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Cassava: Its polymer, fibre, composite and


Article in Polymer Composites · May 2015

Impact Factor: 1.63 · DOI: 10.1002/pc.23614



4 authors, including:

S. M. Sapuan Mohammad Jawaid

Universiti Putra Malaysia Universiti Putra Malaysia


Available from: Mohammad Jawaid

Retrieved on: 30 June 2016
Cassava: Its Polymer, Fiber, Composite, and Application

Ahmed Edhirej,1 Salit Mohd Sapuan,1,2 Mohammad Jawaid,2 Nur Ismarrubie Zahari1
Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, University Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang,
Selangor, Malaysia

Laboratory of Biocomposites Technology, Institute of Tropical Forestry and Forest Products, University Putra
Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia

Cassava is a type of plant which has different pur- years, natural fibers have been used quite a lot and there
poses of use. It is used to produce various foods, bio- seems to be an overall increase in the interest in its use.
fibers, bio-composites, and bio-polymers. Besides, it is
now used as renewable energy source of starch. The
There are various advantages of these composites such as
intention of the paper is to focus on the importance of less tool wear, biodegradability, low cost, low density and
cassava fibers, polymers, and composites as well as availability. The generally common plant which is used in
its potential applications, another focus point of this such applications is bast fibers like sisal, hemp, kenaf,
research is the biodegradable polymer development jute, and flax [2]. Biodegradable plastics which are rich in
which is taken out from cassava starch. Moreover, this
work gives a comprehensive review about surface cellulose and starch fibers apparently are the ones that
treatments as well as the most recent developments of undergo persistent growth with respect to usage. This is
cassava polymer/fiber based bio-composites and the the time when researchers and scientists should study the
summary of main result presented in the literature, potential hidden in fiber and polymer. They can be used
focusing on properties of cassava composite and for the development of biodegradable polymer with respect
applications. These applications were related to vari-
ous industrial application as well as others such as the to the development of technology and science. With all
production of xylenes, ethanol and bio-fuel, food, food that said, the environment should be taken care of during
packaging and cassava foam. POLYM. COMPOS., the aforementioned development [3]. With rice an maize
00:000–000, 2015. VC 2015 Society of Plastics Engineers
being the first and second most significant source of calo-
ries respectively, cassava is the third most grown plant in
the subtropical and topical areas of Africa, Latin America
INTRODUCTION and Asia 262,585,741 tonnes of cassava was produced
With the increase in awareness levels about the envi- worldwide in 2012 where Nigeria, Thailand, Brazil and
ronment, the interest to develop biodegradable material via Indonesia topped the producer list [4]. Besides, an advant-
renewable sources seems to be growing. Since starch is age of cassava is that is can be grown on marginal lands
attributed to offer a favorable combination of cost, avail- and bad soils as it is tolerant to bad weather and drought.
ability and performance is said to be very effective and Cassava has a wide range of usage with respect to many
valuable as compared to other polymers [1]. Lately, there industrial applications. Popular examples include produc-
is a rapid increase in the composite components’ use in tion of ethanol and biofuel which has become quite a
sports, leisure and automotive. This has generally focused focus by researchers in the last ten years with respect to
on renewable and sustainable reinforced composites. There limited reserve of fossil oil [5]. A significant component
are many kinds of materials and shapes ranging from natu- of cassava root is starch which can be around 80% of the
ral to synthetic, which allows meeting the requirements for total dry weight [6]. The quality of starch in cassava is
the production of composites having demined characteris- highly responsible for the determination of the quality of
tics. The inclusion of reinforcements like fillers and fibers cassava itself. Since starch is sustainable, natural, biode-
into offers a source of improvement in the composites gradable, and abundant, it is the most favorable material to
properties which follows the requirements of almost every produce biodegradable plastics and relevant composites.
application related to engineering [2]. For the last 10220 Besides, it can also show thermoplastics attitude when
there is utmost stress and high temperature [7]. In order to
develop and increase the moisture resistance and mechani-
Correspondence to: S.M. Sapuan; e-mail:
DOI 10.1002/pc.23614
cal characteristics of the hybrid composite, it is preferable
Published online in Wiley Online Library ( to hybridize the natural fiber like synthetic fiber and kenaf
C 2015 Society of Plastics Engineers
V [8–10].


History of Cassava
Cassava (Manihot EsculentaCranz. tapioca, manioc) is
considered as the third most significant source of food
for those who live in tropical areas. It is also the fifth
most produced starch crop around the world [11]. It can
be defined as a starchy sort of root which belongs to the
family of Euphorbiaceae. Since the crop is grown from
sea level to a height of 1,800 m, it is highly adapted.
The temperature is kept around 202308C where the opti-
mum temperature is 248C. The humidity levels are
50290% where the optimum humidity level is 72%. The
rainfall annually is around 6002300 mm where 1,500
mm is the optimum level of rainfall [12]. It can grow up
FIG. 1. Cassava plant (Manihot esculenta Crantz) [15]. [Color figure
to 4.5 m that is 15 feet. We can refer the whole plant as can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at www.inter-
the food factory where the end products are the tubers]
for the consumption of animals and humans. The func-
tioning of the roots, stem, and leaves, their development Leaves. The protein and starches are produced by the
and the soil and the climate are highly responsible for leaves. These nutrients are the major building blocks for
the tuber yields [11]. Since cassava is one of the staple the growth of the cell and its development. Therefore, the
foods for about 800 million of population in South yield is greatly influenced by the extent to which the
America, Asia, the pacific islands and Africa, it is very leaves are healthy.
significant for these countries [11, 13, 14]. Cassava plays
a particularly important role in agriculture in developing
Stems. The stems play the function of transport organs
countries, especially in sub-Saharan Africa, because it
as it transfers the produced food to different plant parts
does well on poor soils and with low rainfall, and
for the development and growth. They also offer planting
because it is a perennial that can be harvested as
material for various related crops.
required. Its wide harvesting window allows it to act as a
famine reserve and is invaluable in managing labour
schedules. It offers flexibility to resource-poor farmers Roots. There are three kinds of roots in cassava plant.
because it serves as either a subsistence or a cash crop Namely: thick roots, tuberous roots and fine white roots.
[15]. Cassava holds a lot of energy and is comprised of The thick roots help anchoring the plant to the ground
80% starch. It is rich in minerals, carotenoids, and vita- while the tuberous roots store carbohydrates. The fine
min C [16]. The short life span of cassava is a limitation white roots on the other hand, absorb nutrients and
of its growth [13, 14]. It is available all year round water [15].
because of the flexible harvesting and crop planting. There is a gradual increase in the research interest
Hence, with all these traits, cassava is a very reliable with respect to plant fibers. This is because of the
food crop. It also has riboflavin, nicotinic acid, thiamine advantages they carry, such as low cost, renewable,
and carbohydrate. However, there is no presence of pro- light weight, environmental friendly, biodegradability,
tein the crop [17]. Around 80% production of cassava is easy to separate, recyclable, and carbon dioxide seques-
done for human food in Africa, while more than 50% is tration [18].
used in different forms of processing. In America, around
40% is produced for human food while 30% for the feed
Cassava Application
of livestock. Asia on the other hand exports its produc-
tion of cassava [17]. There are multiple uses of biodegradable polymer
materials. Examples include agriculture, medicine, auto-
motive, packaging and drug release. There is an
Cassava Plant Parts
increased awareness of environmental responsibility
Cassava is produced in different countries like Latin with respect to the industry as well as the consumers.
America, Asia and Africa, and it is the fourth most signif- The processes that make use of greater development of
icant crop in the world. It is a starch rich root crop and biopolymer materials via natural resources, appears to
provides major calories in tropical regions. It is also used be most promising [3]. Cassava is also sued as the raw
as a raw material for different applications in the industry material to produce cakes, traditional foods and cassava
[4]. There are three major cassava plant parts which are starches. Since cassava leaves are rich in bioactive com-
shown in figure 1 and described below: pounds and protein, they can be used as medicine and

