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Ch 2 MCQ

Choose the correct answer:

Bile is produced in
(a) Gall bladder (b) Blood (c) Liver (d) Spleen c) Liver
Cud is the name given to the food of ruminants which is
(а) swallowed and (b) swallowed (c) properly (d) properly (b) swallowed
undigested. and partially chewed and chewed and and partially
digested. partially completely digested.
digested. digested.

Question 3.
The false feet of Amoeba are used for:
(a) movement only
(b) capture of food only
(c) capture of food and movement
(d) exchange of gases only


Answer: (c) capture of food and movement

Question 4.
Read the following statements with reference to the villi of small intestine.
(i) They have very thin walls.
(ii) They have a network of thin and small blood vessels close to the surface.
(iii) They have small pores through which food can easily pass.
(iv) They are finger-like projections.
Identify those statements which enable the villi to absorb digested food.
(a) (i), (ii) and (iv)
(b) (ii), (iii) and (iv)
(c) (iii) and (iv)
(d) (i) and (iv)


Answer: (a) (i), (ii) and (iv)

Question 5.
The finger-like outgrowths of Amoeba helps to ingest food. However, the finger-like outgrowths
of human intestine helps to:
(a) digest the fatty food substances
(b) make the food soluble
(c) absorb the digested food
(d) absorb the undigested food


Answer: (c) absorb the digested food

Question 6.
The main function of the lacteals of intestine is the absorption of
(a) amino acids
(b) glucose and vitamins
(c) lactic acid
(d) fatty acids and glycerol


Answer: (d) fatty acids and glycerol

Question 7.
Gastric digestion takes place efficiently in
(a) acidic medium
(b) alkaline medium
(c) neutral medium
(d) highly alkaline medium

Answer: (a) acidic medium

Question 8.
Which is not digested by human?
(a) Protein
(b) Fats
(c) Glucose
(d) Cellulose


Answer: (d) Cellulose

Question 9.
How many premolars teeth found in mouth?
(a) 2
(b) 4
(c) 6
(d) 8


Answer: (b) 4

Question 10.
Given below from (i) to (iv) are some food items.
(i) Boiled and mashed potato
(ii) Glucose solution
(iii) A slice of bread
(iv) Mustard oil
Which of the above will give blue-black colour when tested with iodine?
(a) (i) and (ii)
(b) (i) and (iii)
(c) (ii) and (iii)
(d) (iii) and (iv)


Answer: (b) (i) and (iii)

Question 11.
Which of the following pair of teeth differ in structure but are similar in function?
(a) canines and incisors
(b) molars and premolars
(c) incisors and molars
(d) premolars and canines


Answer: (a) canines and incisors

Question 12.
Read carefully the terms given below. Which of the following set is the correct combination of
organs that do not carry out any digestive functions?
(a) Oesophagus, Large Intestine, Rectum
(b) Buccal Cavity, Oesophagus, Rectum
(c) Buccal Cavity, Oesophagus, Large Intestine
(d) Small Intestine, Large Intestine, Rectum


Answer: (a) Oesophagus, Large Intestine, Rectum

Question 13.
The swallowed food moves downwards in the alimentary canal because of:
(a) force provided by the muscular tongue.
(b) the flow of water taken with the food.
(c) gravitational pull.
(d) the contraction of muscles in the wall of food pipe.


Answer: (a) force provided by the muscular tongue.

Question 14.
The acid present in the stomach:
(a) kills the harmful bacterial that may enter along with the food.
(b) protects the stomach lining from harmful substances.
(c) digests starch into simpler sugars.
(d) makes the medium alkaline.


Answer: (c) digests starch into simpler sugars.

Question 15.
The enzymes predsent in the saliva convert:
(a) fats into fatty acids and glycerol
(b) starch into simple sugars
(c) proteins into amino acids
(d) complex sugars into simple sugars


Answer: (b) starch into simple sugars

Match the following:

Column A Column B
(i) Autotrophs (a) Carbohydrate
(ii) Sugar (b) Sucking
(iii) Photosynthesis (c) Chlorophyll
(iv) Hydra (d) Green plants


Column A Column B
(i) Autotrophs (d) Green plants
(ii) Sugar (a) Carbohydrate
(iii) Photosynthesis (c) Chlorophyll
(iv) Hydra (b) Sucking

Fill in the blanks:

1. Ingestion is the first step in the process of ……………..

Answer: holozoic nutrition

2. Digestion is the breakdown of complex food materials into ……………..


Answer: simple materials

3. …………….. plant is the common example of insectivorous plants.


