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Optics & Laser Technology 142 (2021) 107177

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Optical mode conversion based on silicon-on-insulator material Ψ-junction

coupler and multimode interferometer
Dao Duy Tu a, Ho Duc Tam Linh a, b, Vuong Quang Phuoc a, b, Dao Duy Thang c,
Truong Cao Dung d, Nguyen Tan Hung b, e
University of Sciences, Hue University, Viet Nam
University of Danang - Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Danang, Viet Nam
Sensor Systems, Silicon Austria Labs GmbH (SAL), Europastraße 12, 9524 Villach, Austria
Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology, Hanoi, Viet Nam
University of Danang - University of Science and Technology, Danang, Viet Nam


Keywords: In mode-division multiplexing (MDM) networks, converting modes back and forth between a higher-order mode
Silicon-on-insulator material and a lower-order mode plays a vital role in improving network capacity and flexibility. This paper presents a
Photonics integrated circuit spatial optical mode conversion supporting three modes based on two Ψ-junction couplers and two multi-mode
Planar lightwave circuits
interference couplers (MMIs). The proposed device can arbitrarily convert a TEi mode to a TEj mode (where i, j =
Multimode interferometer and Ψ-junction
0, 1, 2) by setting three phase-shifters at 0 or 180 degrees, which are introduced at the Ψ-junction and MMI
couplers. Through numerical simulations using the spatial three-dimensions beam propagation method (3D-
BPM), the mode converter shows a high conversion efficiency with the insertion loss smaller than 0.2 dB and the
crosstalk below − 20 dB at the center wavelength of 1.55 μm. The device works effectively in C band, partially in
S and L bands within a wideband up to 80 nm. We believe that the proposed device would be a potential platform
for applications in MDM networks and photonic integrated circuit systems.

1. Introduction mode lights directly [8]. However, technical difficulties and cost are the
main challenges to realize multi-mode laser sources. An alternative, yet
Wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) technology has played an more straightforward, technique to generate multi-mode lights is to use
essential role in increasing the channel capacity for optical transmission mode-order converters optically converting a fundamental mode to
systems in the past decades. However, this technology could reach the higher-order modes. Essential requirements for such mode-order con­
ultimate limitation because of some crucial issues such as the limitation verters to be applicable in practical systems are the reconfigurability in
of wavelength resources of telecommunication windows, especially the mode-order conversion, integration, and compatibility with semi­
third windows of 1550 nm band, and problems relating to nonlinear conductor laser [9,10] as well as optical fibers [11–13].
effects [1]. Several methods are aiming to overcome these problems. For Different mode conversions have been proposed using waveguide
example, spatial division multiplexing (SDM), mode division multi­ structures such as taper [14,15], circular waveguides [16–19], Bragg
plexing (MDM), multi-carrier, and super-channel techniques have been grating [20,21], and Mach–Zehnder interferometer [22]. In particular, a
developed by incorporating with WDM technique to enhance the total mode converter based on a tapered core and four bi-pyramids was used
channel capacity in optical networks [2,3]. Among those techniques, to convert LP01 mode to LP02 mode and vice versa [14]. For example,
MDM has been recently emerged as an efficient technique for channel mode conversions from LP01 to LP0m (m = 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) can be realized
multiplexing by using orthogonal eigenmodes as independently infor­ by changing the length parameters of the tapered section[15]. X. Li et al.
mation carriers [4]. Notably, the total capacity could be multi-fold demonstrated a high-power orthogonal mode converter with the circu­
increased by combining MDM with WDM to form hybrid WDM-MDM lar shape to convert mode from mode TE11 to mode TE10 [19].
systems [5–7]. Furthermore, a periodic Bragg grating was also proposed to switch TE0
Multi-mode light sources are essential components in MDM systems mode to TE1 mode [20]. The Mach–Zehnder interferometer, combined
where multi-mode semiconductor lasers are used to radiate different with a phase shifter, was used to create a mode exchange between mode

E-mail addresses: (H.D. Tam Linh), (N.T. Hung).
Received 30 July 2020; Received in revised form 2 April 2021; Accepted 17 April 2021
Available online 14 May 2021
0030-3992/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
D.D. Tu et al. Optics and Laser Technology 142 (2021) 107177

Fig. 1. The proposed mode converter, a) structure diagram, b) S-bent waveguide of the Ψ-junction coupler, and c) cross-section of the waveguide.