2 POLYMER COMPOSITES—2015 DOI 10.1002/pc

natural vegetables. Its wood can be used as firewood. Cassava peels (CP) were blended by Ofoefule et al. [25]
There is quite some solid waste produced by processing with some wastes of animals in order to increase its ability
of cassava starch. Many environmental issues are cre- to create biogas. 1 : 1 ratio was kept for this process of
ates if this waste is discharged directly. It has been pro- blending. The biogas yield (mean) of these cassava peels
ven that cassava peels can be used as precursor in order was 2.29 6 0.97L overall mass of slurry. After being
carbon having high surface area and is activated [19]. blended with the dung of the cow, the swine dung (SD)
Cassava also provides significant energy especially to and poultry droppings (PD) mean yield of flammable bio-
the households with low incomes, as compared to other gas was 5.65 6 2.62 L /overall mass of slurry and 4.88 6
food items. Furthermore, cassava is also used to prepare 1.73, 5.55 6 2.17, respectively. According to the overall
many household food items like paste, sauce, biscuits results, the biogas production via cassava peels can be
and sago bread. The starch of cassava is modified in increased to a considerable extent if it is combined with the
industries for the provision of products with chemical wastes of animal [25]. According to Oladipo et al. [26] cas-
and physical characteristics for particular applications sava peeling ash (CPA) is used in cement for the concrete
like jelly, gravies, confectioneries, glucose, thickening work. The most effective mix was observed to be 15220%
agents, baby food, and custard powders [20]. Sugu- CPA with respect to the safety and strength of the concrete.
maran et al. [21] had been found cassava with greater As a conclusion, it was said that concrete which comprises
uses as it can be used in the production of xylenes of 30% CPA is stable and can be used in most of the con-
through Bacillus subtitles with the use of cassava crete work. Such an alternative use will promote greater
bagasse which is submerged in fermentation. The great- value economically to the cassava peelings [26]. According
est production occurred when cassava bagasse was used to Larbie et al. [27] cassava fiber can be used in various
as this process is economical. There was greater stabil- biomaterial applications through studying the changes in
ity of the enzyme when the alkaline level was at 6008C the Simulated Body Fluid (SBF) composition. No changes
and pH 8. There is a huge industrial potential in the were observed in Mg, Mn, Cu, K, Na, and Cl concentration
thermostable and alkaline xylenes that is produced via when they were immersed in SBF. This observation was
Bacillus subtitle [21]. carried out over a period of a week where the temperature
Villamizar et al. [22] had another investigation to was kept at 378C. Moreover, according to the results found
study the influence of adding cassava peels and coal ash initially, cassava fiber can be considered for the usage in
on the compressed earth bocks engineering characteristics biomaterial applications. This is favored by the results
(CEB). This mixture comprises 5% of coal ash to the found after immersing elements in SBF, which shows that
clayed soil was seen to have the greatest result of coal fiber samples release no ions in the fluid. However, it can
ash (7.5%) where the cassava peels were 2.5%. Cassava still affect the composition of the physiologic fluid as it
peels are found in great quantities in the wastes and they picks up ions present in the solution itself. Amaranth flour
can be used to make CEBs. This way, the environmental was used by Fiorda et al. [28] with starch and cassava
problem can be reduced [22]. Furthermore, kraft paper bagasse for the production of gluten-free pasta. The most
and cassava bagasse were also utilized to form a compos- effective result was observed with the proportion of (10 :
ite which is quite like cardboard. In this process, a fiber 30 : 60) for pregelatinised flour, amaranth flour, and cas-
like residue which was highly rich in bagasse was used. sava starch, respectively [28].
The percentages of cassava bagasse and Kraft paper in
this production was 90% and 10%, respectively. To
enhance the mechanical properties of this material, Kraft
paper had been added to provide with long fibers. There are various uses of cassava and it used exten-
According to the results, 10% Kraft paper and 90% Cas- sively. Examples include using it in the production of
sava bagasse can be used to manufacture the cardboard. ethanol and biofuel, which has now become a focus point
This is quite a remarkable way of decreasing the absorp- by many researchers over the last ten years, with respect
tion of water [23]. Another study carried out by Mohd to the reserve of limited fossil oil [5]. One worrisome
Aripin et al. [24] was focused on the determination of the matter is the solid residue disposal left once the starch is
cassava peel potential to act as the alternative for fiber in extracted from cassava. To solve this matter, researchers
paper and pulp with respect to the chemical properties. have tried to utilize it to produce bio products like lactic
According to the results of the chemical characterization, acid, ethanol and a-amylase. This is done by incubating
there is a lower amount of cellulose and holo-cellulose in the residue at various moisture holding capacities which
cassava peels. However, these peels are rich in hemicellu- is around 40280%. This period for this process was
lose. Hence, in conclusion, we can say that there is signif- around 12260 h and 242144 h for a-amylase and etha-
icant pulp parameters present in cassava peels which can nol, respectively. As for the lactic acid, it was 2 to 10
be effective as a fiber alternative for paper making and days. The highest yield observed was at the moisture
pulp industries. These industries can favor recyclable holding capacity of 60% where the incubation time period
materials in the future, thereby reducing the environmen- was around 362120 h for amylase and ethanol, respec-
tal problems [24]. tively. As for lactic acid, it was 6 days. According to this

