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Shambhunath Institute of Engineering and

Jhalwa Allahabad
Affiliated To
Mini Project Report on
Work related to design of a small sewage treatment plant
(STP) unit for residential society.
ROLL NO: 1716200027
Under the Guidance of
Mr. Shivanshu Sir




2.1 Physical characteristics of sewage

2.2 Chemical characteristics of sewage

2.3 Biological characteristics of sewage




The National Institute of Technology Rourkela is one of the most important

educational institutes in the state of Orissa with a large number of people residing
in its campus consisting of a number of laboratories of various departments,
residential units, academic blocks and number of hostels.

A study on domestic waste water characterization has been performed followed

by the design of sewage treatment plant. The present study involves the analysis
of pH value, total solids, total suspended solids, hardness, acidity, alkalinity,
chloride, chlorine, BOD, DO and heavy metals such as Iron, Copper, Zinc,
Magnesium, Nickel, Chromium, Lead, Calcium, Aluminium, Silicon, Potassium.

A sewage treatment plant is quite necessary to receive the domestic and

commercial waste and removes the materials which pose harm for general public.
Its objective is to produce an environmentally-safe fluid waste stream (or treated
effluent) and a solid waste (or treated sludge) suitable for disposal or reuse (usually
as farm fertilizer).

The samplings of the domestic waste from hostels have been done in different
times of the day to have an average data of the measured parameters. The average
values of pH, Turbidity, Acidity, Chloride, Residual Chlorine, Hardness, Total
Solid, BOD, DO, Alkalinity, Total Iron Content, Zinc Content, Potassium, Copper,
Magnesium, Nickel, Chromium, Lead, Calcium, Aluminum and Silicon are found
A sewage treatment plant has been designed with the treatment units, a bar screen

of dimension 1.7m, an aeration tank of dimension 4.5 x 4.5 x 3.7 m3, a collection
pit of diameter 4m and depth 5 m.

Keywords: Characterization, sewage, treatment plant.


Pollution in its broader sense includes all changes that curtail natural utility and exert
deleterious effect on life. The crisis triggered by the rapidly growing population and
industrialization with the resultant degradation of the environment causes a grave threat
to quality of life. Degradation of water quality is the unfavorable of the physical,
chemical and biological properties of water that prevents domestic, commercial,
industrial, agricultural and other beneficial uses of water. Sewage and sewage effluents
are the major sources of water pollution. Sewage is mainly composed of human fecal
material, domestic wastes including wash-water and industrial wastes.

The growing environmental pollution needs for decontaminating waste water result in
the study of characterization of waste water, especially domestic sewage. In the paste,
domestic waste water treatment was mainly confined to organic carbon removal.
Recently, increasing pollution in the waste water leads to developing and implementing
new treatment techniques to control nitrogen and other priority pollutants.

Sewage Treatment Plant is a facility designed to receive the waste from domestic,
commercial and industrial sources and to remove materials that damage water quality
and comprise public health and safety when discharged into water receiving systems.


2.1 Physical characteristics of sewage:

1. Temperature

 Temperature of sewage depends upon season. However temperature is slightly higher than
that of ground water.

 High temperature of sewage is due to evolution of heat during decomposition of organic

matter in sewage.

2. Color

 Color of sewage indicates its strength and age.

 Fresh domestic sewage is grey in color but septic sewage is dark in color

 When industrial effluent is mixed it give characteristic color to sewage

3. Odour

 Fresh domestic sewage is almost odorless.

 Septic or stale sewage is putrid in odor which is due to generation of H2S during anaerobic
decomposition of organic matters.

 When industrial effluent is mixed, it give characteristics odor to sewage

 Odour is recognized as a quality factor affecting the acceptability of water .

4. Turbidity

 Sewage is highly turbid.

 Turbidity of sewage is due to dissolved substances, colloidal matters, suspended solids and
microbial cells.
5. Total solids

 Refers to matter suspended or dissolved in waste wate .

 Solid affect the water of effluent quality adversely in a number of ways .
 A limit of 500mg dissolved solids/l is desirable for drinking water
 Evaporation method is used to separate total solids.

6. Floatables

 Amount of floatables present in waste water is used for evaluating the possible
effect of waste disposal into surface water .
 Two general types of floatables are found :
 1 Particulate matters like grease
 2 Liquid component capable of spreading as thin visible film over large areas

2.2 Chemical characteristics of sewage:

1. Organic matter:

 In general sewage contains large amount of organic matters. However amount of organic
matter depends on types and condition of sewage.
 Organic matter in sewage may be found in the form of dissolved substances, colloidal
matter, suspended or sedimented form.

2. Chloride:

 Human beings discharge large amount (8-15gm/day) of chloride in the form of NaCl,
especially through urine and sweat. So domestic sewage from toilet and bathroom contains
higher level of chloride.

 Sulfite:

 In sewage sulfite in the form of H2S (hydrogen sulfite) is generated during anaerobic
decomposition of organic matters by anaerobic bacteria.

 H2S gives putrid odor to sewage.

3. Biological oxygen demand (BOD):

 Sewage usually have high BOD due to presence of large amount of organic matters.

 Value of BOD ranges from 100mg/ltr for very dilute sewage to 600mg/ltr or more for
concentrated sewage containing industrial effluent mix.

4. Dissolved oxygen (DO):

 Due to high level of microbial cells and biodegradable organic matters, sewage have very
low level of dissolved oxygen.

 In some sewage, DO is completely absent.

 Level of Do depends on age and condition of sewage. Low level DO is also due to lower
solubility of oxygen in sewage. Oxygen is only 95% soluble in sewage than in pure water).

