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Written by: July 1, 2021

Patrick Crone, Mobility Manager Volume 2 Issue 7

From the Desk of the Mobility Manager

Each month we will feature educational are adequate for the paddling activity
articles, safety tips, upcoming events, you have planned.  
and activities. If at any time you wish to  
unsubscribe, please contact the Mobility Types of canoeing and kayaking
Manager, by sending an e-mail to injuries  or by calling (937) Some injuries associated with canoeing
378-6041 EXT. 310. and kayaking include: 
 Shoulder – the muscular force
The Adams County Health and required to push the paddle through
Wellness Coalition is sponsoring its first the water can cause an injury, such
ever Paddle fest. On July 10th, 2021 at as a strain or sprain. 
Xxxxxxxxxxxxx  Wrist – the repetitive motion of
moving the paddle can, over time,
So this issue is dedicated to Kayaking lead to overuse injuries of the wrist
and Canoeing physical preparation, joints. 
injuries and safety. Hope to see you  Impact injuries – for example, a
there! person who has fallen into the water
  risks getting hit by the canoe or
Canoeing and kayaking are outdoor another object such as a floating
activities that can be enjoyed by people log. 
of all ages and levels of fitness. Injuries  Heat stress or dehydration –
can occur, however, if your skills and canoeing and kayaking are outdoor
equipment are not sufficient for the type activities that often take place in
of paddling you plan to do. With summer or on open water, where
preparation and common sense, you shade is scarce and sun exposure
can avoid many potential paddling can be extreme. 
hazards.   Sunburn – overexposure to the
Types of paddling activities  sun can cause sunburn and skin
Canoeing and kayaking can include a damage. Reflected radiation from
wide range of activities such as paddling water can increase the levels of
on rivers or lakes to enjoy the view, ultraviolet (UV) exposure for
battling white water rapids or sea surf, canoeists or kayakers. 
sprint racing or competing in marathons.  Hypothermia – falling into cold
Competition and specialized activities, water when not wearing a wet suit
such as sea kayaking or white can cause hypothermia, a dangerous
water canoeing, provides a more and potentially fatal drop in body
challenging experience and may require temperature. 
particular equipment, skills and  Drowning – while the risk of
experience.  drowning is always present with any
  water-based activity, deaths from
Make sure your preparation and skills
Brown County Mobility Management is funded by Adams Brown Community Action Partnership and the Ohio Department of Transportation
canoeing or kayaking activities are  Warm up thoroughly before
not common. activity. Include slow, sustained
Risk factors for canoeing and kayaking  stretches. 
Some of the factors that can increase  Cool down after activity.
your risk of injury include:  Stretching is also an important part
 Inexperience – beginners may be of your cool-down routine. 
more prone to injury because they  Drink plenty of water before,
do not have the skills or technique to during and after activity. 
meet the demands of the sport. For  Dress for the conditions. A wet
example, canoes or kayaks are tricky suit or thermal clothing can protect
to steer and can tip over.  against the cold, while a loose, light-
 Poor technique – holding or colored, long-sleeved shirt and a hat
moving the body incorrectly can put provide protection against heat
unnecessary strain on joints, stress and sun exposure. 
muscles and ligaments.   Wear layers of clothing that you
 Choosing an inappropriate can remove one at a time when
waterway – accidents and injuries necessary. 
are more likely to happen if you  Be Sun Smart. Protect your skin
attempt to canoe or kayak in a from ultraviolet (UV) radiation and
waterway that is beyond your skill sun damage. Wear a hat, suitable
level or for which you are ill- clothing and Australian Standard
equipped. Seek local knowledge if approved sunglasses. Apply 30+ (or
paddling in a location for the first higher) water-resistant sunscreen to
time, consider air and water all exposed areas of skin and
temperature, currents, tides and reapply regularly. 
wave action.   Don’t go in the water if you’ve
 Failure to wear protective been drinking alcohol. 
equipment – life jackets, or personal Develop skills when canoeing and
flotation devices (PFD), and helmets kayaking 
are essential safety equipment. In Always tell someone about your plans,
many areas the law requires that life including where you intend to canoe and
jackets are always worn when when you expect to be