Answer: Pitcher

4. The water is present even in the dry soil in the form of a …………….. layer on the sand


Answer: hygroscopic

5. The source of energy for living organism is ……………..


Answer: food

Choose the true and false statements from the following:

1. The breakdown of complex component of food into simpler substance is called digestion.


Answer: True
2. Food is not synthesised in green plant.


Answer: False

3. Animals are heterotrophic.


Answer: True

4. Amoeba is a many celled animal.


Answer: False

5. Salivary glands secrete saliva.


Answer: True

6. Ruminants are cud chewing animals.


Answer: True

7. There are four kinds of permanent teeth in our mouth.


Answer: False
Class 7 Science Chapter 2 MCQ for 2021-22
Read the sentence which is related to digestive system and choose the word for it. “Transport
of digested and soluble food from the intestine to blood vessels”.
[A]. Large intestine

[B]. Absorption

[C]. Assimilation

[D]. Digestion

Answer: Option B :Explanation: The lower part of the small intestine where the intestinal juice
completes the digestion of all components of the food. The digested food can now pass into the blood
vessels in the wall of the intestine. This process is called “Absorption”.


There are given some parts of digestive system, choose the odd one out
[A]. Stomach

[B]. Liver

[C]. Pancreas

[D]. Salivary gland

Answer: Option A


Stomach is the odd one. It is a digestive organ. All the others are gland.

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Paheli wants to know the name of the teeth, which helps to “piercing and tearing” the food?
[A]. Molar

[B]. Premolar

[C]. Incisors

[D]. Canines

Answer: Option D

The canines are situated at the ‘corners’ of the dental arches. They have a sharp, pointed biting
surface. Their function is to grip and tear food. There are four canine teeth.

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There are given some parts of our body, choose the odd one out
[A]. Tongue

[B]. Absorption

[C]. Taste

[D]. Swallow

Answer: Option B


Absorption is the odd one. It is a digestive process that occurs in small intestine. All the others
are related to mouth.

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Read the following sentences and choose which of the statement is or are incorrect?
[A]. The liver is situated in the upper part of the abdomen on the left side.

[B]. The stomach is situated in the middle part of the abdomen on the right side.

[C]. The pancreas is a cream coloured gland located just below the liver.

[D]. All the above

Answer: Option D

The liver is situated in the upper part of the abdomen on the “right side”. The stomach is situated
in the middle part of the abdomen on the “left side”. The pancreas is a cream coloured gland
located just below the “stomach”.

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In which of the statements is or are incorrect about “Amoeba”?

[A]. It pushes out finger like pseudopodia which engulf the prey.

[B]. Lysosome secretes digestive enzymes in the food vacuole.

[C]. Prey is digested and the undigested material is expelled out by the vacuole.

[D]. None of the above.

Answer: Option D


All statements are correct about “Amoeba”. Hence, your answer will be option [D].

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Read the following sentences carefully and choose which of the statements is or are incorrect?
[A]. The digestion of food starts in stomach and the digestion is complete in large intestine.

[B]. The stomach is widest part of alimentary canal.

[C]. The HCL kills many bacteria and makes the medium in the stomach acidic and help in digest.

[D]. When we swallow food, the epiglottis flattens backward to cover the entrance to our larynx and
prevent food from entering the lungs and windpipe.

Answer: Option A


The digestion of food starts in mouth and the digestion is completed in small intestine and the
rest options are correct.

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Boojho asked a question to Paheli that how many types of taste buds found in our tongue?
[A]. Two

[B]. Four

[C]. Six

[D]. Eight

Answer: Option B


There are four kinds of taste buds which detect sweet, salty and bitter taste. These are located in
different parts of the tongue.

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There are given some parts of digestive system, choose the odd one out.
[A]. Liver

[B]. Salivary gland

[C]. Starch

[D]. Gallbladder

Answer: Option C


Starch is the odd one. It is a type of carbohydrate. All the others are parts of digestive system of
human beings.

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Read the statement which is related to digestive system and choose a word for it:
“Transportation of absorbed food of different parts of body and their utilization”.
[A]. Assimilation
[B]. Absorption

[C]. Respiration

[D]. Digestion

Answer: Option A


Assimilation means utilisation of absorbed food for the purpose of generating energy or
obtaining energy through the cells. After you eat, your body breaks down food during digestion,
absorbs the nutrients, and distributes them to cells during assimilation. Absorption refers the
flow of digested food from the digestive system into the blood system for movement around the
body. And assimilation gets the nutrients from your food to your cells where they are used for
growth and repair of the all parts of the body. This occurs in the small intestine, in particular the
jejunum and ileum

What are the different parts of Human Digestive System?

