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02/07/2021 Tehillim - Psalms - Chapter 2 - Tanakh Online - Torah - Bible


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Tehillim - Psalms - Chapter 2


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1 Why have nations gathered and [why do] kingdoms think :‫א ָל ָּמ ה ָֽר ְג ׁ֣ש ּו גֹוִ֑ים ּ֜ו ְל ֻא ִּ֗מ ים ֶי ְה ּגּו־ִֽר יק‬
vain things?

2 Kings of a land stand up, and nobles take counsel ‫ב ִֽיְת ַי ְּצ ֨ב ּו | ַמ ְל ֵכ י־ֶ֗א ֶר ץ ְו ֽר ֹוְז ִ֥נים ֽנ ֹוְס דּו־ָ֑יַח ד‬
together against the Lord and against His anointed? :‫ַע ל־ְ֜י ָוֹה ה ְו ַע ל־ְמ ִׁש יֽח ֹו‬

3 "Let us break their bands and cast off their cords from ‫ג ְֽנ ַנ ְּת ָק ה ֶא ת־ֽמ ֹוְס רֹוֵ֑ת ימֹו ְו ַנ ְׁש ִ֖ל יָכ ה ִמ ֶּ֣מ ּנּו‬
us." :‫ֲע ֹבֵֽת ימֹו‬

4 He Who dwells in Heaven laughs; the Lord mocks them.   :‫ד יֹוֵׁ֣ש ב ַּב ָּׁש ַ֣מ ִי ם ִי ְׂש ָ֑ח ק ֲ֜א ֹדָ֗נ י ִי ְל ַע ג־ָֽל מֹו‬

5 Then He speaks to them in His wrath; and He frightens :‫ה ָ֚א ז ְי ַד ֵּ֣בר ֵא ֵ֣לימֹו ְב ַא ּ֑פ ֹו ּוַ֖ב ֲח רֹו֥נ ֹו ְיַֽב ֲה ֵֽלמֹו‬
them with His sore displeasure.

6 "But I have enthroned My king on Zion, My holy mount."   :‫ו ַֽו ֲא ִֽני ָנ ַ֣ס ְכ ִּת י ַמ ְל ִּ֑כ י ַע ל־ִ֜צ ּ֗י ֹון ַה ר־ָק ְד ִֽׁש י‬

7 I will tell of the decree; The Lord said to me, "You are My ‫ֲא ַס ְּפ ָ֗ר ה ֶ֫א ל ֹ֥ח ק ְי ָ֗וֹהה ָא ַ֣מ ר ֵ֖א ַל י ְּב ִ֣ני ַ֑א ָּת ה‬ ‫ז‬
son; this day have I begotten you. :‫ֲ֜א ִ֗נ י ַה ּ֥י ֹום ְי ִל ְד ִּֽת יָך‬

8 Request of Me, and I will make nations your inheritance, ‫ח ְׁש ַ֚א ל ִמ ֶּ֗מ ִּנ י ְו ֶא ְּת ָ֣נה ֖ג ֹוִי ם ַֽנֲח ָל ֶ֑ת ָך ַֽ֜ו ֲא ֻח ָּֽזְת ָ֗ך‬
and the ends of the earth your possession. :‫ַא ְפ ֵס י־ָֽא ֶר ץ‬

9 You shall break them with an iron rod; like a potter's :‫ט ְּת ֹרֵֽע ם ְּב ֵׁ֣ש ֶב ט ַּב ְר ֶ֑זל ִּכ ְכ ִ֖ל י יֹוֵ֣צר ְּת ַנ ְּפ ֵֽצ ם‬
vessel you shall shatter them."

10 And now, [you] kings, be wise; be admonished, [you] :‫י ְו ַע ָּת ה ְמ ָל ִ֣כ ים ַה ְׂש ִּ֑כ ילּו ִ֜ה ָּֽו ְס ֗ר ּו ֹׁ֣ש ְפ ֵט י ָֽא ֶר ץ‬
judges of the earth. 1/2
02/07/2021 Tehillim - Psalms - Chapter 2 - Tanakh Online - Torah - Bible

11 Serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with quaking.

:‫יא ִע ְב ֣ד ּו ֶא ת־ְי ָ֣וֹהה ְּב ִי ְר ָ֑א ה ְ֜ו ִ֗ג ילּו ִּב ְר ָע ָֽד ה‬

12 Arm yourselves with purity lest He become angry and ‫יב ַנ ְּׁש קּו־ַ֡ב ר ֶּפ ן־ֶי ֱא ַ֚נף | ְו ֹ֬ת אְב דּו ֶ֗ד ֶר ְך‬
you perish in the way, for in a moment His wrath will be  
:‫ִּֽכ י־ִיְב ַ֣ע ר ִּכ ְמ ַ֣ע ט ַא ּ֑פ ֹו ַ֜א ְׁש ֵ֗ר י ָּכ ל־֥ח ֹוֵס י ֽב ֹו‬
kindled; the praises of all who take refuge in Him.
The text on this page contains sacred literature. Please do not deface or discard. 2/2

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