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IELTS Speaking Cue Cards

May - Aug 2021

7+ Band Samples

Talwinder Sir's IELTS

+91 78148 59369



Talwinder Sir's IELTS coaching,

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Talwinder Sir’s IELTS


 All these cue cards are written by Talwinder Singh and are of 7+
band scores.
 These cue cards can be found online as I have posted some of
 These cue cards can be used for teaching students of General
Training or Academic.
 This material is meant to help students to understand about
the concept of writing.
 These cue cards can be availed and used by everyone.

Kind Regards,

Talwinder Singh.

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Talwinder Sir’s IELTS

1. Describe a street market in your city (Talwinder Sir’s IELTS)

Where is it?

What can you buy there?

What is it famous for?

How you feet about it

Or (It could also be asked in the past tense) Describe a time when
you visited a street market

When it was

Where you were

What you bought

How you felt about it

 Street markets are an integral part of Indian cities and towns.

 There are a number of street markets in my city, Bathinda.
 But here I would like to explain about Sunday street market
where I usually go. (Talwinder Sir’s IELTS)
 This market starts around 12 in the noon and till night 10, it
continue to sell the products.
 This market takes place in the centre of the city in the place
called, Arya Smaj chowk.
 Basically everything can be found there from cosmetics to
vegetables, clothes, fast food outlets.
 This market is too big. (Talwinder Sir’s IELTS)
 As Sunday is off for all the shopkeepers, they allot front of their
shops to the street vendors and charge from them on one day

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Talwinder Sir’s IELTS

 I usually go there to buy some stuff for me.

 For the first time, my mother took me there and then I use to
go there alone.
 The main benefit of street market is that it is cost effective.
 As compared to supermarkets, the prices of products are way
 It is everyone’s pocket friendly.
 Bargaining is possible there and all the ladies who go there to
buy utilities, bargain.
 Even the vendors know that they would have to lower the rate
down of their products, so they give some extra rate at first
place and after settling the price, they sell their products.
 Usually the vendors are hand to mouth earners.
 So I prefer to go there for shopping.
 I like a stall of Chinese food over there.
 Every Sunday I skip my dinner and try Chinese, especially
cheese chilly, over there.
 My mother also goes there to buy vegetables, some kitchen
stuff etcetera.
 She knows some of the vendors and usually visits them and
gets fresh vegetables in a good price range.
 So that is the street market in my hometown. (Talwinder Sir’s

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Talwinder Sir’s IELTS

2. Describe an argument two of your friends had? (Talwinder

Sir’s IELTS)

- When it happened

- What it was about

- How it was solved

- How you felt about it?

 We are 3 really fast friends Raghav, Keshav and I. (Talwinder

Sir’s IELTS)
 Raghav and Keshav fight a lot.
 They are like tom and jerry.
 I gave this name to them.
 Even if there is nothing available to discuss they will create
something and argue over that.
 Here I would like to describe a time when both of them had
serious arguments regarding brain drain.
 Actually Raghav is planning to go abroad for his higher studies
and wants to settle there.
 On the other hand, Keshav is kind of patriotic and doesn’t want
to leave the country and hates when someone says to leave the
country. (Talwinder Sir’s IELTS)
 So they started dialoguing with each other on this.
 Raghav said entire political system is corrupted here.
 We cannot get anything done without bribing.
 Government doesn’t care for citizens.
 Keshav presented arguments like if we wont go to politics and
leave our country then conditions will get worsen. Its not going
to improve.

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Talwinder Sir’s IELTS

 And if someone wants to do something, person can do in

his/her own country as well.
 Raghav kept on praising Canada, its beauty, job opportunities,
earnings, lifestyle, etcetera.
 Both of them were right on their place.
 After some time the conversation was converted into heated
 I was afraid that they both will have some serious fight so I had
to pitch in.
 I said to both of them to stop and listen to me.
 I explained to Keshav that Raghav has his own choice he can do
anything he wants.
 And Keshav was also right for our own country but we have to
let go many things in our life.
 After sometime both of them kept quiet and we went out to
have pizza.
 We enjoyed a lot and I was glad that I didn’t let them fight for
something which cannot be changed.
 That was the time when two of my best friends had arguments
on a serious topic. (Talwinder Sir’s IELTS)

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Talwinder Sir’s IELTS

3. Describe a natural talent you want to improve like sports

music (Talwinder Sir’s IELTS)

- What it is? (same as cue card no. 9, plan not for study or

- When you discovered it?

- How you want to improve it?

- And how you feel about it?

