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DATED: 24th MAY, 1949


Name of the members Arguments Presented Opinion

Krishna Chandra Suggested that President This is not a valid
Sharma must appoint the judge of rationale as per me . The
Supreme court in rationale that it is
Krishna Chandra consultation with Chief followed in the role
Sharma, also known Justice of India, rationale mode countries, so it will
as Bhikkhu, was an behind this being that this prove to be a effective
Indian radio method is abided by United and efficient method
broadcaster and States, other Dominions, here in India too is
author. He was the also it was in the flawed as both countries
Director General of Government of India Act, differ from each other in
All India Radio from 1935. n number of ways be it
1980 to 1981. He was the diversity,
a noted novelist and demography or anything
wrote over twenty for that matter. Also so
literary works in his much of Executive
lifetime. indulgence (who in fact
depends on the advice of
council of ministers
headed by Prime
Minister) may prove to
be unjust and
consultation of Chief
Justice only may result
into biases derived out of
personal or professional
Shibban Lal Saxena Prescribes that Chief Justice Presumes that the
of the Supreme Court must legislative approval will
Shibban Lal Saxena was a be appointed by President , be the best to go for and
former Indian politician and pre requisite being – 2/3rd that if it gives opinion it
Freedom Fighter. He was majority of the total number won’t be out of any
son of late Shri Chhotey Lal of members of collective bias of
Saksena and his uncles'were Parliament in Joint Session, political parties or for
late Shri Shyam Sunder Lal consultation of Chief some political agenda.
Saksena and late Shri Ram Justice of India. Which to me is quite
Sunder Lal Saksena. He Also, he/she can hold the problematic.
was born on 13 July 1906 to office till 65 years of age, if Agreed with the
a wealthy Kayastha Family the case being that he proposition that giving
at Agra. resigned from his office by sole discretion to
writing to President or is Executive compromises
removed from office in the the independence of
prescribed manner. Judiciary and leads to
Rationale given : by miscarriage of justice
introduction of consultation system in part and of
from both the houses federal system in whole
restores the independence and that there needs to
of Justice System which is be an independent
presently in partial control judiciary.
of Executive, who in fact is
dependent on the advice of
council of ministers headed
by Prime Minister.
Suggests that executive in
this case will not have sole
discretion which is a good
thing to go with.
Strictly opposes over
indulgence of Executive.
Votes for independent
Criticizes the provision of
consultation with the High
Courts in States as an old
fashioned thing.
Mr. B. Pocker Sahib  Proposes the requisites for The proposed
appointment of Supreme amendment seems
B. Pocker (1890 – July 29, Court judges as such: feasible as the
1965), Sahib Bahadur, was appointed by the President , consultation process
an Indian politician and consultation with:  Supreme involves all those having
social worker from Court judges, Chief Justice expertise and knowledge
Tellicherry, north Kerala, of States’ High Court, Chief in the field and all
Madras PresidencyHe was Justice of India. consultation at so many
the second advocate from The requisites for different levels and not
the Mappila community appointment of Chief being only dependent on
(backward class Muslims of Justice of India : appointed CJI’s referral reduces the
Malabar District, Madras by the President , possibility of an unjust
Presidency). consultation with:  Supreme treatment being met out.
Court judges, Chief Justice Also the non
of States’ High Court. consultation with either
Proposes age retirement to of the house provides for
be raised to 68. a lesser legislative
influence , which again
Rationale given : Doesn’t is way forward in the
want any political influence direction of independent
in the appointment judiciary.
procedure. Provides for the
instance that how high court
are merely being treated as
a home department of
Province which needs to be
stopped as soon as possible.
Asks for direct
recommendation by Chief
Justice to the President.
Clarifies that the necessary
consultation with Chief
Justice of India would
provide a safeguard against
political and party pressure.
The concurrence of Chief
Justice of India before his
colleagues will ensure a fair
Votes for federalism.

