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PRO 3M/COMBO CAP TOCIPRO 3MPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN CHO ki THI TOT NGHIEP THPT QUOC GIA ‘Theo déi Page : Hoc Tiéng Anh cing ¢6 Vi Mai Phuong dé hoc GIOI TIENG ANH HON mai ngay ciing 6. Ki THI THU THPT QUOC GIA NAM 2021 6 Bai thi: NGOAI NGU ; Mén thi: TIENG ANH Ne al: ‘THPT CHUYEN DAI HOC VINH - LAN 1 , «) Ngay thi: 17/1/2021 Cé Vai Thi Mai Phuong Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or plirase that best fits each of the numbered banks Have you ever thought about the impact your name has on the way others perceive you? A recent study by Dr Simon Laham from the University of Melbourne and Dr Adam Alter from New York University Stern Business School reveals that people with “easy to pronounce” names tend to be @) more positively than those with “difficult-to-pronounce” names, The researchers found that people with more easily pronounceable names were more likely to be (2), Upon favourably for political office, and that lawyers with easier sounding names made their way up the career (3) faster. Surnames from a wide range of nationalities were used in the study, and researchers stressed that preferences were not (4), due to the length of a name or how unusual it was, but rather how easy it was to say. Dr Laham believes the research highlights the kind of (5) that our everyday thinking is subjected to. Question 1: A. reckoned —_B. figured evaluated. determined Question 2: A. called B, looked ©. come D. put Question 3: A. order B. stairs ©. scale D. ladder Question 4: A. hardly B. plainly C. barely D. merely Question 5: A. weights B. angles C. biases D. tums Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions Question 6: Through the mass media, people have more opportunities to connect by each other, cooperate and share information and personal experiences. A. share B. personal D. through Question 7: Not only John but also his friends wants to buy this race horse A. wants B. race horse ©. but also D. Only Question 8: Capital punishments aims to hinder people from committing such crimes A. Capital B. crimes C. committing. hinder Mark the letter A, B, Cor D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions Question 9: My advice to you is to write a list of all the tasks you have to do and prioritise them A. arrange in order of precedence B. badly plan C. disperse over a wide area D. neglect in favour of Question 10: They have gone to great expense to track the prisoner down and bring him to justice. A. used a lot of ways B. tried a lot C, saved a lot of money D. spent a lot of money ‘Dang ki PRO3M/COMBO CAP TOC/PRO3MPLUS ~ CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MON TIENG ANH CUNG CO VO MAI PHONG PRO 3M/COMBO CAP TOCIPRO 3MPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN CHO ki THI TOT NGHIEP THPT QUOC GIA ‘Theo déi Page : Hoc Tiéng Anh cing ¢6 Vi Mai Phuong dé hoc GIOI TIENG ANH HON mai ngay ciing 6. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. In science, a theory is a reasonable explanation of observed events that are related. A theory often involves an imaginary model that helps scientists picture the way an observed event could be produced. A good example of this is found in the kinetic molecular theory, in which gases are pictured as being made up of many small particles that are in constant motion, A useful theory, in addition to explaining past observation, helps to predict events that have not as yet been observed. After a theory has been publicized, scientists design experiments to test the theory. If observations confirm the scientists” predictions, the theory is supported. If observations do not confirm the predictions, the scientists must search further, There may be a fault in the experiment, or the theory may have to be revised or rejected. Science involves imagination and Creative thinking as well as collecting information and performing experiments. Facts by themselves are not Science. As the mathematician Jules Henri Poincare said: “Science is built with facts just Science any more than a pile of bricks can be called a house.” Most scientists start an investigation by finding out what other scientists have leamed about a particular problem. After known facts have been gathered, the scientist comes to the part of the investigation that requires considerable imagination, Possible Solutions to the problem are formulated. These possible Solutions are called hypotheses. In a way, any hypothesis is a leap into the unknown, It extends