TE0 and mode TE1 [22]. However, the above mode conversion struc­ fabrication tolerance. They are also easily compatible with silicon
tures often come with large sizes over a few thousands of micrometers, technology that is currently a low-cost device manufacturing technol­
which are not suitable for on-chip applications. ogy. For instance, mode converters from first mode TE0 to TE1 [34] or
On the other hand, mode conversions based on planar lightwave TE2 [29] were realized using an MMI coupler with a butterfly shape
circuits have been proposed, including tapered directional couplers phase shifter. An MMI-based mode converter was also proposed for LP01
[23,24], micro-ring resonator [25], photonic crystal waveguides to LP11 mode conversion [35]. However, the above devices supported
[26,27], Y-junction waveguides [28], and multi-mode interference only one pair of mode conversion, which limits capability for practical
(MMI) couplers [29–35]. Prominently, the devices using the MMI use.
coupler are very noticeable because they have outstanding advantages In this paper, we propose a design of mode converter based on
such as simple configuration, compact size, wideband, and large Silicon-on-Insulator (SOI) platform, arbitrarily converting modes TEi0

Fig. 2. Mode conversions of Ψ-junction coupler.

D.D. Tu et al. Optics and Laser Technology 142 (2021) 107177

Fig. 3. Effective refractive index as a function of the width of input waveguide for modes TE0 , TE1 and TE2 .

(TEi ) to TEj0 (TEj ) (i, j = 0, 1, 2). The converter is constructed by two 1.0 μm, respectively.
cascaded 3 × 3 MMI couplers and two Ψ-junction couplers at the input
and output.. . Despite using the 180-degree fixed phase shifter in the 2.1. Ψ-junction coupler
simulation, we only present a proposal with a converter between arbi­
trary modes from TE0 to TE2 if the phase conditions are as specified. Ψ-junction coupler is designed to convert TE1 and TE2 higher-order
Through simulations using a spatial three-dimension beam propagation modes into TE0 fundamental modes and vice versa. Fig. 2 illustrates
method (3D-BPM), we show that all nine possible mode conversion pairs three cases of conversion as different order modes are transmitted to the
are successfully realized with high conversion efficiency and low input waveguide of the Ψ-junction coupler. When mode TE2 is launched
crosstalk in an 80 nm wideband. into the central waveguide, it is converted to two modes TE0 . First, mode
TE0 enters port 1, and another mode TE0 enters port 3 with the same
2. Design and simulation amplitude and phase. Similarly, when we launch a mode TE1 into the
input center waveguide, then at the ports 1 and 3 of the Ψ-junction
The structure of the mode converter is shown in Fig. 1. This mode coupler also receive the mode TE0 with equal amplitude, but their
converter consists of two 3 × 3 MMI couplers and two Ψ-junction cou­ phases reverse 180 degrees. For mode TE0 , the power of this mode enters
plers that are symmetrically placed together. The proposed device based on port number 2 of Ψ-junction coupler. Because the Ψ-junction coupler
on SOI technology with core and cladding layers is made by Si and SiO2 , has symmetrical properties, so two modes TE0 are launched into two
respectively. The refractive index of the core of Ncore = 3.47, while the ports 1, and 3 with the same amplitude and the in-phase (out-phase), a
refractive index of the cladding of Nclad = 1.44 and the cover layer also mode TE2 (TE1 ) appears at the input waveguide. In the other case, if the
has the refractive index of Ncover = 1.44. The channel structure used to port 2 is put into a mode TE0 , then at the input of the Ψ-junction coupler
create this mode converter with a height of H = 0.22 μm. Besides, a taper also get mode TE0 . We used a commercialized available design tool
placed between the access waveguides and MMI device to improve based on Beam Propagation Method (BPM), which have been widely
transmission efficiency, with the length Ltp and width Wtp of 30 μm and used for the design and simulation of integrated and fiber-optic

Fig. 4. The length Lb of the two outside branches of Ψ-junction as a function of epm .

