Development and Numerical Solution of A Mechanistic Model For Corneal Tissue Ablation With The 193 NM Argon Fluoride Excimer Laser

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B. T. Fisher and D. W. Hahn Vol. 24, No. 2 / February 2007 / J. Opt. Soc. Am.

A 265

Development and numerical solution of a

mechanistic model for corneal tissue ablation with
the 193 nm argon fluoride excimer laser

Brian T. Fisher* and David W. Hahn

College of Engineering, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611

Received May 8, 2006; revised August 3, 2006; accepted August 30, 2006;
posted September 1, 2006 (Doc. ID 70671); published January 10, 2007
We detail the development and implementation of a global ablation model that incorporates a dynamically
changing tissue absorption coefficient. Detailed spectroscopic measurements rule out plasma-shielding effects
during the laser–tissue interaction and thereby support a photochemical mechanism. The model predicts ab-
lation rate behavior that agrees well with a variety of experimental ablation rate data and that substantially
deviates from a static Beer–Lambert model. The dynamic model predicts an enhancement in the tissue ab-
sorption coefficient of about 25%–50% as compared with the initial, static value. In addition, the model predicts
an increase in the tissue ablation rate as corneal hydration increases, which may provide additional insight
into variations in refractive surgery outcome. © 2007 Optical Society of America
OCIS codes: 330.4060, 330.7130, 350.3450.

1. INTRODUCTION ablation threshold intensity. Such an equation yields a

slope m (with ␮m as the preferred unit) that is equal to
Despite the success of the 193 nm argon fluoride 共ArF兲 ex-
the inverse of the absorption coefficient. Previous studies
cimer laser in clinical procedures, the exact ablation pro-
have reported values ranging from as low as 2400 cm−1
cess and the nature of the laser–tissue interactions are
not completely understood. Recent literature reviews 共m = 4.2 ␮m兲 to as high as 40,000 cm−1 共m = 0.25 ␮m兲 for
summarize the large body of research that has been de- the static absorption coefficient of corneal tissue, noting
voted to understanding the photochemistry of tissue that the high value of 40,000 cm−1 is generally accepted
ablation.1–3 However, a comprehensive, dynamic model of as providing the best fit of the Beer–Lambert law to ex-
the excimer laser tissue ablation process has not yet been perimental corneal tissue ablation data.6–12 In a recent
formulated. To date, descriptions of the interaction be- study, the authors reported a value of 16,000 cm−1 共m
tween excimer laser radiation and corneal tissue are most = 0.63 ␮m兲 based on direct measurement of the absorption
often formulated in terms of the Beer–Lambert law, as de- cross sections of peptide bonds and amino acids character-
scribed in the following equation1–5: istic of corneal collagen and the overall composition of cor-
neal tissue.6
I共x兲 = I0 exp共− ␣x兲. 共1兲 While the formulation of the Beer–Lambert blow-off
model is straightforward, it is not possible to match the
In Eq. (1), I共x兲 is the radiation intensity after penetrating wide range of published tissue ablation rate data (as pre-
to depth x 共cm兲 in the tissue, I0 is the laser intensity inci- sented below) using a single value of the tissue absorption
dent on the tissue surface 共x = 0兲, and ␣ 共cm−1兲 is the cor- coefficient. Such behavior suggests that the corneal tissue
neal tissue absorption coefficient for 193 nm radiation. absorption coefficient is a dynamic quantity under exci-
Beer–Lambert behavior is applicable when the incident mer laser ablative conditions; hence the static blow-off ab-
laser intensity is well below the threshold for ablation, lation model must be adjusted.
conditions for which the absorption coefficient is referred Other analytical models of excimer laser ablation, both
to as the small-signal or static absorption coefficient. for polymeric materials and for corneal tissue, have been
Equation (1) is readily rearranged to provide an equa- developed.4,13–16 Pettit and Sauerbrey developed a model
tion for the ablation depth in terms of the absorption co- that included the effects of chromophore saturation and
efficient and a prescribed ablation threshold.6 In such a multiphoton absorption.4 Sutcliffe and Srinivasan based a
model, often referred to as a blow-off model, the incident model on a process, referred to as ablative photodecompo-
laser pulse intensity decays with penetration depth ac- sition, in which a critical density of broken bonds results
cording to the Beer–Lambert law and, subsequently, ab- from an incident photon flux above a certain threshold
lates tissue until the intensity has decayed to the thresh- density (i.e., ablation threshold).14 Overall, Srinivasan
old value. Hence the depth required to decay to the and co-workers detailed the novel concepts of an ablation
threshold intensity defines the ablation depth for a given threshold and of an ablative absorption coefficient that is
incident intensity. One may recast Eq. (1) to provide a lin- larger than the preablative (i.e., static) value; however,
ear fit of the ablation depth as a function of the natural their work neglected the transient changes in absorption
logarithm of the incident laser intensity divided by the coefficient within layers of material caused by the photo-

