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Landscape and Urban Planning 42 (1998) 91±105

An approach for greenway suitability analysis

William Miller*, Michael G. Collins, Frederick R. Steiner, Edward Cook
School of Planning and Landscape Architecture, Arizona State University, Tempe AZ 85287-2005, USA


Greenway analysis is designed to identify and measure the suitability of potential sites for greenway development. This
evaluation can be regarded as an extremely dif®cult task due, in part, to the large number of criteria and large volume of data
that may be required for the determination. The purpose of this paper is to present an approach to greenway analysis that
integrates suitability analysis with geographic information system (GIS) technology to identify suitable sites for greenway
development in the town of Prescott Valley, AZ, USA. This approach identi®ed ®ve major steps involved in the greenway
analysis, these include: identi®cation of land-use functions, spatial data collection, development of weighting values, data
integration and analysis using GIS, and output evaluation. Land-use function identi®cation, and weighting values were
developed from a wide range of resources including the Prescott Valley General Plan, surveys, expert opinion and published
literature. Spatial data were obtained from federal, state, and local agencies. Where speci®c data were not available, these data
were collected from the site using inventory techniques. Three land-use functions were identi®ed for the Prescott Valley study
area, wildlife habitat, recreation, and riparian corridor. For each of these functions, four or ®ve primary factors were
determined. Additionally, for each factor, a land capability rating was established. Results of the surveys indicated that
normalized weightings for the functions were 1.0 for wildlife habitat, 0.862 for recreation, and 0.653 for riparian corridor.
Rankings for the primary factors within the functions ranged from a high of 0.468 to a low of 0.049, with the sum of weighting
values for all factors within a function equal to 1.0. Land capability values for attributes within factors were set as high,
moderate, low, and no capability. All data were integrated into a vector-based GIS software and a total of 14 coverages were
created, Spatial analysis was performed using an overlay technique combining all factors within a function, and then by
combining all resulting factor outputs to produce an overall greenway suitability analysis. The ®nal analysis was then
evaluated by a panel of experts to determine its accuracy and potential for use in a greenway development plan. # 1998
Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Suitability analysis; Greenway planning; Geographic information systems

1. Introduction protect natural areas and to provide recreation oppor-

tunities (Little, 1990; Ahern, 1995). Greenways con-
Greenways, sometimes referred to as environmental tribute to many ecological and societal values (Fabos
corridors, landscape linkages, wildlife corridors, or and Ahern, 1995). They help maintain biological
riparian buffers, provide an important means to both diversity, protect water resources, conserve soils, sup-
port recreation, enhance community and cultural
*Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-602-965-5567; fax: +1-602- cohesion, and provide species migration routes during
965-9656; e-mail: climate or seasonal change (Forman, 1983, 1995;

0169-2046/98/$19.00 # 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

PII S0169-2046(98)00080-2
92 W. Miller et al. / Landscape and Urban Planning 42 (1998) 91±105