D.D. Tu et al. Optics and Laser Technology 142 (2021) 107177

Fig. 5. Switching operations of 3 × 3 MMI coupler.

waveguide devices and circuits in previously reported works [37–41]. 2.2. 3×3 MMI Coupler
Fig. 3 shows the effective refractive index as a function of the width of
waveguides. Here, the width of input waveguide is chosen to be Win = MMI coupler works based on the self-imaging mechanism in rect­
1.9 μm supported three modes TE0 , TE1 and TE2 . The width of straight angular multi-mode interference waveguide. This phenomenon is stated
waveguide and two S-bent waveguides are set at Wc = 0.9 μm and w = as follows: An input field is reproduced in a single image or multi-image
0.6 μm to support only one TE0 mode, respectively. The branch angle Φ at periodic intervals when the input field spreads along with the MMI. A
of S-bent waveguides is the critical parameter that makes the Ψ-junction parameter related to periodic intervals is called Lπ . The two modes with
easy to convert higher-order modes to fundamental modes and less the lowest order in the MMI region is defined as the beat length Lπ and
crosstalk between the output branches. It depends on three parameters: this beat length is given by [36]:
G, M, and Lb , as indicated in Fig. 1(b). Therein, G is the starting point of
π 4nr W 2e
the S-bent waveguide, and its endpoint coincides with the MMI coupler’s Lπ = ≈ (4)
input waveguides, M is the horizontal shift between the starting and β0 − β1 3λ0
endpoint, and the length of the S-bent waveguide is Lb . Since M, G, and
endpoint of S-bent waveguide are fixed, the angle Φ depends mainly on
the length Lb and this length will be surveyed in the next part. λ0 ( )− 1
We = WM + n2r − n2c 2
With the input field of the Ψ-junction coupler at position z = 0 in the π
x-coordinate width direction is Qm (x, 0). This light field passes through
the primary waveguide of length L have the following form: where, the effective width of the MMI region, wavelength of signal, the
refractive index of the core and cladding layers are We , λ0 , nr and nc ,
Qm (x, L) = Qm (x, 0)ejβm L (1) respectively. For waveguides with such high contrast, the width of the
MMI is approximately equal to the effective width We [36].
where βm is the constant propagation at the mode m − th (m = 0, 1, 2). Based on the value of Lπ , we can determine the length of MMI by the
The field Qm (x,L) is split into sub-fields at the branches p − th (p = 1, 2, 3) symmetric interference mechanism MMI.
of the Ψ-junction coupler.

3 LMMI = (6)
Qm (x, L) = δpm qpm (x) (2)
From the above formulas, we calculate the length LMMI and the width
WMMI of 3 × 3 MMI region are 43.9 μm and 6.8 μm, respectively (Fig. 5).
δpm and qpm are the field excitation coefficients and mode field distri­
The access waveguides are located at the positions ±WMMI /4 and the
bution of m − th mode at p − th output port, where δpm is estimated by
center position of the MMI region, where the signal propagates with the
calculating overlap integrals.
smallest attenuation. The operating principle of the MMI is summarized

Qm (x, L)qpm (x)dx as follows:
δpm = √∫̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ (3)
q2pm (x)dx
• When launching a mode TE0 with any phase into port I2 , we observe
Based on the three-dimension beam propagation simulation method, two modes TE0 at two ports O1 and O3 of the 3 × 3 MMI with an
⃒ ⃒2 equal phase and amplitude.
we investigate the power excitation coefficients epm = ⃒δpm ⃒ at output
• If two signals TE0 in the same phase and amplitude are simulta­
branches of the Ψ-junction coupler for each mode m-th. The simulation
neously transmitted to the two input ports I1 and I3 of the MMI, they
results in Fig. 4 show the relationship between the epm coefficients and
are merged at the output O2 . Nevertheless, if these two signals TE0
the length Lb of the curved waveguides of the Ψ-junction coupler. From
are in the out of phase 180 degrees, they continue to go straight and
the simulation results demonstrate that with the Lb value greater than
keep the phase difference at the external ports O1 or O3 of the device.
200 μm, the conversion efficiency is highest from the higher-order
• If a mode TE0 transmitted to one of the two outer branches I1 or I3 of
modes to the TE0 fundamental modes in the branches. In our design,
the 3 × 3 MMI, all three output branches O1 , O2 and O3 receive
we choose the length of Lb = 200 μm to reduce the size of the device.
signals. However, the amplitude at the center branch O2 is twice the
amplitude of two outer branches O1 and O3 .

