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International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 116 (2018) 248–258

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Adsorption and mass transfer in granular porous membranes/media due

to inserted volatile materials
W. Zhang a, R. Vilensky b, E. Zussman b,⇑, A.L. Yarin a,⇑
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, University of Illinois at Chicago, 842 W. Taylor St., Chicago, IL 60607-7022, United States
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa 32000, Israel

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Here we study experimentally diffusion mass transfer and adsorption/desorption processes of vapor of
Received 14 June 2017 sublimating volatile materials located below a granular porous membrane/medium. The adsorption
Received in revised form 4 September 2017 kinetics of three different materials: camphor, naphthalene and 2,4-Dinitrotoluene (DNT) was explored.
Accepted 5 September 2017
These chemically different materials with significant differences in volatility were chosen to elucidate the
common mechanisms of their physisorption in porous media and to establish a novel method which
allows one to use such model materials as camphor and naphthalene for predictions relevant to such
low volatility materials as DNT, etc. Accordingly, the experimental results were rationalized in the frame-
Porous membranes/media
work of the adsorption/desorption theory to establish the kinetic and equilibrium adsorption/desorption
Volatile materials parameters. It should be emphasized that the transient adsorption/desorption theory developed in the
present work is novel. Experiments were conducted at different temperatures below melting points of
three volatile substances, with morphologies of the clusters of the adsorbed molecules being explored
and the adsorbed mass measured versus time. Two experimental methods were implemented. The first
setup revealed the kinetics of adsorption/desorption of different substances onto the sand surface, and
enabled an estimate of the kinetic constants, and the second setup provided an additional insight regard-
ing the simultaneous processes of diffusion and adsorption/desorption within granular media. The theo-
retical/numerical predictions are shown to be in good agreement with the experimental data, as well as
the agreement between the two experimental methods used to measure the adsorbed mass on sand was
quite satisfactory.
Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction of the adsorbed volatile material in equilibrium, as well as of the

amount of the desorbed (released) vapor when temperature has
Forensic applications require an understanding of the presence been raised.
of a volatile material (which might be drugs, or explosives) Many other practically important situations, such as water
inserted under a layer of granular porous material or buried else- remediation from pollutants, removing of useful products from liq-
where. Any volatile material inevitably sublimates, its vapor dif- uid phases based on adsorption, detection of gas leakage in ground,
fuses through the porous matrix and is adsorbed/desorbed on the pollutant adsorption in soils involve the adsorption/desorption
granule surfaces. Therefore, its presence can, in principle, be processes in porous media. The classical theory of heat and mass
detected by the presence of a deposited layer of the volatile mate- transfer and the adsorption/desorption processes, as well as chro-
rial on the granular matrix or the other surfaces [1,2]. The detec- matography and spectroscopy, provide useful tools to these aims
tion methods can be based on the removal of the adsorbed layer [2–20]. The adsorption processes are generally subdivided into
from granules or the other surfaces, in particular by raising the sur- chemisorption and physisorption [13,14]. Chemisorption implies
rounding temperature, which changes the adsorption/desorption surface chemical reactions between the adsorbent and adsorbate,
equilibrium, and using the released vapor for sensing purposes. i.e. a strong covalent interaction between them. On the other hand,
Rinsing and weighing of the adsorbed material are also possible. in the case of physisorption no chemical reactions between the
Such plan of action requires a clear understanding of the amount adsorbent and adsorbate take place, which means that the elec-
tronic structure of molecules stays practically unchanged [21].
⇑ Corresponding authors. The adsorption equilibria are typically described using the adsorp-
E-mail addresses: (A.L. Yarin), tion isotherms, such as the monolayer Langmuir isotherm, the
(E. Zussman). multi-layer Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) isotherm, the
0017-9310/Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
W. Zhang et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 116 (2018) 248–258 249