DOI 10.1002/pc POLYMER COMPOSITES—2015 3

study, it was seen that cassava solid residues factories can lage. It was found in the study that thermophilic hydrogen
be useful to give a cheap substrate with respect to the production from cassava stillage by means of mesophilic
production of bio-products [29]. It was observed that anaerobic sludge was more efficient as compared to mes-
there were great changes in the amylose content, which ophilic and extreme thermophilic fermentation setting.
ranged from 0 to 30.3%. For instance, the range of amy- The study carried out to determine the impact of pH dem-
lose was in between 15.2 and 26.5% in cassava genotypes onstrated that a pH 6 was most appropriate initially for
of 4050 [30]. We can obtain yields with high starch generating hydrogen at a temperature of 608C, and lesser
through the use of different apt varieties that have dry amounts of hydrogen were produced when the pH was
matter in greater quantity and peel thickness which is thin lower or higher initially [40]. In the study by Sugumaran
[31]. There are different factors that influence the yield of et al. [21] xylenes production was examined by Basillus
starch. Examples include: drying factors of raw materials subtilis by employing cassava bagasse in submerged fer-
such as chips and flour that are oven dried. There was mentation. There was highest production when cassava
greater yield when these were oven dried as compared to bagasse was used because of which the process becomes
being dried in the sun [6]. The content of amylose was feasible economically. Under alkaline conditions with pH
pretty same at different stages of growth in the first 6 8 and temperature of 6008C, the enzyme was stable and
months [32]. Thereon up to 16 months, there was a fall in more active. The Bacillus subtilis generates alkaline and
the amylose content [33]. There was little influence of the thermostable xylenes which can be used in various indus-
harvesting time [34, 35]. Chookietwattana [36] carried trial processes. According to Sugumaran et al. [21] due to
out a study with the aim to choose an amylolytic lactic cellulose production, low cost solid state materials like
acid bacterium so that the fermentation and saccharifica- pine leaves, cassava bagasse, rice bran and wheat bran
tion (SSF) between starch and lactic acid can be done were tested. It was found that out of these four solid
simultaneously as well as to find out the most suitable materials, cassava bagasse turned out to be the most
conditions for cassava starch SSF for the production of likely substrate. This study showed that the most appro-
lactic acid. A pH of 6.5, 6% (w/v) was considered as the priate conditions for cellulose generation were solid sub-
optimum conditions for MSUL L. plantarum in SSF with strate- cassava bagasse with an initial pH -6 [21]. The
respect to cassava starch [36]. According to Chaleomrum study by Ki et al. [41] shows that liquid biofuel was gen-
et al. [37] there is a great potential of the waste water of erated by pyrolyzing cassava peel. The range of output of
cassava starch with respect to the production of poly biofuels obtained from steady pyrolysis of cassava peel
hydroxyl alkanoate (PHA) through batch reactor sequenc- was between 38.7% and 51.2%. The highest temperature
ing (SBR). There is a huge advantage of seeding Bacillus for pyrolysis which provided the greatest liquid output
tequilensis SU 112 in the system as it increases the PHA was 5258C. The key component of bio-oil was essentially
production. Waste water of the synthetic cassava starch various organic categories like acids, aldehydes, esters,
that had a COD demand at 4,000 mg/L concentration phenols, ketones, hydrocarbons, and alcohols [41]. In the
gave the greatest concentration of the PHA [37]. A com- study by Sivakumar et al. [42] an activated carbons devel-
plicated microbial consortium was developed by Zhang oped from waste cassava peels using physical and chemi-
et al. [38] which had the capacity to cause excessive cel- cal methods were investigated for their effectiveness in
lulose degradation. This microbial consortium was then the removal dyes and metal ions obtained from aqueous
used in cassava residues pretreatment. The findings of solution. It can be seen in the initial studies that activated
this experiment showed that the highest methane yield carbon that is developed from waste cassava peels can
(259.46 mL/g-VS) was attained at 12 h of pretreatment of effectively be employed in treating dyes and toxic ions
the mix of cassava residues and distillery wastewater, a from waste water. The raw material is a waste substance;
result that was 96.63% more than the control (131.95 mL/ hence, it is likely that its application in the treatment pro-
g-VS) [38]. Cassava bagasse, a by-product of cassava cess can turn out to be commercially feasible [42]. In the
starch industrialization, was examined by Pasquini et al. study by Ofosuer et al. [43] a butanol developing strain
[39] as a new raw material for obtaining cellulose was separated using a “sandwich” isolation technique.
whiskers. The by-product is essentially made of cellulose The development and tolerance of butanol was further
fibers (17.5 wt%) and residual starch (82 wt%). The study improved by serial enhancement tests carried out to attain
findings show that it is possible to attain high value- a butanol tolerant mutant strain SE36. Tests were also
added products from an agricultural waste residue. Those carried out on ABE fermentation from cassava flour. It
cellulose whiskers that had a high aspect proportion were can be observed in this study that mutant strain SE36
removed from the cassava bagasse directly and were used seems to be an exceptional strain when ABE fermentation
in the process of nano-composite films alongside a natural takes place using cassava flour [43].
rubber matrix. The inclusion of filler led to a considerable
improvement in the storage tensile modulus [39]. The
Cassava Fiber
impact of temperature (378C, 608C, and 708C) and initial
pH (4-10) in batch experiments was examined by carrying Cassava Bagasse. The industrial applications to gener-
out fermentative hydrogen production using cassava stil- ate cassava starch use the solid residue (bagasse) that is

4 POLYMER COMPOSITES—2015 DOI 10.1002/pc

TABLE 1. Physico-chemical composition of cassava bagasse (g/100 g dry weight).

Soccol Vandenberghet Pandy et al., Woiciechowski

Composition (1994) [46] Cereda (1996) [47] al. (1998) [48] (2000) range [44] et al (2002) [49]

Moisture 5.02 9.52 11.20 5.02–11.2 8.5

Protein 1.57 0.32 1.61 0.32–1.61 1.52
Lipids 1.06 0.83 0.54 0.53–1.06 0.53
Fibers 50.55 14.88 21.10 14.88–50.55 21.10
Ash 1.10 0.66 1.44 0.66–1.50 1.50
Carbohydrates 40.50 63.85 63.00 40.50–63.85 66.00