D.D. Tu et al. Optics and Laser Technology 142 (2021) 107177

Fig. 6. Phase shifting as a function of the length of the phase shifter.

phase shifter is added to the mode converter, this device can switch
Table 1
between the modes together. In practice, a phase shifter of an active
Setting of phase shifters for all nine mode-conversion pairs of the converter.
silicon photonic device is typically done either by the thermo-optic ef­
TEi to TEj Phase shifters ϕ = (PS1 , PS2 , PS3 ) fect [42] or the electro-optic effect [43]. The purpose of both of these
TE0 TE1 TE2 methods is to change the silicon material’s refractive index, thereby
changing the phase of the light signal passing through the waveguide.
(0, 0, 0) (0, π, 0) (0, π, π)
While the thermo-optic effect utilizes the temperature dependence of the
(0, π, 0) (0, 0, 0) (0, 0, π)
thermo-optic coefficient of silicon [44], the electro-optic effect uses the
(π, π, 0) (π, 0, 0) (0, 0, 0)
change in charge carriers’ concentration [45] to induce a change in the
refractive index. However, in this paper, we would like to emphasize the
idea of device mode conversion if phase values are satisfied. Thus, to
Here we use the first two properties of MMI to design the mode
make a simple phase shifter, we fix the width of the butterfly-shaped
converter. The third property is not discussed in this structure.
phase shifter Wps = 0.7 μm and measured the phase at the output of
the two waveguides. We calculate the difference between the two-phase
2.3. Phase shifter values and determine the length of Lps that satisfies the phase difference
between them by 180 degrees. From the simulation result shown in
When there is no phase shifter, the mode converter can only convert Fig. 6, at the length of Lps = 56.6 μm, the difference phase at the output
a few modes such as TE0 to TE0 , TE1 to TE1 and TE2 to TE2 . When the

Fig. 7. The electric field amplitude distribution for input mode TE0 to output mode TE0 (left), TE1 (middle) and TE2 (right).

D.D. Tu et al. Optics and Laser Technology 142 (2021) 107177

Fig. 8. The electric field amplitude distribution for input mode TE1 to output mode TE0 (left), TE1 (middle) and TE2 (right).

Fig. 9. The electric field amplitude distribution for input mode TE2 to output mode TE0 (left), TE1 (middle) and TE2 (right).

is 180 degrees when the signal is inserted into the phase shifter. MMI after go through the PS2 phase shifter). Based on the second
To convert between the modes TEi to TEj (i = j = 0, 1, 2), we must set property of the MMI, these two signals continue to go straight at O1 and
the 180-degrees phase shifters at the appropriate locations. We have O3 output ports of the second MMI and keep the phase difference 180
summarized the values that need to be set in the phase shifters presented degrees between two signals. With the PS3 set to 0 degrees, these two
in Table 1. 180-degree phase difference signals are synthesized into TE1 mode at
To clarify the principle of mode conversion, we choose the case of the output of the Ψ-junction coupler. Finally, we receive the TE1 signal
switching from TE0 to TE1 mode. According to the phase values of at the output when the TE0 signal is transmitted at the input of the mode
Table 1, the values of the three Phase Shifters PS1 , PS2 , and PS3 are 0, converter.
180, and 0 degrees, respectively. First, the TE0 mode signal at the
Ψ-junction input propagate directly into the middle waveguide. In this 3. Performance evaluation and discussion
case, the value of PS1 does not affect the signal in the central branch.
Next, from the first property of the MMI, this signal is divided into two Three modes TE0 , TE1 and TE2 are transmitted at the wavelength of λ
signals with equal amplitude and phase at O1 and O3 output ports of the = 1.55 μm at the input waveguide of the device. The simulation results
fist MMI. If the PS2 value is 180 degrees, these two signals are out of of conversion between modes based on spatial 3D-BPM simulation
phase 180 degrees at the input of the second MMI (the output of the first method are shown in Figs. 7, 8 and 9. From these field-mode images, we

