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1. Why Tao having difficulties in Video (1)?
Tao is having difficulties because :

1. Tao’s new Boss has given him a task that is normally for 4 weeks but Tao has to finish it in 1
2. Moreover, he’s been pushed by his Boss to finish it even earlier, despite with so many things to
work on, he thinks this task has a very unreasonable deadline considering his current
3. His Boss doesn’t seem to give Tao a chance to compromise or negotiate.
2. Why do you think Video (3) shows a better
way to approach distributive negotiation?

When his new Boss gave him what she required him to do, despite of showing
reluctance by saying his overly tight deadlines, in VIDEO (3) Tao is being more
considerate of why she thinks that the task is so important to her and give her
multiple alternative options on how can he finish the task within the deadlines
and working things out together to find a middle ground.
3. What new insights do you have that could
benefit you or others in your workplace?

1 2 3
We can get the best We can show our Improve our
deal possible that empath or calmness cooperation with
benefits both parties. by asking and counterpartner by
figuring out what using cooperative
other party’s interest. approach that seeks to
maximize the benefits
to all parties involved.
4. What are your biggest opportunities for
applying concepts from this Lesson in your
I am often asked to support my colleagues work, and I have the habit to say yes
neglecting my current situation which result in unachieving one of my goal.
Distributive negotiations approach can help me improve my habit to say yes,
and to be more compromise and eventually find a mutually acceptable
solution that satisfy both sides.

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