 There are a number of natural talents which are popular among

 Here I would like to talk about improving my musical skills.
 From my childhood, I had a dream to be musician.
 I started learning harmonium in the days back of my childhood.
 I had one clear thing in my mind that I would never sing for
money. (Talwinder Sir’s IELTS)
 I will never keep money at the first place, I had pure love for
 I used to sing religious hymns in the local sikh temple.
 People used to say that your voice is melodious and soothing.
 I started learning from one of famous music teachers in the
town in my summer holidays.
 But then my, classes began and I had to leave music classes to
my curriculum. (Talwinder Sir’s IELTS)
 Then time passed and I cleared my 10th standard and thought
after this class, I will start learning.
 But in 11th standard, I took non-medical subjects and they were
quite tough.

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Talwinder Sir’s IELTS

 I had to devote most of my time to studies and I was limited to

sing in the local place only.
 Now I want to go abroad for my higher studies and attended
classes for IELTS.
 After clearing it, I will have to wait for 6 months around to get
my visa. (Talwinder Sir’s IELTS)
 Moreover, lock down is also there due to covid-19 situation.
 So this time I would like to utilize for honing my musical skill.
 I have confirmed from one of the academy, they provide online
 As it is online, the fee is also quite reasonable.
 I will definitely devote my this free time to satisfy my love for
music and to feed my soul.
 Music is a therapy for mind and I am gifted by God with this
 Therefore, I would like to improve my skills further.
 So that is the natural talent I would like to enhance. (Talwinder
Sir’s IELTS)

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Talwinder Sir’s IELTS

4. Describe a law on environmental protection(Talwinder Sir’s


- What it is?

- How you first learned about it?

- Who benefits from it?

- And explain how you feel about this law?

 Environment protection is demand of the hour. (Talwinder Sir’s

 Because of human activities, environmental degradation
occurred at high level.
 If we don’t take necessary actions now, then we will have to
bear the consequences for throughout our life and our
upcoming generations also have to face dire consequences.
 Both national and international authorities are working
tirelessly to improve this condition.
 Here I would like to explain about a newly implemented law for
environmental protection. (Talwinder Sir’s IELTS)
 This law is reining the increasing number of factories and
controlling the level of air pollution they produce.
 Indian government has taken this initiative in order to protect
the quality of air.
 In a recent research, it has been proved that factories cause
60% of air pollution and due to this, ozone layer, and air quality
are depleting at alarming rate.
 This is causing a number of health hazards to humans, animals,
birds and plants. (Talwinder Sir’s IELTS)
 As per this law, government agencies are monitoring all the
factories in cities, towns and villages.
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Talwinder Sir’s IELTS

 Owners are advised to use technology to control the level of

pollution they are producing.
 For the sake of better implementation, government has given
guidelines to the factories as per their production level that the
amount of pollution can be generated.
 If that level is crossed, then heavy penalties will be imposed to
them and there is no exception in that.
 This law is made quite transparent and if any of the
manufacturing unit produces more pollution and any
government official takes bribe and let this go, common people
can file complaint.
 Both assigned officer of that area and business owner will have
to bear the consequences.
 So that is the great law for environmental protection is
implemented by the government and everyone is commending
this kind of initiative. (Talwinder Sir’s IELTS)

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Talwinder Sir’s IELTS

5. Describe a town or city where you would like to live in the future
(Talwinder Sir’s IELTS)

- Where is it?

- How you know about this city?

- What it is famous for?

- Why you would like to live there?

 There are a number of good cities where I want to visit and live
for some time. (Talwinder Sir’s IELTS)
 But here I would take this opportunity to explain about my
favourite city where I want to live in the future.
 That is Toronto city in Ontario province in Canada.
 There are a range of reasons why I want to live there.
 The most preponderant one is that this city is IT hub.
 I want to become a computer engineer and would like to make
my career in IT field only. (Talwinder Sir’s IELTS)
 There are many tier A companies where I can secure my future
 Secondly, Toronto is a multicultural city where people from
distinct ethnics live together.
 I will get acquainted with a wide variety of cultures, languages
and people.
 Apart from this, Canada is a country which never let the
employers exploit employees.
 They have set stringent laws for this.
 No employee can work more than 45 hours in a week.
 Everyone gets two days off in a week. (Talwinder Sir’s IELTS)
 They have also set the standard pay rate for employees.

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Talwinder Sir’s IELTS

 Furthermore, Canadian healthcare system attracts visitors and

permanent residence.
 All the citizens have health and medical insurance and in the
time of medical emergency, they need not to worry.
 Insurance companies and the state takes care of them.
 Education system of Canada is also considered as finest among
all the developed countries.
 Even then it is not so costly.
 Moreover, being a Punjabi, living in Canada is my dream.
 I wont feel homesickness over there as many of my relatives
and people from my state are already living there.
 Because of aforementioned and many more reasons, I would
like to move to Toronto. (Talwinder Sir’s IELTS)

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Talwinder Sir’s IELTS

6. Describe a puzzle (jigsaw, crossword, etc) you have played

- What it is like?

- How easy or difficult it is?

- How long it takes you to solve it?