D.D. Tu et al. Optics and Laser Technology 142 (2021) 107177

Fig. 10. Mode conversion efficiency as a function of wavelength for the input mode TE0 , a) Insertion Loss when transmitting from mode TE0 to desirable mode TEj (j
= 0, 1, 2), b) Crosstalk of unwanted modes to desirable mode.

Fig. 11. Mode conversion efficiency as a function of wavelength for the input mode TE1 , a) Insertion Loss when transmitting from mode TE1 to desirable mode TEj (j
= 0, 1, 2), b) Crosstalk of unwanted modes to desirable mode.

Fig. 12. Mode conversion efficiency as a function of wavelength for the input mode TE2 , a) Insertion Loss when transmitting from mode TE2 to desirable mode TEj (j
= 0, 1, 2), b) Crosstalk of unwanted modes to desirable mode.

D.D. Tu et al. Optics and Laser Technology 142 (2021) 107177

Fig. 13. Investigate the effect of the power imbalance on mode conversion efficiency between ports 1 and 3 of MMI, a) Diagram evaluates the tolerance of Ψ-junction
coupler, b) Insertion Loss of desirable mode at output, c) Crosstalk of unwanted modes to desirable mode.

can visually see the converted modes exactly as in theory presented

Table 2
above. Besides, based on the energy distribution at the output of the
Design parameters for mode converter.
modes, it can be shown that the optical conversion efficiency is also very
high. Symbols Definition Value
However, to evaluate precisely the power attenuation and interfer­
ence between modes at the output of the device, we use two parameters: Ncore The refractive index of core 3.47
Insertion loss (IL) and Crosstalk (CT). The formula is given below: Nclad The refractive index of cladding 1.44
( ) Ncover The refractive index of cover 1.44
Pout− desirable
IL(dB) = 10log10 (7) H The standard height of structure 0.22 μm
Pin Ltp The length of taper waveguide 30.0 μm
( ) Wtp The width of taper waveguide 1.0 μm
ΣPout− unwanted The width of Ψ-junction input waveguide 1.9 μm
CT(dB) = 10log10 (8) Win
Pout− desirable Wc The width of Ψ-junction center output waveguide 0.9 μm
w The width of access waveguides 0.6 μm
where Pin is the input power of the modes TEi , Pout− desirable is the power of Lb The length of Ψ-junction output waveguide 200 μm
the desired mode TEj at the output, and Pout− unwanted is the power of other LMMI The length of MMI coupler 43.9 μm
unwanted modes TEj that have the same at the output of the mode WMMI The width of MMI coupler 6.8 μm
converter. Lps The length of fixed phase shifter 56.6 μm
From the simulation results indicated in Figs. 10–12, insertion loss is Wps The width of fixed phase shifter 0.7 μm
always less than 0.2 dB at the wavelength of 1.55 μm, and smaller than G The starting point of S-bent waveguide 0.65 μm
1.0 dB in the entire C band. Moreover, crosstalk is also less than − 20 dB M The horizontal shift between the starting and 1.05 μm
for all mode conversion cases. That means the appearance of unwanted endpoint of S bent
modes is low. Moreover, the simulation results also show that in the
range bandwidth of 70 nm, insertion loss also achieves a small value
rapidly below 1 dB, and the CT is larger than − 10 dB. This result
under 2.0 dB.
demonstrates that the unbalanced effect of the Ψ-junction branches has
In last part of this section, we investigate the fabrication tolerance of
less impact on the device’s mode conversion performance.. Table 2
the converter against the imbalance of the Ψ-junction coupler. This is
below shows the parameter values that are used to design the mode
because in practice, the fabrication of a Ψ-junction structure is often
converter. These parameters have been optimized for the best mode
more complicated than that of MMI. While the MMI structure is simple
switching performance.
and easy for fabrication with a broad tolerance, the Ψ-junction structure
is often susceptible to parameters such as branching angles, S-bent
4. Conclusion
waveguide radius or variation of the widths of the branching wave­
guides. These parameters can cause unequally power splitting into the
In this paper, we have successfully designed and simulated the mode
branches. To evaluate the unbalanced power impact on the output
converter based on two MMIs and two symmetric Ψ-junction coupler on
branches of the Ψ-junction component, we removed the input Ψ-junc­
a layered silicon-on-insulator substrate. While the Ψ-junction coupler
tion coupler, then launched two TE0 modes at different power levels to
converts the input high-order modes into the low-order modes TE0 in the
port 1 and port 3 of the first MMI (Fig. 13(a)). The width of the MMI’s
output branches, the MMI has the function of switching mode signals
input access waveguides is wide enough to support only one TE0 mode.
TE0 between the access waveguides. Through the spatial 3D-BPM
Thus, we use only TE0 mode to input into the MMI. In this case, we set
simulation method, we have shown that the device can arbitrarily
the phase with same values used in the three cases converting TE2 to TEj
convert between TEi and TEj (i, j = 0, 1, 2) by setting suitable phase
(j = 0, 1, 2) as shown in Table 1 to receive the desired modes TE0 , TE1 ,
values of the phase shifters. These results show that the device can
and TE2 at the output of the device. Figs. 13(b) and (c) show the
operate with high mode conversion efficiency in a broad bandwidth
insertion loss and crosstalk at the device’s output as functions of the
range up to 80 nm, which covers the entire C band and partially works in
power imbalance between MMI’s first and third input ports. The ob­
the S and L bands. Also, the device has large fabrication tolerance
tained results show that the device has a broad tolerance with a power
against the power imbalance between the Ψ-junction coupler branches.
change of about ±3 dB, with IL and CT smaller than 0.5 dB and − 15 dB,
respectively. The results remain well when the imbalance change from
±3 dB to ±6 dB. However, power ratio beyond ±6 dB, the IL decrease

