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Continental Shelf Research 29 (2009) 1502–1514

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Methods for medium-term prediction of the net sediment transport by waves

and currents in complex coastal regions
Jennifer M. Brown a,, Alan G. Davies b
Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, Joseph Proudman Building, 6 Brownlow Street, Liverpool L3 5DA, UK
School of Ocean Sciences, College of Natural Science, Bangor University, Anglesey, Wales LL59 5AB, UK

a r t i c l e in f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Medium-term prediction of sediment transport and morphological behaviour in the coastal zone is
Received 4 December 2008 becoming increasingly important as a result of human interference and changing environmental
Received in revised form conditions. The interaction of waves and tides is shown to play a pivotal role in the net (annual)
17 February 2009
sediment transport and morphodynamics of the coastal zone. The TELEMAC Modelling System has been
Accepted 27 March 2009
applied to the Dyfi Estuary and neighbouring coastline, mid Wales, to recreate the annual wave–current
Available online 17 April 2009
conditions and the resulting sediment fluxes. ‘Input reduction’ methods have been required to produce
Keywords: realistic schematisations of events in practical computation times. A field campaign carried out in 2006
TELEMAC provided data for validation of the flow module (TELEMAC-2D) and also observations to verify the patterns
Sand transport
predicted by the wave module (TOMAWAC). To improve model accuracy refinements were implemented
Wave–current interaction
with regard to the sand transport formulation used in the sand transport module (SISYPHE). Here, a
Medium-term prediction
Dyfi Estuary Wales parameterisation of the results from the UWB 1DV sand transport ‘research’ model, for the conditions in
the Dyfi Estuary, has been introduced, allowing SISYPHE to provide greater realism in the morphological
predictions. The model predictions are presented along with a discussion of the success/failure and
limitations of the modelling methods applied.
Crown Copyright & 2009 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction and wave-induced currents. The objective here has been to use a
deterministic approach to recreate the (annual) wave–current
Coastal morphology results from complex interactions be- conditions in order to predict the medium-term (annual) net
tween a number of constituent processes (waves, currents, sediment transport in the region. In order to simulate an annual
sediment transport, Villaret and Davies, 2004) and the topogra- cycle ‘input reduction’ methods have been required to produce
phical change that they produce. Currents can both stir up and realistic schematisations of events in feasible computation times.
transport sediments, while waves enhance stirring. Although Further application of this newly developed methodology has
storm events are likely to cause the greatest sediment transport been given by Davies and Brown (2007).
rates, the largest contributions to medium-term transport result This paper is focused on procedures to predict annual sediment
from fairly large, frequent waves combined with currents lying transport pathways. The main goals are: (i) to simulate an annual
roughly between spring and neap tidal maxima (Soulsby, 1997). scenario in feasible computation times, while (ii) representing the
Over the last four decades coastal morphological modelling has typical annual wave–current conditions by the use of reduction
made significant progress (Briand and Kamphuis, 1993). Such applied to the input data, and (iii) to implement a relatively
models consider the initial shape of the bed and update it at sophisticated sediment transport model and ripple prediction
regular intervals, along with re-computing the wave, current and routine. The important interaction between the wave field and
sediment transport patterns (Soulsby, 1997). The state-of-the-art tidal asymmetry is also highlighted with regard to ‘sediment
process-based models have now shown the capability of accurate pumping’ at the estuary mouth. In Section 2 the study site is
prediction (Elias et al., 2006) and are capable of predicting introduced followed, in Section 3, by a description of the model,
estuarine morphology, but not yet on time scales as long as its validation and the boundary conditions used. The model
decades or centuries (Stive and Wang, 2003). application is discussed with regard to the Dyfi Estuary in Section
The TELEMAC Modelling System (Hervouet and Bates, 2000) is 4 and the conclusions are presented in Section 5.
applied to the Dyfi Estuary and neighbouring coastline in Cardigan
Bay, Wales. The coastal area is influenced by tides, rivers, waves
2. Study site

 Corresponding author. Tel.: +44 151795 4971; fax: +44 151795 4801. The Dyfi Estuary is one of the largest estuaries within Cardigan
E-mail address: (J.M. Brown). Bay, mid Wales, UK (Fig. 1), and has been a shallow water, low-energy

0278-4343/$ - see front matter Crown Copyright & 2009 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
J.M. Brown, A.G. Davies / Continental Shelf Research 29 (2009) 1502–1514 1503

estuary since 3500 years BP (Shi and Lamb, 1991). Typically a net 3. Model description
sediment drift approaches the estuary from the south (Borth)
resulting in shoal formation at the estuary mouth (Gwynedd The following TELEMAC (version 5.5) modules have been used in
Council, 2003). The effective width of the estuary mouth is 0.8 km the present application: TELEMAC-2D (2DH current field prediction),
due to the restriction caused by Ynyslas spit, which extends from the TOMAWAC (wave field prediction) and SISYPHE (sand transport and
southern shore. The River Dyfi enters the estuary from the east and seabed morphology prediction). The modules were run in a
the River Leri joins the main channel of the Dyfi just inside Ynyslas repeated sequence (Fig. 2), which is explained later, to predict
spit. The lower part of the estuary consists of banks and channels annual sediment fluxes in the study area.
shaped by the tide, while the inner estuary consists of a meandering The model domain (Fig. 3), which included both the coastline
river channel. Presently the estuary is considered to be in a state of and an area of open sea, was represented using a triangular,
dynamic equilibrium (Pethick, 1996). Sand (D50 ¼ 240–350 mm) is unstructured, finite element grid. A high resolution (20–100 m)
the dominant sediment type. mesh was applied within the estuary and also in the surf zone to
At low tide on springs the estuary dries out with exception allow high resolution of the significant bathymetric features,
of the main channel, which meanders through the sandbanks while a coarser grid resolution (500 m) was applied offshore to
(Fig. 1). A consequence of the shallow nature of the estuary is that reduce computation times. The estuarine bathymetry was
the tide is asymmetric, taking 5 h to flood and 7 h to ebb at obtained from LIDAR (light detection and ranging) data collected
Aberdyfi. The dominance of the tidal flow in the circulation in 2004 and hydrographic surveys performed in 2002 and 2006.
patterns combined with the shallow nature of the estuary The offshore data was obtained by digitizing Admiralty charts.
produces vertically well-mixed waters. Weak vertical stratifica- The POLCOMS model of the Irish Sea (Holt and Proctor, 2003),
tion is sometimes evident, but only during slack water neap tide. with a 1 nautical mile grid size, was used to predict the depth-
A strong ebb flow occurs in the northern channel past Aberdyfi, averaged velocity and elevation components around the outer
while the flood flow is stronger along the south side of the mouth offshore boundary of the model domain for a spring–neap tidal
and in the southern channel (Haynes and Dobson, 1969). A field cycle. Only the M2 and S2 components were used in TELEMAC-2D to
study in January 2006 indicated that this situation still persists predict the tide in order to allow a closed average spring–neap
today. At present, it is hypothesised that there is a net sediment cycle to be modelled. Elevation and velocity components were
loss through the estuary mouth in response to the dominant ebb
flow. T ELEMAC_2D
Compared with the currents, waves are of little importance in
(Tide + river simulation)
relation to sediment movement within the estuary, but they are
Tidal data
important in the growth and decay of Ynyslas spit and ‘pumping’ passed on

