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Alcantara, Vher Jann T. CPE404-CPE32S1- Computer Networks 3 Engr.

June 10, 2021 Assignment 6.3 | Research Activity - Network Automation
We are rapidly moving away from a world where a network administrator manages a few dozen network
devices, to one where they are deploying and managing hundreds, thousands, and even tens of thousands
of complex network devices (both physical and virtual) with the help of software. This transformation is
quickly spreading from its beginnings in the data center, to all places in the network. There are new and
different methods for network operators to automatically monitor, manage, and configure the network. As
shown in the figure, these include protocols and technologies such as REST, Ansible, Puppet, Chef,
Python, JSON, XML, and more.
(www. cisco.netad)

Research one protocol and one technology.  Discuss the role of the protocol and the technology in
network automation.

Chef is a sophisticated automation framework that allows declarative, intent-based data center
infrastructure automation by turning complex infrastructure into code. Chef automates the design,
deployment, and management of applications across the network, regardless of scale, whether in the
cloud, on-premises, or a mixture of both.

Chef is based on three basic ideas

 Achieving a desired state,
 Centralized IT infrastructure modeling
 Resource primitives that serve as building blocks
Using these ideas, you can effortlessly navigate any infrastructure with Chef. Chef can manage the most
sophisticated infrastructure chores as well as consumer use-cases using the same concepts; Chef can
handle anything that can run the chef-client. Chef is a configuration management system that automates
infrastructure provisioning. It uses the Ruby DSL programming language as its foundation. It's utilized to
make configuring and maintaining the company's server a lot easier.

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