1084-7529/07/020265-13/$15.00 © 2007 Optical Society of America

266 J. Opt. Soc. Am. A / Vol. 24, No. 2 / February 2007 B. T. Fisher and D. W. Hahn

decomposition of long-chain molecules and chromophores ser radiation with a material interface will result in a
prior to reaching the ablation threshold.14,15 Lukyanchuk laser-induced plasma or breakdown above a certain
et al. describe a model based on a four-level electronic threshold intensity value.23–26 While the range of excimer
structure in a polymeric material, with different absorp- laser fluence (i.e., incident exposure) utilized for clinical
tion cross sections for the different levels.16 However, the refractive procedures 共⬃200 to 600 mJ/ cm2兲 is considered
best-fit parameters for 193 nm ablation led to unrealistic below the threshold region for generation of an unequivo-
values, which the authors concluded to be indicative of a cal laser-induced plasma in tissue (e.g., of the order of
significant change in ablation mechanism at the short 10 J / cm2 using a nanosecond-pulsed laser27), one must
ArF laser wavelength. consider the possibility of a weak (i.e., near-threshold)
The practical implications of an improved ablation plasma forming in which some plasma shielding might
model are clear. Although clinical procedures (e.g., account for the departure from low-signal Beer–Lambert
LASIK) are generally regarded as successful, surgical behavior and the apparent trend of an enhanced tissue
outcomes would benefit from a deeper understanding of absorption coefficient.
the ablation process. Recently, Jimenez and co-workers
have recognized that surgical results could be improved A. Laser-Induced Plasma Background
by making modifications to current clinical ablation algo- The formation of laser-induced plasmas has been widely
rithms, including correction factors for corneal aspheric- studied, as they figure prominently in material processing
ity, laser reflection losses at the corneal surface, off-angle and form the basis for a wide range of analytical chemis-
incident exposure, laser polarization, and laser beam try methodologies, such as laser-ablation inductively
profile.17–21 They found that applying these various cor- coupled plasma spectroscopy and laser-induced plasma
rection factors during surgical procedures led to better spectroscopy. The reader is referred to the literature for
predictions of the outcomes. Jimenez and co-workers also more complete details regarding laser-induced plasma
examined deviations from Beer–Lambert behavior during formation and plasma characteristics.28
laser ablation.22 They modified the Beer–Lambert law by Once the plasma is initiated, optical emission is spon-
introducing a quadratic logarithmic term and determined taneously produced that is spectrally akin to blackbody
that this relationship provided a better fit to experimen- radiation. In addition, atomic emission may be superim-
tal ablation rate data as compared with the traditional posed on the continuum emission as the excited-state at-
Beer–Lambert law. While the approach is more empirical oms relax while the plasma cools. It is the presence of this
in nature and the correction factors do not fundamentally characteristic broadband continuum emission and con-
address the physics or chemistry of the laser–tissue inter- comitant distinct atomic emission lines that may be used
actions, the authors’ approach recognizes the inherent to signify plasma initiation. One goal of the present study
limitations of a static absorption model and therefore is to either confirm or rule out the possibility of laser-
shares the common goal of improving clinical procedures induced plasma formation and subsequent plasma shield-
through a better understanding of the ablation process. ing as a candidate for the apparent enhancement in tissue
In the current paper, the excimer laser tissue ablation absorptivity during excimer laser ablation. Detailed spec-
process is examined in the context of its dynamic nature, troscopic measurements were undertaken to address this
and what we believe to be a new mechanistic model of ex- issue.
cimer laser corneal tissue ablation is developed. This
model incorporates corneal collagen and water constitu- B. Corneal Tissue Optical Emission Experiments
ents, makes use of previously measured absorption prop- Emission spectra were recorded during porcine eye abla-
erties of corneal tissue, and includes a dynamic absorp- tion experiments. Whole porcine eyes were used, which
tion coefficient that varies both temporally and spatially were removed following sacrifice, stored on ice, and used
during the ablation process. The proposed model is not within 6 h of collection. A schematic of the experimental
considered conclusive regarding the exact ablation configuration for these experiments is shown in Fig. 1.
mechanisms, but rather the model is offered as a starting The ArF laser was focused directly on the corneal surface
framework to further pursue the dynamic nature of laser– using a 100 mm focal-length lens. Two laser pulse ener-
tissue interactions corresponding to important clinical re- gies were investigated, 3.5 and 5.0 mJ/ pulse, which cor-
fractive and therapeutic procedures. respond to incident average fluence values of 350 and
500 mJ/ cm, respectively, based on the measured ⬃1 mm2
spot size. These fluence values are consistent with the
2. LASER-INDUCED PLASMA range of clinical fluences associated with excimer laser re-
CONSIDERATIONS fractive procedures, with the higher value representing
In concert, the models discussed above provide a starting essentially an upper (i.e., limiting) value with regard to
place for the 193 nm ablation of corneal tissue in the con- clinical relevance.
text of the tissue absorption coefficient and the concept of For all emission measurements, the ArF excimer laser
a dynamic (i.e., transient) laser–tissue coupling process. was operated at a repetition rate of 4 Hz to accommodate
However, one must also consider an alternative mode of the computer-controlled spectral data acquisition system.
laser–tissue interaction that might explain the apparent We did not consider repetition rate effects in this study,
enhancement in tissue absorption at increasing laser flu- noting that clinical systems typically operate at less than
ence, namely, plasma formation and subsequent plasma 100 Hz, while typical laser-induced plasma coupling is
shielding (i.e., plasma absorption of the incident laser limited to time scales of the order of microseconds follow-
pulse). It is well known that the interaction of pulsed la- ing plasma initiation.29 As shown in Fig. 1, optical emis-
B. T. Fisher and D. W. Hahn Vol. 24, No. 2 / February 2007 / J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 267

coverage of the optical emission and high spectral resolu-

tion, it was necessary to record spectra over various spec-
tral regions. To ensure an accurate measurement of the
relative emission intensity over the entire range, all spec-
tral windows were calibrated for relative spectral re-
sponse using standard lamps of known spectral irradi-
The resulting porcine emission spectra are presented in
Figs. 2 and 3, corresponding to the broad spectral region
from 225 to 450 nm and for the spectral region about
590 nm, respectively. With respect to the formation or ab-
sence of a laser-induced plasma, three specific observa-
tions in these spectra are noted. First, there is a lack of
broadband continuum emission that characterizes laser-
induced plasma emission. The most prominent feature in
Fig. 2 is the broad peak centered at approximately
320 nm, with no appreciable continuous emission re-
Fig. 1. Schematic of experimental configuration for porcine eye corded below ⬃275 nm nor beyond ⬃450 nm. Accordingly,
ablation experiments, including laser delivery system and emis- the relatively limited spectral emission observed in Fig. 2
sion collection optics. discounts its source as plasma continuum radiation.
Second, laser-induced plasma emission is characterized
by pronounced atomic emission lines, as noted above.
Careful examination of the Fig. 2 spectra reveals very
weak atomic emission lines corresponding to carbon at
247.86 nm 共21,648–61,982 cm−1兲 and calcium at
422.67 nm 共0–23,652 cm−1兲. These lines are relatively
weak and would generally not be resolved in a typical
broadband, low-resolution spectrum. The inset in Fig. 2
shows a close-up of the carbon emission line. Additional
spectral measurements in the region near 656 nm re-
vealed no trace of the H␣ atomic emission line at
656.28 nm. The absence of this emission line is significant
because it is readily observed in the early stages of laser-
induced plasmas in the presence of even modest amounts
of water and is in fact widely used for measurement of

Fig. 2. Emission spectra (corrected for relative intensity) from

porcine eyes during ArF excimer laser ablation. The upper and
lower spectra correspond to laser energies of 5 and 3.5 mJ/ pulse,
respectively. The C I and Ca I atomic emission lines are noted at
their respective locations, and a closer view of the C I line is
shown in the inset.