canoeing. Helmets should be worn back. Others suggestions include: 
when on or walking near moving  Don’t canoe or kayak unless you
water and rapids.  are a competent swimmer. 
 Overtraining – training too much  Don’t canoe or kayak by
and too often can lead to a wide yourself. 
range of overuse injuries, particularly  Don’t overestimate your skill or
those of the wrist and shoulder.  physical fitness. Choose a waterway
Health and fitness suggestions for that’s not too difficult for you to
canoeing and kayaking  manage. 
Suggestions include:   Take lessons on how to safely
 Exercise regularly to keep enter and exit the canoe at the
yourself in good physical condition.  shoreline. 
 Take lessons to improve your
paddling and safety techniques. 
Brown County Mobility Management is funded by Adams Brown Community Action Partnership and the Ohio Department of Transportation
 If you fall into the water, stay with  Talk to local canoeists or
your craft. Keep a firm grip on your kayakers for information specific to
paddle.  the waterway you plan to paddle. 
 Resist the temptation to walk Using equipment for canoeing and
through relatively shallow water – kayaking 
your feet may get hooked on Suggestions include: 
submerged objects. Always swim.   Make sure your canoe or kayak is
 Learn first aid to ensure you have secured safely to the roof rack of
the skills to deal with an emergency your car when driving. 
situation.   Wear a helmet designed for
Check weather and conditions when canoeing, with sufficient drain holes
canoeing and kayaking  to allow instant drainage. 
Suggestions include:   Wear a life jacket that is the
 Check weather and conditions correct size for you, even if you
before you paddle – including marine think you are a competent swimmer.
or mountain weather forecasts, It’s not enough to carry one inside
relevant river flow levels (for inland the canoe. If you’re not wearing the
waters) and wind warnings (for lakes life jacket, it will simply float away if
and ocean).  you capsize. 
 Don’t paddle in extreme  Use a paddle that’s appropriate
conditions such as high winds, a for your size, skill level and type of
large swell, extreme temperatures, paddling activity. 
fog or thunderstorms.   Consider fitting a whistle to your
 Avoid heat stress by paddling life jacket so you have a better
early in the morning or late in the chance of attracting attention if you
afternoon (particularly in summer) need help. 
and using sun protection measures.   Never overload your canoe or
 Don’t paddle at night unless you kayak. Respect the load limits. 
are experienced and only paddle  Keep all equipment in good
where you have a clear vision of the repair. 
route ahead.  Treatment for canoeing and kayaking
Possible hazards when canoeing and injuries 
kayaking  Suggestions on what to do if you injure
Suggestions include:  yourself include: 
 Check out the waterway from  Stop immediately if an injury
land first, if you’re paddling in a occurs to help prevent further
waterway for the first time.  damage. 
 Look out for and avoid possible  Seek prompt treatment of injury.
hazards such as overhanging or Early management will mean less
submerged tree branches, a high time away from paddling. 
volume of water, unpredictable  Treat all soft tissue injures
currents or a large swell, low water (ligament sprains, muscle strains,
temperature, other craft, marine life bumps and bruises) with rest, ice,
or snakes.  compression, elevation (raise the
limb above your heart) and seek
advice from a health professional. 
Brown County Mobility Management is funded by Adams Brown Community Action Partnership and the Ohio Department of Transportation
 Treat sunburn or heat stress by
moving to the shade. Avoid further
sun exposure, drink plenty of water
and seek medical assistance. 
 Treat hypothermia by moving the
person to somewhere warm and dry.
Warm their body gradually with dry
clothing and a thermal blanket.
Provide warm drink and food with
adequate calories. 
 Do not resume activity until you
have completely recovered from
Things to remember 
 Common canoeing and kayaking
injury areas include the shoulder and
 Always wear a helmet and life
 Take lessons to improve your
paddling and safety techniques. 

Kayaking Trivia
1. Kayaks are at least 4,000 years old.
2. Kayaks were invented by the native people
of Arctic North America.
3. The word kayak means “hunter’s boat” or
“man’s boat”.
4. The first kayaks were made from animal
skins and whalebones.
5. Kayak races were added to the Olympics in
Brown County Mobility Management is funded by Adams Brown Community Action Partnership and the Ohio Department of Transportation

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