Forman and Godron, 1986). Greenways can be used to et al., 1976; Steiner, 1983; Linden, 1984; Banai-
create interconnected networks of open space that may Kashani, 1989; Searns, 1995; McHarg, 1996). This
include more traditional non-linear parks and natural paper addresses the design of a greenway suitability
areas. They can help to maintain ecological integrity analysis for a rural area of the American Southwest
in human-dominated landscapes, especially with (Collins, 1996).
regard to sustaining high-quality water reserves and
preserving biological diversity (Smith and Hellmund,
1993). 2. Study area
Local of®cials and citizens frequently advocate the
development of greenways and other open spaces to The study area is located approximately 80 miles
improve environmental quality or their communities. (128 km) northwest of Phoenix, Arizona (USA), and
Many citizens, elected of®cials, and landscape plan- incorporates approximately a 45 square mile
ners seek a better understanding of concepts and (115 km2) section of central Yavapai County. It is a
procedures for more sustainable greenway develop- scenic, predominately rural area which includes the
ment. Greenway planning methods are needed to town of Prescott Valley (Fig. 1). Within the last 10
perpetuate ecological processes and to conserve wild- years the area has experienced rapid growth, and
life populations while affording continued human signi®cant changes in land-use patterns (Fig. 2).
interaction with the natural landscape.
The most dif®cult challenge is to design for social 2.1. Biophysical characteristics
and cultural settings which permit people to maximize
their needs without generating future social and envir- The study area has a mean elevation of 1450 m,
onmental problems. This dilemma points out the need with a bi-seasonal climatic regime of summer and
for new multi-objective greenway planning methods. winter precipitation. Summer precipitation normally
These planning methods can be applied to the protec- occurring as thunderstorms, with annual precipitation,
tion of threatened ecosystems and outdoor recrea- is about 32.5 cm (Town of Prescott Valley, 1994). The
tional system as well. average summer daily minimum and maximum tem-
Better research methods are needed to accurately perature ranges from 16.38C to 31.98C, respectively,
assess and analyze environmental constraints and while winter temperatures range from ÿ4.78C to
opportunities. Socio-economic and ecological data 10.38C.
must be prepared so that meaningful comparison Geologically, the area is part of the Basin Range
can occur. Technological developments such as geo- lowlands of the Central Highlands Province. The
graphic information systems (GIS), when combined terrain is characterized by rolling hills, long mesas,
with the suitability analysis methods, may provide the and deep ravines. Slopes range from <5% throughout
necessary tools for the integration of these data into a the middle of the study area to >15% on the eastern
meaningfuldatabase.These databaseshave thepotential and western boundaries. Soils in the valley bottoms are
to enable planners to integrate both social and ecological characterized as shallow and moderately drained con-
interests in multi-objective greenway planning. taining predominantly loam, clay loam, gravely or
The purpose of this paper is to test the hypothesis cobbly sandy loam or gravely sandy clay loam. The
that the integration of suitability analysis with GIS steeper elevations are typically shallow, well-drained,
will provide an effective tool for greenway analysis stony soils that are predominantly sandy loam and
that blends both socio-economic and ecological data loam (Anderson and Creasey, 1958).
into a comprehensive land management plan. This The primary drainage pattern of the area consists of
approach is based on the premise that successful the headwaters of the Agua Fria river and two lesser
greenway suitability analysis can serve as a founda- tributaries. The two smaller tributaries generally ¯ow
tion for a greenway plan. west to east and empty into the Agua Fria just south of
The development of suitability analysis has a the town of Prescott Valley. The headwater of the
strong tradition within landscape planning (Hills, Agua Fria river is located to the north and east of
1961; McHarg, 1969; Murray et al., 1971; Steinitz Prescott Valley and ¯ows south and east.
W. Miller et al. / Landscape and Urban Planning 42 (1998) 91±105 93

Fig. 1. Location of the study area used in the greenway suitability analysis for Prescott Valley, AZ, USA.

The area is predominately characterized as a semi- occupied by this herd is bounded on the north and
desert grassland, with pockets of Arizona chaparral. south by U.S. Highway 89A and State Highway 69,
The dominant grass species include blue grama (Bou- respectively, on the east by dense vegetation, and by
teloua gracilis), sideoats grama (B. curtipendula), urban encroachment for Prescott Valley on the west.
hairy grama (B. hirsuta), ring muhly (Muhlenbergia This con®nement coupled with the increasing devel-
torrii), tobosa grass (Hilaria mutica), and curly mes- opment pressure along State Highway 69 and in
quite (H. belangeri). Dominant woody species Prescott Valley, present a signi®cant threat to the
include: broom snakeweed (Gutierreza sarothrae), preservation of this antelope population.
cat claw acacia (Acacia greggii), Wright's buckwheat
(Eriogoum wrightii), mesquite (Prosopis spp.), and 2.2. Socio-economic characteristics
shrub live oak (Quercus turbinella). The dominant tree
species is juniper (Juniperus spp.). With the exception of the area within, and imme-
There are a number of wildlife species in the area, diately adjacent to the town of Prescott Valley, the
the most notable being a herd of pronghorn antelope predominant land-use has been and remains agricul-
(Antiliocarpa americana) which inhabit the large tural, mostly livestock production. Starting in the mid
grassland to the east of the town of Prescott Valley. 1960s the area that is presently Prescott Valley began
This herd of antelope is limited in its movement development with the introduction of several subdivi-
pattern by a number of physical constraints. The area sions. At the time of its incorporation in 1978 the
94 W. Miller et al. / Landscape and Urban Planning 42 (1998) 91±105