Freundlich isotherm, etc. In brief, the Freundlich adsorption iso- T. Baker Chemicals, (CAS No 91-20-3). Camphor and DNT were
therm [22] dating back to 1906 is an empirical model, which obtained from Sigma Aldrich. Chloroform, chloroform D and ace-
involves two fitting parameters describing the isothermal adsorp- tone were purchased from Bio-Lab Ltd. (AR). Sand samples with
tion equilibria of the adsorbed gas at different pressures. The Lang- grain sizes of 0.225±0.05 mm and about 0.5 mm (for sand used in
muir isotherm implies a monolayer adsorption and theoretically setups I & II and setup III, respectively; cf. Fig. 2) were employed.
treats the equilibrium adsorption on a homogeneous adsorbent sur- The measured permeability of the sand was about 58 Darcy (setups
face [23] with the adsorbed molecules considered to be immobile I & II) and 9-12 Darcy (setup III). Sand characterization for setup III
[24]. Brunauer, Emmett and Teller generalized the Langmuir-type including particle sphericity and layer permeability and porosity is
equilibrium adsorption for the multi-layer adsorption cases [2]. described in detail in Appendixes A and B. Prior to use, the sand
Multiple subsequent works were devoted to further verification was heated to 200 °C for 5 h to remove any residues of organic
and modification of the adsorption isotherms to improve their materials. Non-woven cellulose cloth (Smith Detection Inc.) was
capability to fit the experimental data. The Freundlich isotherm used as a separator membrane, placed between two compartments
revealed the best performance in describing the experimental in a vertical sand column in experimental setups I & II. The mea-
results related to the adsorption of uranium trioxide U(VI) on poly- sured permeability of the cloth was about 0.5 Darcy.
pyrrole for waste water remediation [25]. The Freundlich isotherm
was also used to explain the process of metal ions adsorption in soil 2.2. Experimental setups
[26]. Also, it was shown that the semi-empirical Thomas and Yoon-
Nelson models can be used to describe the arsenate As(V) adsorp- Three complementary experimental systems (see Fig. 2) were
tion process on iron-zirconium binary oxide-coated sand from implemented to study different aspects of mass transfer (the inter-
water [27]. Temporary evolution of adsorption has been fitted by play between adsorption/desorption and diffusion) within granular
the empirical pseudo-first order and pseudo-second order models media membraned (i.e., sand). Experimental setup I was designed
in the study of benzene adsorption on clay and sandy soil [28–31]. to reveal the kinetics of adsorption/desorption of different sub-
Several semi-empirical models were proposed for specific stances onto the sand surface, and enable an estimate of the kinetic
adsorption processed in porous media, for example, the kinetic constants. Experimental setup II provided an additional insight
model of [32], which fitted well the experimental data for CO2 regarding the simultaneous processes of diffusion and adsorp-
adsorption on a modified layered double hydroxide at high pres- tion/desorption within granular media. Experimental setup III
sure and elevated temperature [32]. Similarly, the adsorption of revealed the morphology of deposited vapor on a glass substrate
benzaldehyde and benzyl alcohol from supercritical CO2 on poly- as a function of temperature gradient and distance from the sub-
meric resin was described in the framework of the kinetic model stance reservoir, as well as introduced another method of measure-
developed in [33]. A novel diffusion adsorption non-linear model ment of the adsorbed vapor mass in comparison with setups I and
based on the Hill model and the kinetic Boltzmann equation was II, as described below.
developed in [34]. It was used to describe the adsorption of ethanol
molecules on three types of activated carbon. The parameters of 2.2.1. Setup I
this model can be also accurately fitted to the data on the adsorp- A close system made of an aluminum cylinder (the inner diam-
tion in refrigeration systems. The semi-empirical model of [35] was eter of 23 mm, the height of L = 20 mm) consists of 2 compart-
fitted to the data on metal ion removal by several adsorbents. The ments with air at atmospheric pressure, separated by a cellulose
present group recently proposed a physical model of mass transfer membrane. A tested volatile substance (2 g) is located at the bot-
in porous medium accompanied by a Langmuir-like adsorption tom of the lower compartment and a thin layer of sand (0.2 g) is
kinetics, which was successfully applied to the heavy metal ion uniformly spread on top of the membrane. In both the lower and
adsorption from polluted water on nano-textured biopolymer- the upper compartments vapor was fully saturated. Thus, this sys-
containing membranes [36]. tem could be treated as a batch ‘‘reactor”, where vapor adsorbs
In distinction from the above-mentioned works dealing with onto the sand surface under a constant saturated vapor pressure,
the admixtures adsorption from liquid media flowing through a and since there is no vapor concentration gradient, diffusion is fully
porous medium, here we focus on the elucidation and understand- excluded and the adsorption/desorption process can be singled out
ing of the vapor transfer process within granular porous mem- and studied alone. The measurements of the adsorbed vapor mass
branes and media, where simultaneous processes of adsorption/ on sand were conducted using UV–VIS spectrophotometer or
desorption and diffusion take place. The work combines the exper- 1
H-NMR, as described below.
imental ad theoretical parts and provides experimental and theo-
retical foundations aiming at the design and development of 2.2.2. Setup II
efficient systems for detection of hidden materials. In particular, An open system made of an aluminum cylinder (the inner diam-
this work contributes to the detection methods based on the eter of 23 mm, the height of L = 20 mm). This setup was used to
removal of minuscule amounts of the adsorbed material delivered study the mass transfer of sublimating substances buried within
by diffusing vapor from a sublimating volatile source, which is hid- a porous media in cases where the adsorption/desorption pro-
den in porous medium/under a porous membrane. This means that cesses and diffusion proceed simultaneously, i.e., in distinction
the ultimate goal of the present work is in fundamental under- from setup I, vapor diffusion is not excluded in this case. In this
standing of the physical processes involved in such cases, which
is important for development of the appropriate sensors.