Human digestive system consists of mouth, oesophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine,
rectum and anus.

How many type of teeth are there in Human being?

There are four types of teeth found in human being. These are incisors, canines, premolars and

Where is the digested food absorbed in Human being?

The digested food is absorbed at illum of small intestine by finger like structures called villi.

What is absorbed in large intestine?

In large intestine, most of the water is reabsorbed.

True or False Questions

1. Parasites are Autotrophs.

2. Amoeba ingest food by Pseudo podia.
3. Milk teeth are replaced by permanent teeth in human.
4. Nutrition is not necessary for all organisms.
5. Large intestine is the longest part of digestive system of human.
6. Digestion of food starts from mouth.
7. A butterfly uses its feeding tube to suck nector from flowers.
8. Ruminants have four chambers of stomach.
Answers of True or False Questions

1. False
2. True
3. True
4. False
5. False
6. True
7. True
8. True


MCQ Questions for Class 7 Science: Ch 2

Nutrition in Animals
06 Sept, 2020

MCQ Questions for Class 7 Science: Ch 2 Nutrition in Animals

1. Mode of nutrition in amoeba is

(a) Herbivores
(b) Holozoic

(c) Omnivores

(d) Autotrophic

► (b) Holozoic

2. Bile juice is secreted by which part of digestive system.

(a) Small Intestine

(b) Liver

(c) Pituitary gland

(d) Digestive gland

► (b) Liver

3. Saliva is released from

(a) Pinus gland

(b) Thyroid gland

(c) Adrenal gland

(d) Salivary gland

► (d) Salivary gland

4. An example of heterotrophic organism which can synthesise food. .

(a) Paramecium

(b) Euglena

(c) Amoeba

(d) Hydra

► (b) Euglena
5. The process of breakdown of food particles into small pieces is called _______.

(a) Mastication

(b) Digestion

(c) Peristalsis

(d) Diffusion

► (b) Digestion

6. In amoeba, digestion of food takes place inside

(a) Food pipe

(b) Gizzard

(c) Food vacuole

(d) Stomach

► (c) Food vacuole

7. Mode of nutrition in animal is

(a) Saprophytic

(b) Heterotrophic

(c) Omnivores

(d) Autotrophic

► (b) Heterotrophic

8. Duodenum, Jejunum, ileum are ______ parts.

(a) Small Intestine

(b) Large Intestine

(c) Esophaguss

(d) Stomach

► (a) Small Intestine

9. Why are nutrition in animals holozoic?

(a) because they depend on plants for food

(b) because they are heterotrophs

(c) because they can shallow food

(d) all the above

► (d) all the above

10. Which one is a unicellular organism?

(a) Frog

(b) Hydra

(c) Amoeba

(d) Ant

► (c) Amoeba

11. The type of digestion which takes place within the cell is termed as

(a) Extra cellular digestion

(b) Intra tissue digestion

(c) Inter cellular digestion

(d) Intracellular digestion

► (d) Intracellular digestion

12. Raccoon is an example of which type of animal-

(a) Herbivore

(b) Omnivore

(c) Carnivore

(d) Parasite

► (b) Omnivore

13. Siphoning is the mode of feeding alone in which type of animal.

(a) Humming bird

(b) Butterfly

(c) Ant

(d) Housefly

► (b) Butterfly

14. Nutrition in which organism take food inside the body and digest using enzyme is called

(a) Mesophytes

(b) Carnivorous

(c) Saprophytic

(d) Holozoic

► (d) Holozoic

15. Which one is a ruminant animal?

(a) Elephant

(b) Deer

(c) Cat

(d) Dog
► (b) Deer

16. Amoeba obtain the food using finger-like projection called

(a) Pseudopodia

(b) Spiracles

(c) Diaphragm

(d) Mouth

► (a) Pseudopodia

17. The process in which faucal matter is removed through the anus.

(a) Egestion     

(b) Digestion

(c) Absorption      

(d) Ingestion

► (a) Egestion     

18. Which of the following component of food do not provide energy of body building?

(a) Roughage

(b) Proteins

(c) Carbohydrates

(d) Fats

► (a) Roughage

19. Enzymes which helps in digestion in amoeba

(a) Amylase    
(b) Proteinase

(c) both (a) and (b)