Fig. 2. Landscape view of the study area used in the greenway suitability analysis for Prescott Valley, AZ, USA.

population of Prescott Valley was 1521. By 1980 that as well as main collector streets. A number of plans
number had grown to 2284, 8967 by 1990, 11 559 in have been proposed to expand the transportation
1994, and is projected to be 33 700 by 2010 (Town of infrastructure for the area. Proposed transportation
Prescott Valley, 1994). development would increase the volume of traf®c
At the time of incorporation, Prescott Valley through the primary habitat of the local pronghorn
encompassed approximately six square miles antelope herd.
(16 km2) with nearly 12 000 lots. The area was pre- The town of Prescott Valley offers a broad range of
dominantly zoned for single family residences. By community, including nine parks. Plans are underway
1982 an aggressive annexation program of land sui- to develop continuous, linear parks and commercial
table for commercial and industrial development was areas along state Highway 69. These linear parks exist
adopted, while continuing to add adjacent residential in cretin areas along the highway and consist of 60±
areas. As of 1993, Prescott Valley occupied 18 square 90 ft. (18±27 m) strips of grass with mid size trees
miles, (46 km2) including approximately nine square planted throughout.
miles (23 km2) of Arizona state trust land. The town is Relative to greenway planning and development,
continuing to expand, with emphasis on expansion to several goals and objectives have been adopted by the
the east and south. town of Prescott Valley in its general plan. This plan is
Prescott Valley contains approximately 141 miles the of®cial policy guide for the future of the town. It
(226 km) of interior streets bounded by state Highway emphasizes greenway planning through the following
69 on the south and U.S. Highway 89A on the goals:
north. Most local streets provide direct access to
properties, and feed into collector streets. The  To provide and expand recreational services and
rapid growth of Prescott Valley population has park facilities to serve Prescott Valley residents and
resulted in increased volumes of traf®c on arterioles visitors.
W. Miller et al. / Landscape and Urban Planning 42 (1998) 91±105 95

 To preserve open spaces and the environmental advice from community of®cials and the general
qualities of those areas. public.
 To protect the essence of the Prescott Valley quality Factors within each function were identi®ed using a
of life exemplified by the open areas of wildlife combination of published literature and expert opi-
habitat (Town of Prescott Valley, 1994). nion. Finally, information on the attributes associated
with each factor was derived from a combination of
published literature, expert opinion, and ®eld inven-
3. Method tory. An attribute in this study is de®ned as the
categories, or classes, used to describe a factor, such
There are ®ve major steps involved in suitability as slope classes, vegetation classes, or population
analysis, these include: identi®cation of land-use func- densities.
tions, spatial data collection, development of weight-
ing values, data integration and analysis using 3.2. Spatial data collection
geographic information systems (GIS), and output
evaluation. The nature of the spatial data collected to represent
each function, factor and capability was dependent on
3.1. Greenway function identification the nature of the component. Data of a biophysical
nature were derived from a number of sources includ-
In order to identify the context in which a greenway ing: U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) digital elevation
will function, it is necessary to identify the various models (DEM) ®les, USGS digital line graph (DLG)
biophysical and human community factors found hydrology ®les, the Yavapai County Soil Survey, and
within the study area. In suitability analysis, functions Landsat thematic mapper (TM) imagery. Socio-eco-
refer to fundamental processes related to the land-use. nomic data for the study area were obtained from the
A factor is the term used to label a group of attributes, Yavapai County assessor's of®ce, the county GIS
such as soil potential size of the site, compatibility of®ce, and the town of Prescott Valley. These data
with adjacent uses, or scenic quality (Pease and included: land ownership, land-use, parcel boundaries,
Coughlin, 1996). population distribution, and existing greenbelt plan.
Greenway suitability projects require many differ- The majority of the data needed were in a format
ent types of data. For this study these data include the compatible for import to the GIS, however, some of
number of people who live within one mile (1.6 km) of the data needed additional processing before it could
the study area and their perceptions of the proposed be incorporated. In order to utilize the Landsat TM
planning project. Extensive information about the data, a supervised classi®cation had to be performed
biophysical characteristics of the area (soil-type, on the raw data. This was accomplished using TM
slope, ¯oodplain, and wildlife habitat) were also bands 3 and 4 (red and near infrared spectra), and data
collected. Ideally, several levels of inventories areas of known vegetation within the study area.
from regional to local scale are included. This hier-
archy of levels is identi®ed so that the planning area 3.3. Weighting values
can be understood as part of a larger system
and speci®c places can be seen as parts of a whole Weighting values were divided into three levels; (1)
(Steiner, 1991). weighting value between functions; (2) weighting
For the Prescott Valley study, several sources of value between factors within functions, and (3) cap-
information were used to identify the various func- ability values between traits within factors. Weighting
tions, factors and capability levels needed to perform in suitability analysis refers to assigning a weight to
the greenway analysis. The primary source for the each factor in order to recognize its relative impor-
identi®cation of greenway function was the goals and tance (Pease and Coughlin, 1996).
objectives set forth in the town of Prescott Valley For each greenway function, three experts were
General Plan. These goals and objectives, and their identi®ed as sources for individual factor-ranking
associated elements were further supplemented by information. These experts were chosen for their
96 W. Miller et al. / Landscape and Urban Planning 42 (1998) 91±105