sion was collected on axis with the incident laser pulse,

using a 100 mm square UV-enhanced pierced mirror. The
emission was then collimated and lens coupled to a fiber-
optic bundle, where it was transmitted to a spectrometer
(2400 grooves/ mm, 0.2 nm optical resolution) and re-
corded using an intensified CCD (ICCD). The ICCD gate
was appropriately timed to begin immediately before the
excimer laser pulse, and the gate width was set to 300 ns,
which together ensured that all emission was recorded. Fig. 3. Porcine eye emission spectra recorded during ablation
with laser pulse energies of 3.5 mJ/ pulse (lower spectrum) and
For each ablation site and energy level, spectra were
5 mJ/ pulse (upper spectrum). Inset A is a spectrum correspond-
recorded using an ensemble average of 25 consecutive la- ing to 193 nm photofragmentation of a NaCl aerosol. Inset B is a
ser pulses, which was repeated in triplicate, before final spectrum corresponding to Na emission from a 1064 nm laser-
averaging of all spectra. To achieve both broad spectral induced plasma in a sodium-containing aerosol.
268 J. Opt. Soc. Am. A / Vol. 24, No. 2 / February 2007 B. T. Fisher and D. W. Hahn

free-electron densities via Stark broadening.29–31 Finally, trast, laser-induced plasmas display pronounced emission
the spectral region near 590 nm revealed a weak but mea- for time scales approaching microseconds to tens of micro-
surable emission feature corresponding to the atomic so- seconds when created with a nanosecond-scale laser
dium doublet at 589.00 and 589.95 nm. This sodium emis- pulse, as used in the present study. Furthermore, laser-
sion feature is presented in Fig. 3. induced plasma emission generally scales strongly with
While one might be tempted to attribute the C, Ca, and laser pulse energy, notably so at near-threshold values.
Na atomic emission features to plasma formation, a care- However, note that the two spectra in Fig. 2, correspond-
ful analysis is consistent with the above conclusion point- ing to a marked difference in laser fluence, are nearly in-
ing to the lack of plasma initiation. UV lasers, notably the distinguishable with regard to spectral intensity. Such be-
193 nm ArF, have been known to cause dissociation of mo- havior is not consistent with laser-induced plasma
lecular compounds and to create electronically excited formation.
photofragments, which fluoresce as they relax.32,33 The Considering the above observations and comments in
resulting fluorescence emission lines are often broadened, aggregate, we conclude that the spectral data in Fig. 2
because the relatively large amount of available photon represent direct fluorescence from the rich organic matrix
energy from the UV laser (6.3 eV for ArF) can perturb the of corneal tissue. Fluorescence is a prompt phenomenon
energy levels of the fragment species or atoms. Published (lifetimes of the order of 10−9 to 10−7 s), as is the case in
studies, where emission was recorded following laser the current study. Furthermore, the broad feature shown
photofragmentation of sodium-containing aerosols, have in Fig. 2 is typical of the fluorescence observed for biologi-
shown Na I emission with characteristics similar to the cal materials, which usually display spectrally broad but
current porcine eye fluorescence experiments in clearly defined bands.36 It is proposed that there are two
Fig. 3.34,35 Such broadened atomic emission line spectra fluorescence-related processes that result from the cur-
stand in contrast to the narrow atomic emission line pro- rent corneal ablation experiments. Specifically, the broad-
files typically observed with sodium emission via laser- band emission, including both the low-intensity con-
induced plasma excitation. tinuum and the broad peak centered at 320 nm, is a result
To illustrate the above comments, two additional spec- of prompt fluorescence from tissue surrounding the abla-
tra are displayed in the inset of Fig. 3. The upper spec- tion zone (i.e., below and adjacent to). This tissue absorbs
trum (inset A) was recorded directly from the 193 nm a portion of the 193 nm excimer laser light that is not suf-
photofragmentation of a sodium chloride aerosol using an ficient to cause ablation (i.e., below the ablation thresh-
optical detection system nearly identical to that in the old); hence the tissue remains intact to fluoresce. If one
corneal ablation experiments. The similarity between the considers the blow-off model of laser penetration, then the
two spectra is remarkable, including the line broadening intact fluorescing tissue is exposed to an essentially con-
and unresolved emission peaks. In contrast, the lower in- stant fluence regardless of the incident value, and there-
set spectrum (inset B) corresponds to sodium emission fore the fluorescence signal is nominally independent of
from a true laser-induced plasma formed in a sodium- the incident laser fluence, as observed in Fig. 2. Superim-
seeded aerosol stream. The spectrum was recorded with posed on the broadband emission are discrete atomic
the exact spectrometer–ICCD system used to record the emission lines that we conclude result from photofrag-
corneal emission spectra; hence there is identical spectral mentation fluorescence. This process occurs within the
resolution. Note the narrow sodium atomic linewidth ob- ablated mass and is therefore dependent on the incident
served with the true laser-induced plasma and the essen- laser fluence. Overall, this explains why the atomic emis-
tially baseline-resolved sodium doublet. Clearly, the so- sion lines appear to scale somewhat proportionately with
dium emission lines recorded with the porcine corneal laser energy, whereas the broadband emission does not.
tissue ablation experiments are consistent with 193 nm In view of the detailed spectroscopic analysis of the cor-
photofragmentation, not plasma formation. The carbon neal ablation process under clinically relevant fluences,
and calcium emission lines are similarly attributed to the concept of plasma formation and plasma shielding of
photofragmentation. In particular, note that the calcium the incident laser pulse can be discounted.
emission reported in a true laser-induced plasma spec-
troscopy study of corneal tissue was primarily attributed
to the ionized calcium lines at 393.37 and 396.85 nm, 3. DYNAMIC ABLATION MODEL
which dominated the neutral calcium emission line at The authors have previously reported that the corneal tis-
422.67 nm.27 As noted above, only the faint 422.67 nm sue absorption coefficient (small-signal value) is
neutral emission line is observed in Fig. 2, while the two 16,000 cm−1 for 193 nm radiation, based on direct mea-
calcium-ion lines are completely absent. In view of the surements of collagen and water absorption cross
above comments, the observed atomic emission spectral sections.6 Furthermore, it was shown that the Beer–
features, and lack thereof, are all consistent with the ab- Lambert blow-off model, in conjunction with the mea-
sence of laser-induced plasma formation. sured absorption coefficient, is reasonably accurate in
Third, the temporal and pulse energy dependences of predicting ablation rates of dry collagen films over a mod-
the observed ablation emission spectra are not indicative erate range of laser fluence.6 However, the failure of the
of a typical laser-induced plasma process. To explore the Beer–Lambert model to adequately predict a wide range
temporal dependence of the optical emission, additional of corneal tissue ablation rates suggests that photochemi-
measurements were recorded by adding an extra 100 ns of cal effects are induced within the more complex corneal
delay to the detector gate. With this relatively short addi- tissue matrix during laser–tissue interaction, resulting in
tional delay, no optical emission was observed. In con- a dynamic perturbation of the tissue optical properties,
B. T. Fisher and D. W. Hahn Vol. 24, No. 2 / February 2007 / J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 269