K.T. Shah (Bihar. General) Proposes the requisites for It is circular argument
appointment of Supreme logical fallacy in which
K.T. Shah was an Indian Court judges as such: it is presumed that
economist, advocate and appointed by the President , council of state will
socialist best known for his consultation with:  Supreme reduce political influence
active role as a member of Court judges, hence it should be
the Constituent Assembly Judgesof States’ High involved in appointment
of India that was Court, Council of States. process without giving
responsible for framing of Rationale: Council of any strong backing as to
the Indian Constitution. An States’ recommendation how it will do that.
alumnus of the London would decrease the over Also the argument that
School of Economics and indulgence of PM who just because House of
Gray's Inn, he practiced as advises President. People is made supreme
an advocate in Bombay Strongly against the in financial matters and
from 1914. political influence on the the like, the Council of
appointment procedure. States should have a
As House of People is made higher say prima facie
supreme in financial appears to be flawed.
matters and the like, the The proposed
Council of States should amendment seems to be
have a higher say to reduce a revolution for judiciary
the political influence. as it provides judiciary to
Proposes to include clauses enlarge its horizons.
as to the retirement term With the age restriction,
which are not solely the judiciary wasn’t free
dependent on the age in its all form and also it
criteria and excluding the was too restrictive for its
age clause , the clauses independent functioning.
being : during the good The move to provide
behavior, until the judge pension after resignation
resigns. That judge may of 10 years of service
resign at any time after 10 without any specific
years of service, shall be criteria laid down that in
entitled to pension. which circumstances
Rationale given: resignation would be
The thing that retirement deemed fit is a
age is not prescribed, or is suggestion which seems
of definite period, promotes problematic.
absolute-independence of Proposal is restrictive for
the judiciary. judges, though the intent
By reducing the of it keeping the
apprehension judges might judiciary away from
have that of being thrown Legislature is fulfilled
out of their work by official therein , it restricts the
or executive displeasure etc. employment
, functioning of it. opportunities of judges
Discretion to leave on to an extent that it is
mental and physical seeming coercion. The
grounds also promotes contention that they may
better functioning of the join legislative part may
justice system. act as an inducement for
Proposes the opinion that them to involve in faulty
same pension amount as of practices when in
salary so that there is no services.
temptation left to them
either to seek any other
employment or carry on any
other occupation or
profession by which they
could eke out their
Proposes to add new clause
that debars SC and HC
Judge from holding any
executive office under the
Government of India or
under that of any unit
unless he has resigned from
his office and also from
from being elected to a seat
in either House of
Parliament, or in any State

Rationale : to keep
Judiciary completely out of
any temptation of the
executive or the legislative.
Any temptation or greater
prestige factor would in
any way affect his
independence as a judge

Jaspat Roy Proposes that age of Corelating mental and

retirement be reduced from physical inactivity and
Jaspat Roy Kapoor was an 65 to 60. hence leading to
Indian politician. He was a Rationale: They must make decreased productivity is
Member of Parliament, room  for others to come in. a statement made
representing Uttar Pradesh Argument by Chief justices without any scientific
in the Rajya Sabha the that if the age of backing.
upper house of India's superannuation is not raised Also reducing the
Parliament representing the to sixty-five years, there service term just on the
Indian National Congress will not be enough basis that one must give
attraction to the High Court chance to new commers
Judges to accept posts in doesn’t seem feasible in
the Supreme Court, doesn’t a profession in which
hold value for him. one gains expertise with
Very often a person who time and experience.
has gone beyond the age of Forcibly asking one to
sixty is not very fit and is serve the society after a
not mentally alert, to certain age and
perform the strenuous corelating the age to
duties of a judge of the gratuitous work is an
Supreme Court. argument that doesn’t
The one who has served hold any such strong
and has earned handsomely value.
from the Government up to
the age of sixty years
should be prepared to retire
and serve the society
thereafter in an honorary

