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Accounting Research (1st Sem AY 2020-2021) Assignment 19

Javier, Jaypee T. Dec 30, 2020

Exercise 2.1

Access the LASB website (, click on the “Around the World” tab and click
on the “Analysis of Use ...” link. Do the G20 jurisdictions modify IFRS? If so, please

- The G20 consists of 19 countries plus the European Union: Argentina, Australia, Brazil,
Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, the Republic of Korea,
Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Turkey, the United Kingdom, and the United
States of America.

Of the 14 G20 jurisdictions that have adopted IFRS for all or most publicly traded
companies, 11 require IFRSs for all; 2 (Mexico and Argentina) require IFRSs for all other
than financial institutions; and 1 (Canada) allows US GAAP for some and has deferred
IFRSs for some others. 13 of the 14 G20 jurisdictions that have adopted IFRSs for all or
most publicly traded companies also permit IFRSs for all or most non-publicly traded

Exercise 5.2

Access the European Union website ( How many member states
comprise the EU?

- As of December 2020, there are twenty-seven member states. The United Kingdom
withdrew from the European Union on 31 January 2020.

Exercise 6.3

Access the IESBA website ( Click on “Consultation & Projects”

and list three active projects (Work Plan) and three recent completed projects.

- As of December 2020, the three active projects are: ECODE, IAASB-IESBA


As of December 2020, the three recently completed projects are: ROLLOUT OF THE

Exercise 7.4

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Accounting Research (1st Sem AY 2020-2021) Assignment 19
Javier, Jaypee T. Dec 30, 2020

A. Construction Contracts - IAS 11

B. Financial Instruments Disclosures - IFRS 7
C. Share-Based Payments - IFRS 2
D. Employee Benefits - IAS 19
E. Interest in Joint Ventures - IFRS 11:24
F. Earnings Per Share - IAS 33
G. Borrowing Costs - IAS 23
H. Operating Segments - IFRS 8
I. Accounting for Government Grants - IAS 20

Exercise 9.5

How many IFRICs have been issued?

- As of December 2020, twenty-three IFRCs have been issued.

Knowledge Busters 2.

Topic: First-Time Adopters of IFRS

of IFRS Northwood Industries, a U.S.-based public company, has two subsidiaries located in
Europe. These two subsidiaries are required to prepare their individual financial statements in
accordance with IFRS. Northwood, contemplating that the SEC will soon require U.S.-based
public companies to file financial statements also in accordance with IFRS, has decided to
check out the requirements. The new controller at Northwood is seeking assistance as to
whether any international standards address first time adopters of IFRS and, more specifically,
the requirements to change to IFRS.

Required: Utilize elFRS to determine if there is an international standard applicable to first-time

adopters. If so, what are the basic requirements for adoption of IFRS?

- IFRS 1.
IFRS 1 requires an entity that is adopting IFRS Standards for the first time to prepare a
complete set of financial statements covering its first IFRS reporting period and the
preceding year. The entity uses the same accounting policies throughout all periods
presented in its first IFRS financial statements. Those accounting policies must comply
with each Standard effective at the end of its first IFRS reporting period.

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Accounting Research (1st Sem AY 2020-2021) Assignment 19
Javier, Jaypee T. Dec 30, 2020

IFRS 1 provides limited exemptions from the requirement to restate prior periods in
specified areas in which the cost of complying with them would be likely to exceed the
benefits to users of financial statements.
IFRS 1 also prohibits retrospective application of IFRS Standards in some areas,
particularly when retrospective application would require judgements by management
about past conditions after the outcome of a particular transaction is already known.
IFRS 1 requires disclosures that explain how the transition from previous GAAP to IFRS
Standards affected the entity’s reported financial position, financial performance and
cash flows.

Knowledge Busters 3.

Topic: Business Acquisitions

JB Company recently acquired 100 percent of Sampson Company for $150,000 cash. Both
companies are located outside of the United States and JB needs to prepare consolidated
financial statements. JB provided the following information regarding the Sampson’s account
values at acquisition:

Account Cost basis Fair value basis

Accounts receivable (net) $25,000 $20,000

Building $150,000 $200,000

Accounts payable $18,000 $18,000

Bonds payable $100,000 $125,000

Required: Utilize elFRS to find authoritative guidance regarding business acquisitions and the
valuation of items acquired. Prepare the acquisition journal entry based upon your research.
Prepare a report to be presented to JB Company’s management with specific authoritative
literature references.

- IFRS 3
IFRS 3 seeks to enhance the relevance, reliability and comparability of information
provided about business combinations (e.g., acquisitions and mergers) and their effects.
It sets out the principles on the recognition and measurement of acquired assets and
liabilities, the determination of goodwill and the necessary disclosures.
- ASC 805-10

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Accounting Research (1st Sem AY 2020-2021) Assignment 19
Javier, Jaypee T. Dec 30, 2020

IFRS 3 Business Combinations applies when an acquirer obtains control of a business.

It defines a business as “an integrated set of activities and assets that is capable of
being conducted and managed to provide a return in the form of dividends, lower costs,
or other economic benefits”.

Acquisition Methods:
- Identifying the acquirer
- Determining the acquisition date
- Recognizing and measuring the subsidiary’s identifiable assets
and liabilities. - Recognizing goodwill and any non-controlling interest.

Knowledge Busters 4.

Topic: IFRS vs. U.S. GAAP Comparison (Secondary sources/support)

SANDY: Do you know if standards between the IFRS and U.S. GAAP have converged?

LORI: No, I don’t know if the standards have converged but I think the two are almost identical.

SANDY: Is there a way we can quickly check the differences?

LORI: Let’s investigate!

Required: Use a secondary source (e.g., firm website/publication) to investigate IFRS vs. U.S.
GAAP differences as of 2020. Prepare a report that lists and summarizes five differences
between the two sets of standards. Be sure to include the respective standard’s numbers (e.g.,
[AS 2 and ASC 805) and cite your source.

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Accounting Research (1st Sem AY 2020-2021) Assignment 19
Javier, Jaypee T. Dec 30, 2020

Knowledge Busters 5.

Topic: Consolidation-Accounting Policies

Parent Company has control over several entities. Parent Company reports inventory using the
first-in, first-out (FIFO) cost formula. The other entities report inventories using the FIFO cost
formula or the weighted-average (WA) cost formula. See inventory values below.

Required: Utilize elFRS to find authoritative guidance regarding the amount Parent Company
should report for inventory in its consolidated financial statements? Be sure to cite specific
authoritative literature to justify your answer.


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