knowledge in the area of multi-objective greenway function. In order to assure similar assessments and
functions as well as their professional ability to representations of capability, standard categories of
provide accurate and discernible data with regards suitability were created based on high, moderate, low,
to a respective greenway function. Each expert was or non-capability.
asked to rank the greenway functions in order of Factor characteristics of high capability were given
importance. a capability value of 0.9, moderate 0.6, low 0.3, and
A broader approach was used to select experts for those with no capability a value of ÿ50. These values
the ranking of factors within greenway functions. In were assigned based on a meaningful representation of
order to provide community-wide involvement in the attribute capability. Note that a value of ÿ50 was
planning process, it was necessary to collect a sig- given to those areas deemed `not capable' in order to
ni®cant sampling of the general population. This was avoid mathematical errors with the division of zero
accomplished through the circulation of the function- and so that there is no possibility of ®nal suitability of
based questionnaires to the town council, and among any `not capable' area being positive.
all town of Prescott Valley employees who lived in the
area. This sampling technique proved successful in 3.4. Data integration and GIS analysis
distributing the questionnaires to over 60 Prescott
Valley citizens. All spatial data were imported into a vector-based
Unstructured interviews were used to discuss the GIS system for display and analysis. Since suitability
overall factor-ranking method and to explain why and analysis involves determination of the capabilities of
how the expert was selected to assist with the an area, and the identi®cation of those areas meeting
study. Structured interviews were then used to answer speci®ed criteria, the primary entity-type needed for
any ®nal questions the expert had before leaving the this analysis was polygon data. Where spatial data
factor questionnaire with them to complete. Factor were not represented by polygons (vector or line data),
questionnaires were completed and returned. Func- they were converted to polygons using a buffering
tion-ranking questionnaires and an introductory mem- technique. Buffer widths were assigned according to
orandum were circulated to the town department the capability identi®cations (e.g. distance to water
heads through the town mail system. The completed and distance from human activity at 500 m intervals,
questionnaires were collected by the department heads multi-family dwellings and commercial developments
and returned. at 400 m intervals).
The results of the individual factor questionnaires Once all the data were in the proper format, the
were averaged within each greenway function, and a numeric values from the combination of between
preliminary factor ranking within each function was function, between-factor within-function, and capabil-
computed. The same procedure was used to interpret ity rankings within factor, were added to the appro-
the results of the within-function ranking question- priate polygon within the polygon attribute table
naires provided by the local citizens. Once collected, (PAT). The non-normalized suitability score for each
these data were then combined to produce an overall polygon within a factor coverage was de®ned as the
factor ranking for the proposed greenway. The weight- product of the three weighting values. The resultant
ing values obtained from this procedure were designed values within each factor coverage were then normal-
to sum to one. ized and a new column created within the PAT con-
The weighting value for the capability of within taining the normalized integrated score (NIS).
factor attributes was based on the interpretation of The greenway function value (GFV) was de®ned as
published materials as well as several conversations the sum of the NIS of all factors within a function. This
with local professionals, scientists, and wildlife man- value was derived by overlaying all coverages within a
agers. The factors were discussed in terms of their function and calculating the NIS of the unique poly-
capability to support greenway development accord- gons produced. The ®nal greenway suitability output
ing to their respective function. The criteria estab- was derived in a similar fashion, with the three green-
lished for interpreting the capability of each factor way function coverages being composited to generate
were based on their respective value to support a given a greenway suitability value (GSV). The GSV was
W. Miller et al. / Landscape and Urban Planning 42 (1998) 91±105 97