(d) None of the above

► (c) both (a) and (b)

20. Which one is the largest gland in the human body?

(a) Pancreas

(b) Pituitary gland

(c) Liver

(d) Gall bladder

► (c) Liver

21. The movement of food in food pipe is called

(a) Linear movement

(b) Rectilinear movement

(c) Smooth movement

(d) Peristaltic movement

► (d) Peristaltic movement

22. The semi-solid mass which is produced after thoroughly mix up of food and gastric juice is called

(a) bolus

(b) chyme

(c) bile

(d) villus

► (b) chyme
Section - A (1 Marks Questions)

Explain the following Keywords


The organisms that produce their own food from simple substances. This mode of taking
nutrition is called autotrophic. 

Explanation: –

The meaning of autotrophs is ‘auto’ means self and ‘trophs’ means food.
Examples: –
Trees and plants


A green coloured substance found in the leaves.

Explanation: –

The chlorophyll contributes to the process of photosynthesis by absorbing the sunlight.


The organisms that do not produce their own food. They remain dependent on others for food.

Examples: –

All the animals and a few plants (Insectivorous)


The plants on which the parasite plants climb or reside.


The plants that eat insects.

Explanation: –

The parts of the plants that help it catching and digesting insects are: –

A jug or pitcher like a container – to trap the insects

Lid – to cover the pitcher when the insect is trapped

Hairs like structure – the insects are entangled in these hairs

Digestive juice – to digest the insects and absorb its nutrients


The components of food like vitamins, protein, fat, carbohydrates, minerals.


The mode of taking food to utilize it for the maintenance and growth of the body.


The plants and animals that live on the body of other plants or animals (host) and consume their
food to survive.


In the process of photosynthesis, plants make their own food with the help of carbon dioxide and
water in the presence of sunlight. The oxygen is released during this process.

The meaning of photosynthesis is “combining with light”.


The organisms such as fungi and soil-bacteria feed on dead and decaying matters. 


The mode of nutrition used by saprotrophs.


The tiny pores present on the surface of leaves used to take carbon dioxide and release oxygen.

They are surrounded by guard cells.

Section - A (Keywords)- Explain the following Keywords

passing of food into the blood vessels in the wall of the intestine after digestion.

Amino acid

the intestinal juice breaks the proteins presented in our food into amino acids.


The intestinal juice of the small intestine breaks the food components into products of
digestion while completing the process of digestion. The protein presented in our food is broken
into amino acids.


A microscopic single-celled organism found in pond water.


using digested food materials to build complex substances such as proteins by the different
organs of the body is called assimilation.


A juice secreted by the liver that plays a vital role in the digestion of fats.

Buccal cavity

the beginning point of the continuous canal for the passage of food in our body.


Teeth between the incisors and premolar in the teeth-arrangement.


A type of carbohydrate.

Explanation: –

Many animals including humans cannot digest cellulose because certain bacterias that help in
digestion of the cellulose are not present in the human body.

The division of complex components of food into simpler substances.


The removal of the faecal matter through the anus from time to time.

Fatty acid

the intestinal juice breaks the fat presented in our food into fatty acids.

Food vacuole

The circular membrane used for the storage of food by the amoeba.

Gall bladder

A sac for the storage of bile juice.


the intestinal juice breaks the fat presented in our food into glycerol and fatty acids.


A set of four teeth in front of the mouth.


The process of taking food into the body.


The largest gland in the body situated in the upper part of the abdomen on the right side.

Milk teeth

The first set of teeth, that grows during infancy and falls off before the age of eight years.


Large teeth at the back of the mouth used to grind food.

Permanent teeth
The second set of teeth that replaces the milk teeth and may last throughout life.


the food pipe for the passage of swallowed food.


A large cream-colored gland located just below the stomach that secres the pancreatic juice.


Set of teeth located between the molar and canine teeth.


the finger-like projections in the amoeba. It is also called the false feet and is used for the
movement and capture of the food.


a part of the stomach used for storing food in the grass-eating animals.


the animals that have the rumen (a part of the stomach used for storing food)


the process of chewing the partially digested food that returned to the mouth of grass-eating
animals in small lumps.

Salivary glands

a gland located in the mouth that secrets saliva.


thousands of finger-like outgrowths in the inner wall of the small intestine. It increases the
surface area for the absorption of the digestive food.

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