2. Experimental: materials and methods

2.1. Materials

Three different substances: camphor, naphthalene and 2,4-

Dinitrotoluene (DNT) were used as an adsorbate (see Fig. 1), while Fig. 1. Chemical structure of the adsorbates: (a) Camphor, (b) Naphthalene, and (c)
sand was used as an adsorbent. Naphthalene was purchased from J. 2,4-Dinitrotoluene (DNT).
250 W. Zhang et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 116 (2018) 248–258

(a) x (b) x (c) x

5 Sand slide

mm Sand Membrane A

15 Membrane C

Sand Sand

Substance Substance Substance

Fig. 2. Schematics of the experimental setups. (a) Setup I is a closed system which consists of 2 compartments separated by a membrane. A thin layer of sand is placed on top
of the membrane, with a sublimating substance located at the bottom of the lower compartment. The adsorbed vapor in sand can be measured taking samples and analyzing
them using UV–VIS spectrophotometer or 1H-NMR. (b) In setup II the sublimating substance is located at the bottom of a sand column. A membrane is located 3 mm below
the sand/air interface. Sand located above the membrane is open to atmosphere. Samples can be taken from this upper sand layer and the amount of the adsorbed vapor on
sand can be measured at different time moments using UV–VIS spectrophotometer or 1H-NMR. (c) In setup III, the volatile substance is located at the bottom of a sand
column, which is opened to the atmosphere. A glass is mounted vertically, at the center of the column. Vapor deposit morphologies on the slide were optically observed at
heights A, B and C, after the slide had been withdrawn from sand column. Also, samples of sand were taken for analysis and rinsed, while the removed deposit weighed for
comparison with the data from setup II.

setup a thin layer of a volatile analyte (1 g) was placed at the bot- signal, measurements were performed by 1H-NMR. Initially sand
tom of the lower compartment and dry sand was loaded on top of was soaked in 10 ml chloroform-D for 2 h, then the solution was
it forming a sand column (18 mm in height). A cellulose mem- filtered and the resulting filtrate was analyzed using 1H-NMR.
brane was located 3 mm below the sand/air interface. The sand The 1H-NMR spectrum produces several peaks, while for quantifi-
located above the membrane (2 g) was sampled at different time cation three main peaks were analyzed: d = 1.85, 0.93 and 2.1 ppm.
moments to quantify the amount of the adsorbed substance on These peaks were integrated and averaged to give the amount of
sand. The experiments with different duration were done with adsorbed camphor. We chose nitromethane as a standard, which
new samples of pure sand below and above the membrane. Here, has a single peak at d = 4.5 ppm (s, 3H).
as in setup I the measurements of the adsorbed vapor mass on sand The amounts of adsorbed naphthalene and DNT were quantified
were conducted using UV–VIS spectrophotometer or 1H-NMR, as using UV–VIS. In the case of naphthalene, sand was soaked in 10 ml
described below. chloroform for 2 h, then the solution was filtered and the resulting
filtrate was analyzed using UV–VIS at the wavelength of 278 nm.
2.2.3. Setup III For DNT extraction, sand was soaked in 10 ml acetone, stirred for
This setup was used to observe the morphology of deposited 2 h and then filtered. The obtained filtrate was reacted with NaOH
vapor on a glass slide. A thin layer of camphor or naphthalene 1.5 M 5% (v/v) solution to form Meisenheimer complex. The color
was placed at the bottom of a beaker. On top of this layer, of the solution was changed from transparent to blue and the solu-
2.3 cm height of sand was placed and a glass slide was inserted tion was analyzed using UV–VIS at a wavelength of 560 nm.
into the sand layer vertically. Parafilm with small holes was used
to cover the beaker. The bottom of the setup was kept at 50 °C
3. Theoretical background
for at least for 5 h. Sand samples were taken for the analysis of
the adsorbed vapor during this time. Namely, they were weighed.
When studying the mass transfer and the adsorption/desorp-
Then, they were rinsed in either acetone or chloroform to remove
tion processes of vapor of a sublimating volatile substance, buried
as much as possible the absorbed camphor or naphthalene. After
in a granular porous media, such as sand, the equilibrium adsorbed
that, the samples were weighed again and the weight difference
vapor mass M ads can be evaluated as
of the samples before and after rinsing was attributed to the
adsorbed material. Mads ¼ qStotal h0 Ne ð1Þ

2.3. Methods where q is the density of the adsorbate, Stotal is the total surface area
of porous media, h0 is the monolayer thickness, and Ne is the aver-
Quantitative results obtained with setups I and II were primar- age equilibrium number of the adsorbed layers if they would be
ily based on UV–VIS absorption measurements and 1H-NMR anal- uniformly smeared over the sand grain surfaces.
yses. For all the three volatile substances studied at each time For weighing method used in setup III, the maximum adsorbed
moment of interest, sand was removed from the cellulose mem- mass of naphthalene is M ads ¼ 0:05453 g at room temperature,
brane and soaked in a suitable solvent in order to extract the M ads ¼ 0:03939 g at 50 °C, M ads ¼ 0:04830 g at 74.3 °C, and
adsorbed material. Then, the solution was filtered through What- Msandþads ¼ 9:6632 g. The maximum adsorbed mass of camphor is
man filter paper (mesh size 1250) and the resulting filtrate was M ads ¼ 0:01952 g at room temperature, M ads ¼ 0:01863 g at 50 °C,
analyzed using UV–VIS spectrophotometer (Shimadzu, UV-1800), Mads ¼ 0:06453 g at 74.3 °C, M ads ¼ 0:04848 g at 100 °C, and
or H1-NMR. In all cases, a calibration curve relating known concen- Msandþads ¼ 9:6632 g. For the UV–VIS spectroscopy method used in
trations to the measured absorbance values were constructed. The setup II, the maximum adsorbed mass of naphthalene is
naphthalene and DNT filtrates were analyzed using UV–VIS, while M ads ¼ 0:00045 g at room temperature, M ads ¼ 0:00085 g at 50 °C,
in the case of camphor, because of its very low UV–VIS absorbance and Msandþads ¼ 2:0000 g.
W. Zhang et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 116 (2018) 248–258 251