- And how you feel about it? (Talwinder Sir’s IELTS)

 Puzzle solving is a great mind game in which our mind

develops. (Talwinder Sir’s IELTS)
 It is very good exercise for mind.
 I like to play a number of puzzle games such as Sudoku, finding
home, cubicle puzzles.
 But here I would like to talk about finding home for dog puzzle
 This game is quite popular among kids. (Talwinder Sir’s IELTS)
 I saw this puzzle game for the first time in the newspaper.
 I tried to find the home for a dog who was in the picture.
 In this game, basically there are many ways shown for a dog to
reach home.
 We have to find a correct way to take the dog his home.
(Talwinder Sir’s IELTS)
 As many ways are given and these are intermingled among
each other, these make it tough for the player.
 When I first found this on the newspaper, I started solving this
with the help of a pencil.
 After sometime, I was able to solve this and I felt like a
 Then I searched same kind of puzzles on the internet.
 There I found that the one which I solved was nothing in front
of others available online.
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Talwinder Sir’s IELTS

 I tried to solve online puzzles but got confused a lot.

 After sometime I left it and the next day again picked one more
puzzle and tried to solve it.
 I didn’t give up on it and kept trying consistently.
 Then I was able to solve it.
 After sometime I heard in my city, there was inter-school
competition for solving puzzle.
 I took part in it and secured 3rd position in it.
 From that time, I am consistently solving puzzles and it became
my hobby.
 That was the puzzle I liked solving. (Talwinder Sir’s IELTS)

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Talwinder Sir’s IELTS

7. Describe a live sports match that you have watched

(Talwinder Sir’s IELTS)

- What it was?

- When you watched it?

- What it was like?

- And how you felt about it?

 I like to watch sport. I prefer to spend my leisure time on

watching and playing sports. (Talwinder Sir’s IELTS)
 I have attended a number of live sport events such as National
soccer match, kabaadi matches, basketball tournaments.
 I enjoy these sports a lot. (Talwinder Sir’s IELTS)
 Here I would like to talk about a time when I attended a live
cricket match.
 It was the time of 2019 when I was pursuing my masters
(bachelors) in Chandigarh.
 Craze for IPL matches was at its peak among all the students at
that time.
 Meanwhile we came to know that four IPL matches will take
place in Mohali stadium.
 My friends and I made a plan to watch one of the matches in
the stadium.
 As the demand of these matches was quite high, we booked
our tickets well in advance.
 Because it was my first time to watch cricket match live, I was
very excited to watch the match. (Talwinder Sir’s IELTS)
 The match was between Kings 11 Punjab and Rajasthan Royals.
 We all wore t-shirts of Punjab’s team to support them.
 We reached to the venue before time. (Talwinder Sir’s IELTS)
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 We had to undergo, first of all, the security checks in order to

make sure that any unwanted activity could not take place.
 We reached to our seats and cheered a lot.
 The match began and we started hooting after seeing our
favourite players.
 The match lasted for 5 hours and throughout the time, we
enjoyed the most.
 After that the match ended and team to whom we were
supporting won.
 We were exhausted afterwards.
 Then it was night and we went to have dinner.
 After that we came back to our place and for the next day, we
took rest because of exertion.
 That was the time when I attended live cricket match for the
first time. (Talwinder Sir’s IELTS)

IELTS coaching: +91 78148 59369 (Talwinder Singh), Email: Page 15
Talwinder Sir’s IELTS

8. Describe an article on health you read in a magazine or on the

internet (Talwinder Sir’s IELTS)

- What it was?

- Where you read it?

- Why you read it?

- And how you felt about it?

 As I have an affinity towards knowing different aspects of health

and fitness, I always make sure that I spare at least 10 minutes for
reading something related to keeping myself fit.
 I’m going to talk about an article which inspired me to become
more health conscious. (Talwinder Sir’s IELTS)
 Actually, it was about a month ago when I was surfing internet
and all of a sudden, I came across a website named, which was about physical exercises which
guaranteed to transform a person both physically and
 Those exercises involved squats, situps, pushups, stretching,
bending forward and twisting waist. (Talwinder Sir’s IELTS)
 It stated motivating stories of people who used to suffer from
obesity and how they coped up with this problem.
 The most amazing thing about the article was a diet specifically
designed for the beginners.
 It gave me enormous information about the healthy life style
people should follow.
 After struggling for a week or so, I started practicing those
exercises one by one.
 I began my routine by waking up early in the morning.
 It was next to impossible for me to do those exercises easily as I
follow a lethargic lifestyle. (Talwinder Sir’s IELTS)

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Talwinder Sir’s IELTS

 However, my father motivated me a lot to follow this routine as

he himself is a military officer and a fitness freak.
 Fortunately, I have become really health conscious and I would
love to follow this routine religiously. (Talwinder Sir’s IELTS)
Affinity – strong liking
Health conscious – to look after health
All of a sudden – suddenly
Fitness freak – health conscious
Motivating: to encourage someone
Week or so: almost a week.
Lethargic: lazy
Surfing: searching something on Internet
Next to impossible: very difficult
Coped up: faced or solved
Specifically: specially, mainly
Enormous: a lot
Fortunately: luckily
Religiously: follow something by heart

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Talwinder Sir’s IELTS

9. Describe a plan in your life that is not related to work or study

(same as cue card no. Natural skill you want to improve) (Talwinder
Sir’s IELTS)

- What it is about?