New bed profile fedback in

the sediment through the estuary mouth. At low tide the waves TOMAWAC
are kept out of the estuary by the presence of sandbanks, and so (Wave simulation with tidal effects)
have a minimal effect. Waves generated internally in the estuary
Tidal + wave
are limited because the fetch over which the wind can act is data passed on
restricted (Jarvis, 1970). Winds also play a major role in sediment TELEMAC_2D
movement, especially at low tide. Sandbanks exposed on the (Tide + river combined with wave induced
ebbing tide dry quickly, and thus become a source for sub-aerial currents, also containing wave information)
Tidal, wave +
movement in suitable conditions. long shore
Considerable channel migration has occurred in the past, current data SISYPHE
passed on
as has the dominance of a particular channel. Generally two [Sediment transport simulation]
channels have been present (Fig. 1), namely the northern Continuity flow
correction loop [Resulting bed morphology]
channel, that passes Aberdyfi, and a southern channel, that
varies its position over time (Fisher, 1991). These channels persist Fig. 2. The long-term sequence of TELEMAC module simulations. Bed roughness is
today and are represented in the model domain described in imposed with variable roughness across the model domain in TELEMAC-2D, and
Section 3. predicted due to wave–current interaction in SISYPHE.

Fig. 1. The Dyfi Estuary, Wales, UK (Haynes and Dobson, 1969).

1504 J.M. Brown, A.G. Davies / Continental Shelf Research 29 (2009) 1502–1514

Easting, m simulated on top of the time-varying tidal elevations for the

duration of either a single (average) tide or the full spring–neap







tidal cycle.













Following each wave simulation TELEMAC-2D was run again to
predict the wave-induced current patterns due to wave breaking
300000 Tywyn
(and wave set-up) combined with the tidal field and river flow
4 Bathymetry, m (Fig. 2). A 1 s model time step was here required in TELEMAC-2D to
1 2 3
10.0 spin-up the longshore current using the radiation stress informa-
297500 8.2
Aberdyfi 6.4
tion provided by TOMAWAC. For correct simulation, the code within
4.6 TELEMAC-2D had to be modified to update the wave field in time, in
Northing, m