The monolayer thickness used for the evaluation is taken as

h0 ¼ 1010 m. The specific surface area measured by the BET
method [2] was found as Stotal ¼ 10 m2 =g. This relatively high value
is attributed to the fact that sand particles reveal a net of pits and
pores, the openings of which are visible in SEM images (cf. Fig. 3).
Then, the average number of the adsorbed layers predicted by
Eq. (1) would be about N e  1. In such cases the adsorption-
desorption kinetics could be described in the framework of the
Langmuir approach [16,23]. Namely, assume that vapor resulting
from sublimation of a certain substance surrounds a solid surface
of another compound (sand). Consider first an adsorption/desorp-
tion of vapor at the surface of the solid compound (sand). Denote
a free vapor molecule as F, an empty site (without vapor molecule)
at the solid surface as E, and a site at the surface with an adsorbed
vapor molecule as A. Also, assume that the adsorbed vapor can
form only a monolayer at the solid surface, as is corroborated by
the value N e  1 evaluated from the measurements, as described
above. Then, the adsorption/desorption process at the solid surface
Fig. 3. HR-SEM image of a sand particle. The inset shows the surface at a larger
can be present as the following reaction scheme,

E þ F ¢A ð2Þ

Denote the part of sites occupied by vapor molecules at the surface Vapor concentration in porous medium could also depend on
as h, whereas ð1  hÞ is accordingly, the available part. Then, the vapor diffusion in the pores. Therefore, in the one-dimensional
vapor balance equation near the surface reads case of interest here, Eqs. (3) and (6) take the following form

dC @C @2C
¼ kf Cð1  hÞ þ kb h ð3Þ / ¼ D 2  kf Cð1  hÞ þ kb h ð7Þ
dt @t @x
where C is the vapor concentration in the bulk near the surface with @h S0 d
the units 1/cm3. The ‘‘reaction” constants kf and kb corresponding to ¼ ½kf Cð1  hÞ þ kb h ð8Þ
@t 6
the forward (adsorption) and backward (desorption) ‘‘reactions” [cf.
where D is the vapor diffusion coefficient, and / is the porosity.
Eq. (2)] have units 1=s and 1=ðcm3  sÞ, respectively.
Also, x is the coordinate normal to the membrane plane.
If a steady-state has been achieved, then the derivative
In the case where saturated vapor concentration C w is sustained
dC=dt ¼ 0, and according to Eq. (3) we arrive at the Langmuir
at one side of the sand layer x ¼ 0, and vapor is removed by suffi-
adsorption isotherm [16,23]
ciently strong air blowing on the other side of the sand layer x ¼ d
ðkf =kb ÞC eq (where C = 0), the initial and boundary conditions for the system of
heq ¼ ð4Þ Eqs. (7) and (8) read, respectively,
1 þ ðkf =kb ÞC eq
t ¼ 0 : C ¼ Cw at x ¼ 0; C ¼ 0 at x > 0; h ¼ 0 at x P 0
where subscript eq denotes the values of the parameters at the
equilibrium conditions.
On the other hand, in the absence of the adsorption/desorption
t > 0 : C ¼ Cw at x ¼ 0; C ¼ 0 at x ¼ d ð10Þ
equilibrium the balance between the rate of decrease in the con-
centration of the free vapor molecules C and the increase in the This is the case corresponding to setups II and III.
part of the occupied sites h can be established using the following The adsorbed mass of the substance MðtÞ in the sand layer as a
considerations. Denote the surface concentration of the adsorbed function of time is found using solutions of the problem (7)–(10) as
vapor molecules as C a with the units of 1=cm2 , and assume that Z t   
l @C  @C 
the adsorption/desorption process happens at a surface of a pore MðtÞ ¼ v DA   þ  dt ð11Þ
NA 0 @x x¼0 @x x¼d
of diameter d. Then, the balance of vapor in the bulk and at the
pore surface is given by, where lv is the molecular weight of vapor, NA is Avogadro’s num-
3 2
ber, and A is the cross-sectional area of the experimental cylinder,
dðC pd =6Þ dðC a pd Þ or beaker containing the sand layer.
 ¼ ð5Þ
dt dt The solution of the problem (7)–(10) tends to the steady state,
It should be emphasized that an adsorbed vapor molecule occupies ðkf =kb ÞCðxÞ  x
hðxÞ ¼ ; CðxÞ ¼ C w 1  ð12Þ
a known area S0 at the pore surface, and its value is approximately 1 þ ðkf =kb ÞCðxÞ d
equal to 16:2 ðÅÞ [37]. Therefore, the total number of sites at the whereas according to Eq. (11) the value of M saturates, since
pore surface is equal to pd2 =S0 , and thus, Eq. (5) yields @C=@x  C w =d in the steady state.
In the case where saturated vapor concentration C w is sustained
dh S0 d dC on both sides of the sand layer and vapor diffusion is much faster
¼ ð6Þ
dt 6 dt than the adsorption/desorption process (which applies to the
2 2 experimental setup I), the problem described by Eqs. (7) and (8)
where h ¼ ½C a pd =ðpd =S0 Þ .
reduces to the following equation
It should be emphasized that the system of Eqs. (3) and (6) fully
describes the two physical characteristics C and h of the adsorp- dh S0 d
¼ ½kf C w ð1  hÞ þ kb h ð13Þ
tion/desorption process. dt 6
252 W. Zhang et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 116 (2018) 248–258