- Why you made this plan?

- What you need to do first?

- And explain how you would feel if it is successful?

 I believe we should give time to ourselves. (Talwinder Sir’s

 It is as important as our work or study is.
 It makes us realize that we have life outside our work and have
to make work life balance.
 Here I would like to talk about a plan for improving my musical
 From my childhood, I had a dream to be musician.
 I started learning harmonium in the days back of my childhood.
 I had one clear thing in my mind that I would never sing for
 I will never keep money at the first place, I had pure love for
music. (Talwinder Sir’s IELTS)
 I used to sing religious hymns in a local sikh temple.
 People used to say that your voice is melodious and soothing.
 I started learning from one of famous music teachers in the
town in my summer holidays.
 But then my, classes began and I had to leave music classes to
my curriculum.
 Then time passed and I cleared my 10th standard and thought
after this class, I will start learning.
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Talwinder Sir’s IELTS

 But in 11th standard, I took non-medical subjects and they were

quite tough. (Talwinder Sir’s IELTS)
 I had to devote most of my time to studies and I was limited to
sing in the local place only.
 Now I want to go abroad for my higher studies and attended
classes for IELTS.
 After clearing it, I will have to wait for 6 months around to get
my visa.
 Moreover, lock down is also there due to covid-19 situation.
 So this time I would like to utilize for honing my musical skill.
 I have confirmed from one of the academy, they provide online
 As it is online, the fee is also quite reasonable.
 I will definitely devote my this free time to satisfy my love for
music and to feed my soul.
 Music is a therapy for mind and I am gifted by God with this
 After accomplishing it, I will have relaxation in my mind.
 Therefore, I would like to improve my skills further.
 So that is the plan to improve my musical skills. (Talwinder Sir’s

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Talwinder Sir’s IELTS

10. Describe an occasion when you were not allowed to use your
mobile phone (Talwinder Sir’s IELTS)

- When it was?

- Where it was?

- Why you were not allowed to use your mobile phone?

- How you felt about it?

 Phone plays an indispensable role in this fast pace life.

However, there may arise many situations in which we are not
allowed to use mobile phones. (Talwinder Sir’s IELTS)
 Here, I would like to describe such a situation when I was in
extreme need of using my phone but unfortunately I was not
permitted to use it. (Talwinder Sir’s IELTS)
 Last week, I had to attend a seminar organised by Punjabi
University, related to course selection at my university.
 I was informed that the seminar would be held from 1’o clock
to 3 o’clock in the afternoon.
 So, I told my family that I would reach home around 3.30 as I
had to attend a family function with them.
 So, I went to the seminar hall of my university at given time.
 Before beginning of the seminar, the members of organising
committee asked everyone to submit their phones as electronic
gadgets were prohibited there to preserve secracy.
 So, I had to do so. (Talwinder Sir’s IELTS)
 Unfortunately, the seminar got delayed by 2 hours due to some
technical failure.
 As time reached to 3’ o clock, I got anxious.
 I knew that everybody in my family would be expecting me to
reach by 3.30.
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 I somehow managed to sit there further for half an hour.

 Then, I lost my patience and asked one of the official to bring
my phone back but he denied.
 Then I told him about my actual problem and requested him to
arrange a phone for me.
 He was such a kind person that he gave me his own phone to
make a call. (Talwinder Sir’s IELTS)
 I successfully informed my family about my delay and told them
to make plan accordingly.
 Then I felt quite relaxed.
 That was the time when I was not allowed to use my phone.
(Talwinder Sir’s IELTS)

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Talwinder Sir’s IELTS

11. Describe a piece of local news that people are interested in

You should say (Talwinder Sir’s IELTS)

- What it was about?

- Where you saw/heard it?

- Who was involved?

- And explain why people were interested in it?

 Nowadays due to Covid – 19 pandemic, everyone started

watching news to get abreast of latest happenings. (Talwinder
Sir’s IELTS)
 There are a number of news are floating around these days.
 But here, I would like to explain about a local news which has
kept attention of people of my locality from last 7 8 months.
 This news is about farmers’ protest against black agricultural
laws by government of India.
 Actually approximately an year ago, the government presented
3 laws for agriculture.
 As per these laws, now private players will be able to invest in
the agriculture, buy agricultural commodities from farmers.
 There are a number of repercussions of this law.
 Firstly, according to agriculturists, if private companies will
enter in this market, then they can purchase goods at high rate
from the farmers and farmers will prefer to sell to private
companies as they will get more return of their crops.
 With this, existing selling system can collapse and after a few
years, only private firms will be there.
 Then they will start buying at lower rate.