Shri Satish Chandra (United Proposed that the retirement The contention that the
Provinces: General) age should be left to the retirement age should be
Krishna Chandra Sharma, discretion of Parliament. left to the discretion of
also known as Bhikkhu, Rationale given : Same as Parliament is
was an Indian radio that of Jaspat Roy that problematic because it
broadcaster and author. He young people at a leads to excessive
was the Director General of disadvantageous position involvement of
All India Radio from 1980 and after the age of sixty, Legislative wing which
to 1981. He was a noted physical and mental in turn hampers the
novelist and wrote over incapacity overtake most justice system. As far as
twenty literary works in his people, although there are the new commers thing s
lifetime. always exceptions concerned, it can be
resolved by an
alternative of more and
frequent recruitment of
Mr. Mahboob Ali Baig Made the concurrence of This move is in positive
Sahib (Madras: Muslim) the Chief Justice is made a direction. The rationale
pre-requisite for the is also agreed upon that
appointment of a Judge of how president is
the Supreme Court necessarily guided by
Rationale: the President PM and which in turn
would be guided by the interferes the justice
Prime Minister or the process, hence the
Council of Ministers who concurrence of CJI is a
are necessarily drawn from better option to go with.
a political party. Therefore
the decision of the President
would be necessarily
influenced by party
considerations. Therefore,
concurrence of CJI I is
necessary for just
Shri P.K. Sen (Bihar: Provides that a new proviso Ill health being a ground
General) that where a Judge resigns for resignation and the
his office on grounds of ill- pension thereof promotes
health, he shall be entitled betterment of judges and
to pension as if he has judiciary. Also, the
continued in service until rationale given justifies
the age of sixty-five years the proposal and is
be added. agreed thereupon.
Rationale : to keep the
Judge, who has to retire on
account of impairment of
health, free from fear or
temptation and free from
the allurements of holding
some office in the executive
line or in the political field.
I desire that the Judge who
has retired will not be able
to engage himself in any
office of emolument under
the Government in any
other field of activity, and
that is exceedingly
necessary, because
otherwise there is always
the phenomenon of the
Judge while in office
aligning himself with a
political party and to avoid
this the essential thing to be
done is to give him the
pension as if he had served
up to the age of sixty-five.
The provision presently
provides that not only will
it affect his attitude of mind
while he is out of office and
retired, but it is bound to
effect his attitude while in
office, as he will try and
look for something which
he may get for for saving
him from penury.
Shri Jaspat Roy Kapoor Proposes SC judges from Proposal is too
acquiring office of profit restrictive for judges,
Jaspat Roy Kapoor was an either under the though the intent of it
Indian politician. He was a Government of India or keeping the judiciary
Member of Parliament, under the Government of away from Legislature is
representing Uttar Pradesh any State after he has ceased fulfilled therein , it
in the Rajya Sabha the to hold his office. restricts the employment
upper house of India's Also pointed out the flaws opportunities of judges
Parliament representing the in KT’s amendment that it to an extent that it is
Indian National Congress completely bars judge from seeming coercion.
performing any duties under
the Government of India  The opinion that state
and also that it can utilize the services of
unnecessarily lays down judges post retirement
that a judge of a Supreme needs to come with
Court shall be eligible to be various restriction and
a member of either House of must be handled very
parliament after resigning cautiously or else might
his seat. lead to infringement of
Rationale : there should be justice system.
no temptation before any
Supreme Court Judge of the
possibility of his being
offered any office of profit
after retirement.
As according to article
124(3), provides that the
Auditor-General shall not be
offered any office after his
retirement. The same
principle should be made
applicable in the case of the
Supreme Court Judges.
It should be open to the
State to utilize the services
of retired Supreme Court
Judges in various capacities.
Shri H.V. Kamath  Proposes a new sub -clause This argument is a
to be added in clause (3) of welcomed one and might
Hari Vishnu Kamath (1907- article 103. - '(c) or is a lead to widen the justice
1982) is an Indian distinguished jurist.'" system with a new
Politician. He was elected to Rationale: to open a wider category being