Its solution subjected to the initial condition t=0, h=0, reads adsorption/desorption kinetics parameters of all the volatile sub-
stances listed in Table 1.
kf C w S0 d
h¼ 1  exp  ðkb þ kf C w Þt ð14Þ It is seen that the equilibrium dissociation constant,
kb þ kf C w 6
K d ¼ kdes =kads of camphor and DNT is two orders of magnitude
Then, we obtain the following expression for the adsorbed mass lower than that of naphthalene, implying a considerably higher
affinity of the first two substances to sand surface. This can be
MðtÞ kf C w S0 d
¼ 1  exp  ðkb þ kf C w Þt ð15Þ explained by the polarity of camphor and DNT molecules which
M max kb þ kf C w 6 leads to an enhanced interaction with sand surface. On the other
At equilibrium, Meq =Mmax ¼ kf C w =ðkb þ kf C w Þ, where Mmax ¼ hand naphthalene molecules are non-polar making the
qh0 Stotal , is the maximum mass adsorbed in the case where all the naphthalene-sand interactions unfavorable. The adsorption rate,
adsorption sites would be occupied. R  kads P sat , where Psat is the partial pressure, of naphthalene and
It should be emphasized that for the further comparison with camphor, is very high compared to that of 2,4-DNT, primarily
the experimental data it is convenient to transform the main because of a significantly higher vapor pressure of the first two
results of the present section to the dimensionless form rendering substances (the kads values for all the three substances were com-
parameters dimensionless using the following scales: C w for C, parable, see Table 1).
d2 =D for t, d for x and ðlv =N a ÞC w Ad for M, and introducing the fol-
lowing dimensionless groups 4.2. Experimental setups II and III
2 2
d d S0 dC w
K f ¼ kf ; K b ¼ kb ; Kh ¼ ð16Þ In the experimental setup II, naphthalene was used first as a tar-
D DC w 6 get substance at 24 °C. In this system both diffusion and adsorp-
Then, Eqs. (7)–(11) corresponding to setups II and III take the tion/desorption occur simultaneously and the evolution in time
following form of the adsorbed vapor mass is described by the dimensionless
" # Eqs. (17)–(21). These equations were integrated numerically using
@C 1 @ 2 C the semi-discretization of the spatial second derivative on the
¼  K f Cð1  hÞ þ K b h ð17Þ
@t / @x2 right-hand side of Eq. (17) and the numerical marching according
to the Kutta-Merson algorithm. The results are depicted in Figs. 6
¼ K h ½K f Cð1  hÞ  K b h ð18Þ

t ¼ 0 : C ¼ 1 at x ¼ 0; C ¼ 0 at x > 0; h ¼ 0 at x P 0
a) 4.0 Naphthalene 3.5
Camphor 3.0
ð19Þ 3.5
2,4 - DNT

mg /gr sand

t > 0 : C ¼ 1 at x ¼ 0; C ¼ 0 at x ¼ 1 ð20Þ 1.5
mg /gr sand

2.5 1.0

Z t"   #
@C  @C 

M¼   þ  ð21Þ 2.0 0.0

dt 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

0 @x  @x  Time (hr)
x¼0 x¼1
where overbars denote dimensionless parameters.
Also, Eq. (15) corresponding to setup I can be transformed to the
following dimensionless form 0.5

M a ¼ 1  expðt a Þ ð22Þ 0.0

1 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
where M a ¼ M=ðMeq Mmax Þ and t a ¼ t=½ðS0 d=6Þðkb þ kf C w Þ .
It should be emphasized that the models proposed in the pre- Time (hr)
sent section are one-dimensional, isothermal and based on the
simplest adsorption/desorption kinetics. The generalization to the
two- and three-dimensional non-isothermal cases is also of inter-
b) Naphthalene
est in the present context and will be tackled in future work. Camphor
2,4 -DNT
4. Results and discussion
mg /gr sand