D.D. Tu et al. Optics and Laser Technology 142 (2021) 107177

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D.D. Tu et al. Optics and Laser Technology 142 (2021) 107177

Dao Duy Thang was born in Hanoi, Vietnam, in 1983. He received his B.S. and M.S. Nguyen Tan Hung was born in Danang, Vietnam, in 1980. He received the B.E. degree
degrees from Vietnam National University (VNU) in 2008 and 2011, respectively, and from The University of Danang-University of Science and Technology, Danang, Vietnam in
obtained his Ph.D. degree from Nara Institute of Science and Technology (NAIST) in 2015. 2003, and the M.E. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Electro-Communications,
After working at the National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS) in Japan as a NIMS Tokyo, Japan, in 2009 and 2012, respectively. From 2012 to 2016, he was a Researcher
postdoctoral fellow and a JSPS postdoctoral fellow, he is currently a senior scientist at with the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Tsukuba,
Silicon Austria Labs GmbH (SAL). His research interests include nano-plasmonics, meta­ Japan, where he worked on ultrafast and spectrally efficient all-optical network technol­
surfaces, integrated photonics and photonic MEMS sensors. ogies and developed an all-optical wavelength converter. He is currently a Teacher in the
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, The University of
Danang-University of Science and Technology, Danang, Vietnam. His research interests
Truong Cao Dung was born in Thanh Hoa, Vietnam, in 1980. He received the B.E. and M.
include optical communications and networking, all-optical signal processing, and pho­
E. and Ph.D. degrees from Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Hanoi, Vietnam, in
tonics integrated circuits. Dr. Hung is a member of the IEEE Photonics Society.
2003, 2006, and 2015, respectively. He is currently a Teacher in the Department of
Electronic Engineering, Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology, Hanoi,
Vietnam. His research interests include photonic integrated circuits, plasmonics, and op­
tical communication systems.


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