namely, the absorption coefficient. Previous research has ning the 1-D model at each spatial location. Such an ap-
documented a transient decrease in tissue and collagen proach adds only computational time to the proposed ab-
transmission (i.e., enhanced absorption) during ArF laser lation model.
ablation, while time-resolved reflectivity measurements There are several variables and quantities incorpo-
have also demonstrated transient changes in tissue opti- rated in the dynamic ablation model that must be re-
cal properties.37–42 In concert, such data support the con- viewed to understand the model itself. All of the impor-
cept of an enhanced absorption coefficient, with respect to tant parameters are listed in Table 1. As previously
the small-signal static value, during ArF laser ablation. reported, the absorption cross section of the amino acid
In fact, an absorption coefficient of 40,000 cm−1 共m unit in collagen (species 1), ␴1, is equal to 1.19
= 0.25 ␮m兲, as extracted from a best-fit static Beer– ⫻ 10−17 cm2, and the absorption cross section of water
Lambert model, is clearly too high in view of recent (species 2), ␴2, is equal to 4.5⫻ 10−23 cm2.6 The average
measurements.6 Accordingly, such a large absorption co- absorption cross section of the transient absorbing spe-
efficient is considered to reflect the need for considerable cies, namely, ␴3, is assumed to be larger than ␴1共␴3 ⬎ ␴1兲
enhancement of the small-signal value to fit the experi- to dynamically enhance the corneal tissue absorption co-
mental data and thereby attempts to capture the dynamic efficient. The average absorption cross section, ␴4, of the
nature of tissue properties during ablation in an adjusted, stable, nonabsorbing species (species 4) is much less than
but nonetheless static, value. The current model, which is ␴3共␴4  ␴3兲. The absorption coefficient of corneal tissue is
based on the Beer–Lambert blow-off model, was devel- the product of the number density and the absorption
oped to further explore the dynamic nature of laser– cross section of each of these four species at any point in
tissue interactions in the context of observed corneal ab- space and time. Therefore, the corneal tissue absorption
lation rate data and current clinical needs. coefficient, in general, can be described by Eq. (2):

␣共x,t兲 = ␳1共x,t兲␴1 + ␳2共x,t兲␴2 + ␳3共x,t兲␴3 + ␳4共x,t兲␴4 . 共2兲

A. Assumptions and Basis of the Ablation Model Scaling considerations can be used to argue that the
The current tissue ablation model is developed by consid- second and fourth terms of Eq. (2) are negligible com-
ering four species of interest: (1) collagen, which is di- pared with the others, based on the above comments. The
vided into amino acid units (i.e., amino acid plus peptide absorption cross section of water 共␴2兲 is 6 orders of mag-
bond); (2) water; (3) a transient absorber (strongly ab- nitude lower than that of the amino acid unit in collagen
sorbs 193 nm laser light) formed by the interaction of col- 共␴1兲, while their respective number densities differ by no
lagen amino acid units with excimer laser photons; and more than 1 or 2 orders of magnitude. The third term
(4) a stable nonabsorber, formed by the interaction of 共␳3␴3兲 is considered important because, although the con-
transient absorber (species 3) with surrounding water. centration of species 3 is expected to be small, the absorp-
The four-species model is considered a global model that tion coefficient is assumed sufficiently large to make this
represents the ablation mechanics as a whole rather than term relevant and, in fact, primarily responsible for the
the fine details of the photochemistry, chemical kinetics, transient enhancement in tissue absorption during abla-
and individual reactions that might take place. This is a tion. Both the number density and the absorption cross
common method for modeling complex chemical processes
that may involve many reactions and intermediate spe-
cies. For example, combustion processes are commonly Table 1. Dynamic Corneal Tissue Ablation Model
modeled in this way, where the global mechanism may be Parameters
a single reaction of a combustion fuel and an oxidizer to
Description Symbol Units
directly form carbon dioxide and water, while the actual
mechanism may involve hundreds of elementary reac- Excimer laser photon flux I共x , t兲 cm−2 s−1
tions and more than 50 species. In the current dynamic (at location x and time t)
ablation model, the transient absorbing species (species 3) Excimer laser fluence F mJ/ cm2
is assigned an absorption cross section that represents Probability distribution function p共t兲 s−1
the average of all such species. of laser energy
The current model is considered one-dimensional (1-D) Species i, used to represent Si —
in space such that all spatially dependent quantities are a particular species in
allowed to vary only with depth (i.e., x direction) into the a reaction expression
tissue. The incident laser pulse temporal waveform is Number density of species i ␳i共x , t兲 cm−3
well defined by a Gaussian probability distribution func- (at x and t)
tion. In practice, modern clinical refractive laser systems Number density of 193 nm ␳h␯共x , t兲 cm−3
may incorporate flying-spot lasers with Gaussian spatial photons (at x and t)
beam profiles. The surgical implications of Gaussian and Absorption cross section ␴i cm2
uniform beam profiles were examined by Jimenez and co- of species i
workers in a recent study.21 Multidimensional mass, en- Absorption coefficient ␣共x , t兲 cm−1
of corneal tissue
ergy, and photon transport were not within the scope of
(at x and t)
the current study. However, note that a spatial Gaussian
Corneal tissue water fraction P Dimensionless
laser profile is readily handled with the current 1-D
(by mass) (ranges 0 → 1)
model by simply discretizing the beam profile and run-
270 J. Opt. Soc. Am. A / Vol. 24, No. 2 / February 2007 B. T. Fisher and D. W. Hahn

section of species 4 are expected to be much less than ⳵␳h␯共x,t兲

those for the amino acid unit and for water, making their = − ␣␳h␯共x,t兲. 共9兲
product negligible. ⳵x