4.1. Experimental setup I

The following experiments were performed at room tempera- 0.1

ture 24 °C. In setup I, the substances’ adsorption takes place on
a very thin layer of sand subjected to the saturated vapor pressure
on both sides, and vapor diffusion is essentially excluded. Thus, Eq.
(12) reduces to the classical Langmuir equation with the adsorp-
tion and desorption coefficients, kads ¼ kf ðS0 d=6Þ and 0.01
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
kdes ¼ kb ðS0 d=6Þ, respectively. The adsorption kinetics for all three
volatile substances used in the experiments with setup I was mea- Time (hr)
sured and the results are shown in Fig. 4.
Fig. 4. (a) Adsorbed amount of naphthalene, camphor and 2,4-DNT vs. time, at
The experimental data for all the volatile substances from Fig. 4 24 °C. The inset shows the adsorption of naphthalene and camphor during the first
can be collapsed to a single dimensionless master curve according 20 h. (b) Adsorbed amount of naphthalene, camphor and 2,4-DNT presented in the
to Eq. (22), as shown in Fig. 5. This allows one to establish the semi-logarithmic scale.
W. Zhang et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 116 (2018) 248–258 253


Master Curve




0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Fig. 5. Normalized experimental adsorption data for the three substances: naph-
thalene, camphor and 2,4-DNT(shown by symbols) reduced to a single master curve Fig. 6. Adsorbed mass of naphthalene at 24 °C versus time for two pore diameters,
according to Eq. (22). d = 0.001 and 0.0002 cm. Black symbols correspond to the experimental data, red
and blue symbols – to the numerical simulations.

and 7. In particular, Fig. 6 compares the predicted values for two

pore sizes, d = 0.001 and 0.0002 cm, with the experimental data
for naphthalene at 24 °C. It can be seen that as d decreases, the
mass of the adsorbed naphthalene increases. The comparison of
the experimental data to simulations performed for
d = 0.0002 cm revealed good agreement. This is attributed to a lar-
ger surface area corresponding to smaller pores. It should be
emphasized that the simulations were conducted with the values
of the kinetic adsorption/desorption parameters established in Sec-
tion 4.1 and listed in Table 1. Fig. 7 presents the experimental data
and the simulated results for naphthalene at 24 °C for two porosity
values, / = 0.3, and 0.8 for the pore diameter d = 0.0002 cm. Good
fitting of the experimental data is seen at / = 0.3.
Fig. 8 depicts the experimental data for naphthalene obtained at
50 °C using setups II and III. Comparison of the experimental data
obtained using setups II and III is satisfactory. No simulations were
done in the present case, since the situation where the cylinder
bottom is sustained at an elevated temperature, while its open
top is at room temperature is non-isothermal, which is not t
accounted for by the current theoretical model (17)–(21). Its gen-
Fig. 7. Adsorbed mass of naphthalene at 24 °C versus time at d = 0.0002 cm and two
eralization for the non-isothermal cases will be done in future
values of porosity, / = 0.3 and 0.8. Black symbols correspond to the experimental
work. data, pink and blue symbols – to the numerical simulations.
It should be emphasized that the following parameter values
were used in the present subsection to render parameters dimen-
sionless for setups II and III: Setup II at 50 °C:
Setup II at 24 °C:
d ¼ 1:8 cm; A ¼ 4:15 cm2 ; D ¼ 0:0224 cm2 =s;
d ¼ 1:8 cm; A ¼ 4:15 cm2 ; D ¼ 0:0187 cm2 =s;
C w ¼ 2:47  1016 ½1=cm3 ; So ¼ 2  1015 ½cm2 
C w ¼ 2:47  1015 ½1=cm3 ; So ¼ 2  1015 ½cm2 
Setup III at 24 °C:
4.3. Experimental setup III: morphological observations
d ¼ 2:3 cm; A ¼ 23:5 cm2 ; D ¼ 0:0187 cm2 =s;
In this setup, the morphology of the deposits of two volatile
C w ¼ 2:47  1015 ½1=cm3 ; So ¼ 2  1015 ½cm2 
substances, camphor and naphthalene, were observed on
the inserted vertical glass slides as a function of depth. The

Table 1
The adsorption/desorption kinetics constants and the equilibrium constant for the three volatile substances studied. The saturated pressure P sat was used to find the values of C w .

Material Psat Cw Kd kads kdes

[atm] [1/cm3] [M] [1/M  s] [1/s]
Naphthalene @24 °C 104 2.5  1015 2.7  105 30.9 8.28  104
Naphthalene @50 °C 1.1  103 2.7  1016 2.7  105 76 2.07  103
Camphor @24 °C 2.4  104 5.9  1015 8.6  107 17.8 1.54  105
2,4-DNT @24 °C 106 2.5  1013 1.6  107 10.8 1.76  106
254 W. Zhang et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 116 (2018) 248–258

5 near the sand/air surface is attributed to a lower temperature at

Exp. Setup II the surface. In the case of naphthalene, no apparent trend was
Exp. Setup III observed regarding the deposition behavior as a function of the
depth from the free surface (cf. Fig. 9g–j). In general, the results
obtained in this setup indicate that the temperature gradient con-
3 trols the vapor deposition, which requires generalization of the
mg /gr sand

theoretical model for the non-isothermal case, which is currently

underway. In addition, the morphologies of naphthalene and cam-
2 phor crystals formed on horizontal glass slides located on top of
the experimental setup, in the absence of sand, are shown in
1 Fig. 10.