further re®ned by constructing a matrix of four suit- Table 1

ability categories where each composite suitability Normalized function rankings for greenway suitability analysis for
Prescott Valley, AZ
score could be interpreted as a particular level of
overall greenway suitability. Once this composite Function Normalized Ranking
suitability score was calculated, a ®nal greenway Wildlife habitat 1.0
suitability map was produced based upon the resultant Recreation 0.862
classi®cations of total suitability. Riparian corridor 0.653

3.5. Output evaluation

Table 2
Following the completion of the ®nal suitability Between factor rankings within functions for greenway suitability
analysis for Prescott Valley, AZ
map, three of the original nine experts identi®ed to
rank factor relationships were asked to review the Function Factor Factor
results and provide feedback. The experts were to look Ranking
for adjacency con¯icts and other inconsistencies Wildlife habitat
which would not have not surfaced until the ®nal Macrohabitat-type 0.468
composite map was created. Individual buffer cov- Slope 0.293
Distance to water 0.150
erages were also presented to these experts to validate
Distance to human activity 0.089
prior land capability categories. Recreation
Existing land use 0.363
Development pressure 0.234
4. Results Greenbelt component 0.180
Extending public parcels 0.139
Population density 0.084
4.1. Greenway function identification and weighting Riparian Corridor
Surface water quality 0.349
Review of the Prescott Valley General Plan revealed Groundwater recharge 0.277
three important greenway functions necessary for the Vegetative cover 0.227
Erosion control 0.099
basis of a greenway suitability analysis. These func-
Channel morphololgy 0.049
tions were:
1. Protection of natural riparian corridors and their
tat capabilities could be evaluated using macrohabitat-
associated functions towards groundwater re-
type, slope, distance to water, and distance to human
charge and surface water runoff.
activity. The results of between factor evaluations
2. Preservation of open spaces for wildlife habitat and
based on published data, expert opinion, and the
more specifically the protection of sensitive ante-
broader expert questionnaires are reported in Table 2.
lope habitat areas and travel corridors.
These results indicated that macrohabitat availability
3. Provision of multi-use recreation areas and ame-
was the most important factor associated with ante-
nities to increase the general public's exposure to
lope habitat, followed by slope. These same results
the natural environment.
suggest that distance to water and distance to human
Whitley (1993) and Banai-Kashani (1989) suggest activity were much less important factors.
that the ranking score as calculated should be normal- The capability evaluation for the attributes present
ized for each function under analysis. The normalized within each antelope habitat factor are presented in
weighting results of the expert opinion evaluation of Table 3. Based on these data, those areas of habitat
the greenway functions are presented in Table 1. located in grassland±shrub vegetation-types, with
Antelope habitat was considered to have the highest <5% slope, within 0.5 km of water, and greater than
priority among the three functions. Ockenfels et al. 1 km from human activity would receive the highest
(1996), O'Gara and Yoakum (1992), and Perry and capability rankings, while those areas in dense
Miller (1995), reported that pronghorn antelope habi- Pinion-juniper of Chaparral, on greater than 15%
98 W. Miller et al. / Landscape and Urban Planning 42 (1998) 91±105

Table 3
Description of within factor capability classes, of the wildlife habitat function, used in a greenway suitability analysis for Prescott Valley, AZ