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 As there will be no option left to farmers to sell their crops

somewhere else, they will have to take lower price of their
crops. (Talwinder Sir’s IELTS)
 These outcomes can be devastating for entire country.
 Moreover, private companies tend to store the crops and can
fluctuate the market as well.
 Because of the aforementioned consequences of these farm
laws, agriculturists started agitation against the government.
 This started in my state Punjab.
 Now they went to capital of India, New Delhi, and sitting on the
borders. (Talwinder Sir’s IELTS)
 People are curious to know what is going on there.
 Everyday they pick newspaper and read about the agitation.
 This agitation is getting popularity in all over the world.
 This is longest agitation in the history of mankind.
 More than 400 lives have been lost but the government is not
ready to listen.
 So that is the local news of my state in which people have keen
interest. (Talwinder Sir’s IELTS)

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Talwinder Sir’s IELTS

12. Describe a tall building in your city you like or dislike

You should say (Talwinder Sir’s IELTS)

- Where it is?

- What it is used for?

- What it looks like?

- And explain why you like or dislike it?

 There are many buildings in my city which increase its beauty.

 Here I would take this opportunity to talk about a tall old
building which I like the most.
 This building is Civil hospital of my city Bathinda.
 It is of 12 floors. (Talwinder Sir’s IELTS)
 Normally the condition of government hospitals is not too
good, but my city’s hospital is too good.
 Mayor of my city, Mr. Gurmeet Singh, inaugurated this building
and because of his persuasiveness to the state government,
this hospital is a multi story premises.
 Around 2000 patients can be admitted at once in this hospital.
 It occupies around 10 acre place in the centre of city.
 It has around 1100 people’s footfall regularly.
 It has one emergency ward, which is operational 24*7.
 It has around 800 staff members including doctors, nurses,
sweepers, gate keepers, security guards.
 This building is coloured in green and light green colour.
 It has a big parking. (Talwinder Sir’s IELTS)
 What I like the most of this hospital is that it provides medical
cures in almost nothing.

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Talwinder Sir’s IELTS

 People with weaker financial conditions can get themselves

treated here.
 One thing I don’t like about this place is that the most staff is
not enthusiastic about their duties.
 As they are government employees, they think they have many
extra privileges.
 Doctors don’t come to hospital on time or they usually leave
early. (Talwinder Sir’s IELTS)
 The way of talking to the patients sometimes is not
 As mostly poor people visit there, so they don’t respect them.
 But I can say that this is far better than the old hospital.
 Now it is being regularly monitored by the authority.
 I usually go there whenever any of my known visit or admitted.
 As it is near to my home, so we prefer to go there for our
regular treatment.
 So that is the building which I like in my city. (Talwinder Sir’s

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13. Describe an occasion when many people were smiling

- When it happened? (Talwinder Sir’s IELTS)

- Who you were with?

- What happened?

- And explain why many people were smiling?

 There are many occasions when many people smile.

 For instance, marriage parties, birthday celebrations, winning
awards etcetera. (Talwinder Sir’s IELTS)
 But here I would like to talk about a situation when all of my
classmates were smiling.
 After giving exams of 12th standard all of us were waiting for
the result eagerly.
 As we all did hard work and our teachers also put their a lot of
efforts to teach us, the day was awaiting for us.
 Finally we got to know that our result will be declared in 14th
June. (Talwinder Sir’s IELTS)
 Our principal invited all the students in the school and he said
that we will check the result together.
 The timing of result was 10.00 a.m and we all got together in
the assembly ground of our school at around 9 in the morning.
 We had our fingers crossed and our heart beat was very fast as
it was the day when we would get to know the outcome of our
hard work. (Talwinder Sir’s IELTS)
 Finally the clock rang the bell of 10 o’clock, and my principal
opened the website of Punjab School education board.
 Everybody, including our teachers, were praying to God.
 Many of us were making deals with God that if we will get good
scores, we will definitely visit temple daily.
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 Because of high traffic on site, it got stuck for sometime.

 And after the result came and it was 100%.
 All of the students who gave exam got passed.
 We all jumped in joy and hugged each other and took blessings
of our teachers. (Talwinder Sir’s IELTS)
 Our teachers and principal were also smiling.
 Everybody was happy from the core of their heart.
 Then our school management distributed sweets to all and we
had a group picture clicked.
 In that picture smile could be seen on everyone’s face.
 Then we returned back to our home happily and cracked the
same news to our families.
 So that was the time when all of my classmates and school staff
were smiling. (Talwinder Sir’s IELTS)

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14. Describe a time you saw something interesting on social

media(Talwinder Sir’s IELTS)

- When it was?