295000 response to the tidal elevation, to allow a varying (in shoreline
-0.9 position and magnitude over time) longshore current to be
-2.7 predicted. The boundary conditions in the nearshore were
292500 Ynyslas Spit modified such that the current conditions of the nearest internal
5 -8.2 point were imposed. This allowed the longshore current to flow
in/out of the coastal system. Finally SISYPHE used the hydrodynamic
290000 -11.8
-13.6 and wave predictions to simulate the sediment transport and
Borth -15.4 resulting change in bed morphology (resulting from 2D flows) for
287500 the prescribed number of tidal cycles during which a defined wave
event persisted. At this stage an enhanced wave–current bottom
Fig. 3. The Dyfi Estuary bathymetry, where 0 m ¼ Ordinance Datum Newlyn. The friction is used. The new bed profile was then implemented in
dashed lines show the cross-sections used to analyse the net transport over the
TELEMAC-2D and TOMAWAC to update the hydrodynamics.
estuary domain and the crosses show the locations of the data plotted in Fig. 12.
In SISYPHE a ripple prediction subroutine was implemented to
predict the local seabed roughness arising mainly from the
Table 1 occurrence of small-scale ripples. This procedure used the method
River data before and after ‘input reduction’ for 2004. of Wiberg and Harris (1994) to predict the ripple geometry due to
waves and the correction factor of Tanaka and Dang (1996) to
River Dyfi Q (m3/s) River Leri Q (m3/s)
account for the superposition of a co-linear current on top of the
Full 2004 data set wave field. This correction factor was modified here to allow for
Maximum 188.71 10.90 wave attack at any angle to the current flow. A ripple steepness
Minimum 1.58 0.25 criterion based on Nielsen’s (1992) empirical model was also
Mean 17.00 1.520
imposed to limit the maximum steepness in the presence of
Reduced 2004 data set currents that are sufficiently strong to flatten the ripple profile
Maximum 106.81 5.19 (Davies and Villaret, 2003).
Minimum 2.08 0.31
A 30 min time step was applied in SISYPHE for the duration of
Mean 17.87 1.517
each wave event in a defined annual sequence. During each wave
event the waves (orbit velocity) remained constant (i.e. based on
the bathymetry at the start of the event), while in SISYPHE the flow
imposed along both the western and northern boundary, while was modified successively via a ‘continuity correction’. This
only the velocity was prescribed along the southern boundary. correction modifies the depth-averaged velocity, u, predicted by
Thompson boundary adjustments (a procedure incorporated in TELEMAC-2D for the bed elevation at the start of a wave event, such
TELEMAC-2D) were applied to the western and northern boundary, that the water flux, uh, is maintained at its fixed value at each
modifying the velocity for consistency with the elevations. This node during the wave event as the bed elevation changes.
prevented over-prescription of the boundary conditions, resulting In the present study SISYPHE was implemented as a ‘local
in smooth tidal streams across the domain. An annual river equilibrium’ model. This meant that the change in bed level
discharge representative of the year 2004 (Table 1) was imposed resulted from gradients in the total sediment transport, computed
at the river boundaries, using data collected by the UK by the bed continuity equation
Environment Agency from gauging stations in the rivers Dyfi
@Z f
and Leri. A 10 s model time step was used to simulate a full ð1  nÞ ¼ r  ðQ t Þ (1)
spring–neap cycle in a reasonable computation time. TELEMAC-2D @t
allows ‘wetting and drying’ of inter-tidal areas to be modelled. where n is the bed porosity, Zf the bottom elevation, Qt the solid
This key feature is carried through into SISYPHE such that sand volume transport per unit width, t the time and r the gradient
transport, and hence morphological change, can only be simulated operator. This assumes that equilibrium transport conditions have
at grid nodes covered by the tide at that instance in time. been achieved and that changes in the suspended load, as well as
A wave climate for the study area was obtained by applying a bed load, are associated directly with changes in bed elevation. No
JONSWAP model using measured wind records over fetches off the account has been taken here of the lag effects in the suspended
estuary mouth. The model uses simple engineering formulae sediment load. These effects could be important with regard to
developed by Carter (1982), using re-analysed JONSWAP data, for the the morphological change within the estuary, but SISYPHE version
estimation of wave height and period as a function of wind 5.5 was found to be give unrealistic predictions when set-up to
conditions. TOMAWAC, a third generation spectral wave model, was include lag effects for a coastal domain.
used to simulate the wave field locally, based upon these User-options available in SISYPHE, implemented in this study, are
prescribed wave inputs around the model boundary. The simula- the ability to include a non-uniform bed mixture, bed slope effects
tion included wave breaking and dissipation due to bottom on the transport rate and ‘hiding and exposure’ effects on the
friction. Including wind effects is a further option in TOMAWAC, but sediment. In a mixture large particles, more exposed to the flow,
requires a significantly reduced time step. The model time step provide shelter to the smaller grains, a formulation by Karim and
was taken here as 30 s and each prescribed wave event was Kennedy (1982) was applied to represent this. The sediment
J.M. Brown, A.G. Davies / Continental Shelf Research 29 (2009) 1502–1514 1505

transport rate for each sediment size is computed and weighted the leading (Ab,s) term is due to the different transport modes.
depending on the proportion of the sediment in the mixture. The The initial template represented by Eq. (2) has been recalibrated
combined total sediment transport is then output by SISYPHE. using 200 local wave and/or current conditions that occurred in
Sediment samples taken within the estuary for this study, and also the Dyfi model domain, for which the UWB 1DV model has been
in previous years by Gwynedd Council for the surrounding run. A trial and error method was used to tune the powers and
coastline, revealed that the region of interest consisted mainly constants within the equation to obtain the best fit with the
of sand. For this study an equal mix of 300 and 240 mm sediment UWB 1DV model output. This included adding a wave–current
grain sizes (the dominant sizes, D50, in the samples across the directional component to the equation, since transport predicted
domain) was applied in SISYPHE. Spatially varying sediment by the original Soulsby–van Rijn formula is in the current
fractions and grain sizes were initially applied across the domain, direction only. Here, the net sediment transport predicted by
but generated numerical instability. The model simulation was SISYPHE when using the new parameterisation was not only in the
therefore simplified to use the observed dominant grain sizes in current direction, but also included a transverse transport
an equal mix. component. For the annual wave climate in the Dyfi this
transverse transport potentially contributed to beach stabilisation
3.1. Sand transport formulation due to a weak onshore-directed component of the net transport
(see Davies and Villaret, 2002). If the sediment transport is
SISYPHE has the option of using a variety of wave–current sand assumed to be in the current direction alone, then only longshore
transport formulae, for example Bijker’s (1992) formulation being drift will occur during wave events as a result of the alongshore
on option. ‘Practical’ sand transport models such as Bijker’s model current.
are commonly used within large-scale domains, but ‘research’ The transport rates predicted by the parameterisation based on
models, such as the local one-dimensional vertical (1DV) intra- Eq. (2) had an average goodness of fit to the UWB 1DV model
wave research model of the University of Wales Bangor (UWB), output data within a factor of 72 over the full range of conditions.
play an important role in understanding the physical processes The comparison shown in Fig. 4 represents intermediate (h ¼ 5 m,
involved at a more fundamental level. Background theory and D50 ¼ 0.25 mm) conditions occurring in the Dyfi Estuary. The
running procedures for the UWB 1DV model has been given by % and
transport increases significantly with both current velocity, u,
Malarkey and Davies (2005). also increasing wave size, while some of the irregularity in the
In the sand transport simulations presented here, the UWB transport curves can be attributed to the predicted bed form sizes
1DV model has been parameterised for the conditions in the Dyfi (Davies and Villaret, 2002). The new parameterisation becomes
Estuary and programmed into SISYPHE to replace the existing less accurate as the bed conditions become steeply rippled (lower
procedures. The rationale for replacing the existing engineering % due to the majority of the parameterised conditions in
values of u)
formulae is that the UWB 1DV model predicts the transport the Dyfi Estuary being for flat bed or low ripples. The UWB 1DV
magnitude and direction (in both the current and the cross- model results themselves, through comparison with field and
current directions) above differing bed types when waves are laboratory data (Davies et al., 2002), are believed to be correct on
superimposed at any angle onto a current (Malarkey and Davies, average and often to be accurate to within a factor of 72 in
2005). The UWB 1DV model includes intra-wave processes, individual cases. By using the parameterised UWB 1DV model
accounting for Stokes second-order wave effects and directional the sand transport predictions made by SISYPHE are improved
effects due to wave–current interaction on the transport. It also over the annual period considered. An example of improved
includes the same ripple prediction scheme as that in SISYPHE accuracy is the inclusion of wave-effects on the net transport
(Section 3). A parameterisation of the transport rates predicted direction. The standard SISYPHE procedure assumes that the net
by this model contains the fuller picture of the physical transport always occurs in the current direction alone and waves
processes involved, potentially improving local sand transport only act to enhance the transport rates.
predictions. Although the detailed physical processes themselves,
for example vortex shedding, have not been parameterised
in SISYPHE directly, the method of predicting the transport rate
for a given flow and wave condition captures the model’s
behaviour and so includes the effects of such processes implicitly.
The model has been validated using both field and laboratory data Bed
101 Plane
(Davies et al., 2002).
The UWB 1DV model was parameterised here by adapting the
Soulsby–van Rijn transport formula (Soulsby, 1997), which has the
Qt (kg/ms)