Factor Capability Class Class description

High Grassland±shrub vegetation community
Moderate Shrubland vegetation community
Low Sparse pinyon/juniper vegetation community
No Dense pinyon/juniper or chaparral vegetation community
High Area characterized by <5% slope
Moderate Area characterized by 5±10% slope
Low Area characterized by 10±15% slope
No Area characterized by >15% slope
Distance to water
High Distance to nearest open water source is within <0.5 km
Moderate Distance to nearest open water source is >0.5 km, but <1.5 km
Low Distance to nearest open water source is >1.5 km
No None
Distance to human activity
High Distance to nearest human activity is >1 km
Moderate Distance to nearest human activity is 0.5±1 km
Low Distance to nearest human activity is 0.1±0.5 km
No Distance to nearest human activity is <0.1 km

slopes, greater than 1.5 km from water, and within Riparian corridor preservation received the lowest
0.1 km of human activity would receive the lowest greenway function value at 0.653 (Table 1). Fry et al.
ranking. (1994), and McHarg (1969) indicate that ®ve factors
Recreation considerations received the second in¯uence riparian corridor characteristics; surface
highest greenway function weight at 0.862 (Table 1). water quality, groundwater recharge, vegetation cover,
Cook (1991) and Thrall et al. (1988) suggest that ®ve erosion control, and channel morphology. The
factors have the greatest in¯uence on the recreation between factor evaluation of these characteristics is
function. These factors include: existing land-use, reported in Table 2. Surface water quality and ground-
development pressure, population density, greenbelt water recharge characteristics received the highest
compatibility, public parcel associations. The survey weighting values at 0.349 and 0.277, respectively.
results of our study suggest that existing land-use and Vegetation cover was close behind at 0.227. The
development pressure were considered as having the general consensus of the survey data were that erosion
greatest in¯uence on the recreation function (Table 2). cover and channel morphology had the least impact on
Greenbelt component and extending parcels, were greenway suitability, with weighting values of 0.099
seen as intermediate in importance, with population and 0.049, respectively.
density having the least impact. The capability values for riparian corridor preser-
Description and ranking of the capabilities for the vation are presented in Table 5. Areas with the highest
recreation function are presented in Table 4. Only one capabilities in this function were characterized
event resulted in a no-capability ranking, i.e., an by meandering channels in a natural state with
existing land-use of urban or built-up. Those areas well-developed ¯oodplains, the banks were well vege-
receiving the highest recreation capabilities were tated with remnant riparian species, that had the
characterized as being located on open space in par- capability to slow surface runoff, thereby, reducing
cels that had been zoned or set aside for open space, surface erosion, facilitating groundwater recharge,
within a projected greenbelt region, with the capabil- and improving surface water quality. There were
ity of linking of two or more existing parks of greater no factors in this function receiving a no-capability
than 100 acres (40 a), in high population densityareas. ranking.
W. Miller et al. / Landscape and Urban Planning 42 (1998) 91±105 99

Table 4
Description of within-factor capability classes, of the recreation function, used in a greenway suitability analysis for Prescott Valley, AZ

Factor Capability class Class description

Existing land-use
High Public open space or rangeland
Moderate Agricultural lands
Low Forest land
No Urban or built-up
Development pressure
High Public parcel zoned to be set aside for open space, or private parcel set aside as open space
Moderate Public parcel not currently zoned, private parcel under current long term lease, or privately
owned parcel not intended for development
Low Public or private parcel scheduled to be developed
No None
Greenbelt component
High Area within projected greenbelt region
Moderate Area within 0.8 km of projected greenbelt component
Low Area >0.8 km from any projected greenbelt component
No None
Extending land use
High Area physically links two or more existing parks of >100 acres (40 ha), or extends lands that
are part of the natural area network
Moderate Area offers linkage separated by a roadway between two or more parks of <100 acres (40 ha),
or site will extend the size of an existing park or open space
Low All areas not meeting the classification as high or moderate capability
No None
Population density
High >25% of the land within an area having a radius of 0.4 km, having multi-family and/or
business/commercial parcels
Moderate From 5 to 25% of the land within an area having a radius of 0.4 km, having multi-family and/
or business/commercial parcels
Low <5% of the land within an area having a radius of 0.4 km, having multi-family and/or
business/commercial parcels
No None

