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Life is all about creating, enjoying and remembering small things.

Memory is defined as the

processes which is used to store, obtain, keep or preserve and recover the information [ CITATION
Ken20 \l 1033 ]. Usually, there are two types of memory; long-term memory and short-term
memory. People who care about anyone generally will remember and review things that matters
to someone they care for that make them easy to recover the memories.
If you care about someone, then you must know each and every small or big detail, like and
dislikes about them and especially join them on their special and best days. Let’s take an
example; when a person is having their best day or birthday the person should be able to make
them feel special and know how to celebrate their day in the best way [CITATION cou205 \l 1033 ]. I
do believe that if someone really cares then they will remember each and everything that matters
to someone because spending time with a person will certainly create memories and makes the
person remember and revise the things that matters. When you care for someone, you must
remember and know everything that matters to that person. If someone cares or is interested in
another, he/she will definitely take care and note about their favorite things like as; song, movie,
book, food and obviously their birthday. People really give attention and importance towards the
people they care and they are always eager the things that matters the most or is important to
them[ CITATION cou204 \l 1033 ] . Similarly, a person who really cares gives more attention and
gets involved in their emotions and feelings. Emotions and feelings such as love, care and sense
definitely have a deep effect for the people that you care for. In my context, I do have some
people that really cares about me, my likes, dislikes, favorite food, dress, place and my specially
my birthday, my special ones always remember everything that matters and is special to me.
They motivate me in everything and get involved in my good and bad times. For example; my
father definitely remembers my special day which is birthday and celebrates along with family
but besides that he also remembers my favorite TV shows, songs and sports club. Clearly, this is
the perfect result of our emotional attachment and feeling towards the person we care.
Therefore, if a person does not care for you or is not interested in you, you will not spend time,
have experiences together and know each other in detail that clearly shows that that the person
does not take you as an important part of your life and does not really remember your favorite
things. But, I do believe that if someone really cares then they will sure remember even the small
things and remember everything about us.
Cherry, K. (2020, may monday). What Is Memory?
coursehero. (2020, march monday). coursehero.
coursehero. (2020, march monday). Do you believe that if someone really cares about you.

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