Reason To Believe Mohsin

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Reason to believe

Assessible price: the price of our product is reasonable everyone should buy it as it comes
in two different is 500ml and 2nd is 750ml. the price of 500ml is Rs.50 and the price
of 750ml is Rs.80 .

New taste: our product frutify comes with five different flavors. With new taste
that is not available in market.
Objectives of Product: some of our objectives to increase the sale and maintain supply
according to demand generate more revenue and make batter strategies against our

Product features: some features of our product are it available in different flavored, it is a
good source of vitamin B3,B5 and reduce cholesterol level of the body.

Unique name and slogan: slogan of our product is “ Taste the difference ”. and unique
name of our product is “ Frutify ”.

Company mission and vision.

The vision of Frutify is to provide a quality product without compromising on anything.
That’s why where ever the market inflation went frutify never broke its rules and their vision
remains unchanged over the time. Our vision is to bring a quality beverage according to
people needs and desires.
The mission of FRUTIFY is to become a premium brand that’s why in this age of rapidly
changing life styles consumers are driven to change their habits constantly. But our mission is
to launch our new products in future. We will achieve our mission by building long term
relationship with the people who can make it become a reality.

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