obtained from the extraction that consists of fibrous mate- parison to sugar cane bagasse is that it does not require
rials and starch which has not been extracted. Substantial any pretreatment. Moreover, this residue offers lower ash
amount of bagasse is generated in the industry, which is content as compared to other agricultural deposits like rice
around 900 kg of bagasse, with 85% moisture for every straw (17.5% ash content and wheat straw (11% ash con-
tent) being used in bioconversion processes utilizing
tonne of processed root. It is the origin of the cassava
microbial cultures as shown in Table 1 [44, 46–49].
and the processing method that determines the composi-
tion of the bagasse, however, most of it comprises of
starch (40260%) and fiber (15250%), as well as small
amounts of lipids and proteins [44]. Significant quantities Cassava Peels. Cassava, one of the basic foods in the
of lignocellulose wastes are developed through industrial tropical regions, is normally utilized in traditional food
procedures such as cassava bagasse and are used for items, cakes, etc. There is a significant amount of cassava
xylenes production by means of the fermentation process production; however, very small quantity is used in tradi-
[45]. It is important to develop thermostable xylenes tional food industries, while the remaining is utilized in
using economic conditions because of the vast-scale the form of raw materials in cassava starch industries.
applications. The renewable solid waste material, cassava The production of cassava starch usually involves a sig-
bagasse is developed from processing industry and is nificant amount of solid wastes (cassava peel), and if
present in lands close to the processing unit. However, it these solid wastes are directly released, significant envi-
has a larger organic content and biodegradability which ronmental issues can arise [19]. Cassava peel is a thin
leads to greater pollution [44]. It consists of around 20% brown outer layer that has a thicker leathery parenchyma-
cellulose fibers and does not include any cyanide. The tous inner layer. This is the foremost waste that is devel-
protein is present in small quantity, hence, it is not uti- oped in cassava processing that take place in either food
lized as a cattle feed. One of the latest developments in or other industrial products. In the developing nations,
the field of biochemical engineering pertains to the use of cassava provides the third highest calories, following
the biodegradable waste for generating more significant wheat, and rice [11]. The cassava peel can form around
products like organic acids, xylenes enzyme, bio polymer, 10220% of the wet weight of the roots [50] which sug-
and antibiotics [21, 44]. The content of ash is quite low, gests that it has a huge potential to be used in biotechno-
hence, cassava bagasse is a prospective and appealing logical and industrial processes since it is available in
substrate for microbial production instead of other agri- large quantities and is not very expensive. These peels
cultural waste substances like rice straw and wheat straw are, however, considered to be a waste substance and are
[44]. directly released which leads to severe environmental
issues with respect to their decomposition. Animal feed
 Cassava Bagasse Properties. Cassava bagasse is simply a uses very little amount of the cassava, since there is little
fibrous deposit containing no cyanide, less protein content protein content and excessive amounts of hydro cyanide
and 50% starch on dry weight basis [46]. The constitu- and high crude fiber. The protein content is improved
ents of cassava bagasse and their percentages obtained using successful microbial methods [51, 52].
from different sources have been summarized. The varia-
tion in the amount of the constituents’ maybe due to the  Cassava Peel Properties. After conducting several tests and
fact that varying crop varieties has been used by each experiments the chemical properties of the cassava peels
source. The samples of cassava bagasse used in the formu- were determined; thus, obtaining the percentage existence
lation were obtained at different time and from varying of various components constituting cassava peels. It has
processing units in the State of Parana, Brazil. Poor use of been deduced from the results that cassava films have
technology may also be the reason for varying results by lower contribution of lignin (7.5%), ash content (4.5%),
different sources. Cassava bagasse is not suitable for ani- and hot water solubility (7.6%) whereas higher values of
mal feed because of its low protein concentration but due extractives were observed particularly in 1% sodium
to its easy energy regeneration capacity as compared to hydroxide solubility (27.5%). Higher concentrations of
other crop deposits it has been deliberated as an efficient holocellulose were also obtained (66%) but the amount
store for solar energy. Another advantage of this in com- was less than that observed in wood sources (10280.5%)

DOI 10.1002/pc POLYMER COMPOSITES—2015 5

TABLE 2. Chemical composition of cassava peels [54]. screen. The starch that had been extracted was left to
sediment, following which the fiber was removed and the
Components Cassava peel
starch was washed once again with distilled water to
Holocellullose 66.0 eliminate any leftover fiber. Next, the starch was dried in
Cellulose 37.9 an oven for six hours with the temperature fixed at 458C,
Hemicellulose 37.0 so that the degree of moisture could be decreased.
Lignin 7.5 Finally, the drying process was carried out under direct
1% NaOH 27.5
sunlight for 4 h. This powdered starch was then stored in
Hot water 7.6
Ash 4.5 an air tight container to avoid contamination and moisture
from accumulating [59].
The technique given by Moorthy et al. [60] was uti-
and canola straw (77.5%). Cassava peels having the above lised to prepare cassava starch. A grating machine was
constituents can be used for paper making [53]. The used to peel, wash, and disintegrate the cassava roots.
results have been summarized in the table. A mixture of This process resulted in formation of cassava mesh
hemicelluloses and cellulose in dry plants results in holo- which was reground and then mixed with water accord-
cellulose [54] (Table 2). ing to the ratio of 1:5 (w/v %). A double layer of nylon
cloth was used through which mesh was filtered, result-
ing in the starch solution. The process of sedimentation
and decantation was followed to separate the starch
Cassava Polymer
from the water. The starch was placed in the oven to
Cassava Starch. Starch is one of the most widely avail- dry and the native starch was then labelled [32, 60]. The
able and cheapest agricultural products which can be fully planting seasons did not impact the chemical composi-
degradable in several environments [55]. It is because of tion of starch (also comprising of the amylose content)
these characteristics that starch is examined as a polymer [34]. Overall, there is a need to further study on the
in several applications. The creation of thermoplastic chemical nature of the smaller constitutes like lipid, pro-
starch involves temperature and pressure extrusion and/or tein, and fiber.
moulding. The degradation of pure-starch polymer takes
place very rapidly in a composting atmosphere (the pro-
cess extends around a month); however, it becomes of
age quite slowly and does not have resistance to moisture
[56]. Several thermoplastic starch composites are gener-
ated on the basis of combining starch and vinyl alcohols,
and such polymers have a tendency of being more stable.
However, there is an inverse relationship in the biode-
gradability of such composites and their starch content
[57]. Starch is a significant constituent of cassava root
and can make up around 80% of its dried weight. Hence,
it is naturally presumed that the quality of several
cassava-based products largely depends on the quality of
the starch [6]. There are two main molecular constituents
of starch, amylose and amylopectin. The most significant
feature of starch is its amylose content which leads to
diverse attributes of starch and ultimately, the end-use
purposes that have gone through huge amounts of investi-
gation [58]. It was the wet milling of fresh cassava that
essentially led to the production of cassava starch. The
steps presented in Fig. 2 were followed to extract starch
from fresh cassava roots. The key factors when harvesting
or choosing cassava roots for the extraction of starch are
age and quality of the root. It is important to process cas-
sava roots right after the harvest because the roots are
extremely perishable and the enzymatic processes lead to
the acceleration of deterioration in 122 days. The cassava
were peeled, rinsed and grated into finer particles. Sieving
was used to extract starch from the grated pulp, with the
fiber staying intact. This fiber was washed repetitively for
at least three to four times using distilled water on the FIG. 2. Flow chart for production of cassava starch [59].