4.2. Data integration and GIS analysis low-to-no capability (Fig. 4). Finally, the riparian
corridor function had 62% as high capability, 22%
Following the development of the weighting values as moderate capability and 16% as low capability
for all levels, a total of 14 GIS data coverages were (Fig. 5).
created, one for each of the greenway factors identi®ed These three function coverages were then combined
above. These coverages were based on the individual to produce the overall greenway suitability analysis
capability values for each factor. (Fig. 6). Evaluation of this output indicated that 14%
Integration of the factors within functions was of the area was high capability, 41% as moderate
achieved using an overlay procedure. The product capability and 45% as low-to-no capability. This ®nal
of this procedure was a suitability evaluation of each coverage was then used in the output evaluation phase
function (Figs. 3±5). Examination of the wildlife of the process.
habitat function (Fig. 3) suggests that 35% of the area
was rated as high capability, 26% as moderate cap- 4.3. Output evaluation
ability, and 39% as low-to-no capability. Similarly, the
recreation function analysis produced 31% as high Following the completion of the ®nal suitability
capability, 47% as moderate capability and 22% as map, three of the original nine experts identi®ed to
100 W. Miller et al. / Landscape and Urban Planning 42 (1998) 91±105

Table 5
Description of within factor capability classes, of the riparian corridor function, used in a greenway suitability analysis for Prescott Valley, AZ

Function Capability class Class description

Surface water quality

High Banks are well vegetated, capable of trapping sediment and slowing erosion, with potential
for active nutrient cycling via aquatic plants
Moderate Low levels of human activity, healthy upland vegetation, some bank stabilization needed, few
erosion factors present
Low Some areas showing indications of advance erosion, turbidity factors present, little or no
vegetation present to trap sediment or cycle nutrients, presence of mine tailings or other toxic
No None
Groundwater recharge
High Natural meandering channel pattern with sufficient vegetation to slow water and facilitate
Moderate Combination of meandering and straight channel pattern with some vegetation to slow water
and facilitate recharge
Low Straightened channel with impermeable bottom, banks or floodplain, water is not slowed to
facilitate recharge
No None
Vegetation cover
High Banks are well vegetated, remanant riparian vegetation present, medium-to-good cover on
Moderate Some vegetation on banks, some remanant riparian vegetation present, medium-to-good
cover on uplands
Low Little or no bank vegetation, no riparian vegetation present, uplands devoid of vegetation
because of overgrazing development activity
No None
Erosion control
High Erosion being stemmed by vegetation, current use of uplands do not accelerate erosion
Moderate Erosive conditions exist, however erosion control structures such as gabions or holding ponds
are in place
Low Erosion is severe, bank downcuts are 1 m and are perpendicular to channel, no mitigation
structures are present
No None
Channel morphology
High Channels in a natural meandering state with well-developed floodplains, and well-vegetated
Moderate Channels and banks mostly in natural state with a mixture of native and introduced vegetative
species, some human impact visible
Low Channel reach manipulated by human activity, poorly developed floodplain with little or no
native vegetation
No None

rank-factor relationships were asked to review the experts returned comments suggesting that the process
results and provide feedback. The experts looked appeared to produce a valid and credible greenway
for adjacency con¯icts and other inconsistencies suitability result. One expert expressed concern on the
which would not have surfaced until the ®nal compo- process of normalization and its potential to cloud the
site map was created (Fig. 6). Individual function relationships among the individual factor variables.
coverages were also presented to these experts to This concern was noted and further research on the
validate prior land capability categories. All three topic recommended.
W. Miller et al. / Landscape and Urban Planning 42 (1998) 91±105 101

Fig. 3. Graphic result of the wildlife habitat function analysis used in the greenway suitability analysis for Prescott Valley, AZ, USA.