d Bed
"  #2:4 Ripple
2 0:018 2 0:5
Q b;s ¼ Ab;s ū ū þ 2 ūw  ucr (2) 10-1
CD Current only
H = 1m T = 6s
where H = 2m T = 7s
H = 3m T = 8s
10-2 Current alone
0:005hðD50 =hÞ1:2 0:012D50 D0:6

H = 0.5m T =5s
Ab ¼ ; As ¼ H = 1m T = 6s
ððs  1ÞgD50 Þ1:2 ððs  1ÞgD50 Þ1:2 H = 2m T = 7s

where Ab determines the bed load transport, As determines the 10-3

suspended component of the transport, u% is the depth-averaged 0.5 1 1.5 2
current velocity, u% w the root mean square wave orbital velocity, ucr Uc (m/s)
the threshold velocity for sediment motion, CD the drag
Fig. 4. The magnitude of the sand transport predicted by the UWB 1DV model
coefficient, D50 the median grain diameter, D* the non-dimen- (solid lines) and the new parameterisation (dashed lines) for the wave–current
sional grain diameter, h the water depth, s the relative density and conditions in the Dyfi Estuary. The results shown here are for intermediate water
g the acceleration due to gravity. The different structure of depth (5 m) and grain diameter (0.25 mm) values within the Dyfi Estuary.
1506 J.M. Brown, A.G. Davies / Continental Shelf Research 29 (2009) 1502–1514

3.2. Model validation tidal range can vary by 1 m leading to significant variation in the
spring tidal regime. The neap tide only varies by 60 cm which is
To obtain the most realistic results the hydrodynamic and less significant. The data confirm that the TELEMAC-2D module
wave inputs had to be as accurate as possible. Here the input data accurately predicted the observed tidal asymmetry, but that it
for the tides and waves were determined for conditions in 2004 requires more tidal constituents to accurately represent the peak
and river discharge data was also obtained for 2004. This year was flows for extreme spring tides. Since an annual cycle is being
chosen because it was the most recent full annual cycle that could modelled in this application it was felt to be more appropriate to
be obtained at the start of the study. By using the most recent use an average spring–neap cycle than a full annual tidal cycle due
inputs, including present sea levels and storminess, an accurate to the limitation of CPU time.
tidal regime and wave climate have been obtained. The JONSWAP model used to predict the wave input parameters
The tidal fluxes within the estuary were validated using used as boundary conditions in TOMAWAC was calibrated using
bottom-mounted acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) data WaveNet data ( A wave
collected in January/February 2006. The data were collected decay parameter can be tuned within this model to obtain the
during an extreme spring tide and neap tide in the main northern required wave heights and a regression formula is used to calculate
channel passing Aberdyfi. To tune the model results the bottom the peak wave period associated with the wave height. This
friction, mean water levels and the boundary conditions were regression formula has been developed at the Centre for Applied
adjusted. It was found that the most accurate representation of Marine Science (CAMS), Bangor University, using a long-term
both the spring and neap tide, and therefore for the full archived data set from the Meteorological Office. Here the input
spring–neap cycle, involved a simulation with a mean water level wave climate was tuned to have the same trends and generally the
of 0.36 m (above ODN), which is believed to be accurate for the same wave height as data collected from the wave buoy at
local area, together with a bottom roughness that represented Aberporth located 40 km to the south in Cardigan Bay (Fig. 6).
ripples of height 3 cm locally within the estuary. The water fluxes Some discrepancies occur due to the location of this buoy
based on the measured (depth-averaged) ADCP data, and compared with that of Aberdyfi, but generally the predicted wave
predicted by TELEMAC-2D for the tidal simulation are shown in climate (Fig. 6a) is considered to be accurate compared with the
Fig. 5. It is evident that the tide is ebb dominant (negative wave buoy data (Fig. 6b).
velocity) in both duration and peak magnitude, especially during No data was available to validate the longshore currents
spring tide. predicted in the study region. The currents were therefore tuned,
Bearing in mind that the tidal forcing in Cardigan Bay is by modifying the bottom roughness (ks) in the surf zone, to
symmetrical, TELEMAC-2D quite accurately simulated the magni- reasonable velocities using field data collected by Komar and
tude and asymmetry of the neap tide (Fig. 5a), but it under Inman (1970). Due to the sensitivity of the current to variations in
predicted the peak flows during spring tide (Fig. 5b). This was due ks, only a small increase in ks was required (ks ¼ 6–7 cm ripples) to
to the ADCP data having been obtained over one of the largest reduce the current to reasonable velocities (0.75 m/s in extreme
spring tides of the year (31 January–1 February), whereas the conditions). In TELEMAC-2D three roughness zones, the first offshore
model simulation is for an average spring–neap cycle comprising ks ¼ 3D50, and second in the surf zone (ks ¼ 6–7 cm) and the third
only the M2 and S2 tidal components. In the estuary the spring in the estuary (ks ¼ 3 cm), were imposed to accurately simulate

