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IELTS Listening

IELTS Map Labelling - Key Phrases

Preposition Use Sentences

The tennis courts are across from the

across from opposite
football field.

after one follows the other The school is just after the tennis court.

in a line; from one point to

along Walk along the main road.

at* position at a point I will meet you at the school.

behind at the back of Our house is behind the school.

beside next to The tennis court is beside the school.

Our house is between the tennis court

between sth./sb. is on each side
and the school.

by near He lives in the house by the river.

close to near Our house is close to the tennis court.

from the place where it starts Walk from the entrance.

the part that is in the

in front of Our house is in front of the tennis court.
direction it faces

The tennis court is inside the school

inside opposite of outside

near close to Our house is near the tennis court.

next to beside Our house is next to the tennis court.

opposite on the other side Our house is opposite the tennis court.

past going near sth./sb. Walk past the school.

going from one point to the

through Walk through the school grounds.
other point

towards in the direction of sth. Walk towards the river.

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