5. Discussion the surveys was adapted from Whitley (1993) and

Whitley and Xiang (1993) and proved easy for the
We recognize that the 14 criteria evaluated within experts to read, understand, and complete. The manip-
the process are not independent of each other. Ideally, ulation of the ranking data also proved quite manage-
each criterion would relate to a speci®c concept or able. Both weighting and normalization worked well
factor, each being completely independent of each in generating valid numerical values for factor suit-
other. The inter-relationship of factors and functions, ability. These values were easily transferred into the
however, presents the primary opportunity to propose GIS and readily available for manipulation within the
and test new factor ranking processes such as the one GIS analysis environment.
for this project. We also recognize problems of adding The draft greenway suitability map (Fig. 6) was a
radio values such as those attained when evaluating composite of all the three function maps (Figs. 3±5)
the inherent capability of a parcel's slope to ordinal and contained over 66 000 polygons. Post-processing
values indicating the spatial distance of a parcel to an was performed on the draft greenway suitability map
existing town proposed greenway location (Hopkins, to reduce the number of polygons and their inherent
1977, 1980). Such inherent impurities tend to arise in `cluttering' effect. The results of this post processing
the design of most decision aids (Hepner, 1984). We are displayed in the ®nal greenway suitability map and
consider such trade-offs necessary for the adoption of homogenous areas are classi®ed according to their
this GIS based method for the composite estimation of calculated levels of suitability (Fig. 6). It is recom-
multi-objective greenway suitability. The format of mended that this post-processing always be performed
102 W. Miller et al. / Landscape and Urban Planning 42 (1998) 91±105

Fig. 4. Graphic result of the recreation function analysis used in the greenway suitability analysis for Prescott Valley, AZ, USA.

due to its unique ability to help clarify the data and to contain several areas of potential multi-functional
make the resulting maps more decipherable and easier greenway development.
to interpret. This kind of greenway suitability assessment can be
As can be seen on the map, large portions of the used to help direct future growth and protect the
study area were found not to be suitable for greenway physical and environmental resources of the land at
development. This is a direct result of the growing the same time. Since resulting greenway suitability
con¯ict between developmental pressures and the results are mathematically derived, they can be used as
natural environment. Areas which received high and valid factors for into the generation of other methods
moderate suitability levels were revealed to be the to derive alternative land-use or design strategies. Re-
predominant areas of existing antelope activity. The evaluation of initial assumptions or updated informa-
similarity of previously observed and collected ante- tion can also yield easily regenerated land-use or
lope locations and projected locations for suitable design strategies. It is important, however, to ensure
habitat preservation aided in the validation of the that the process be explicit so that alternative scenarios
method since antelope habitat preservation received can be modeled without reconstructing the entire
the highest ranking. (See Perry and Miller, 1995 for procedure.
further explanation of the habitat suitability analysis At the technical level, this GIS-based greenway
process.) While certain limitations to herd migration suitability model is quite capable of integrating
and transportation throughout the study area can be physical, environmental, and social geographic data
found, the eastern end of the study area was found to with human knowledge in an objective and manage-
W. Miller et al. / Landscape and Urban Planning 42 (1998) 91±105 103

Fig. 5. Graphic result of the riparian corridor function analysis used in the greenway suitability analysis for Prescott Valley, AZ, USA.

able nature. It allows for a variety of information from As a result, these data can be used to help people make
experts and citizens to be used in the weighting better, more informed decisions, thus providing a
process. The GIS software used in this study was of more healthy quality of life for the community and
a vector-based design, more recent versions have surrounding natural environment.
incorporated the use of raster-based capabilities.
The major advantages of raster based software are
their capability of individual pixel analysis and map 6. Conclusions
algebra inherent in raster systems (Star and Estes,
1990). The use of raster-based software would have This project was conducted to evaluate the effec-
made this suitability analysis much easier, however, tiveness of using GIS and suitability analysis for
depending on the scale of the individual cell values, multi-objective greenway suitability analysis. The
the analysis may have been less precise. method involved the identi®cation and ranking of
On an organizational level, the use of GIS technol- greenway suitability functions, factors, and capabil-
ogy brings people together, including planners, scien- ities. The result of implementing the proposed method
tists, engineers, and landscape architects. The high was a map which categorized and illustrated the
level of cooperation and involvement creates a broad- different levels of greenway suitability throughout
based approach to multi-objective greenway suitabil- the given study area. This suitability map provided
ity analysis. The employment of such a system helps helpful knowledge on the interaction of environmental
to provide objective analysis which can be used to factors and their relation to the built environment
substantiate or alter the greenway planning process. within the study area. Suitability analysis is a useful
104 W. Miller et al. / Landscape and Urban Planning 42 (1998) 91±105

Fig. 6. Final multi-objective greenway suitability for Prescott Valley, AZ, USA.

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