the scientist's thinking beyond the known facts. The scientist plans experiments, performs calculations, and makes observations to test hypotheses. For without hypotheses, further investigation house is built with bricks. But a collection of facts cannot be called lacks purpose and direction. When hypotheses are confirmed, they are incorporated into theories. Question II: In fourth paragraph, the author implies that imagination is most important to scientists when they A. gather B. formulate possible possible solutions to a problem . evaluate previous work on a problem, D. close an investigation Question 12: The word “this” in line 3 refers to A. the kinetic molecular theory B. an observed event C. an imaginary model D. a good example Question 13: According to the second paragraph, a useful theory is one that helps scientists to A. find errors in past experiments B. publicize new findings observe events D. make predictions Question 14: The word “related” in line 1 is closest in meaning to___ A. completed B. identified C. described D. connected Question 15: The word “supported” is closest in meaning to A. upheld B. investigated C. finished D. adjusted Question 16: In the last paragraph, what does the author imply a major function of hypotheses? A, Communicating a scientist’s thoughts to others _B. Sifting through known facts C. Linking together different theories D, Providing direction for scientific research Question 17: Which of the following statements is supported by the passage? A. A good scientist needs to be creative B. It is better to revise a hypothesis than to reject it C. Theories are simply imaginary models of past events D. A scientist’s most difficult task is testing hypotheses ‘Dang ki PRO3M/COMBO CAP TOC/PRO3MPLUS — CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MON TIENG ANH CUNG CO VO MAI PHONG PRO 3M/COMBO CAP TOCIPRO 3MPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN CHO ki THI TOT NGHIEP THPT QUOC GIA ‘Theo déi Page : Hoc Tiéng Anh cing ¢6 Vi Mai Phuong dé hoc GIOI TIENG ANH HON mai ngay ciing 6. Question 18: The author refers to a hypotheses as “a leap into the unknown” in order to show that hypotheses A. require effort to formulate B. are sometimes ill-conceived C. go beyond available facts D. can lead to dangerous results Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each if the following questions Question 19: His jokes were boring that most people completely switched off A, stopped of B. pay attention —_C. left it off D. didn’t pay attention Question 20: He was a bit behind at the beginning of term, but on the whole has put up a good show ‘A. appeared clearly B. done badly C. done well D. performed excellently Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions Question 21: A. preparing —_B. arrangement C. challenging D. relation Question 22: A.employee «limitation. sympathize D. vegetarian Mark the letter A, B, C, or d on your answer sheet to indicate that best completes each of the following exchanges Question 23: Cynthia: “His, Victor. Do you think it’s possible for us to have a talk some time today?” Victor: “I'd love to, but__ A. P’ve got a tight schedule today B. I'm pretty tight schedule today C. Ithas a pretty tight schedule today D, Pm fine now Question 24: Jill: “ Could you save my place for me, please? Nature's calling” Stranger:*__” A, Sure. But hurry. The line is moving fast _B. Yes, please. But a minute or so C.No, I ean’t, I'm ina hurry D. No problem, But the line is moving fast Mark the letter A, B, Cor D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions Question 25: a scholarship, I entered the frightening and unknown territory of private education A. To be awarded B. Having awarded ©. To award D. Having been awarded Question 26: By the end of next month, Mary and I___out with each other for three years A will be going B. having been going C. will have been going D. will go Question 27: It must be true. I heard it straight from the_ mouth A. horse’s B. camel’s C. dog’s D. cat's Question 28: I have English classes___day- Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays A all other B. every other C. each other D. this and the other Question 29: My music teacher suggested that we___ for an hour before breakfast A. practice 8B. practicing C. be practiced D. to practice Question 30: I only have to keep on waiting, _? A won't B. don’t I haven't | D. mustn’t I Question 31: Today is, hot in the burning of summer A. warmly B. terrifiedly C. scorchingly D. scorching ‘Dang ki PRO3M/COMBO CAP TOC/PRO3MPLUS ~ CHINH PHUC BIEM 9+ MON TIENG ANH CUNG CO VO MAI PHUCONG PRO 3M/COMBO CAP TOCIPRO 3MPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN CHO ki THI TOT NGHIEP THPT QUOC GIA ‘Theo déi Page : Hoc Tiéng Anh cing ¢6 Vi Mai Phuong dé hoc GIOI TIENG ANH HON mai ngay ciing 6. Question 32: As I liked your photo, I had it A. enlarge B. be enlarged C. to enlarge D. enlarged Question 33: Caught in the very act, he had no___but to confess A. alternation B. alternating C. alternative D. alternate Question 34: He finished the paintings_ for the exhibition A. forthe time being B. from time to time C. in good time _D. time after time Question 35: Hello, Is that 22103575? Please put me ___to the manager A. across B. over Cup D. through Question 36: Some officials proposed to increase the on tobacco A duty B. money C. salary D. fee Question 37: Dick tried to place the on others for his mistakes A. denial B. blame C hurt D. complaint Question 38: we invested in telecommunication industry, we would be rich by now A. Had B. Should C. Were D. Will Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines cach pair of sentences in the following questions Question 39: Tim read articles about the company very carefully. He then was able to answer all interview questions A. If Tim read articles about the company very carefully, he is able to answer all interview questions B. Although Tim read articles about the company very carefully, he was able to answer all interview questions C. Tim read articles about the company very carefully whereas he was able to answer all interview questions D. Tim read articles about the company very carefully; therefore, he then was able to answer all interview questions Question 40: The bui to a strict deadline A. As the deadline set by the building contractor for completing this work was drawing near, we had no choice but take our time over it B. We are under a lot of time pressure to complete this work by the deadline set by the building contractor C. We all pulled our weight to get this work fi contractor. D. The sooner the building contractor want this work to be finished, the harder it is for us to make ends meet. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning 10 each of the following questions Question 41; Laura has ruled out any meeting with Roger in the near future A. Inall probability, Laura will never get together with Roger again B. Laura has decided never to meet Roger again. C. Laura says that coming together with Roger is presently out of the question. D. A future meeting between Laura and Roger doesn’t seem very likely. ing contractor wants this work to be finished soon. We have been worl ished prior to the imminent deadline set by the building ‘Dang ki PRO3M/COMBO CAP TOC/PRO3MPLUS — CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MON TIENG ANH CUNG CO VO MAI PHONG PRO 3M/COMBO CAP TOCIPRO 3MPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN CHO ki THI TOT NGHIEP THPT QUOC GIA ‘Theo déi Page : Hoc Tiéng Anh cing ¢6 Vi Mai Phuong dé hoc GIOI TIENG ANH HON mai ngay ciing 6. Question 42: Much as George loved travelling in Asia, he decided not to go to Indonesia because of his fears of terrorism A. Even though George liked touring Asia very much, he was afraid of the terrorism in Indonesia, so he chose not to go there. B. As Indonesia had become a high-risk terrorism spot, George, who normally loved Asia, was afraid to go there. C. Although George likes touring Asia, ever since the threat of terrorism started, he hadn’t been to Indonesia. D. George would have gone to Indon was his favorite travel spot Question 43: It’s a pity that you didn’t tell us about this, A. wish you told us about this B. 1 wish you had told us about this C. [wish you would tell us about this D. I wish you have told us about this Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions Question 44: A. influenced —-B. wicked CC expressed _D. reduced Question 45: A. thus B. thrill C. third D. enthusiasm Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions HIGH MATHS ABILITIES BAD SCHOOL LIVES Teachers first noticed Cameron Thompson’s talent for numbers when he was four years old and at present school, Throughout school, Cameron Thompson’s best subject was math. Then when he was eleven, he took a maths test prior to entering secondary school. The test was out of 140,Cameron scored 141, “1 broke the system” he recalls. Since then, he has continued to progress quickly. He passed two GCSEs (maths and further maths) at the age of eleven and then got the highest