The final differential form of the Beer–Lambert law used

B. Governing Equations
The global mechanism of the dynamic ablation model is in the dynamic ablation model is shown in Eq. (10), where
based on two primary reactions. The first is the interac- ␣ is now a function of space and time as defined by the
tion of the excimer laser photon with the amino acid unit relevant species concentrations and their respective cross
in collagen (species 1), which is labeled reaction I and is sections:
described by expression (3):
= − 关␳1共x,t兲␴1 + ␳2共x,t兲␴2 + ␳3共x,t兲␴3
共R I兲 S1 + n共h␯兲193→ S3 . 共3兲
+ ␳4共x,t兲␴4兴␳h␯共x,t兲. 共10兲
In this relation, the n共h␯兲193 term represents the absorp-
As discussed above, prior research suggests that there
tion of n excimer laser photons by the amino acid unit.
is a physical phenomenon associated with the tissue ab-
Note that, although reaction I does not explicitly involve
lation process; namely, when the photon density reaches
water, the implicit assumption of the proposed global dy-
the ablation threshold, ensuing photofragmentation re-
namic absorption model is the interaction of transient
sults in a volume expansion of the affected tissue, by
species with water and collagen, including the possibility
which the subsequent internal stress ultimately drives
of multiple reaction steps and pathways. Without water
out the bulk material.14,15,43 The exact degree of ablative
present in the initial tissue matrix, the situation would
tissue expansion is not known; hence a modest expansion
reduce to the case of dry collagen, for which the static
of 10% was used in the current dynamic ablation model.
blow-off model has been shown to be a reasonable predic-
tor of ablation.6 Therefore, water must be present for the
C. Solution Method
global mechanism to proceed. The rate expression for re-
As shown above, there are four partial differential equa-
action I is given by Eq. (4):
tions, represented by Eqs. (4), (6), (7), and (10), that form
the basis of the model. The equations were solved simul-
⳵␳1共x,t兲 taneously using the Euler forward method, a relatively
= − ␳1共x,t兲␳h␯共x,t兲nkI . 共4兲
⳵t simple forward finite-difference solution method. There
were several issues to consider when choosing the spatial
The second reaction considered is the interaction be- and temporal step sizes, including the ablation rate reso-
tween the transient absorbing species (species 3) and wa- lution, computational error, numerical stability, and com-
ter to produce a stable product (species 4). This reaction, putational speed. It was desired to have ablation rate re-
labeled reaction II, is shown in expression (5), and the sults with appropriate resolution to compare with
rate expression is shown in Eq. (6): existing experimental data. Nearly all of the available ex-
perimental ablation rate data fall below 1 ␮m / pulse;
共R II兲 S3 + S2→ S4 , 共5兲 hence submicrometer spatial resolution is necessary. The
forward Euler method is a first-order explicit numerical
method, which means that the numerical error is related
⳵␳2共x,t兲 ⳵␳4共x,t兲 to the square of the step size. Therefore, a small step size
=− = − ␳2共x,t兲␳3共x,t兲kII . 共6兲 is required to minimize computational error and to keep
⳵t ⳵t
the solution stable. At the same time, a small step size re-
sults in a longer computation time; hence it was neces-
Because species 3 appears in both reactions I and II [ex- sary to find a suitable compromise between these issues.
pressions (3) and (5)], its rate of change can be expressed Based on the physics of the problem, the temporal step
by Eq. (7): size and the spatial step size were linked together by the
speed of light in corneal tissue. Once the space step size
⳵␳3共x,t兲 共⌬x兲 was chosen, the time step size 共⌬t兲 was calculated by
= ␳1共x,t兲␳h␯共x,t兲nkI − ␳2共x,t兲␳3共x,t兲kII . 共7兲
⳵t dividing ⌬x by the speed of light (adjusted by the refrac-
tive index of corneal tissue). This linking of spatial and
To complete the formulation, the Beer–Lambert law is temporal scales also is convenient because, at any given
used to describe the relationship between the photon den- time step, the tissue beyond the current penetration
sity and the penetration depth into the tissue. The differ- depth is unaffected, and therefore the initial conditions
ential form of the Beer–Lambert law is shown in Eq. (8): still hold. The final choice of step size for both time and
space is discussed in Subsection 3.F.
dI = − 共␣I兲dx. 共8兲 The numerical computations were implemented in
FORTRAN with the initial and boundary conditions de-
However, the photon flux I共x , t兲 is directly related to the tailed below. The program steps through the calculations
photon density ␳h␯. Therefore, the Beer–Lambert law can for a single incident laser pulse and provides output that
be rewritten as shown in Eq. (9), noting that ␣ is the cor- includes the peak photon density 共␳h␯兲 and the maximum
neal tissue absorption coefficient described in Eq. (2), tissue absorption coefficient 共␣兲 achieved at each depth
B. T. Fisher and D. W. Hahn Vol. 24, No. 2 / February 2007 / J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 271

into the corneal tissue. It is assumed that each laser pulse termined that there are 3.34⫻ 1022 molecules of water/g
is an isolated event and that there are no interactions or of corneal tissue. Again assuming a corneal tissue mass
cumulative effects between laser pulses. The ablation density of 1 g / cm3, the initial number density of water
depth, which for each single laser pulse is equivalent to molecules (species 2) can be determined using Eq. (14):
the ablation rate, is determined as the depth at which the
peak ␳h␯ decreases to the ablation threshold. The thresh- ␳2共x,t = 0兲 = ␳20 = P共1 g/cm3兲共3.34 ⫻ 1022g−1兲. 共14兲
old value is the peak ␳h␯ (i.e., the peak of the Gaussian
temporal laser pulse profile) corresponding to the thresh- It was stated in the formulation of the model that the
old laser fluence of 50 mJ/ cm2. This threshold yields a incident laser energy temporal waveform is assumed to
peak photon flux value of approximately 2.12⫻ 1014 cm−3 take the form of a Gaussian distribution, as described by
as the critical value. A 50 mJ/ cm2 ablation threshold for Eq. (15):

冋 册
corneal tissue is consistent with the range of experimen-
1 − 共t − tavg兲2
tal data shown in Fig. 9 (below). p共t兲 = exp . 共15兲
The ablation-induced volume expansion was imple- 2sdev
mented as a 10% reduction in the densities of all four spe-
cies (S1 , S2 , S3, and S4). The program was written such In this distribution function, tavg is the mean, and Sdev is
that a one-time density reduction occurs in a single time the standard deviation. These quantities are determined
step at a given tissue depth once the photon density by known parameters of the laser pulse and its time pro-
reaches the ablation threshold. The model did not include file. First, it must be recognized that a Gaussian distribu-
a 10% reduction in the photon density because the pho- tion exists over an infinite domain (both positive and
tons continue to propagate through the tissue beyond negative), while the true laser pulse has a finite existence.
where the volume expansion occurs. As written, the abla- However, nearly 100% of the information for a Gaussian
tion event proceeds from the surface inward, which is con- distribution is contained within tavg ± 3sdev. Therefore, the
sistent with physical insight as reviewed in the introduc- condition shown in Eq. (16) was imposed:
tory comments.
p共tavg ± 3sdev兲 = 0. 共16兲
D. Initial and Boundary Conditions
Considering Eqs. (4), (6), (7), and (10), there are five quan- Furthermore, the excimer laser pulse has a full width of
tities of interest that vary with both space and time—the approximately 25 ns and a full width at half-maximum
number densities of the four species in the corneal tissue value (FWHM) of approximately 10 ns. Conveniently, as-
and the photon number density. Solution of these differ- signing values of 12.6 and 4.2 ns for tavg and sdev, respec-
ential equations requires initial and/or boundary condi- tively, gives a FWHM of 9.89 ns and satisfies Eq. (15) as
tions for these quantities. The simplest conditions are im- well as the condition that the laser pulse ends at approxi-
posed on species 3 and 4, which are formed during the mately 25 ns.
laser interaction. By definition, these species have initial The photon flux at the surface of the cornea is directly
number densities equal to zero. These conditions are rep- related to the laser fluence. Assuming the normal distri-
resented mathematically in Eqs. (11) and (12): bution already discussed, a laser fluence F 共mJ/ cm2兲, and
␳3共x,t = 0兲 = ␳30 = 0, 共11兲 a photon energy equal to the product of Planck’s constant
共h = 6.626⫻ 10−34 J s兲 and the radiation frequency 共␯兲, the
relationship between photon flux 共photons/ cm2兲 and laser
␳4共x,t = 0兲 = ␳40 = 0. 共12兲 fluence is shown in Eq. (17):