the lower House of field of choice for the introduced, provide the
Parliament the Lok Sabha President in the matter of limitations it brings with
from Hoshangabad, Madhya appointment of Supreme itself are dealt properly.
Pradesh, India. Court judges as the present
article restricts the selection
of judges to only two
categories, one being those
who have been judges of a
high court or of two or
more such in succession
and the second being of
those who have been
advocates of a high court or
of two or more high courts
in succession.
We must realise that it is
essential, to have men and
women-who are possessed
of outstanding legal and
juristic learning and such
are not confined to Judges
or Advocates.
Mr. Mohd. Tahir Proposes that the sub clause The argument that as the
'(c) has been a Pleader in qualification of both
Mohammad Tahir was an one or more District Courts pleader and advocate is
Indian politician and lawyer for at least twelve years.' In almost same, so shall be
who served as a member of clause 3 of article 103 given equal opportunity
parliament three times in which talks about the to be a judge seems
1957, 1962, 1971, member qualifications of Judges of pretty good .
of Constituent Assembly the Supreme Court.
from 1946 to 50 and Rationale :
member of Bihar the pleaders should also be
Legislative Assembly while qualified for appointment as
representing kishanganj & Judges of the Supreme
Purnia (Lok Sabha Court as the qualification of
constituency) and Purnia an Advocate and the
assembly constituency. A qualification of a pleader is
member of the Indian the same and advocate is not
National Congress, he also better qualified than a
served member of pleader.
Constituent Assembly from A pleader also can become
1946 to 50 and was an advocate by depositing a
formerly associated with certain amount of money
the All-India Muslim with the Association, which
League. makes him no more
Therefore as far as the
qualifications are
concerned, both the
Advocates and the pleaders
have got the same
If they don’t get to be
judges a great injustice
would be lone to the class
of pleaders, who have
fought for the independence
of the country.
 Mr. Tajamul Husain Proposes to add in clause Both the rationale and
(4) of article 103 which suggestion provided
talks about the removal of ensures the
the supreme court judge and independence of
that he can be removed after judiciary. The idea of
an address is presented to impeachment with the
the President by both way of forming
Houses of Parliament. , after committee thereof seems
the word 'passed' the words feasible.
'after a Committee
consisting of all the Judges
of the Supreme Court had
investigated the charge and
reported on it to the
President and' be inserted.
Rationale:  to remove a
judge on the
recommendation of the
Parliament would be wrong
in principle as in this case
there are high chances in
this of the judge being a
victim of party politics.
A judge must have
absolutely no relation with
the government of the day.
Suggestion : Supreme
Court judges form
themselves into a
Committee, then should
investigate the charge
against the accused judge,
then submit its report to the
President and then the
President is to remove him
in consultation with the
parliament, provided the
charges are proved against
Jawaharlal Nehru. Jawaharlal Nehru opined
that age limit for a federal
Jawaharlal Nehru was an court judge should be set to
Indian independence sixty-five years, higher than
activist and, subsequently, what was proposed Mr.
the first Prime Minister of Kapoor (??) (60 Years).
India, as well as a central According to him the
figure in Indian politics decision for the age limit of
both before and after judges shouldn't be inspired
independence.He emerged from that of the Civil
as an eminent leader of the Services, where the age
Indian independence limit was sixty years, as the
movement, serving India as job of a judge is completely
Prime Minister from its different, less physically
establishment in 1947 as an tiring and doesn't have to
independent nation, until face storm and fury so much
his death in 1964. He was as an administrative official.
also known as Pandit Nehru Just because a Judge is older
due to his roots with the than sixty doesn't mean he
Kashmiri Pandit can't be resourceful to the
community, while Indian state, and "in-fact", for the
children knew him better as professions based on
Chacha Nehru intellectual, the
professionals reach their
highest competency only
after considerable amount of
experience and during their
old age. Also, a state spends
a lot of resources to train
their professionals and it
would be only fruitful for
the state to get the most and
the best out of an official.
Therefore, by setting a low
age limit for judges and
thereby excluding the "top-
class", only to make room
for younger talent, would
actually be nothing but