0 5. Conclusion

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Experiments with setup I where the diffusion process is negligi-

Time (hr) bly small compared to the adsorption/desorption processes
revealed in conjunction with the theoretical model for this exper-
Fig. 8. Adsorbed mass of naphthalene (the source is at 50 °C, the environment is at iment the kinetic parameters responsible for the adsorption/des-
room temperature) measured experimentally using setups II and III. The results are orption of three different volatile substances: camphor,
shown by symbols with the corresponding colors listed in the panel.
naphthalene and 2,4-Dinitrotoluene (DNT). It was shown that the
data for all the three substances can be collapsed onto a single
dimensionless master curve, which essentially can be applied to
experiments were conducted for at least 5 h at 50 °C. The observed any other volatile substances to facilitate development of the
morphologies of camphor and naphthalene deposits adsorbed on detection methods for them.
vertical glass slides are shown in Fig. 9a–f and g–j, respectively. Experiments with setups II and III were conducted under the
In Fig. 9a–f, clusters/crystals of camphor are observed on a glass conditions where both the diffusion and the adsorption/desorption
slide, primarily at point A, which is located near the sand/air inter- processes are important simultaneously. The measured adsorbed
face. In the case of camphor, as the depth decreases, i.e. the dis- vapor mass as a function of time in these experiments was pre-
tance from the beaker bottom where a volatile substance is dicted in the numerical simulations which employed the kinetics
located, increases, a more significant camphor deposition is constants established using the experimental data and modeling
observed (cf. Fig. 9a–f). This enhanced deposition of camphor vapor for setup I. The agreement of the theoretical/numerical predictions

Fig. 9. Morphology of camphor deposits on a vertical glass slide. Optical images (at magnifications 50 and 20) were taken after the slide had been withdrawn from the
sand column, at three positions A = 20 mm, B = 10 mm and C = 3 mm measured from the lower end of the glass slide (cf. Fig. 2). (a) Position A (20), (b) Position A (50), (c)
Position B (20), (d) Position B (50), (e) Position C (20), and (f) Position C (50). Morphology of naphthalene deposits on a vertical glass slide. Optical images (at
magnifications 50 and 20) were taken after the slide had been withdrawn from the sand column, at two positions, A = 15 mm, and B = 5 mm, measured from the lower end
of the glass slide (cf. Fig. 2). (g) Position A (20), (h) Position A (50), (i) Position B (20), and (j) Position B (50).
W. Zhang et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 116 (2018) 248–258 255

Fig. 10. Morphology of camphor deposits adsorbed on glass slides. (a) The 10 magnification, and (b) the 20 magnification. Morphology of naphthalene deposits adsorbed
on glass slides. (c) The 10 magnification, and (d) the 20 magnification.

with experimental data was good during the entire process of  in Fig. A3 is plot-
The normalized particle-size distribution f ðdÞ
vapor deposition under these realistic conditions, which makes 
ted versus d. The average equivalent diameter of 100 sand particles
the proposed model a useful tool for description of multiple foren- R  
is found as df ðdÞdd. Its dimensional value is 498.46 lm.
sic situations associated with different volatile substances in addi-
Sand particle sphericity W is defined as [38]
tion to those studied in the present work.
The preliminary results for non-isothermal cases ascertain the ds
importance of the temperature distribution on the adsorption/des-
W¼ ðA2Þ
orption rate and the adsorbed mass in general. In such cases the
experimental data obtained by two different methods of the where ds is the diameter of a circle whose area is equal to that of the
adsorbed mass analysis in setups II and III were in good agreement grain projection, Dc is the diameter of the smallest circle circum-
with each other. These data will facilitate future generalization of scribing the sand grain. The sphericity measurements and the cor-
the theory for the non-isothermal cases. responding sphericity distribution WðdÞ are shown in Figs. A4 and
A5, respectively. The maximum value of the sphericity is 0.9353
Conflict of interest and the average value of sphericity W found using Eqs. (A1) and
(A3) is 0.8281. The average sphericity is found as
There is no conflicts of interest in this project. Z
W  ðdÞd
WðdÞf  d ðA3Þ

Appendix A. Characterization of sand particles for setup III

To determine the sand size distribution and sphericity of sand Appendix B. Permeability measurements for setup III
particles, 100 sand particles were randomly chosen, and the optical
microscope Olympus BX-51 was used to observe each of them sep- Two methods were used to measure permeability of sand lay-
arately, as is shown in Fig. A1a and b. ers. The first method used an Air-Tite disposable 60 ml syringe
The images of sand particles were processed with Image-Pro and AdvantecÒ GD-120 glass fiber filter with the thickness
Plus 7.0 (Media Cybernetics) software to measure the projected DLf ¼ 0:52 mm. The inner diameter of the syringe was 28.09 mm.
area, and the original and processed images are shown in A piece of glass-fiber filter was cut out in order to fit the syringe
Fig. A2a and b, respectively. The projected areas were then mea- diameter. The J-B Weld quick-setting epoxy was used for attaching
sured, and the equivalent diameters were calculated. The equiva- the filter to the syringe bottom to prevent sand spillage from the
lent diameter distribution is shown in Fig. A3. The maximum sand-filled syringe through its opening normally used to attach a
equivalent diameter of sand particles is 1067.64 lm. The sand par- needle. The DI water flow rate was chosen such that it could sus-
ticle diameter is rendered dimensionless by its maximum value as tain a constant water level in the syringe, i.e. to compensate
exactly the gravity-driven water flux from the syringe (cf.
 ¼ ds =dmax
d ðA1Þ Fig. B1). First, there was no sand in the syringe to find the filter per-
meability in the preliminary experiment (Fig. B1a). Second, 60 mm
 is dimensionless equivalent diameter and dmax is the max-
where d height of sand was located in the syringe above the filter and per-
imum value of the equivalent diameter. meability of the sand-filter system was measured (Fig. B1b).
256 W. Zhang et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 116 (2018) 248–258

Fig. A1. Sand particles observed with 4 magnification.