冉 冊
The initial number density of amino acid units (species
1) depends on the corneal mass composition, which is 1
I共x = 0,t兲 = F p共t兲. 共17兲
specified as a binary mixture of water and collagen. To in- h␯
vestigate the effects of corneal hydration on the ablation
rate, the water mass fraction is left as a variable 共P兲 that Photon number density is related to photon flux using the
is equal to 0.80 for the base case. This reflects a normal speed of light in corneal tissue 共ccornea兲, since the photons
corneal composition of 80% water and 20% collagen. Con- propagate through the corneal tissue at this speed. There-
sidering the structure of collagen, it can be calculated fore, the photon number density at the corneal surface
that there are 6.77⫻ 1021 peptide bonds (i.e., amino acid can be expressed by Eq. (18):
units) per gram of collagen6 Furthermore, corneal tissue
is assumed to have a mass density of 1 g / cm3, which is
consistent with its primary composition of water. There-
fore, the initial number density of the amino acid unit can
␳h␯共x = 0,t兲 =
I共x = 0,t兲
= 冉 冊冋 冉 冊 册
p共t兲 . 共18兲

be determined using Eq. (13):

A value of 1.376 is used for the refractive index of corneal
␳1共x,t = 0兲 = ␳10 = 共1 − P兲共1 g/cm3兲共6.77 ⫻ 1021g−1兲. tissue 共ncornea兲. This value is very close to the refractive
共13兲 index of water and is consistent with values reported in
the literature for corneal tissue.44 The photon number
The initial number density of water molecules also de- density at the corneal surface (i.e., boundary condition)
pends on the water mass fraction. Using the Avogadro can be expressed in its entirety by the expression shown
constant and the molecular weight of water, it can be de- in Eq. (19), where time is in the units of nanoseconds:
272 J. Opt. Soc. Am. A / Vol. 24, No. 2 / February 2007 B. T. Fisher and D. W. Hahn

␳h␯共x = 0,t兲 = 冉 冊冉 冊
F ncor
scale.46 Furthermore, time-resolved transmission mea-
surements (40 ps probe pulse at 220 nm) of hydrated col-

冋 册 冋
lagen films revealed transient enhancements in absorp-

共4.2 ns兲冑2␲
− 共t − 12.6 ns兲2
2共4.2 ns兲2
册 .
tion over the course of the 10 ns excimer pulse.41 Reaction
II, on the other hand, is considered a slow process that
very likely lags behind the laser pulse; hence ␶II was esti-
共19兲 mated to be of the order of 1 ␮s. Such a time scale is con-
sistent with research that probed transient changes in
transmission 共213 nm兲 of hydrated collagen films during
E. Reaction Rate Constants 193 nm ablation, which revealed a relaxation time of the
The reaction rate constants, kI and kII, are critical param- order of microseconds.41 These values, which themselves
eters that must first be estimated in order to implement are ab initio estimates, determine the first-order esti-
the ablation model. First-order estimates of these con- mates of the reaction rate constants as shown in expres-
stants can be obtained using the initial values of the spe- sions (22) and (23):
cies number densities ␳1, ␳2, ␳3, and ␳4 under typical con-
ditions and a relevant value of the photon density ␳h␯.
Assuming a typical corneal constituency of 20% collagen 1 1
kI = = ⬇ 7.1
and 80% water and using Eqs. (13) and (14), the species ␳ 1␶ I 共1.4 ⫻ 10 cm 兲共10 ⫻ 10−12 s兲
21 −3

number densities ␳1 and ␳2 can be estimated as 1.4

⫻ 1021 cm−3 and 2.7⫻ 1022 cm−3, respectively. As discussed ⫻ 10−11 cm3/s, 共22兲
above, the initial values of both ␳3 and ␳4 are zero. Assum-
ing a representative clinical laser fluence of 350 mJ/ cm2
and a corneal tissue refractiveindex of 1.376, and using 1 1
kII = = ⬇ 3.7
the peak value of the laser pulse distribution function ␳2␶II 共2.7 ⫻ 10 cm−3兲共1 ⫻ 10−6 s兲
(i.e., t = 12.6 ns), Eq. (19) can be used to estimate a peak
photon density of 1.5⫻ 1015 cm−3. Note that ␳h␯ is orders ⫻ 10−17 cm3/s. 共23兲
of magnitude lower than ␳1 and ␳2, according to these es-
timates, which makes ␳h␯ negligible when the reaction
time constants, are estimated, as related below. F. Results and Discussion
To validate the numerical and computational methods
The time rate of change in the number density of water
used in this model, it was first tested against a static
molecules (species 2) is dependent on ␳2 and ␳3 [see Eq.
Beer–Lambert law. The absorption cross sections of the
(6)]. However, ␳3 is initially zero and will likely remain
transient absorber and the stable nonabsorber were set
much smaller than ␳2 throughout the ablation process.
equal to that of collagen (i.e., ␴3 = ␴4 = ␴1 = 1.19
Therefore, Eq. (20) represents a first-order estimate of the
⫻ 10−17 cm2), and the volume expansion under ablative
time constant for reaction II [expression (5)]45:
conditions was suppressed, which together effectively re-
1 moved the dynamic component of the model. Note, how-
␶II = . 共20兲 ever, that the convergence to Beer–Lambert behavior is
not exact, in that reaction 2 provides for a slow replace-
Using similar logic for reaction I [expression (3)], where ment of water with collagen. Nonetheless, under these
␳1 is much larger than ␳h␯, and assuming that the order of conditions, the model was expected to approach Beer–
the reaction is unity (i.e., n = 1), a first-order estimate of Lambert behavior if the numerical implementation was
the time constant for reaction I is given by Eq. (21)45: correct. These conditions were then used to test different
step sizes for computational convergence and accuracy. In
1 consideration of these issues, a spatial step size 共⌬x兲 of
␶I = . 共21兲 20 nm 共0.020 ␮m兲 was determined as optimal.
␳ 1k I
Plots of ablation rate versus laser fluence for both the
Assuming that n is unity is equivalent to assuming static Beer–Lambert law and the results from the relaxed
that the photochemical reaction is a single-photon absorp- dynamic model with ␴3 and ␴4 set equal to ␴1 are shown
tion process. This makes subsequent calculations and es- in Fig. 4. Two important observations from these plots are
timates much more convenient and is considered a valid noted. First, the computational schemes are validated by
assumption, given the high photon energy 共⬃6.3 eV兲 of the observed trend corresponding to near-Beer–Lambert
193 nm radiation. Hence the model was implemented for behavior, as expected for these conditions. Second, the
unity n. All that remains to determine first-order esti- overall accuracy is satisfactory using the chosen step size
mates of kI and kII is to estimate the relevant time scales of 20 nm. Over the range of laser fluence, the numerical
of reactions I and II. Reaction I is considered a prompt ablation rates are about 2% lower than the static Beer–
process that certainly must occur well within the course Lambert law, which is consistent with the slight increase
of the laser pulse for a dynamic model. Accordingly, be- in absorption due to the effects of reaction 2, as noted
cause the time scale of reaction I kinetics must be much above. For all remaining calculations, a spatial step size
faster than the nanosecond time scale of the laser pulse, of 20 nm was used, which corresponds to an associated
␶I was estimated to be of the order of 10 ps. This is con- temporal step size of approximately 9.2⫻ 10−8 ns. Because
sistent with the dynamics of elementary chemical reac- of this extremely small step size relative to the temporal
tions, which occur on a femtosecond-to-picosecond time profile of the laser pulse, numerical error was not a fur-
B. T. Fisher and D. W. Hahn Vol. 24, No. 2 / February 2007 / J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 273