Water fluc, m2/s




0 5 10 15 20 25
Time, hrs

Water fluc, m2/s



0 5 10 15 20 25
Time, hrs

Fig. 5. Water flux comparison for the most valid simulation (–J–) and ADCP data (–). The subplots depict (a) the neap tide (24 January–25 January, 2006) and (b) the spring
tide (31 January–1 February, 2006) at a location in the main channel off Aberdyfi.
J.M. Brown, A.G. Davies / Continental Shelf Research 29 (2009) 1502–1514 1507

Wave height, m

01-Jan 19-Feb 09-Apr 29-May 18-Jul 06-Sep 29-Oct 15-Dec


Wave height, m


12-Jan 11-Mar 09-May 07-Jul 04-Sep 02-Nov 31-Dec


Fig. 6. (a) Predicted significant wave height at Aberdyfi using the JONSWAP model and (b) the measured significant wave height at Aberporth in 2004.

the current field, while having similar bed roughness to that and autumn) each consisting of three months. Wave ‘input
predicted in SISYPHE. The bed roughness predicted by SISYPHE is filtering’ was applied to each season to retain the annual wave
time-varying preventing direct implementation into TELEMAC-2D in chronology. The seasonal wave data was then schematised into a
this model set-up. We therefore simplify the predictions made by single wave for four sectors covering the offshore domain. Three
SISYPHE and impose (representative) constant bottom roughness in equally spaced sectors of 361 discretised the southern to north-
distinct zones within TELEMAC-2D. The river flows did not require west region of the domain, whilst the fourth sector of 721
validation since discharge measurements for 2004 were imposed discretised the northwest–north region. This allowed more
directly in the model. There was no direct validation data for the accurate representation over the (south-westerly) region of
sediment transport, only indirect evidence based upon prior greatest wave activity. A representative significant wave height,
validation of the UWB 1DV model for similar grain sizes and H0, for each sector was found
wave–current forcing. 2P 3
ðfHs Þ
6 7
H0 ¼ 4 i P 5 (3)
3.3. ‘Input reduction’ to simulate an annual scenario i

The main limiting factor in medium-term morphological where f is the frequency of occurrence of each wave case, i, and Hs
prediction is the CPU time required to run a number of wave the significant wave height of each wave case, i. To obtain a
cases superimposed on a tide. To reduce the computational cost corresponding period for each wave height the regression used in
and make simulations compatible with engineering requirements the JONSWAP model to predict the peak period was applied. For each
the number of natural events to be simulated needs to be reduced season the representative wave parameters and tide-alone cases
by selecting a set of representative field conditions (Southgate, were ordered to generate a similar trend in wave height through
1995). the seasons as that within the actual climate.
The most time consuming procedure was combining each The reduced wave climate (Fig. 7) consisted of generally larger
wave event with the tidal field within TOMAWAC. The aim of waves in the winter months and smaller waves in the summer
reducing the wave input was to replace the actual wave climate by months, following the trends in the annual climate. The waves
a small number of representative conditions (c.f. De Vriend et al., were most frequent, and also of larger height, from the west
1993). A ‘many representative wave’ approach (Chesher et al., and southwest direction as implied by data for Borth (Royal
2005) was applied in this study. This procedure combines wave Haskoning, 2004) and Barmouth (Atkins, 2005). Since the
conditions over different sectors (directions) to create a single set averaging procedure reduces the impact of severe storm events
of wave parameters. By using a ‘representative wave’ for each over the seasonally averaged period, two additional south-
sector and applying a weighting factor dependent on the wave’s westerly storm events were included using data collected at
frequency of occurrence, greatly reduces the computational time. Borth (Royal Haskoning, 2004). A wave height of 3.5 m was
It is important to keep the same pattern of wave chronology to applied for 2 days in the autumn and a wave height of 2.75 m
represent the seasons in the reduced wave climate (Southgate, was applied for 5 days in the winter. Again the JONSWAP regression
1995), in order to maintain inter-annual realism when updating was applied to obtain the corresponding periods.
the bathymetry throughout the cycle. The annual Dyfi wave The reduced wave events were applied in TOMAWAC for
climate for 2004 was split into seasons (winter, spring, summer the duration over which the waves occurred in each season.
1508 J.M. Brown, A.G. Davies / Continental Shelf Research 29 (2009) 1502–1514


Wave height, m

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Time, days

11 Reduced
Wave period, s

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Time, days

Fig. 7. The 2004 full annual wave climate (solid line) and the reduced annual wave climate ( points), for (a) the significant wave height and (b) the peak wave period. Day
0 is 1st January.

