Worksheet Batna

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Build a new plant for a total cost of $37 M, use the spare money ($3 M) for FDA approval

and workforce

Buy a new plant for a total cost of $500,000, use the spare money ($39.5 M) for build a special water
facility, FDA approval, and workforce recruitment.

The second one

Yes, to use a consultant service for FDA approval and workforce recruitment

To minimize the time-to-market lead time, we may put up job offering with a much higher salary than
SALTEK to absorb their professionals

Accept to buy Petrocheck, then we can completely give in to SALTEK offering

Buy a new plant for a total cost of $500,000, use the spare money ($39.5 M) for build a special water
processing facility and to make a contract with recruitment consultant to absorb SALTEK professionals by
putting up a much higher salary offering.

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