TOPIC – Article 270- 289

Date Members Main ideas expressed My observation

of the

B.R. Ambedkar The idea of a unified What I

( He was a jurist India is considered when observed is that there
,reformer , politician and deleting the word Dominion were genuine doubts
writer who campaigned from Dominion raised by the debaters
against Untouchables), Government of about the liabilities of
H. V. Kamath( He was India.Dominion is succeeding
Indian politician and Mp repugnant to our government ,
of lok sabha from constitution. Deletion of the Election commission,
Hoshangabad) , Shibban same shall be proceeded.We power of union
Lal Saxena ( He was an should say Government of regarding water but
Indian politician and Indian Republic or ther were some
freedom fighterhe has Government of Union of instances where the
been arrested 17 times India. It is on us to decide person like KV
for participating in what we call ourselves. Kamath who was not
Gandhi's Satyagraha), Article 270 was a legal
President, ( He was the supported to be passed. profession was not
president of India, a Many told that told it asking not so genuine
politician and a freedom should be passed with an questions. I felt the
fighter .He eventually amendment . There shall be most important thing
became the president of formation of new state or discussed here was
India) Naziruddin merger of two and these article 289 which
Ahmad( He was a states have their own talked about Election.
member of Bengali liabilities which is a It was rightfully
Muslim community and problem. Also , the idea of taken out from the
was keen writer and introducing the money the Fundamental
editor of Burdawan which british owe should be rights commiittee and
Wani), K. introduced. put in another article
Santhanam( He was an It was discussed that 289 and 290 as
Indian politician who India will inherit the giving free and fair
was central figure in property, liabilities and election a
shaping the politics of assets which Britishers had Fundamental
Tamil nadu. He was the possessed but is it necessary character is not good.
15th first editior of Indian to give it a legalistic It was best decision
June1949 express and joint editor expression? of the debaters to
of Hindustan Times), R. The previous put it as a
K. Sidhva( He was born government had given constitutional rights
into a Parsi family who pension and salary to people as at that we don't
was a lifelong member , do the new government have had enough
of Indian National too have to give the salary resources to enforce
Congress which was given by the same and it would
He was secretary them.And if Article 270 is have become
general of INC and he omitted what would be the problematic just like
also served as a mayor effects? Right to property
of Karachi), Mahavir Since the succeeding which was a
Tyagi ( He was an government will take fundamental rights
Indian politician who liabilities of previous one , a and in Keshavananda
was MP from difference between Bharti case it was
Dehradun.He was active Obligation and liabilities struck down. It was
in Kisan Movement. He was asked. vert thoughtful at that
was close to motilal A clarification was time to think so
nehru and was a lifelong given about the necessity of advance and to be
member of INC), Alladi keeping it since it was being visionary about the
Krishnaswami Ayyar(He discussed by many Elections. As it can
was an Indian lawyer, members.The assets and be seen that certain
Member of liabilities and the properties bodies have become
Constitutional assembly belonging to the under government
and advocate general of Government of India control and there is
Madras. He was part of previously belonged to some need to have
nine commiittee Secretary of State-in- certain independent
including drafting and Council.There were no such institution so that
advisory committee), S. thing as to property belongs influence of
V. Krishnamurthy to government of India or executive is not there
Rao(He was member of provinces bout it was like the judiciary or
RS and LS and was MP owned by one single EC itself.
from Shivmoga district province. Government of Conducting an
of Mysore), T.T India Act, 1935 divided it election is a very
Krishnamachari (He was into government of India important task and if
an Indian politician and and province and by passing conducted
Finance Minister who article 270 , Government of wrongfully , it shall
was founding member of India Act, 1935 is being wreak havoc upon
first governing body of repealed. the Citizens for five
National Council of Second important years.
Applied Economic question is that article Next
Research), Biswanath doesn't make any reference observation is
Das ( He was the former to the assets and liabilities regarding the idea for
CM of India . He was of India. To this two things having separate
great supporter of is to be seen . First is the liabilities and assets
Independence struggle Indian state being for province and
and Was elected in incorporated without any Union which can be
various provincial changes in the territory and indirectly implied
Election) , A.T. other neighbouring states from the discussion
Pillai( He was from being incorporated. The of the 270 . The
Kerala and was deputy arrangement between debaters had this in