- Where you saw it?

- What you saw?

- And explain why you think it was interesting?

 Social media nowadays play a pivotal role in our life.

 People spend a plenty of time there scrolling their social
networking platforms. (Talwinder Sir’s IELTS)
 It is wastage of our time mostly, but at times, we come across
something really beneficial.
 As I have an affinity towards knowing different aspects of health
and fitness, I always make sure that I spare at least 10 minutes for
reading something related to keeping myself fit.
 Same thing happened sometime ago when I was scrolling my
Facebook, I read an article on health. (Talwinder Sir’s IELTS)
 It was about physical exercises which guaranteed to transform a
person both physically and psychologically.
 Those exercises involved squats, situps, pushups, stretching,
bending forward and twisting waist.
 It stated motivating stories of people who used to suffer from
obesity and how they coped up with this problem.
 The most amazing thing about the article was a diet specifically
designed for the beginners.
 It gave me enormous information about the healthy life style
people should follow.
 After struggling for a week or so, I started practicing those
exercises one by one. (Talwinder Sir’s IELTS)
 I began my routine by waking up early in the morning.

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 It was next to impossible for me to do those exercises easily as I

follow a lethargic lifestyle. (Talwinder Sir’s IELTS)
 However, my father motivated me a lot to follow this routine as
he himself is a military officer and a fitness freak.
 Fortunately, I have become really health conscious and I would
love to follow this routine religiously.
 So that was the useful article on health which I read on a social
networking site Facebook. (Talwinder Sir’s IELTS)

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15. Describe an art or craft activity (e.g painting, woodwork, etc)

that you had (at school) (Talwinder Sir’s IELTS)

- What you made?

- How you made it?

- What it looked like?

- And how you felt about the activity?

 I am very fascinated by making art.

 Arts and crafts describe a wide variety of activities involving
making things with one's own hands.
 Arts and crafts is usually a hobby. (Talwinder Sir’s IELTS)
 Here I would like to talk about an art and craft activity that I did
at school.
 I vividly remember that in our school it was a trend that every
year, with the beginning of the month the house boards and
the individual class notice boards were to be updated.
 I was in seventh standard that time when I was asked to assist
the notice board of our house division.
 It was a large board and I wanted to give (Talwinder Sir’s
IELTS)my best as it was a huge responsibility on me that
amongst the whole school. Hence, leader of the house and I
made a fascinating board which was basically a sun rise scenery
 We painted the sun and pasted it to give a 3D effect to the
board and we also made a few other things like a boat and
tress depicting a scene in it along with some.
 Apart from this, we also pasted a quote on it saying “every day
is a new start” and this, I guess has a deep meaning and that is
sorrow of life will end with the sun set and every sun rise
comes with new start and new hopes. (Talwinder Sir’s IELTS)
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 It took us almost a week to be finalized and when it was done,

we were applauded and then I became famous in my school.
 By watching this my class teacher gave me an assignment in
which I had to make a chart including the birth dates of my
whole classmates so that we can feel special and all can wish
them on time. (Talwinder Sir’s IELTS)
 So, this was the art and craft activity which I did during my
academic tenure.

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16. Describe a company where you live that employs a lot of

people (Talwinder Sir’s IELTS)

- What it does?

- How many people it employs?

- What kind of people work there?

- How you feel about it?

 India is known as a hub of business process outsource (BPO).

 I live in Mohali which is also a mini hub for many businesses
related to IT sector. (Talwinder Sir’s IELTS)
 Candidates from all over Punjab come there to find suitable job
for them and work here. (Talwinder Sir’s IELTS)
 There are many companies but here I would like to talk about a
company which employees a lot of people.
 Name of the company is Vismaad and it is based on Mohali.
 This company deals with a range of IT products like web
developing, Android applications, 3D designing just to name a
 So this organization hires people from different IT backgrounds,
Management students, 3D artists, Business developers
etcetera. (Talwinder Sir’s IELTS)
 At present around 100 employees are working in this firm.
 I know the owner of this company.
 His name is Mr. Sukhwinder Singh.
 Once I had a long conversation with him about his company
and he explained me how he built such a big business.
 His story was motivating for me.
 It is quite a challenging task to handle this type of big
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 He has to visit USA frequently to meet his clients as his business

is based on USA.
 This company also provide industrial training to graduates or
post grad students.
 I like their business model.
 They have rented an office in industrial area Mohali.
 Its quite a big office which can accommodate around 150
people at a time.
 Recently, this company launched a 3D movie named “Bhai Taru
Singh” based on a sikh who gave his life for other caste people.
 So this is the company which I know in my locality and it
employees a lot of people. (Talwinder Sir’s IELTS)

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17. Describe a quiet place you like to spend your time

in(Talwinder Sir’s IELTS)

- Where it is?