This removed the need for a weighting factor on the transport

rates. The resulting wave climate (Fig. 7) consisted of 28 wave
cases, 10 of which were tide-alone cases.
Tides are modulated by various cycles, for example the
spring–neap cycle. This makes a real-time representation of
the tide computationally demanding (De Vriend et al., 1993).
The methods used by Latteux (1995) have been applied to the
study area in order to produce a representative tide. The main
feature of this method is to represent the net sand transport due
to the spring–neap cycle by a single morphological tide. A single
representative tide is often between the mean and spring tide to
represent long-term trends (Latteux, 1995). This is due to the
strong non-linear relationship between sediment transport and
flow velocity.
In this study the morphological tide was chosen to reconstruct
as accurately as possible both the net and gross sediment transport
results for the spring–neap tidal cycle when the morphological
tide was run for the same duration as the spring–neap cycle. The
morphological tide was developed using sand transport rates
predicted by SISYPHE at a selection of model nodes across the Fig. 8. The full spring–neap cycle at a grid node in the centre of the offshore
domain. A single tide was found (Tide 26 in the spring–neap cycle, domain used to select the morphological tides. Tide 26 was imposed for tide-alone
Fig. 8) to meet the requirements of the morphological tide under conditions and Tide 11 when waves were present.
tide-alone conditions, here after referred to as Tide 26. This single
tide had slightly greater tidal range than the mean. Since there is
no formal method of reducing combined wave and tide that the wave climate affects which tide should be applied as the
conditions, the wave climate and tidal field have been reduced morphological tide (at least at this site) and that no single tide can
separately. The most extreme wave case (Hs ¼ 3.5 m, Tp ¼ 6.78, accurately represent the spring–neap cycle in the presence of
y ¼ 541) in the reduced wave climate was simulated over the varying waves. For example, we require a different representative
spring–neap cycle. A tide closer to the mean tide (Tide 11 in the tide to represent the two extremes of wave conditions, no waves
spring–neap cycle, Fig. 8) was found to be more accurate at and storm waves. To make the annual simulation of the Dyfi
reproducing the net and gross transport rates if applied for the Estuary as realistic as possible Tide 26 was applied as the
duration of a spring–neap cycle in this case. This demonstrates morphological tide in tide-alone cases and Tide 11 was applied
J.M. Brown, A.G. Davies / Continental Shelf Research 29 (2009) 1502–1514 1509


Discharge, m2/s
150 Reduced



0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Time, days

Discharge, m2/s

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Time, days

Fig. 9. The full annual river discharge (solid line) and the reduced annual river discharge (* points) for (a) the River Dyfi and (b) the River Leri, day 0 is 1st January.

for wave cases. Developing a morphological tide for each wave

case would have been inefficient as it would have required a full
spring–neap tidal cycle being combined with 18 different wave
cases. Linking each tide would have also led to discontinuity as the
high water elevations would have differed for successive tides.
Both tides were between a spring and mean tide, with a slight bias
to the mean tide, consistent with Latteux (1995).
The inclusion of river discharge had little effect on model run
times, but created a more realistic simulation (mainly for the
upper part of the estuary). An annual pattern of discharge for
2004 was linked to the representative wave–tide cases in the
reduced 2004 climate. Since the duration of each wave–tide case
was known the river data was averaged over the same time period
to provide a reduced river discharge climate (Fig. 9). Table 1 shows
that, although the extreme values over the year were reduced, the
mean value was within 0.26% of the annual average for the River
Leri and within 0.5% for the River Dyfi. Since the rivers had little
impact on the current field near Aberdyfi the loss of extreme peak
flows in discharge in the reduced climate was of minor
importance. Fig. 10. The scalar flow velocity at points locally in the estuary mouth (located by
The larger discharge rates occurred in the autumn months and the cross in section 1, Fig. 3) and in the northern and southern channels (located by
at the start of winter relating to the wetter season (Fig. 9). The the crosses in section 2, Fig. 3). The bathymetry is shown in Fig. 3.
interaction of the river and wave impact had great importance at
these times in relation to the net transport through the estuary
mouth as illustrated in Section 4. TELEMAC-2D was used initially to simulate the morphological
tide and river flows in the model domain without waves. Through
the estuary mouth (section 1, Fig. 3) the tide is quite symmetrical,
4. Model investigation with slight ebb dominance in duration and flood dominance in
peak velocity (Fig. 10). Since the ebb is only slightly weaker than
The TELEMAC Modelling System was applied to the Dyfi Estuary the flood the somewhat longer duration of the ebb leads to a net
to simulate the hydrodynamic and wave conditions. This allowed sediment loss from the estuary. In the northern (dominant)
an investigation, using the module SISYPHE, of the net sediment channel (located in section 2) the tide is ebb dominant in duration
transport patterns in the Dyfi Estuary and along the neighbouring and has similar peak velocity as the flood tide (Fig. 10).
coastline. The five cross-sections investigated here are shown in Enhancement of the peak ebb velocity to values approximately
Fig. 3. equal to, or exceeding, the flood tide velocity is a result of the vast
1510 J.M. Brown, A.G. Davies / Continental Shelf Research 29 (2009) 1502–1514

extent of sand flats within the estuary. Typical tidal asymmetry Following simulation of the waves TELEMAC-2D was reused to
(short fast flood with a long weak ebb) occurs due to shallow predict the wave-induced currents. The velocity profiles at times
water effects modifying the tidal curve. In the lower estuary the of high and low water over section 4 (Fig. 3) show that the
sand flats constraining the tidal flow within the channels at times longshore current is a fast jet of 0.5 m/s limited to the surf zone.
of low water level enhance the peak ebb flow velocity. Taken Offshore the weaker tidal flow dominates oscillating between
together, these processes lead to ebb dominance in the lower peak velocities of 70.2 m/s (Fig. 12). In this research the model
estuary, which is enhanced by any river flow present. In the was modified to update the longshore current for the changing
southern (secondary) channel (located in section 2) the tide is wave conditions due to the variation in tidal elevation. This
much weaker and has typical shallow water asymmetry allowed accurate representation of the oscillating positions of
characteristics (Fig. 10). both the surf zone and the longshore current (Fig. 12). Fig. 12 also
TOMAWAC was used next to simulate the wave field. At high shows how TOMAWAC predicts a local increase in wave height before
water the waves are able to enter the estuary mouth over the the waves break.
sandbanks on either side of the main tidal channel (Fig. 11a), The following sediment transport patterns predicted by SISYPHE
while at low water the wave activity is held out of the estuary (Fig. as a result of the tides and waves are for a 12.5 h (morphological
11b). These modelled wave patterns were confirmed through tidal) period. In each case an average morphological tide is used
observations during the field survey in January/February 2006. with and without waves and river flow. Through the estuary
The extent of wave intrusion and exclusion from the estuary mouth (section 1, Fig. 3) the net sand transport depends upon the
mouth depends on the tidal elevation and phase of the tidal interaction of the waves, tides and river. For tide-alone conditions
current. there is a net export of sand in the main channel (Fig. 13). On
The time-varying influence of the waves at the estuary mouth either side of the channel drying banks allow a weak sand import
leads to a sediment ‘pumping mechanism’ as this process (Fig. 13). The estuary mouth therefore exchanges sand with
interacts with the asymmetries in the tidal flow. In the Dyfi the offshore, as well as providing a source for the sandbanks at the
waves have most impact, due to breaking, on the banks in the estuary mouth. The influence of a river on top of the tide acts to
estuary mouth during high water elevations when the tide floods. enhance this sediment loss and reduce the import of sediment
But bank exposure during low water levels and the ebb over the banks (Fig. 13). The impact of the river on the net
dominance in tidal duration, combined with approximately transport will of course depend upon the river discharge rate.
symmetrical peak tidal velocities in the main channel, means When waves were superimposed on the tides with the
that the net effect of the waves is to enhance the sediment loss consequent wave-induced currents, the net sand transport
from the estuary. through the mouth of the estuary was enhanced substantially.