chief of agricultural states /provinces and the mind about the
department . He was incorporated one shall separation of area of
state Congress president include the special part control of states and
for 14 years), Shri K. included in the special Union bwhichvis
M. Munshi( He was provisions which is very striking feature.
former governor of Uttar proposed to be in Part Ill. Next thing I
Pradesh and a social It was said that there like most is that it
activist, writer and is no point in holding the was asked what was
politician who was a article for the sake of meant by on behalf of
lawyer by profession. making changes in first governor? It was all
He was from INC . After schedule . kept in mind about
swarajya party he joined Article 271 was the person who may
swantatra party) Jaspat termed as most important an misuse the powers in
Roy Kapoor ( He was it is necessary to the name of the
Indian politician and a incorporate this article as in governor. So the
member of Rajya Sabha future the states which have free
Representing INC), been incorporated may raise ,fair,transparency,
Hirday Nath Kunzru( He issue about the mineral and separation of power
was an Indian politician, resources underlying in and the principles of
parliamentarian and their territorial waters. In partiality was kept in
member of several article 271, what was meant mind while framing,
legislative bodies.Heco- by other things of value ? amending and
founded the Indian Also we have not defined incorporating these
Council of World territorial waters and articles which are
Affairs and the Indian underlying the ocean part being talked about.
School of International in the article. It was also The definition
Studies.), H. V. Pataskar asked whether It is of every term was
( He was a lawyer, necessary to include sky in given so that seems
politician and former the constitution. Some to be no confusion
Vice chancellor of asked whether it is regarding the same.
Poona University.He is a necessary to vest territorial Every person 's
Padma Vibhushan waters in Union and the opinion and
awardee). difference between shall suggestions was
vest in the Union and shall considered even if it
be held for the purposes of was not so good. A
the Union. It was said that democratic country is
the right of Government of made when the
India depends upon the people making
convenant it has entered and constitution are
if not entered will the right themselves
be created. Then about democratic.
rights of union and states
regarding water.
It was said that
fisheries would be owned
by state. The territorial
water shall be claimed by
the Union.
Regarding to Article
272 , is it wise to vest
executive with the power to
make Contract without any
reference to or subsequent
confirmation by the
sovereign Parliament at the
Centre.It was stated that it's
necessary to lay down the
right to make and rescind
the Contract should be of
parliament and legislature
but it was contended that
the rights of parliament and
legislature are fully
protected.The parliament
and legislature shall
Properly define the
authority who shall carry
certain activities in a
prescribed manner. There
should be separation of
Legislature and executive
which is very well
established by Government
of India Act, 1935.
Article 273 ,
Regarding this article it was
asked that whatever has
been agreed upon by the
Governor or those who do it
in the name of the
Governor, whether it is in
our interest or not, shall at
all costs be executed?
Kashmir referendum was
given as example.There is
some liabilities and it's
nature should be defined.
Then referring to article 64
it was said who is liable to
enter into the contract. The
answer came as the people
becsuse it is a democratic
constitution. The objection
was raised as to give
immunity to the person who
execute such undertaking.
What is meant by
assurance of property in the
article was asked ? It was
replied that assurance
included Contract so there
was no problem.
Talking about article
274, the question was asked
what is exactly Union of
India ? What is the
difference between
government of India and
Union of India.It was stated
that since we are at initial
stage, there is no clear
picture of this.The
Government of India is not
a legal entity; the Union of
India is not a legal entity, a
sovereign body which
possesses rights and
obligations and therefore it
is only right that any suit
brought by or against the
Central Government should
be in the name of the Union
or against the Union.
Article 289 of Part
The proposition in
support of the article was
not given because the point
raised during the debate
Shall be explained at the
When the
Fundamental rights were
being talked about then
free and fair election was
also discussed.The Election
were removed from FR and
put into article 289 and
290.The appointment of
chief election commissioner
and other Election
commissioner was talked
about .There should be
central and regional State
election commission should
be set up free from the
executive. EC should have
independent staff to conduct
Election related work. The
appointment of CEC and
other EC should be such
that it would be a nominee
of President and have two
third majority of house.



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