6 POLYMER COMPOSITES—2015 DOI 10.1002/pc

TABLE 3. Physico-chemical composition of cassava tubers (100 g it showed less swelling, lower viscosity, and high thermal
basis) [48]. stability. To study comparative crystallinity X-ray diffract
grams were analyzed and variation in peak intensities was
Composition Fresh weight Dry weight
observed [68] (Table 4).
Calories 135 335
Proteins (g) 1.00 1.4
Lipids (g) 0.2 0.5 Many mechanical and chemical surface modification
Starch (g) 32.4 80.6 researches regarding different natural fibers have been
Fibers (g) 1.1 1.2
Ash (g) 0.9 1.8
focused on improving interfacial linkage between fibers
Calcium (mg) 26 96 and the polymer matrix.
Phosphorus (mg) 32 81
Iron (mg) 0.9 7.9
Sodium (mg) 2 – Chemical Treatment
Potassium (mg) 394 –
Vitamin B2 (mg) 0.04 0.06 Acetylation, alkalisation, and bleaching are the con-
Vitamin C (mg) 34 0 ventional techniques of chemical modification. Since
Niacine (mg) 0.6 0.8 these techniques are economical, efficient, and relatively
Cyanide (%) – 1.6
simple; they are more frequently employed. But, they are
usually utilised under static treatment conditions [69].
One of the most common chemical treatments of natural
 Cassava Starch Properties. The study and analysis of the fibers is its use with alkali. This treatment is also known
starch chemical composition shows that values vary as mercerisation [70]. In order to break hydrogen bonding
greatly in a wide range. Following results were found: ash in the network structure of the fiber’s cellulose; sodium
(0.03–0.29%), protein (0.06–0.75%), lipid (0.01–1.2%), hydroxide is utilised. This leads to increase in the rough-
and phosphorous (0.0029–0.0095%), last, fiber (0.11– ness of the fiber’s surface. The wax, oils, and lignin that
1.9%). It was also found that mainly palmitic, linoleic and cover the external surface of the fiber’s cell wall are also
oleic fatty acids are present in starch grains [61]. By using removed through this treatment. Moreover, the native cel-
13P magnetic resonance spectroscopy it was concluded
lulose structure depolymerises, and the short length crys-
that phosphorous in form phosphate monoester is present
tallites are exposed [70]. A solution casting approach was
in small quantity i.e., 0.0065% [62]. When compared with
normal cereal starch this cassava class tends to have very used to prepare biodegradable materials from kenaf fibers
minuscule amount of lipids in it. Quantity of C-6 phos- and cassava starch [71]. Treatment of kenaf fibers was
phate is only just enough to be detected whereas C-3 done by NaOH, and then bleached using acetic buffer and
phosphate is present in much larger amount [63, 64]. sodium chlorite solution. Following this was the process
There are many factors that contribute to the varying of acid hydrolyzation to form cellulose nano-crystals
chemical composition of starch such as planting season, (CNCs). Starch and glycerol/sorbitol were mixed with dif-
dried or fresh starch and most importantly the plant genet- ferent filler compositions to prepare bio-composites in the
ics [34, 65–67] This point can be understood when we form of films (0–10 wt%). Enhancements in the func-
look at the fiber content results obtained by analysing the tional aspects of a Nigerian kind of native cassava starch
starch taken from fresh and dried roots, the latter had low
were carried out. Four types of modified starches were
fiber contents [65]. When paralleled with potato, wheat
prepared through modification by cross-connecting
bean and maize the cassava starch is found out to have the
least quantity of phosphorous [62]. Research shows that employing four kinds of reagents (sodium acetate, sodium
cassava tubers have good amount of starch present in acetate neutralized with fumaric acid, sodium acetate neu-
them; however, the percentage of protein is quite less. The tralized with adipic acid, and ammonium phosphate). The
Table 3 below clearly indicates the chemical composition best enhancement of the functional properties of the
of the tubers [48]. native starch occurred through the starch that modified
using sodium acetate. This starch had the lowest moisture
Different tests were conducted to study the effect of content, low ash content, highest gel temperature, highest
single and double heat moisture treatment of cassava solubility, and fairly neutral pH). It is suggested that
starch (CS) at about 10021208C. Properties such as swel- starch modified using ammonium phosphate and sodium
ling, solubility, thermal characteristics, pasting and crys- acetate can be utilised in the adhesive, paint, and paper
tallinity were assessed for the cassava starch. It was seen industries due to its low viscosity and resistance to shear
that the moisture treatment did not affect the characteris- stress. Due to our wish to facilitate the reduction of envi-
tics much as compared to the effect of varying tempera- ronmental pollution, new starch-based items have been
ture. To perform the moisture treatment the moisture proposed by Ulloa et al. [72] Organic waste materials
content in cassava starch was fixed at about 22% by from cassava are used to obtain starch, and for enhance-
weight. For food purposes, the starch exposed to single ment of the resistance of this material, the natural fiber
HMT at 1208C was found to give optimum results. Since, (agave) was utilized. Earlier on, this was treated with

DOI 10.1002/pc POLYMER COMPOSITES—2015 7

TABLE 4. Swelling power, solubility, gel hardness, and pasting properties of native and HMT cassava starches [68].

Single HMT Dual HMT Single HMT Dual HMT

Treatments Native at 1008C at 1008C at 1208C at 1208C

Swelling power (g/g) 29.11 6 0.08a 17.80 6 0.38 b 17.58 6 0.22 b 13.57 6 0.01 c 13.82 6 0.07 c
Solubility (%) 25.66 6 0.18 a 17.17 6 0.05 b 12.50 6 0.26 c 11.07 6 0.18 d 10.70 6 0.13 d
Gel hardness (N) 0.70 6 0.03 b 1.70 6 0.01 a 1.68 6 0.07 a 1.64 6 0.20 a 1.56 6 0.08 a
Pasting temperature (8C) 64.5 6 0.1 c 68.5 6 0.1 ab 69.5 6 1.3 a 67.4 6 0.4 b 68.6 6 0.1 ab
Peak viscosity (RVU) 364.3 6 1.5 a 301.3 6 5.4 b 274.0 6 3.6 c 218.7 6 2.7 e 260.0 6 0.3 d
Breakdown (RVU) 215.8 6 0.7 a 103.0 6 1.7 c 86.7 6 2.1 d 86.7 6 0.6 d 113.5 6 2.2 b
Setback (RVU) 69.6 6 2.3 d 88.0 6 1.3 b 93.6 6 2.8 a 84.5 6 0.6 c 91.9 6 0.4 a
Final viscosity (RVU) 215.0 6 1.6 d 283.7 6 4.4 a 285.3 6 1.6 a 225.0 6 4.1 c 238.5 6 2.3 b

sodium hydroxide at three concentrations (0.1 N, 1 N, due to the fibers [74]. Mechanical tests were used to
and 4 N). This was done to remove lignin and to modify assess the impact of various treatments and filler contents
its polarity. This process results in a flexible, resistant, of the bio-composites. It was indicated through the find-
and elastic material. The features of this material are sim- ings that the optimum filler content was 6%, and after
ilar to that of plastic, and could be utilised for the pur- every treatment, the tensile strengths and the moduli of
pose of decorative products. However, the difference is the bio-composites increased. The formation of cassava
that this material is derived from plants. An outstanding starch based composites including fibers taken from green
outcome was achieved when natural fiber (agave) was coconuts is explained in the study by Lomeli Ramirez
used with an alkali treatment of 1N in 1,000 ml of water. et al. [75] various quantities of coir fibers were used to
This proved what was presented in the past research [73]. prepare these composites through thermal moulding and
An appropriate concentration combination for the bio- by using glycerol as a plasticizer for the starch. The
product is 40% of biopolymer and 60% of fiber. It is laccase-mediator system was used by Narkchamnan and
stated that pure biopolymer is useful for manufacturing Sakdaronnarong [76]. To perform the treatment of cellu-
decorative products, and inclusion of natural fiber will lose fibers and lignin in order to improve the strength of
enhance the quality and resistance of that product [73]. binding of lignin compounds and natural fibers into cas-
The tensile strength of the films was determined and the sava starch composite matrix. Testing of Violuric acid
results are plotted in Fig. 3a. As shown, the film rein- (VA) was done to determine its impact as mediator for
forced with treated fibers had a higher tensile strength laccase treatment. It was indicated through the results that
compared to the neat matrix film, which had the lowest flexural strength and modulus increases by four times
tensile strength (3.5 MPa) compared to the controlled when compared to the control if 15% (w/w) fibers are
matrix. Acid hydrolysis resulted in an enhancement of included in the bio-composite at 44% (w/w) water con-
91–134% in terms of tensile strength compared to the tent. The highest amount of enhancement of flexural
control film [73]. The work by Fiore et al. [74] using strength for 375.8% and modulus for 1140% as much as
kenaf fibers pretreated in a NaOH solution (6% in neat starch bio-composite occurred due to combination of
weight) at room temperature for two different periods (48 fibbers 1VA. Water resistance of starch bio-composite
and 144 h) using unidirectional long fibers or randomly considerably improved due to the existence of lignin, VA,
oriented short fiber, the result from tensile test showed and fibbers as mediator for laccase treatment. This was
that all of the composites show higher tensile modulus as found through a change observed in the water drop con-
compared to neat epoxy resin. The alkali treatment tact angle on bio-composite surface [59, 76].
increased the mechanical properties of the composites,
due to the improvement of fiber–matrix compatibility.
The flexural properties of composites are similar to those CASSAVA COMPOSITE
of tensile test. As shown in Fig. 3b [74]. The plant fibers have been used in recent times to pre-
pare a different type of bio-composite. The new class is
basically an All Plant Fiber Composite (APFC) [18, 77].
Thermal Treatment
This material recently formed is eco-friendly and if for its
Thermal treatment was carried out on the matrix and preparation petroleum-based constituents are not used
composites. The fibers and thermal treatment led to then it totally based on bio-materials [78]. In order to
improvement in the tensile properties of cassava starch. enhance the interfacial bond, it is found that we need to
The inclusion of fibers led to decrease in water uptake, use the same molecular quantity as medium [79]. There-
swelling, and moisture absorption of TPS. This occurred fore, to refrain from pollution optimum use of CSR in
due to improved interfacial linkage between the fibers manufacturing of APFC is important as this will also aug-
and the matrix, and the difficulty of absorption occurred ment the value of lignocellulose’s quantity. The three

