Assignment 4

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Strategic Management

Assignment # 4

Submitted to: Dr Haris Laeeque

MBA-3C (Evening)
Muhammad Umair 01-222191-013
Mohsin Mumtaz
Mir Ehtesham ul Haq
M Shahzeb Khan
Hashim Khattak

Q1 Does your business school have a competitive advantage?

Yes, it does have competitive advantages in the market of business education. These
competitive advantages are many as our business school is one of the best institutes
among the other business institutes of the twin cities.

Five Forces Model Applied on Bahria Business School

Local and

Society/ Private
Government Unversities


Competitors-------- Private Universities

New Entrants------ Local and Foreign Institutes
Buyers------------- Students
Substitutes-------- Distant Learning/ Certifications
Suppliers-------- Society/Government

In the present era this competitive edge is gained more effectively by developing employee
skills, distinctive organizational cultures, management processes and systems.
Competitive advantage can be obtained with a high-quality workforce that enables
organizations to compete on the basis of market responsiveness, product and service
quality, differentiated products and technological innovation.

In Order to remain competitive Bahria university needs to work on all the factors and try to
negate the threats while availing opportunities and converting their weakness into strengths.

Q2 If so, upon what is this advantage based, and is this advantage sustainable?
There are many competitive advantages for our business school that are as follows:
Firstly, its location that is very important for any education related business. Because
customer accessibility defines the future of any business. As it is situated in the most prime
location of the capital city of Islamabad that is the E-8 sector. This sector is easily accessible
by all the students and no one is having any difficulty whether is going there for the first time
in his life.

Secondly, the faculty that matters a lot for an education system to flourish, for that there are
highly qualified faculty members who completed their higher studies from renown university

of the world. Moreover, these faculty members know the new trends for the business
students to be acquired. And for this particular reason flip class room systems are introduced
at our business school.

Thirdly, the infra-structure that plays an integral role for the image of a business school. For
this purpose Bahria university has already constructed a new building of the business
school, that is fully equipped with modern day educational tools such as user interface
screens, multimedia projectors and air conditioning and heating mechanisms.

Fourthly, in the near future Bahria University is applying for the international accreditation for
the business school. This accreditation will give the business school an opportunity to deliver
the world class education to the students and the degrees of the graduating students would
be accepted worldwide. Furthermore, Bahria university would be considered among the top
educational institutes of the country and have a distinctive recognition in not only in our
country but all around the world. Bahria University is offering Diverse and wide range of
courses to students.

Lastly a Solid Online Class Structure and use of software’s Like Microsoft teams, zoom and has allowed Bahria university to entertain its students and continue their
studies during the outbreak of corona virus without any stoppage and any delay. Many
universities in twin cities have not conduct their classes has left them way behind Bahria
university. They just need to pull out a proper exam formula with the help of HEC approval to
conclude current semester without any delay.

List of advantages that can be sustained

 Highly qualified Faculty.
 Technological Innovation
 Distant learning.
 Diverse and wide range of courses.

Q3 If your school does not have a competitive advantage in the market for business
education, identify the inhibiting factors that are holding it back.
There are no such factors as it has already many competitive advantages over other players
in this field. But as Per Now a days Circumstances Technology Plays and important role to
Sustain a Competitive advantage and during the outbreak of corona Virus University needs
to work on Distance Learning and a Rigorous E-Paper (Online Exam) System to entertain
the needs of the students because it has became inevitable.

Q4. How might the Internet Change the way in which business Education is delivered?
Ans. The Internet might Change the way in which business education is delivered through

Use of devices for automated tasks:

Students these days are used to having their smart phones all the time. They like using them
more often in the classroom. This is because students have gotten used to tasks being
easier with smart devices and the internet. A lot of students use laptops for note taking.
Other tasks, like schedule making and research also are set to be easier with it. Thus, a lot
of schools now switched to the ‘smart’ systems of reusable technology, providing students
with tablets and laptops. Later on, this helps greatly in minimizing the operating expenses as
well as the school’s carbon footprint.