Wave Height, Wave Height,

m m
0.97 0.98
296000 296000 0.89
Bank el 0.78 Bank el 0.79
Chan n
Northing, m

Northing, m

0.68 Chan 0.69

295000 Bank 0.58 295000
Bank 0.59
0.49 0.49
0.39 0.39
294000 0.29 294000 0.30
0.19 0.20
0.10 0.10
293000 0.00 293000 0.00




























Easting, m Easting, m

Fig. 11. Wave height at the estuary mouth at (a) high and (b) low water spring tide. These results are for a wave height of 1 m, from the south-westerly direction offshore.
The bathymetry is shown in Fig. 3.

Fig. 12. Wave height at high (+ line) and low ( line) water, and current velocity for a tide combined with a wave-induced (Hs ¼ 2.75 m from SSW) current field at high (?
line) and low (– line) water across section 4 in Fig. 3.
J.M. Brown, A.G. Davies / Continental Shelf Research 29 (2009) 1502–1514 1511

x 105 x 105
2.96 2.96
2.958 tide
tide + river
2.956 north bank

Northing, m

Northing, m
main channel
2.95 south bank
2.94 2.94
-1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8
Net sand transport, m2/s x 10-4 Depth, m

Fig. 13. The left panel shows the net sediment transport through the estuary mouth, cross-section 1 in Fig. 3, for the morphological tide (Tide 26) with and without the
influence of the mean river discharge (Table 1) and with no wave influence. The right panel shows the bathymetry across the estuary mouth, section 1 in Fig. 3. Positive
values represent sediment import into the estuary.

x105 x105
2.96 2.965
2.96 North Channel
2.954 Northing, m
2.95 Sand Flats
Northing, m

2.952 / Banks

2.95 2.945
South Channel
2.948 2.94
2.944 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2
Net sand transport, m2/s x10-5
Fig. 15. Net sand transport in the lower estuary, section 2 in Fig. 3.
-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2
net sand transport, m2/s x10-4
and duration in this channel (Fig. 10). In the southern channel
Fig. 14. The net sediment transport through the estuary mouth, section 1 in Fig. 3, (also section 2) a more typical shallow water tidal asymmetry
for the ‘morphological wave tide’ (Tide 11) with mean river discharge (Table 1) and a results and a net flood-directed sand transport occurs (Fig. 15).
south-westerly wave (Hs ¼ 2.15 m, Tp ¼ 8.1 s). However the resulting net sand transport over the estuary width
in the lower estuary (section 2) is ebb-directed (Fig. 15). The
dominance of the tidal flow in the northern channel driving
The magnitude of the transport was enhanced due to the stirring sediment out of the estuary outweighs the inward transport in the
effects of waves, while the transport direction depended on the southern secondary tidal channel. Over the flats the net transport
flow, together with how the times of peak wave and current is insignificant compared with that in the channels due to the
conditions interacted. In the Dyfi the wave activity has a shallow water depth preventing the occurrence of tidal flows with
significant influence on the net sand transport over the sandbanks magnitude greater than the threshold velocity of the sediment.
bounding the main channel through the estuary mouth (Fig. 14). In the upper estuary (section 3) a net flood-directed sand
More generally, combining wave activity with tidal elevations is transport is predicted. In the channel typical tidal asymmetry
most important in the accurate quantification of net transport forced an inward transport of sediment, while over the banks the
rates through an estuary mouth. The transport rates in Fig. 15 currents no longer exceeded the threshold of sediment movement
relative to those in Fig. 14 are doubled due to the presence of (Fig. 16). Further up the estuary, within the river channel, the river
waves. flow (depending on its strength) can induce a weak ebb-directed
The results that follow are for morphological tide-alone net sand transport. However this is not illustrated here.
simulations (average tidal conditions). Internally within the The model results for sections 1–3 show that, while the
estuary waves have little effect and rivers lead to an enhanced estuary is a sediment source for offshore, sand is also being
offshore sediment transport. Here it has been found that tide- redistributed internally. Through the estuary mouth sand is lost
alone conditions cause a weak flood-directed net sand transport at a predicted rate that corresponds, in a spatially averaged
over the drying sand flats. This is due to the flats being exposed sense over the entire estuary, to a loss of 2.4 cm/yr. The estuary
during periods in which the peak ebb flow occurs. Discussion of is therefore in the ebb dominant phase of its dynamic equilibrium
the net tidal flow over drying banks has been given by Bowers and (Pethick, 1994). This cumulative value was obtained by using
Al-Barakati (1997). In the northern channel (section 2) a net ebb- the morphological tides combined with the reduced annual
directed sand transport occurs over a tidal cycle (Fig. 15). This wave and river climates (28 events). Along the coast the trends
residual occurs due to the dominance of the ebb tide in magnitude in the wave climate (Fig. 17) force the patterns shown for the net,
1512 J.M. Brown, A.G. Davies / Continental Shelf Research 29 (2009) 1502–1514

Fig. 16. Net sand transport in the upper estuary, section 3 in Fig. 3.

