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Zany Rose A.

BEED 1 - S3
May 26, 2021


Modern Filipino values serve as their guide not only on their performance in rendering direct
patient care. They also added that it is important to be fueled by modern Filipino values because as a
person it serves as one's mirror of personality. Values make people decide what is best.
Our values inform our thoughts, words, and actions. Our values are important because they help us to
grow and develop. They help us to create the future we want to experience.

Every individual has a set of personal values that dictates how he or she reacts to situations in
life. These will define each person. Values are significant and the principle shared by most people in
society regarding what is morally right or wrong. Values sometimes sway an individual’s actions.
Values are a factor that will affect one's life, behavior, actions, and beliefs. The personality of an
individual is reflected in his values. If a person was trained and practiced with good values, even how
bad his environment is, he will still focus on doing the right thing because it is innate in him what is

Here in the Philippines, values are very important and should be respected. As we grow older,
our parents shaped us with different values. From the day we are born, Pagkalinga, Pag-arugula, at
Pakialam(Care) was given by them. In our culture, Filipinos were very caring to someone especially
to our loved ones because caring symbolizes that you loved them deeply and you remember them all
the time. This value molds our true Filipino faith, which shows that we are mindful of others.

I recognize that our values, in part, maybe the cause of our problems today and can just as
well be critical to the solutions we seek as a nation. The basic value formation begins at home. Parents
should train their children with good moral values. They should teach them about what is right or
wrong. They should teach them the values that a Filipino should possess. As parents, they must teach
their children to become honest, respectful, helpful, hospitable, trusted, and other values that a
Filipino should have. They must serve as examples to their children.

As a future teacher, I must serve as good examples to my learners because as the saying goes,
“Values are caught and not taught”. Although we, as teachers, mandated to integrate values in all the
subject areas we are teaching, it is our role to become respectable models to the learners in our daily
teaching or even in the community. We must be very careful with our words, actions, and teachings
because the learners are keen observers, they will follow what they observe and see in us. There are
even times that they idolize us as their teachers and they imitate us. If we desire the progressive
Philippines, then we can start with the internalization of desirable values in our youth in our schools.

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