8 POLYMER COMPOSITES—2015 DOI 10.1002/pc

FIG. 3. Show the effect of treatment on mechanical properties. [74]. [Color figure can be viewed in the
online issue, which is available at]

main parts of a plant fiber are the lignin, cellulose and 100% outcome as it was seen that without usage of PVA
hemicellulose, which is an established fact. One thing only 90% yield of production resulted. Furthermore, water
that should be mentioned here is that plants due to the absorption was decreased and a minimum level of absorp-
crystalline and net like structure cannot be treated like the tion in trays was achieved by incorporating 2.525%
normal polymers of plastic [18, 80]. Nowadays, eco- PVA. A decrease in density and enhancement in thickness
friendly polymer and natural fiber is being used to pre- resulted due to the addition of polyvinyl alcohol. Lastly,
pare bio-composite which then being used to manufacture usage of PVA augmented the stress at break values by
recyclable and eco-friendly products rather than plastics 8211 times. Optimistic characteristics were obtained
made from petroleum-based components [81–83]. Another when 2.525% polyvinyl alcohol was used [85]. The study
study that was conducted to characterize CSF by mixing conducted by Vallejos et al. [86] was done on composites
cassava starch foam with zein, gluten, soy protein, kraft based on corn and cassava starches that had been turned
fiber, and palm oil at various concentrations with 0, 5, to plastic using 20% by weight of glycerine mixed with
10, and 15% by wt. of starch, along with different con- 0215% of bagasse fiber. The experiment conducted for
centrations of palm oil by Kaisangsri et al. [84] The addi- malleability showed that strengthened thermoplastic had
tion of Kraft, gluten and zein material resulted in their stiffness greatly improved. However, if only 10% of
increasing the compressive and flexibility strength. It was strengthening agent was added no change in stiffness was
observed that to obtain maximum flexibility and compres- observed. About 10% of bagasse fiber increased the
sion strength 15% of Kraft has to be added. Refined and strength of corn starch by 44% in contrast with a 47%
uniform structured foam was obtained due to the presence increase in strength found in cassava starch on addition of
of zein and gluten. The water solubility and water absorp- bagasse fibers. A fourfold change in elastic modulus was
tion in CSF is far more than Extended Polystyrene Foam; observed due to the increased strength provided by 15%
this is why cassava starch foam is generally preferable for by weight of bagasse fiber; on the other hand a decline in
packaging of food with low water content as suggested ductile strain was seen [86]. The thermoplastic cassava
by this study. Kraft, zein and gluten only help in improv- starch fortified with jute and kapok fibers was taken up
ing the mechanical characteristics of CSF [84]. When for study by Prachayawarakorn et al. [87] Incorporation
Poly Vinyl Alcohol (PVA) is blended with cassava of these cellulose fibers yielded two major changes. First,
bagasse (CB) the resultant foam trays are decomposable regression in water content uptake by TPCS reinforced
as proposed in the study by Debiagi et al. [85] approxi- with jute and kapok was observed. Second, Young’s mod-
mately 0210% of polyvinyl alcohol mixed in 90-100% of ulus and the strain at full-load augmented considerably
CB was baked at a high temperature to produce the with the use of these cellulosic fibers. Opposite behavior
required foam trays. Addition of PVA helped in getting was seen for thermal degradation temperature as yielded