tion penetration into the corneal tissue. Figure 6 shows a

plot of the peak photon density 共␳h␯兲 as a function of tissue
depth, where the peak density is the maximum value pre-
dicted at each depth over the time course of the laser
pulse (i.e., the peak of the temporal beam profile). The ab-
lation threshold is shown as a horizontal line correspond-
ing to a peak photon density of 2.12⫻ 10−14 cm−3, and the
predicted ablation depths both from the dynamic model
and from the two relevant cases of the Beer–Lambert law
are indicated. The profile predicted by the dynamic model
is an enhanced exponential decay that deviates signifi-
cantly from static Beer–Lambert behavior. At very shal-
low locations, the dynamic model profile is similar to the
static exponential decay predicted by the Beer–Lambert
law with an absorption coefficient of 40,000 cm−1. With in-
creasing depth, the dynamic model decay gradually shifts
toward the exponential decay predicted by the
16,000 cm−1 case of the Beer–Lambert law. This gradual
shift gives the dynamic model a profile that is clearly dif-
ferent from a static exponential decay, which is consistent
with the motivating factors of this study.
Fig. 4. Comparison of ablation rates predicted by (1) the dy- The behavior predicted by the dynamic model is further
namic ablation model in the static limit, whereby species 3 and 4 illustrated by temporal profiles of the photon density and
have the same absorption cross sections as species 1, and (2)
the tissue absorption coefficient. Figure 7 shows photon
rates predicted by the static Beer–Lambert law. Dynamic model
parameters: ⌬x = 20 nm, P = 0.8, ␴3 = ␴4 = ␴1 = 1.19⫻ 10−17 cm2. density profiles as a function of time at five tissue depths,
with the temporal photon density profile of the incident
ther concern. Under these conditions, a typical program laser pulse 共350 mJ/ cm2兲 included as a reference. Owing
required approximately 1–2 h of run time on a ⬃1 GHz to the large number of time steps necessary to simulate
desktop personal computer. the entire 25 ns laser pulse, it was impractical to sample
With ab initio calculations as a basis and with the re- data at every point in time. For simplicity, only 1000
sults of a simple optimization study (see comments be- points were sampled to assemble each time profile, which
low), a base set of conditions was chosen for the dynamic provides an adequate temporal resolution. The first obser-
model. In the base case, P = 0.8 (i.e., 80% water in corneal vation regarding Fig. 7 is that the overall magnitude of
tissue) and ␴3 = 4.5⫻ 10−15 cm2 are used; note that the lat- the photon density decreases with increasing tissue
ter cross section is about 380 times larger than ␴1 (i.e.,
amino acid–peptide bond cross section). With the slower
kinetics associated with reaction II, the ab initio calcula-
tion 共kII = 3.7⫻ 10−17 cm3 / s兲 was retained. However, the
reaction I rate constant was increased by a factor of 10,
yielding a final value of kI = 7.1⫻ 10−10 cm3 / s, which re-
mains consistent with the expected kinetic time scales.
Although ab initio calculations were made to determine
physically realistic estimates of the model parameters, as
related above, a brief parametric study was also per-
formed to determine the effect of varying these relevant
values (i.e., ␴3, ␴4, kI, and kII). An example of such calcu-
lations is presented in Fig. 5, which shows the decay of
the peak photon density as a function of tissue depth for
the base case along with several perturbations. As might
be expected, increasing the rate of reaction I results in a
marked increase in the rate of dynamic enhancement in
absorption, thereby yielding a much more rapid decay
profile. Conversely, reducing the kinetic rate of reaction I
results in a less severe decay profile, which converges to
Beer–Lambert behavior as kI is significantly reduced. Al-
tering the cross section of species 3 共␴3兲 has the effect of Fig. 5. Parametric study showing the peak photon density as a
shifting the curves up or down while generally maintain- function of tissue depth as predicted by the dynamic ablation
ing the overall decay profile. The base case as defined model for an incident laser fluence of 350 mJ/ cm2. Curve A is the
base case using the following parameters: kI = 7.1⫻ 10−10 cm3 / s,
above was used for all subsequent calculations. kII = 3.7⫻ 10−17 cm3 / s, ␴3 = 4.5⫻ 10−15 cm2, and ␴4 = 4.5⫻ 10−24 cm2.
At a laser fluence of 350 mJ/ cm2, which is consistent Curve B reflects a 20% decrease in kI and a 20% increase in ␴3;
with clinical refractive procedures, the decay of the peak curve C reflects a tenfold decrease in kI; and curve D reflects a
photon density was calculated as a function of laser radia- 100-fold increase in kI and a tenfold increase in ␴3.
274 J. Opt. Soc. Am. A / Vol. 24, No. 2 / February 2007 B. T. Fisher and D. W. Hahn

note that the peak photon density is shifted to sooner in

the laser pulse with increasing tissue depth, an effect that
is also attributed to the cumulative effect of the dynamic
tissue absorption process, which increasingly truncates
the trailing edge of the pulse waveform.
Figure 8 shows the absorption coefficient as a function
of time for a fluence of 350 mJ/ cm2 and at a fixed depth of
0.74 ␮m, with the temporal profile of the photon density
shown for reference. The absorption coefficient steadily
increases, following the photon density and corresponding
global reaction kinetics, up to the point where the abla-
tion threshold is reached and ablation begins. At that in-
stant in time, there is a sudden and marked reduction in
the absorption coefficient due to the 10% volume expan-
sion, as discussed above and implemented in the model.
Note that ablation begins just prior to the temporal peak
of the photon density, a characteristic that is the same at
any location between the corneal surface and the ablation
depth. Beyond this point, the absorption coefficient con-
tinues to increase, but at an increasingly slower rate, and
then levels off at a maximum value of approximately
Fig. 6. Comparison of peak photon density as a function of tis-
sue depth as predicted by the dynamic ablation model and by the 22,650 cm−1. This value is consistent with the authors’
static Beer–Lambert blow-off model for absorption coefficients of previous work, in which it was suggested that a 25%–75%
16,000 and 40,000 cm−1. A dashed horizontal line indicates the dynamic enhancement of the small-signal absorption co-
ablation threshold, and the ablation depths predicted by the efficient value of 16,000 cm−1 is most probable under cor-
models are shown. Dynamic model parameters: ⌬x = 20 nm, P
neal ablative conditions.6 The plateau behavior of the ab-
= 0.8, ␴3 = 4.5⫻ 10−15 cm2, ␴4 = 4.5⫻ 10−24 cm2, F = 350 mJ/ cm2.
sorption coefficient is not due to any saturation effects or
shortage of chromophores but rather to the steady de-
crease to zero in the photon density as the remainder of
the laser pulse passes through. For the current model, the
absorption coefficient will eventually approach its original
(small-signal) value. However, this does not occur within
the 25 ns laser pulse because of the slow kinetics for re-
action II, which involves the recombination of the tran-
sient absorber (species 3) with water to form the stable
nonabsorbing product (species 4). Regardless, the long-
term behavior of the absorption coefficient 共⬃1 ␮s as time
scale) for the ablated tissue is irrelevant, since this tissue
is expelled from the corneal surface well before the arrival