Combined river discharge, m3/s

4 160
3.5 140
Wave height, m

3 120
2.5 100
2 80
1.5 60
1 40
0.5 20
0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Time, days

Fig. 17. The reduced (28 event) annual wave climate (solid line) and river climate (dotted line).

Fig. 18. The predicted net sediment transport through the estuary mouth and along the coast over an annual cycle. South relates to section 5, North to section 4 and Mouth
to section 1 in Fig. 3. Integration has been carried out across each of the respective sections. Positive transport is a north drift and negative a south drift.

cross-shore-integrated, sediment transport (Fig. 18) leading to a offshore, although this may change in the future due to climate
net northerly drift (positive). The net transport of sediment out of change (increased storminess combined with sea level rise).
the estuary mouth was often greater in magnitude than that The transport through the estuary mouth was found to
transported along the coast at sections 4 and 5 (Fig. 18), except be greater during the summer months when the waves are low
during large storm events. The sediment expelled from the (Fig. 18). This is due to lower waves being able to penetrate further
estuary is therefore a contributing cause of bank formation at into the estuary mouth than larger waves since they are not forced
the estuary mouth. The weaker drift along the north coast is due to break on the banks at the mouth. This implies that sandbanks
to the alignment of the bay. This also implies that the south coast will grow during the summer months when sediment is most
contributes to bank growth at the estuary mouth. rapidly expelled from the estuary and become eroded during the
winter months when the longshore drift exceeds the estuary
sediment supply (Fig. 18). In the two storm events simulated
5. Discussion (Fig. 17) the river discharge was significantly greater during the
first event (day 45) than during the second (day 330), while the
This advanced application of the TELEMAC Modelling System has waves were higher in the second instance than the first. A slightly
demonstrated it to be numerically robust in complex coastal greater sediment loss was predicted during the initial storm.
simulations, while also allowing medium-term prediction to be Evidently low waves with fast river discharge led to the greatest
made in feasible computation time. We use the Dyfi Estuary to sediment loss from the estuary.
represent a system of significant tidal and wave influence. Under Wave–current interaction at the estuary mouth creates a
present sea levels the Dyfi Estuary acts as a sediment source for ‘sediment pump’, leading to a net sediment export from the
J.M. Brown, A.G. Davies / Continental Shelf Research 29 (2009) 1502–1514 1513

estuary in this case study. In other coastal situations the waves are medium-term (annual) net sediment transport prediction and a
likely to interact differently with the tide, due to sandbanks methodology has been proposed to this end. The influence of
interacting with the tidal elevation modifying the times at which rivers was also significant in relation to the net transport through
waves have greatest impact during the tidal cycle. The shape of the estuary mouth. In this case the effects of waves and rivers
the tidal wave (tidal asymmetry) on top of which wave activity or were found to enhance the net sediment transport caused by the
river flow occurs will also be an important factor determining the tide. In particular, low wave heights (swell waves) resulted in the
net transport. The simulations suggest that the net sediment greatest sediment loss rather than larger storm waves. This was
transport is strongly dependent on the times at which extreme the result of the larger wave heights being forced to break over the
water levels, which control wave influence, and peak current banks in the estuary mouth.
flows occur in relation to each other. During times of peak wave When considering net sediment transport it is not only the
activity (high water elevations) the duration of each tidal phase wave–current interactions that need to be considered, but also the
must also be considered in assessing the net sediment transport ‘wetting and drying’ effects of inter-tidal areas and asymmetries
direction. In situations where inter-tidal banks/flats occur, the net in the current flows. In the Dyfi Estuary it was found that typical
sediment transport may oppose that in the sub-tidal channels, tidal asymmetry occurred due to shallow water effects. But the
due to ‘wetting and drying’ and the flow asymmetry experienced sand flats constrained the ebb flow to deeper channels leading to
by the flats. Locally, the net sediment transport will depend not ebb dominant transport in the lower estuary. With distance into
only on which tidal phase has the dominant peak velocity, but the estuary this dominance weakened and became flood domi-
also on the duration of each tidal phase. If the weaker tidal phase nant until, sufficiently close to the river source, ebb dominant
(in magnitude) has a significantly greater duration and exceeds sediment transport reoccurred.
the threshold for sediment motion for a considerable period then
this phase of the tide is likely to dominate the net sediment
transport. In a channel–sand flat system drying flats may lead to Acknowledgments
enhanced flows due to channel constraint, further affecting the
tidal asymmetry. Dr. Jean-Michel Hervouet and Dr. Catherine Villaret (EDF) are
To confirm the net transport predictions sand transport acknowledged for their guidance in applying and developing the
measurements are required. Such measurements would also TELEMAC Modelling System. Prof. Alan Elliott (CAMS) is acknowl-
validate the accuracy of the sand transport formula applied edged for developing the JONSWAP model used here to predict the
allowing model calibration to be performed for the Dyfi Estuary wave climate. The Aberdyfi Partnership, Martin Wright Associates,
conditions. Other important aspects to consider when predicting the Environment Agency, Gwynedd Council, Ceredigion Council,
medium-term sand transport and the resulting morphological Dr. Simon Neil (CAMS) and the Countryside Council for Wales are
trends in the Dyfi Estuary are the contribution of swash transport, thanked for their assistance in obtaining data. Ben Powell, Mark
wind-blown sand and transport related to internally generated Roberts, Dr. Sarah Jones, Dr. Phil Wiles and Dr. Eirwen Williams
waves, which have not been included in the model simulations in are thanked for their help in conducting the field survey of the
this study. estuary and in analysing the data. The European Social Fund and
For practical applications a morphological tide is not the most Martin Wright Associates are both gratefully acknowledged for
accurate method for the prediction of the effects of a spring–neap funding this work.
tidal cycle, but it is the most practical method to apply with
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