DOI 10.1002/pc POLYMER COMPOSITES—2015 9

from the thermos-gravimetric analysis that is a decline in as per the need. The products, thus obtained had a lot bet-
the temperature for kapok fiber and improvement in case ter properties and depending on their characteristic, they
of jute fiber. Altogether the mechanical characteristics can be employed in the food industry [89]. Cassava starch
enhanced considerably by using jute or kapok fiber for was impregnated with cinnamaldehyde and antimicrobial
strengthening. In a nut-shell the water content uptake in agent with the help of a supercritical solvent to yield a
case of kapok reinforced TPCS was high whereas, the bio-composite film to attain the prime objective i.e., to
thermal degradation temperature declined as compared to achieve the predicted use [90] the films thus produced
TPCS strengthened with jute in whose case the tempera- had a lot better characteristics. One of the remarkable
ture did not vary [87]. The bright prospective of using substitutes generally used as packaging material is created
kenaf fibers obtained from CNCs (Cellulose Nano-Crys- from plasticized cassava starch strengthened with micro-
tals) to strengthen the bio-composite based on starch have scopic units mixed with an antimicrobial agent. It has
been mentioned in this study by Zainuddin et al. [71] The been found out that if we make use of supercritical sol-
solution casting method employed here makes use of vent impregnation in cassava starch the resultant yield in
0210% by weight kenaf cellulose nanocrystals for form of films is a promising substitute for the packaging
strengthening and to glycerol/sorbitol in 50 : 50 ratio to materials when paralleled with the yield from orthodox
give shape in preparation of bio-composite based on cas- approaches. Melt extrusion twin screw extruder method
sava starch. CNCs were used in varying quantities to was used to merge the cassava blends of polyvinyl alco-
characterize the composites by using distinct methods. hol; the compression method was employed to prepare
Investigation of the samples obtained from the basic experiment trials as in Munthoub et al. [91] There is a
medium when using 6% by weight kenaf showed that the decline in the water absorption of cassava PVA as the
yield was transparent although a strengthening agent had glycerol content increases however, at higher composition
been incorporated. The experiments was performed to of cassava PVA better results were obtained mainly due
check the malleability of the sample, i.e., the minuscule to their hydrophilic properties. This was done to analyze
composite layers showed that if cellulose quantity is the effect of different ratio of glycerol and cassava skin.
amplified the mechanical characteristic tend to improve. Three more properties were investigated and following
Maximum ductility was obtained by using 6% by weight results were obtained from the same test samples. Young
of cellulose nanocrystals. Therefore, the conclusion Modulus decreased for high composition cassava skin
deducted from these experiments was that kenaf fibers whereas a direct relation was found out between young
derived from CNC’s could be used as a strengthening modulus and glycerol content. The elongation of cassava
agent in bio-composites since they do not affect the trans- PVA decreased when either glycerol or fiber loading was
parency and helps in improving the mechanical properties increased by up to 70 wt% and 30 wt%, respectively. The
such as malleability and ductility [71]. If agricultural strength of cassava PVA showed the same trend as in
waste remainder is properly treated the outcome is impor- water absorption with an increase of about 70 wt% on
tant materials [88]. The study was conducted to examine increase on fiber loading [91]. Table 5 bellow reported
the microscopic units present in thermoplastic cassava the work of cassava based composite [23, 84–88,
starch structure turned into plastic using glycerol or a 92–114].
combination sorbitol and glycerol. All the microscopic
specks of cellulose were incorporated in the study. These
units were derived from cassava bagasse having a low PROPERTIES OF CASSAVA FILM
diameter ranging from 2 to 11 nm and a high length rang- By observing and studying the properties of cassava
ing from 360 to 1,700 nm. The hydrophilic property and films certain findings were obtained. It was found out
water absorption characteristic of thermoplastic starch that percent elongation, Young’s modulus and tensile
structure declines by adding microscopic fibers of cellu- strength decreased when the glycerol concentration was
lose in it particularly the models made using glycerol. increased. On the other hand, water solubility, moisture
Natural and phosphate cush-cush yam and CS (cassava content, and water vapor permeability of the cassava film
starch) were studied by Gutierrez et al. [89] analysing the augmented with the escalating glycerol concentration.
mechanical and chemical characteristics of derivative Therefore, it was observed that glycerol content affected
films. The comparison yielded following results; moisture both the mechanical and water barrier properties.
content in derivative of CS was far less, hence minimiz-
ing bacterial growth, better thermal durability was
observed in films made from CS than cush-cush yam.
Physical Properties of Cassava Film
The basic constituents of these films make it clear that
they would be comestible, eco-friendly, and decompos- Moisture Conten. Table 6 shows the moisture content
able. Enhanced solubility and crystal like structure was of the cassava starch biodegradable films. The moisture
obtained in materials derived from cross-linked starches content was found to be high when the glycerol content
as they tend to be hydrophilic. In order to get best chemi- was high (45 wt%) and low when the amount of glycerol
cal and mechanical properties, starches have to be altered was low (30 wt%). The values of moisture content for the

10 POLYMER COMPOSITES—2015 DOI 10.1002/pc

TABLE 5. Reported work cassava-based composite.

Matrix Reinforcement Reference

Cassava starch Green coconut fibers [92]

Cassava starch Coconut fibers [93]
Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) Cassava skin [91]
Polyvinyl-alcohol (PVA) incorporated with clove Cassava bagasse [85]
(CEO) or oregano (OEO) essential oils
Cassava starch Chitosan/ kraft fiber [94]
Cassava starch Cellulose cassava bagasse nanofibrils (CBN) [88]
Cassava starch Cassava bagasse-Kraft paper [23]
Cassava starch Cellulose nanocrystals from kenaf fibers [95]
Native cassava starch Cinnamon essential oil/clove essential [96]
oil/Sucrose ester of fatty acids
Cassava starch Sugar cane bagasse [86]
Native cassava starch (Beta zeolite nanocrystal or Na-beidellite) [97]
Agar (AG), cassava starch (CAS) and [98]
arabinoxylan (AX)
Cassava starch A kaolinite-rich clay which is mineral [99]
composition is as follows: 76.5% kaolinite;
10.4% illite; 3.4% TiO2; 2% iron oxide and 4% SiO2
Sodium cellulose sulfate (NaCS) / Cassava starch [100]
Cassava starch Chitosan [101]
Cashew tree gum (CTG), cassava [102]
starch and carnauba wax
Cassava starch Exploitation of chitosan as a compatibilising [103]
Cassava starch Malt bagasse [104]
Cassava starch foam (CSF) trays, blended with zein, gluten, soy protein, [84]
kraft fiber, and palm
Cassava flour (CF)/ wheat flour (WF) [105–108]
poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) Cassava stillage residue (CSR) [109]
final egg albumen: cassava starch: sunflower oil [110]
cassava starch/low-density Polyethylene cotton fibers [111]
Cassava stillage residue (CSR self-reinforced [112]
Cassava Starch Cassava Pell/ Cassava Bagasse [113]
Cassava starch The remaining fibrous residue of cassava starch extraction [114]

films ranged in between (11.8 6 2.2) % and (41.1 6 0.33) 3 10210 g/s.m. Pa and (4.47 6 0.44) 3 10210 g/
1.5)% [115]. s.m.Pa [115].

Water Solubility. Table 6 shows the water solubility of

cassava films. Increasing the amount of glycerol in the Mechanical Properties of Cassava Film
film led to increased solubility of the cassava in water. As it has been mentioned earlier, presence of glycerol
The values of solubility ranged in between (23.0 6 0.5)% has a direct influence on the percent elongation, Young’s
and (32.1 6 1.5)% [115]. modulus and tensile strength of the cassava films. Increas-
ing the amount of glycerol resulted in the decrement of
Water Vapour Permeability. Table 6 lays out the Young’s modulus (E) and tensile strength (r). This is
water vapour permeability of the cassava films. The water because of certain alterations on the structure of starch
vapour permeability of the cassava films increased with network upon addition of glycerol. The network became
the enhanced amount of glycerol in the film. The values under stress and also less dense when glycerol was amal-
of water vapour permeability ranged in between (3.28 6 gamated; moreover, the flexibility of film improved

TABLE 6. Moisture contents, water solubility, water vapor, and mechanical properties of cassava films, as a function of glycerol content.