Fig. 7. Photon density temporal profiles predicted by the dy-

namic ablation model at five tissue depths. The temporal profile
of the incident laser pulse is also shown. Dynamic model param-
eters: ⌬x = 20 nm, P = 0.8, ␴3 = 4.5⫻ 10−15 cm2, ␴4 = 4.5⫻ 10−24 cm2,
F = 350 mJ/ cm2.

depth. This behavior is expected because the tissue at any

given depth is absorbing photons; hence a cumulative ef-
fect results that makes fewer photons available to under-
lying tissue. At a depth of only 0.02 ␮m, the maximum
photon density is already reduced by nearly 10% from Fig. 8. Corneal tissue absorption coefficient as a function of
time as predicted by the dynamic ablation model. The temporal
that of the incident waveform. At 0.74 ␮m, which is very
profile of the incident laser pulse is also plotted using the second-
close to the ablation depth of 0.75 ␮m at this fluence, the ary ordinate axis to the right. Both parameters are at a fixed
maximum photon density is reduced by about 85% from depth of 0.74 ␮m. Dynamic model parameters: ⌬x = 20 nm, P
that of the incident waveform. It is also interesting to = 0.8, ␴3 = 4.5⫻ 10−15 cm2, ␴4 = 4.5⫻ 10−24 cm2, F = 350 mJ/ cm2.
B. T. Fisher and D. W. Hahn Vol. 24, No. 2 / February 2007 / J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 275

Lambert cases agrees well with the entire range of experi-

mental data. Except at near-threshold fluence, the
16,000 cm−1 case always overpredicts the ablation rate
and never reaches a plateau. The 40,000 cm−1 case is rea-
sonably accurate at lower values of laser fluence, but it
underpredicts most of the experimental data in the clini-
cally relevant range of 300 to 600 mJ/ cm2. The ablation
rates predicted by the dynamic model fall between the
two static Beer–Lambert cases. Specifically, at
350 mJ/ cm2, the dynamic model predicts an ablation rate
of 0.75 ␮m / pulse, while the static Beer–Lambert law pre-
dicts a rate that is 60% higher 共1.21 ␮m / pulse兲 for the
16,000 cm−1 case and 40% lower 共0.49 ␮m / pulse兲 for the
40,000 cm−1 case. Although it is difficult to assess the true
accuracy of the dynamic model owing to the large spread
in the experimental data, the rate versus fluence curve
predicted by the dynamic model for fluence values above
200 mJ/ cm2 passes directly through the middle of the
data. To our knowledge, this is the first report of a dy-
namic photochemical model of the ArF excimer laser tis-
sue ablation process that predicts ablation rates with rea-
Fig. 9. Ablation rate as a function of laser fluence for ArF exci- sonable accuracy over a relatively broad range of
mer laser ablation of corneal tissue, comparing reported experi- clinically relevant laser fluence values.
mental data8,48–55 with values predicted by the dynamic ablation
model (middle curve). Values predicted by the static Beer–
As discussed above, a significant factor in developing
Lambert law (upper and lower curves) are also included for ab- the current model is the implication of corneal tissue ab-
sorption coefficients of 16,000 and 40,000 cm−1. Dynamic model lation rates on clinical refractive procedures. Previous
parameters: ⌬x = 20 nm, P = 0.8, ␴3 = 4.5⫻ 10−15 cm2, ␴4 = 4.5 work has shown that corneal tissue can dehydrate signifi-
⫻ 10−24 cm2. cantly within a short period of time.56 In addition, corneal
hydration is likely to differ between patients. Some prior
of the next laser pulse. Note that even at a laser repeti- studies have shown an increase in corneal tissue ablation
tion rate of 500 Hz (faster than current LASIK systems) rate with increasing hydration, while others have shown
the next laser pulse does not arrive for 2 ms, which corre- an opposite trend.57–59 Therefore, it is considered impor-
sponds to a significantly longer time scale than the tem- tant to investigate the relationship between ablation rate
poral domain of the current dynamic model. Accordingly, and corneal hydration predicted by the current dynamic
the current model does not address the effect of the laser model. Figure 10 presents the ablation rate as a function
radiation on the underlying, unablated tissue or how this of corneal hydration, for a laser fluence of 350 mJ/ cm2
might affect the ablation process for subsequent laser
pulses. Furthermore, previous work has shown that the
ablation rate does not appear to change with the number
of accumulated laser pulses.47 This suggests that tissue
just beneath the ablation zone is not significantly affected
by the radiation over typical pulse-to-pulse separation
times 共⬃10 ms at 100 Hz repetition rate), thereby making
the ablation process similar (i.e., independent) for all la-
ser pulses. Future modeling efforts could address this is-
sue by including a mechanism to explain the effect of
subablative laser radiation on underlying corneal tissue.
Using the base conditions, the dynamic model was used
to predict the ablation rate over a wide range of laser flu-
ence spanning from just above the ablation threshold
共50 mJ/ cm2兲 to 700 mJ/ cm2. This is considered to cover
the range of clinical refractive fluences, including Gauss-
ian beam profiles, hence from about 250 to 600 mJ/ cm2.
Figure 9 shows the ablation rate plotted as a function of
laser fluence, including results from the current dynamic
model and a large body of corneal ablation rate data
taken from a variety of published sources.8,48–55 For com-
parison, also included in Fig. 9 are the results predicted
by the static Beer–Lambert blow-off model using two dif-
Fig. 10. Ablation rate as a function of corneal tissue water con-
ferent values for the absorption coefficient, namely, tent, as predicted by the dynamic ablation model. Dynamic
16,000 and 40,000 cm−1. There are several important as- model parameters: ⌬x = 20 nm, ␴3 = 4.5⫻ 10−15 cm2, ␴4 = 4.5
pects of Fig. 9 to note. First, neither of the static Beer– ⫻ 10−24 cm2, F = 350 mJ/ cm2.
276 J. Opt. Soc. Am. A / Vol. 24, No. 2 / February 2007 B. T. Fisher and D. W. Hahn

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Corresponding author David W. Hahn can be reached 962–964 (2004).
by e-mail at 20. J. R. Jimenez, R. G. Anera, J. A. Diaz, and F. Perez-Ocon,
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