- How you knew it?

- How often you go there?

- What you do there?

- And explain why you like the place?

 Undoubtedly, silence sometimes is very essential, but at the

same time it is very difficult to witness any place that has no or
less noise. (Talwinder Sir’s IELTS)
 However, when it comes to talking about a quite place that I
look forward to, for spending my time is the meditation centre.
 The name of the meditation centre is ' serene you'.
 It is located in the outskirts of a village that is adjacent to my
 My uncle suggested me to once visit this place and trust me it is
really helpful.
 When I went there for the first time, I felt so calmness in me.
 I didn’t aware about such a quiet and soothing place in my city.
 Now, I usually go there after a couple of days, especially with
my father as I share a great bond with him.
 People from all walks of life visit there and spend their leisure
time. (Talwinder Sir’s IELTS)
 Actually, in the present scenario, we all are engrossed with a
number of things, therefore, difficulty in sleeping, depression,
etcetera are very common among the society.
 Meditation is one such way in which we can release stress.

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 If we want mental peace, then meditation is the best cure.

 Having peace of mind permits us to carry our daily chores quite
conveniently. (Talwinder Sir’s IELTS)
 I see many students coming there and meditating.
 When asked them, they replied that this exercise helps them to
pay firm attention in their studies.
 Apart from this, it helps to maintain body properly, reduce
anger and many more.
 Thus, the meditation centre is the quiet place where I do visit
as it is very beneficial. (Talwinder Sir’s IELTS)

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18. Describe a time when you helped a friend

- When it was? (Talwinder Sir’s IELTS)

- How you helped him/her?

- Why you helped him/her?

- And how you felt about it?

 Helping others often inculcates positivity in a person and gives

a sense of purpose and satisfaction. (Talwinder Sir’s IELTS)
 There have been many such instances when I helped others.
 It so happened yesterday while I was travelling back home from
my institute by bus, that an old school friend was travelling in
the same bus.
 When the bus conductor came and, asked him to give money
for his ticket, my friend searched for his wallet but realised that
he had forgotten to bring it with him.
 The conductor gave angry looks as the bus was overcrowded
and he had to go to other passengers for collecting the fare.
 I observed the situation for a few minutes to check out whether
someone comes forward to help, but then I decided to help
him when nobody ended up helping.
 I took out my wallet and paid for his ticket.
 He showered his hearty blessings on me and thanked me in an
embarrassing tone.
 He said that in today’s world, very few people care to help
others and I was one of them.
 I was overwhelmed with joy and responded to his appreciation
with a big smile.

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 We then exchanged our phone numbers as I lost contact with

him long ago and he also asked me for my account number so
that he could return me the money.
 I rejected at first and said its just a small amount but when he
insisted repeatedly, I could not resist myself and just for the
sake of his happiness, I gave him information about my paytm
 The day after at around 7 pm, I received a paytm notification
with a note of blessings which brought a big grin on my face.
 This was the day when I discerned that helping others can be
really relaxing and satisfactory.

Resist: avoid
Instances: situations
Overcrowded: very crowded
Ended up: as a result
Showered: gave blessings
Overwhelmed with joy: full of happiness.

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19. Describe a leisure activity near/on the sea that you want to

- What it is?

- What you need to prepare?

- How easy or difficult it is?

- And explain why you want to try it?

 I like to try new and adventurous sports in my life.

 I have tried a number of sports and would like to try more as
there are many left to try.
 Here I would like to describe a water sport which I would like to
try in the future.
 Name of the sport is Kayaking.
 Kayaking is easy, low-impact water sport that’s great for
 A kayak is a small, narrow watercraft that fits one or two
people and is propelled by double-bladed paddle power.
 It’s brilliant for exploring calmer waters including protected
coastlines, lagoons, and rivers.
 The small size and low height to the water mean you can get
closer to the scenery than other vessels such as boats.
 Moreover, it’s an excellent workout session. (Talwinder Sir’s
 Paddling uses your arms, back, and shoulders while balancing
engages your core.
 One needs to have great physical strength in order to ride
Kayak with paddles.
 Kayaking games are organized in the coastal areas such as
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 This sport is quite prevalent there.

 There are around 10 people sit in a big kayak, make a team and
ride it.
 Around 12 teams in total take part in this sport.
 They have to cover the area of around 1 to 2 kilometres.
 The fastest riders win really attractive prizes.
 This game is popular in western countries as well.
 I am planning to move Canada for my higher studies.
 In northern part of Canada, there is a big water festival
celebrated and there they organize Kayaking as well.
 I would like to try this sports over there with my friends.
 So that was the sport which I would like to try in the future.
(Talwinder Sir’s IELTS)

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20. Describe a time when you shared something with others (or
another person)

- What you shared?

- Who you shared with?

