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Hemanshu Dayaramani
Final Year B.Tech Civil
PRN: 1032170386

 As per the group discussion conducted in a practical session, please write down the
pointwise discussion point. You can use the following points while explaining your answers

1. What are the functions of techno-managerial staff?

Ans: - They are responsible

a) for ensuring sanity of architecture, advocacy for operational excellence and

quality, delivering results on time.

b) You will be responsible for hiring, mentoring and managing a highly skilled
set of Software Development Engineers. Thoughtfully managing them to
deliver and fostering an environment of growth.

c) You will ensure that the product developed is technically sound by having
the ability to deep dive into the details of the services and algorithms that
your teams own and develop. You strive to deliver user friendly and nimble
customer facing applications.

2. What are the characteristics of good communication?

Ans: - Characteristics of good communication are as follows,

 Hone your listening skills

Though we often think that speaking or writing are the main components of
communication, listening is a vital factor in good conversation. A good
communicator will wait to listen to the other person or people they are
interacting with, consider what they have said, and then respond
appropriately. Sometimes, people in a conversation can get so caught up in
what they would like to say that they forget to listen, meaning they may not
contribute anything useful to the conversation.

 Be clear and concise

A great communicator knows that you should always convey a message with
as few words as necessary. Waffling at length about a topic can sometimes
lose your audience, so it’s best to keep things short and to the point. Good
speakers go in-depth where necessary, but otherwise it’s good to use clear
language in shorter bursts.

 Cultivate confidence

Communication isn’t just verbal. People also communicate non-verbally, so

our body language and the way we present ourselves makes a big difference.
Maintaining a confident stance, and speaking in a self-assured way, can be
the difference between a good presentation and an awful one. Confidence is
key, even when you’re not feeling entirely sure of yourself – sometimes you
have to fake it to make it!

 Use empathy

A good conversationalist knows that to be great at handling disagreements

and discussions, you have to be able to empathise with the other person.
Being empathetic is a great trait to have, because it means that you can
understand the other person’s point of view. Sometimes, that means you can
better argue against that view, but often it means that your conversation is
more productive.

 Be self-aware

The best communicators are the ones that are aware of their own
contributions to the conversation, and know how best to help the flow of
dialogue. Communication for the sake of it is not very helpful. Great
communicators will know when a contribution is needed, and when it’s best
to let others take the floor. If you can highlight the skills of another person
who is better equipped to handle a communication issue, you should:
teamwork is crucial for ensuring there aren’t any communication issues in
the workplace

3. What are the bad ways to communicate?

Ans: - Bad ways to communicate may occur if one does follow things,
 Avoiding Eye Contact.
 Not Listening.
 Interrupting.
 Using Verbal Placeholders.
 Negativity.
 Gossiping.
 Not Responding to Email.
 Lacking Contact Info in Signature Line.

4. A case study: -You are a project manager and you have to start foundation
activity on your construction site. There are 5 site engineers working under
you. Find the best way of communication for starting that activity

Ans: -

The best way to start the communication is, one can say that finally we are going
start what we were waiting for. As we all know that from tomorrow, we going to
start foundation work of our site. And then start the detail distribution of work to
all the engineers and explain them their roles and keeping the good work up to

5. There is an accident on your construction site, a crane drops load on material

storage yard. Being a site engineer you have to report it to your project
manager. Find a way of communication.

Ans: -

After analysing the situation and note all the damage caused, I would go and report
it in detail to the project manager. I would state the stats and look into eyes and
submit the site report to him.

6. As per you which is the thing that you should give 100 percent while

Ans: -

According to me for communication one should follow all the rules of best
communicating principles. Answers to these historical, anthropological, and social-
scientific questions provide part of the diversity of knowledge that makes up the
field of communication studies. As a student of communication, you will learn that
there is much more to the field than public speaking, even though the origins of
communication studies are traced back thousands of years to ancient Greek
philosophers and teachers like Plato and Aristotle who were the first to
systematically study and write about speech. Communication students and scholars
also study basic communication processes like nonverbal communication,
perception, and listening, as well as communication in various contexts, including
interpersonal, group, intercultural, and media communication.

Communication has been called the most practical of the academic disciplines.
Even the most theoretical and philosophical communication scholars are also
practitioners of communication, and even though you have likely never taken
another communication studies class, you have a lifetime of experience
communicating. This experiential knowledge provides a useful foundation and a
starting point from which you can build the knowledge and practice the skills
necessary to become a more competent and ethical communicator. I always inform
my students that I consider them communication scholars while they are taking my
class, and I am pleased to welcome you to the start of your communication studies
journey. Whether you stay on this path for a semester or for much longer, studying
communication has the potential to enrich your life in many ways. I want this book
to be a dialogue, so I encourage you to contact me with any questions, comments,
or suggestions you may have as you read.

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