aurora

Teagarden as a character. And as much as I dislike how she is with her husband

Martin, I have known women who are so strong in every area, but when it comes to the
man they love, that disappears. She loves her husband, although she thinks he works

too much, and she loves her part-time job at the library. She hasn't even found any

dead bodies lately, which is a relief to poor Roe, since she always seems to be a

suspect. So perhaps it is not so out of character for her to constantly second guess

herself, her relationship, and her deferring to him.

I like the supporting characters like Angel and Aida as well as Roe. Unfortunately, due

to other circumstances, they only make brief appearances in the story. I am also not

crazy about Martin and he plays a large role in the story. I felt that Roe had real growth

in this book. I can't wait to finish the series to see if it continues.

The characters aren't well developed so much as they are tools to reach a plot point.

Roe should be more intelligent for being a librarian and she should be tough with all the

murders that happen and that she is the only one to solve them. She should be tough.

But she's weak. I hate these types of women in books, ones who are problem solvers

but are weak minded. She should be a private investigator and tough by now. She

should be happy and independent and not sticking to her guns like she did in the first


I like her book character almost better than Hallmark TV Character. A little more flawed

but still likeable.

Aurora aka Roe has seen her life quieten down about the events of the past 5 books.

Her live-in bodyguards Shelby and Angel have moved out, with the latter heavily

pregnant, and Roe is keeping herself busy working at the library once again.

Of course, nothing stays quiet too long in Roe's world and Martin's niece Regina turns

up on her doorstep with a baby that no one knew she'd had. Immediately suspicious,

Roe and Martin try to get to the bottom of Regina's sudden appearance but before they

get chance she disappears leaving a dead body and her child behind. Together Roe

and Martin work together to uncover the mysterious disappearance of their niece and

start to uncover some dark family secrets that will change their lives forever.

A Fool and His Honey is one of the darkest instalments in the Aurora Teagarden series.

From the first few pages, Harris throws you straight into the action and she doesn’t let

up. The moment that Roe and Martin discover the dead body of Regina’s husband in

their house, everything in their world turns upside down and they must return to Martin’s

hometown in Ohio. In their third year of marriage the strain is starting to show for Roe

and Martin, and the addition of having to look after a baby increases the pressure on


Harris proves that she knows how to shock taking a surprising twist in the book’s final

act. We won’t give anything away, but we almost shed a tear and found the whole thing

emotional. It’s certainly an interesting set-up for the next book in the series Last Scene


A Fool and His Honey is one of the strongest books in the Aurora Teagarden series.

Tightly wound mysteries combine with suspense to create an intriguing mystery that will
keep you guessing until the last page. The story takes Roe, and the reader, out of their

comfort zones and shows the danger that family secrets can carry. A Fool and His

Honey is a must-read and fans of the series will lap it up after the slight disappointment

of previous book Dead Over Heels.

Art and Delivery

Harris uses very descriptive words when she's writing. She describes the house, she

describes the place, she describes what the character does. These are nice because

they give the reader a more complete picture of what's happening. Such description

effort also stretches the imagination, and that's good exercise for the mind at any time of

the day.

The interior text design by Laura K. Corless are nice and excellent also enough to the

book extremely well. There are times where the fonts change into italic. And, it's nice

because before, you read the book at the very first page you can see some praises from

the other series of the book. The format of the book was similar to the previous books

about Aurora Teagarden.

Final Verdict

This was an enjoyable installment in the Aurora Teagarden series. Roe is such a

realistic character that you can't help but love her. The ending was a real shocker for

me. The ending was a real shocker for me. I'm literally lost for words that ending I didn't

expect. All in all, I rather enjoyed it. The ending of this book made me mad. It was totally

unexpected and unwelcomed. But because of that, and because I enjoyed the rest of
the story, I must give these 4 s I'm looking forward to reading the other series of the










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