Efficient teaching process: 

The surge of connected technology means professors and teachers could make grades
faster. Their checking/grading also would be easier, less biased and more efficient. When
educators have devices connected to the cloud, they would be in better touch. Thus,
teachers could see which student requires more concern and attention. Other processes,
which smart tech helps with are making lesson plans, adjusting schedules and more. While
the tasks taken over by connected and smart devices, teachers are able to focus more on
their teaching and research.

Outside of the classroom learning:

In the old days, students had to borrow books, go to the library and copy out information for
schoolwork. With smart technology today, they could have an improved educational
experience easily, within their homes. This could supplement their classroom education and
make certain that they get updated information in all levels. Students could look up and
verify information within seconds.

Special education:

Anyone with even the slightest interest in the education of special kids, they will know the bib
role of technology. Autistic kids respond to tablets very well, and those with other disorders
as well. Children with ADHD, dyslexia or other learning impairment are helped greatly by any
and all technology at their disposal. Together with this, smart schools also have a system for
educating people on such students. The general public, as a result would be more
understanding and open to the special individuals. It will be easier for special kids to function
well in a neutral environment, and on their own as well.

With general student bodies and campuses becoming bigger and bigger, schedules are
paramount. Now, parents want to make certain that their children are not in any place where
they could come to harm. When timetables and bus schedules are regulated via smart
technology, there would be a more secure system. Furthermore, there is less chance of a
child being left behind because of lack of knowledge regarding bus schedule. Parents also
could track their children on their way to and from school and on field trips too.

Distant Learning:

Online Video Lecture Recording use of LMS Portal For assignments and quiz Material is an
effective and efficient way to engage students. Solid Online Class Structure and use of
software’s Like Microsoft teams, zoom and has allowed Bahria university to
entertain its students and continue their studies during the outbreak of corona virus without
any stoppage and any delay. Many universities in twin cities have not conduct their classes
has left them way behind Bahria University. They just need to pull out a proper exam formula
with the help of HEC approval to conclude current semester without any delay.

Q5. Does the internet pose a threat to the competitive position of your school in the
market for business education, or is it an opportunity for your school to enhance its
competitive position?

Ans. It is an Opportunity for my school to enhance its competitive position in the following
 Students need to interact physically with each other and with a teacher will decrease
as electronic spaces begin to supplant physical classrooms. Among the advantages
will be lowered costs (for travel and classrooms), greater convenience, security, and
flexibility, and the ability to ignore time differences and geographic distance. Students
learning in virtual communities will also have the advantage of being grouped by
homogeneity of interests and intellect, while benefiting from heterogeneity of cultural
background and previous experiences.
 Where once school provided a discrete, career-spanning set of concepts and tools,
now they will build the skills and motivation for lifelong learning.
 Both students and faculty will work closely with peers worldwide. Faculty will have
more opportunities to share materials; students will work with people of varying
cultural backgrounds.
 Students will be able to compare, almost first-hand, educational offerings across
institutions in considerable detail. Already, in one of our classes, parents or
prospective employers can watch an individual student’s progress and even
participate in class.
 Written language developed, not that long ago in human evolution, as an efficient
alternative to drawing pictures. But our mental processes are much better equipped
to deal with pictures and spatial relationships than with text or audio. The emerging
visual information systems will let us once again leverage our ability to process
  A global highway will provide a low transaction-cost vehicle for linking students with
mentors, project sponsors, or prospective employers. It will also enhance interaction
between professors and practitioners.
 Historically, theory and conceptual framework have come together with business
applications only in assignment questions, examples in texts, case studies, visiting
speakers, projects, and the like. In a hypertext world, students will be able to move
directly between real world application and conceptual underpinnings. For instance,
an electronic business’s payment scheme will provide links to information on the
particular scheme and, from there, to its conceptual underpinnings.

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