5. pH:

 sewage is slightly alkaline in pH

6. Nitrogen:

 In sewage nitrogen is found in variety of form like organic nitrogen, ammonia, nitrite,
nitrate etc

 Fresh sewage mainly contains organic nitrogen and very little inorganic form of nitrogen.
On the other hand organic septic sewage contains high inorganic nitrogen and low
organic nitrogen.

 In sewage nitrite never accumulate in concentration greater than 1mg/ltr because it is

intermediate product during conversion of ammonia into nitrate (NO3).

 In sewage treatment plant, NH3 and NO2 are finally converted to NO3.

2.3 Biological characteristics of sewage:

1. Bacteria:
 Two types of bacteria are found in sewage.

 Intestinal bacteria:

 Non-pathogenic intestinal bacteria are normal flora of gastointestinal tract

of human and animals and enter into sewage together with stool. Examples;
faecal coliform, faecal streptococci, Clostridium perfingens, et

 Pathogenic intestinal bacteria such as Salmonella, Shigella, Vibrio cholera,

Yersenia enterocolitica etc enter into sewage through stool of patients.

 Real sewage bacteria

 The natural habitat of these bacteria is sewage.

 Both aerobic as well as anaerobic are found in sewage.

 Aerobic bacteria play important role in oxidation of organic matter during

aerobic process.

 Common anaerobic bacteria includes;

 Clostridium sporogens

 Bifidobacterium

 Peptococcus

 Methanogenic bacteria like Methanobacterium, methanosarcina

 Common aerobic bacteria includes;

 Zeoglea remigera

 Noacrdia

 Flavobacterium

 Achromobacter

 Nitrogen

2. Algae:
 Some algae found in sewage includes Chlorella phormidum, Ulothrix etc

 Algae are used in trickling filter in sewage treatment plant

3. Fungi:

 Fungi like Fusarium and Sporotricum are found in sewage which play important role in
trickling filter.

4. Virus:

 Some viruses causing human disease such as Poliovirus, Rotavirus, Hepatitis A and E etc
are found in sewage which get access through stool of patients.

5. Protozoa:

 Some protozoa that cause disease of intestinal tract enter into sewage together with stool
of patient.

 Examples: Entamoeba histolytica, Giardia, Balantidium coli etc. are pathogenic protozoa

 Few protozoa such as Vorticella and Opercularia are found in trickling filter.

Plant capacity

Number of people in the society = 9360

Domestic water demand = 200 ltr/c/d

Average water supply per day = 9360*200

= 1872000 ltr = 1.872 mld

Average sewage generated per day = 80% of supplied water

= .80*1.872 = 1.4976 mld

Average sewage generated per hour = 1497.6/24 = 62.4 cum/hr

Peak factor = 3

Design flow capacity = 62.4*3 = 187.2 cum/hr

Sizing calculation for collecting pit

Retention time = 4 h

Average design flow = 62.4 cum/hr

Capacity of collection sump = 4*62.4

= 249.6 m3

Assume liquid depth = 5m

Area required for collection pit = 249.6/5

= 49.92 = 50 m2

Let it to be a circular tank

𝐴 = 𝜋𝑟
50 = 3.14*r2

r= 4 m

Size for sedimentation tank

Detention time = 2 hrs

Quantity of sewage to be treated in 2 hrs (Q) = (1.497*2)/24

= .124ml = 124cum

Assume flow velocity = 0.3 m/min

Length of tank = V*Detention period

= 0.3*2*60

= 36 m

Cross sectional area of tank = Capacity/Area

= 124/36

= 3.44 m2

Assume depth of tank = 3 m

Width of tank = cross sectional area/depth

= 3.44/3 = 1.148 m

Assume free board = 0.5 m

Overall depth = 3+0.5 = 3.5 m

Rectangular sedimentation tank size = 36*1.148*3.5 m

Size for bar screen

Peak discharge = 187.2 cum/hr

Average discharge = 62.4 cum/hr

Average velocity should not exceed 0.8 m/s

Average spacing between bars = 20 mm

Velocity = 0.3*249.6

= 74.88 M/hr/m2

Cross sectional area required = flow/velocity

= 187.2/74.88

= 2.5m2

Liquid depth required = 1m

Velocity through screen at peak flow = 1.6 m/s

Clear area = 2.5/1.6 = 1.562 m2

Number of clear spacing = 1.562 / 0.02

= 78.12 mm

Width of channel = (78.12*20)+(67*6)

=1964.4 mm

Size of aeration tank

BOD in sewage = 100ppm

Number of aeration tank = 2

Average flow = 1497.6/2

= 748.8 kld

Total BOD load to aeration tank = 62.4*24*100

= 150 kg

Let mixed liquid suspension solid (mlss) = 2000 mg

f/m (load / microorganisms ) ratio = 0.15

Volume of tank = (Q* BOD load )/(f/m*mlss)

= 249.6 m3

Assume liquid depth = 3.5 m

249.6 = l2*3.5

L= 8.44 m

Size of aeration tank = 8.44*8.44*3.5 m

Size for sludge drying bed

Maximum design flow rate = 187.2 m3/hr , 1497.6 kld

Total suspended solid = 250 ppm

Outlet suspended solid = 50 ppm

Load to clarifier = 250-50

= 200 ppm

Sludge generation / day = (1497.6*200)/1000

= 300 kg

Solid content in feed = 3%

Specific gravity of sludge = 1.015

Volume of sludge = {(300/.03)/(1000*1.015)}

= 9.8522 m3

Let bed get dried in 7 days

Number of cycles per year = 365/7

= 52
Volume of sludge per cycle = 9.8522/52

= .19m3


Dimension of sedimentation tank = 36*1.148*3.5 m

Circular collection pit of radius 4 m.

Size of aeration tank = 8.44*8.44*3.5 m




2. Thesis on design of STP by Falguni K,P Mishra, NIT Rourkela 2012 .

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