- Why you shared it?

- And explain how you felt about sharing it?

 Sharing is caring.
 Whenever we share something with others, we feel contented
and full of joy.
 Everything is not suitable for sharing and I don’t like to share
my personal stuff with others.
 But at times, due to some reasons, we have to do the things
which we usually do not like to do. (Talwinder Sir’s IELTS)
 I would like to discuss about a situation when I had to share a
room with one stranger uncle.
 It was the time of 2017 when I went to Mohali to give an
 The interview was scheduled around 2 p.m and it was of 1
 I reached late to the interview venue and the panel told me to
come next day.
 I had to stay in Mohali only so that I could reach for the
interview on time next day.
 I started finding accommodation, but on that day IPL match
was also held in Mohali stadium.
 So I didn’t get any room in any hotel.
 I had only one place to go is sikh temple. (Talwinder Sir’s IELTS)
 I knew I would definitely get a room to live.
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 I went there and got a room but it was two bedroom set and
there was another person in the room.
 His name was Mr. Ravinder Singh and he was a police man.
 He visited there for some official work and he also had to stay
for night there.
 I started conversating with him and I told him about my story
for staying there. (Talwinder Sir’s IELTS)
 He told me about the duties of a police man has to do.
 Earlier I had many misconceptions about police, but after
meeting him, I was enlightened about this job.
 They have very hard duty to perform.
 They cannot take any leave on the festivals, they have to
response every call and be ready for any uncertain and full of
risk tasks.
 After the conversation, we became good friends.
 Next day, we said bye to each other. (Talwinder Sir’s IELTS)
 All in all, it was quite a good experience for me.

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21. Describe your favorite movie

You should say:

- When and where you saw it?

- What type of film it was?

- What the film was about?

- And explain why it is your favourite film?

 Movies, sometimes represent the social reality in such a manner

that people understand and realize the issue effectively
 I am a movie freak and I can rejuvenate my mind by watching
 So here, I am going to talk about a movie which I is my all time
 The name of the movie is“Ardaas kran”. It was about 6 months
ago, when I watched this movie in mall nearby my house
 As it was a weekend and my family was free , I went with my
family to watch it
 Gippy Grewal who is a renowned Punjabi actor and singer played
a lead role in this movie and it is also directed and produced by
 The star cast of the movie is Gippy Grewal,Gurpreet Guggi, Japuji
Khaira, and MeharVij.
 The movie was really very captivating as the story of “Ardaas
kran” has been inspired from real life situations
 It beautifully brings forth a very common problem prevailing since
ages , called the generation gap and how it affects both the elders
and the youngsters of the family.

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 At the same time, as the story moves ahead, it tells us that a life is
meant to be lived and loved.
 During the movie, there are many emotional situations where I
couldn’t control my sentiments and I got emotional.
 This movie conveys a message that everyone should live with a
positive bent of mind. By watching this movie, I have learnt that
life is full of tragedies and hardships and we must go on with a
zeal to live a brilliant life.
 This movie is my favourite because in this, we get to know about
the power of prayers.
 How the prayers can aid us in every situation and we can escape
from tough times.
 Moreover, this movie also demonstrates that in the challenging
time, we are more connected to God.
 We always have to do as per God’s will.
 So this is the movie which I like the most.

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22. Describe a time you got lost in a place you didn’t know about

- When did it happen?

- Who was with you?

- What did you do?

- How you felt about it?

 It is quite common for most of us to get lost in unknown places.

 It is not convenient to get acquainted with a new place in the
 So we tend to forget our ways.
 Here I would like to talk about a situation when I got lost in
New Delhi and after struggling for a longer time, I got to my
 It was the time when I was in my 7th standard.
 My family and I went to my relative’s home in New Delhi for my
cousin’s wedding.
 That was the first time I visited in New Delhi.
 There were many congested homes in the vicinity of my
relative’s home.
 And the streets were also very tiny.
 Once in the morning, I got up and went for the walk as I wanted
to explore the area.
 I went too far and then I forgot my way back to home.
 Back in those days, mobile phones were not common so I didn’t
have one.
 I was roaming here and there unaware about the way back to
 I didn’t know the address as well because I was new in the city.

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 I just remembered one landmark that there was a Verka’s diary

booth near to my relative’s home.
 So if I could locate that it would be easy for me to reach back
 Then I asked some people about verka booth, they told me
there are 3 booths of verka, which one I was looking for.
 Again I got confused then one Aunt said, are you looking or
verka booth of Shashtri Nagar.
 I said yes as I heard multiple times that our known lives in
Shashtri Nagar.
 Then that kind lady showed me way to reach back.
 After walking for half an hour, I reached back home.
 My parents were also worrying about me and when I reached
back then they had sigh of relief.
 So that was the time when I got lost in New Delhi and after long
struggle, I reached back to my destination.

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