WSP (x 10210/
Glycerol content s.M.Pa) [115] WS (%) [115] MC (%) [115] r (MPa) [116]  (%) [116] E (MPa) [116]

30 3.28 (0.33) 23.0 (0.5) 11.8 (0.2)* 2.4 (0.2) 49.4 (3.4) 46.3 (4.6)
35 4.22 (0.11) 26.0 (1.8) 22.2 (1.9) 2.1 (0.2) 41.9 (3.2) 32.2 (3.7)
40 4.39 (0.14) 29.2 (1.6) 24.8 (1.5) 1.4 (0.1) 28.8 (2.4) 14.7 (1.2)
45 3.39 (0.14) 32.1 (1.5) 41.1 (1.5) 1.2 (0.2) 26.8 (4.0) 14.0 (.01)

DOI 10.1002/pc POLYMER COMPOSITES—2015 11

and better material. The study conducted by Kaisangsri
al. [92] used cassava starch incorporated with natural
polymers of chitosan and kraft fiber to obtain biodegrad-
able foam trays. The starch/ fiber and chitosan mixture
was made in the ratio of 1 : 1 and chitosan solution at 0,
2, 4, and 6% (w/v) were used. Likewise, a mixture of
starch/ fiber and kraft fiber at 0, 10, 20, 30, and 40% (w/
v of starch) was obtained. Foam obtained from a mixture
of cassava starch and 4% chitosan and 30% kraft fiber
had elongation of starch of 2.43% and tensile strength of
944.4 kPa that was similar to that obtained for polysty-
rene foam. The foam obtained was quite similar in prop-
FIG. 4. Extrusion of cassava foam [122].
erties to polystyrene foam but the water solubility index
(WSI) and water absorption index (WAI) were found to
because of the ease in movement of polymer chains
be in increased amount as compared to their value in
[116]. The percent elongation () of the films also
polystyrene foam [92]. Another study conducted by Teix-
decreases with the increase in glycerol content. Due to
eira et al. [119] used cassava starch and cassava bagasse
this property of the films, the starch films became more
to develop fiber-reinforced thermoplastic starch (TPSB
ductile i.e. easily breakable instead of becoming more
and TPSI, respectively). The maximum tensile modulus
brittle [117]. These three properties have been shown in
(41.6 MPa) and tensile strength (0.6 MPa) increased by
the table as a function of the glycerol contained.
using cassava bagasse instead of cassava starch because
the existence of fibers in the bagasse supported the TPS
CASSAVA HYBRID structure. Moreover, cassava bagasse can be used to make
Stability and equilibrium has been attained in the TPS at much lower cost in comparison to cassava starch
fibers amalgamated in the composite structure by using because of its great copiousness. Lower elongation to
hybrid composites. The fibers that are incorporated into break was obtained in TPS made from cassava bagasse in
the material can be of two types: manufactured synthetic comparison to that obtained in TPS made from cassava
and natural fibers. Some of the synthetic materials are starch. PLA can also be added with cassava bagasse in
renewable while some are non-renewable. The nonrenew- the formulation of TPS to further reduce cost but compro-
able synthetic fibers are quite expensive; therefore, alter- mising the tensile modulus and strength Mixtures of poly
natives for this must be obtained for optimizing the (lactic acid) and TPSI (20%) and TPSB (5, 10, 15, and
hybrid process. A feasible and practical material has been 20%) can also be used for obtaining efficient composite
obtained by combining renewable and synthetic fiber. materials having better performance and lower cost [119].
Since this is copiously present it can be easily used Tantatherdtam et al. [120] also conducted a study to
instead of non-renewable synthetic fibers [118]. Several obtain better composite material by using cassava root
other studies have been conducted for obtaining a cheaper fiber as a bio-reinforcement. Maleic anhydride-

FIG. 5. Starch foam: (a) Pesika Naturpack GmbH; (b) Suedstraerke GmbH. [116]. [Color figure can be
viewed in the online issue, which is available at]

12 POLYMER COMPOSITES—2015 DOI 10.1002/pc

extrusion, Gelatinized starch puff or Baking with water).
The products are formed in the extruder by the swelling
and expansion of starch through the action of high tem-
perature and water vapour to form starch foam, snack,
etc. Plate expansion or baking give products such as waf-
fles, which can be formed in tray shapes or other packag-
ing material [121]. Clean Green Company in
Minneapolis, MN, USA, has produced “starch foam” by
extrusion of wheat starch and polyvinyl alcohol. “Eco–
Foam”, a product of National Starch, uses waxy corn as
raw material. In European countries, the baking technol-
FIG. 6. Illustrative picture of cassava starch edible film (blend of 1.0 g ogy is also at a commercial scale. Packaging products,
of glycerol; 0.3 g of glutaraldehyde; 0.3 g of polyethylene glycol) [123].
[Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at
such as fast food utensils, are available in the market] using both cereal and potato starches. The marketing of
biodegradable packaging products are supported in the
polypropylene (MAPP) compatibilizer has been used for EU. Cassava starch has been successfully expanded under
enhancing the interfacial strength between the polymer extrusion conditions. Due to its low bulk density, a little
structure and fibers in the composite material obtained by modification is needed so that its moisture content is
mixing polybutylene succinate (PBS), polypropylene (PP) increased. Twin screw extrusion figure 4 is recommended
and cassava root fiber on a twin screw extrusion. The for direct expansion of cassava starches. Cassava starch
flexural strength of PP composite having 50% fibers also can also be used as the raw material for plate expanded
increased with the addition of MAPP the interfacial bond or baking products. Cassava starch can be expanded in
between the polymer structure and fibers was found using moulds, at 20022408C for 123 min, to form into pack-
a scanning electron microscope and it was observed that age utensils, such as bowls. About 10% additives, includ-
the bind was better in the composite material containing ing calcium carbonate, agar, or emulsifier is needed to
MAPP compatibilizer. The flexural and tensile strength improve the properties. Figure 5 shows cassava foam and
decreased upon increment in load on the fiber, on the an example of it is application [122].
other hand, the flexural and Young’s modulus increased. Parra et al. [123] produced film from blending cassava
The increase in the Young’s and flexural modulus starch with glycerol and PEG, the films were transparent,
resulted in greater stiffness in the composite material homogeneous and flexible (see Fig. 6). However, those
[120]. with glutaraldehyde became slightly opaque. The average
thickness of the films was 0.012 mm [123].
The components of the formulations (starch, chitosan
CASSAVA COMPOSITE APPLICATION and glycerol) were mixed. In the first stage of the extru-
sion process, the mixtures were extruded and pelletized
Howeler and Tan [121] have produced Starch Puff, twice to obtain good homogenization (Fig. 7a). Next, the
this kind of product is known also as (Plate expanded by reprocessed pellets were used to manufacture the film by
blown extrusion (Fig. 7b) [101].

Cassava starch is viable, available widely and it is
quite cheap; therefore, cassava starch is being used in a
wide variety of application. Some of the functional and
structural properties of cassava starch are: The starch
granules are rounded, oval, and truncated and exhibit
great variety in gelatinization, rheological properties, sol-
ubilisation and swelling. Certain modification in the
starch structure can lead to varying physical, chemical
and enzymatic properties. Various modifications for cas-
sava fibers are still necessary to be investigated to maxi-
mize the benefit of such fiber type. It has been observed
that the nomenclature particularly for starch molecule
(e.g., definitions of A-chain of amylopectin and cluster) is
FIG. 7. Film production by extrusion: (a) acquisition of pellets and (b) a bit ambiguous; therefore, some uniform nomenclature
formation of tubular film. [101]. [Color figure can be viewed in the criterion have to be developed. Another important obser-
online issue, which is available at] vation is the repetition of research (e.g., starch

DOI 10.1002/pc POLYMER COMPOSITES—2015 13

modifications) that has led to several confusions as the 24. A.M. Aripin, A.S. Kassim, Z. Daud, and M.Z. Hatta, Int. J.
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