Fig. A2. The processed image of a sand particle obtained using Image-Pro Plus 7.0 software. (a) The original image, and (b) The corresponding processed image.

where Q is the volumetric flow rate, A is the cross-sectional area, l

is the viscosity, DP is the pressure differential applied to the porous
layer, q is the liquid density, g is gravity acceleration, and DL is the
layer thickness. The pressure drop could be evaluated as [40]
DP ¼ qgh ðB2Þ
where h is height of liquid column above the layer.
In the experiment of Fig. B1a, the height of water column
h ¼ DLf þ DLw1 ¼ 8:02 mm and Q 1 ¼ 770 ml=h, and thus, according
to Eqs. (B1) and (B2) the permeability of the glass fiber filter is
evaluated as kf ¼ 2:24  1012 m2 (2.26 Darcy). In the experiment
of Fig. B1b, h ¼ DLf þ DLw2 þ DLs ¼ 84:52 mm, then total pressure
is evaluated as DPtotal ¼ 845:20 Pa and the pressure differential act-
ing on the glass fiber filter and the sand layer together could be
evaluated as
DPtotal ¼ DP s þ DPf ðB3Þ
Hence the pressure differentials acting on the glass fiber filter and
Fig. A3. Sand-size distribution. the sand layer in tandem are calculated as DP f ¼ 42:64 Pa and
DP s ¼ 802:56 Pa. Accordingly, the permeability of the sand layer
could be obtained as
The water layer height in the case of only glass-fiber filter in    
Fig. B1a was DLw1 ¼ 7:5 mm and the water flow rate was DP f DP s
ks ¼ kf þ qg þ qg ðB4Þ
Q 1 ¼ 770 ml=h. The sand layer in Fig. B1b had DLs ¼ 60 mm, the DLf DLs
water layer above it had DLw2 ¼ 24 mm, and the water flow rate
was Q 2 ¼ 460 ml=h. The viscosity of water at 25 C is 0.001 Pa s. This yields the permeability of the sand layer as ks ¼ 8:81  1012 m2
Permeability k could be evaluated using the most general form (8.93 Darcy).
of Darcy’s law for incompressible fluids which accounts for the The second method used to measure the permeability of the
effect of the hydrostatic pressure variation across porous medium sand layer was the constant head testing method, which employed
[39] a permeameter. This method is also based on Darcy’s law which
  disregards the hydrostatic component in Eq. (B1) and is used to
kA DP measure the hydraulic conductivity k and permeability ks of sand
Q¼ þ qg ðB1Þ
l DL following [41]
W. Zhang et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 116 (2018) 248–258 257

Fig. A4. Measurement of sphericity. (a) The original images of two sand particles, and (b) The corresponding processed images of these particles, with the green circles being
the smallest circles circumscribing them.

Table B1
Three values of the hydraulic head, the measured filtrate volumes and the
corresponding values of sand permeability.

Hydraulic head Filtrated volume Permeability

Dh (m) DQ  106 (m3 ) 1012 (m2)
0.685 348 12.49
330 11.84
0.840 397 11.61
380 11.11
1.020 455 10.96
428 10.31

where A is the cross-sectional area of the permeameter, Dh is

hydraulic head across the sand sample, Dt is time interval to mea-
sure the filtrated volume DQ and Ls is the height of compacted sand
samples. Accordingly,
Fig. A5. Sphericity distribution of 100 sand particles. ks ¼ k ðB6Þ
where ks is permeability.
In this case, the diameter of the permeameter cell was 0.075 m
and the height of compacted sand samples was Ls ¼ 0:132 m. Three
different hydraulic heads across the sand sample, 0.685 m, 0.840 m
and 1.020 m, were applied separately. The time interval Dt was
120 s. The measured values of DQ and the corresponding perme-
ability values are listed in Table B1. Hence, the average permeabil-
ity value measured by the second method (using the permeameter
cell) was ks ¼ 1:14  1011 m2 (11.55 Darcy).
The Kozeny-Carman equation reads [42]

1 180 ð1  /Þ2
¼ 2 2 ðB7Þ
ks W Dp /3

where Dp is the diameter of an average equivalent spherical sand

particle, and / is the porosity of the sand layer. In the present case,
Dp ¼ 498:46 lm, the sphericity is W ¼ 0:8281, the permeability
value is taken as the average value of permeability obtained by
the above-mentioned two methods, which is ks ¼ 1:01  1011 m2
(10.23 Darcy), and thus, the porosity of sand layers used in the
experiments with setup III is / ¼ 0:191.

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