grade in his maths A-level before the end of that same academic year . He is now fourteen years old and studying remarkable achievement bearing in mind his age. But his ability of a talking potato’, he admits. In other words, he feels more at ease with numbers than among other teenagers. ‘Most people my age do despite me. I've been like this for years’. Communication is not one of Cameron’s strong points and, aside from the problems this causes socially, it is now beginning to affect his marks in mathematics. This is because, at undergraduate level, he is expected to give reasons for his answers longside the answers themselves. Cameron’s difficulty is that he often doesn’t know how he has arrived at the answers, even though the answers are usually correct, Cameron and his family have recently moved house and Cameron is due to start at a new school. He regards it as a chance to make a fresh start and make some friends. But his mother, Alison, has a few worries concerning his lack of social skills. While she described Cameron as “very sensitive” , she also acknowledges that he is socially naive and often oblivious to signals from other people. The new school specializes in dealing with students who, like Cameron, excel academically but find it difficult to relate to other students. And indeed, on his first day, Cameron did make a new friend- a boy called Tim-mainly owing to a shared dislike of Justin Bierber’s music. if he hadn’t been scared to terrorism so much because Asia ademic achievements have not always been matched by social success. I have the social ‘Dang ki PRO3M/COMBO CAP TOC/PRO3MPLUS — CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MON TIENG ANH CUNG CO VO MAI PHONG PRO 3M/COMBO CAP TOCIPRO 3MPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN CHO ki THI TOT NGHIEP THPT QUOC GIA ‘Theo déi Page : Hoc Tiéng Anh cing ¢6 Vi Mai Phuong dé hoc GIOI TIENG ANH HON méi ngay ciing 6. Recently, a math professor from Cambridge University has been looking at Cameron’s work, His advice to Cameron is perhaps surprising. Professor Imre thinks Cameron should slow down, stop talking maths exams, and wait until he is eighteen before doing a degree. “There’s quite an important distinction” he explains, “between taking lots of exams as fast as you can, and relaxing and enjoying the level that you are at-what we call enrichment’, Professor Leader believes Cameron will do better in the long run if he stops trying to progress so quickly. And although Cameron does not want to finish his current degree, he isn’t making any academic plans beyond that. He goes to a weekly karate class afier school. And recently, he went to a computer games convention with some friends from karate. Since tuning fourteen, Cameron's feelings towards girls have changed. As he puts it, :I started to like them instead of being disguised by them”, He’s ever been on a first date without his parents. And general, he feels less isolated and unusual than he did before. “There are some people like me-high maths abilities, bad school lives- I am not alone- Spooky.” Question 46: Recently, Cameron has noticed A. a deterioration in his relationship with his parents B. an improvement in his social life C. a sudden improvement in his school life D. a loss of ambition academically Question 47: Between the ages of four and ten, Cameron A. excelled at various school subjects B. didn’t really fulfill his promise at maths C. demonstrated outstanding ability in maths D. allowed his passion for numbers to dominate his life Question 48: Professor Leader thinks Cameron should A. continue with his degree B. have a temporary break from degree C. give up maths completely for a few years D. try to increase the speed of his progress Question 49: Cameron met a boy at his new school who ‘A has something in common with him. B. has even more severe problems with communication C. is even better at maths D. took a strong dislike to him from the first day Question 50: Cameron’s problems with communi A. have been interfering with his ability to do maths work B. have been getting worse recently . haven’t been affecting his popularity at school D. are irrelevant when he’s doing maths ion DOT UU DAI HOC PHI CUOI CUNG COMBO CAP TOC / PRO 3MPLUS 2021 LEN TOI 55% DEN NGAY 31/1/2021 ‘Dé nh4n tw van Ig trinh, HOC THU va ding ki khéa hge ede em inbox c6: > Attps:// ‘Dang ki PRO3M/COMBO CAP TOC/PRO3MPLUS — CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MON TIENG ANH CUNG CO VO MAI PHUONG

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