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Potable Water Network Pipes and Fittings PRODUCT IDENTITY CARD DiZAYNPE/OO DIZAYN HDPE 100 POTABLE WATER NETWORK PIPES HDPE 100 (=PE 100) BLACK OR BLUE T3418 - PrEN 12201 ISO 4427, DIN 8074 - 75, PrEN12201-2 15 418 - PEN 12201 Pos, Nor 0.8 KH Pos, No: 04.768/8 Pos. No; 36,02.100 KHGM B5BF itBaNk 4 <> | Turkey %) Germany ote DVGW Germany Germany PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS. | 25-0125 £8110 -81400 (11.8 meters bor) J 500 .0 2400 - 6m. lengh andor) oem SO 1182 pact strenght ‘Notched impact strenght SO TR TORT 150 6964 O.eD 11240 150 TR 9060 as te BODE 1377 =a00 aaa Nae Tax10" TST D 69 Electrical Properties =a =i Wim 27a 9018 2 188 2067 (140 20 me 85 2067 PR eine ne * Advantage of perfect leak proof, no crack,no break and no deformation under pressure ‘* Availability of more than one connection method (butt welding, electrofusion welding, push fit sockets, etc.), + Availability of connection ata place out of the trench, ‘* High resistance to chemicals, not affected from corrosion, decaying and abrasion, + Advantage of less need of excavation and less need of bringing special filing sand from out of the site, ‘+ Advantage of safe application in irregular surfaces like sea, river, lake passages and at places where there may be frequent earth movements, + Advantage of being not affected from earth movernents like landslide, earthquakes, etc, ‘* Advantage of having perfectly smooth internal surface. Because of this advantage of PE pipes in comparison to the other pipe types, one size smaller PE pipe can make the same work of one size bigger pipe from the other pipe types. This brings considerable savings in the overall cost of the pipe line and the service costs, + PE pipes require less fittings for connection because they are elastic and in many places they do not require connection where the other types do. Because PE pipes are bendable with a radius of 20.35. times of its outer diameter. The other pipe types do not have this advantage, ‘Advantage of higher durability and advantage of easy installation and transport without material loss, ‘Advantage of mobilizabilty of the PE pipe production facilites. This enables very big savings in transport costs for projects where large diameter pipes are required, ‘PE pipes have the advantage of very long service life under severe conditions. Minimum guaranteed service life of PE pipes is SO years and decaying time 1000, years in nature, ‘© PE pipes do not require concrete blocks at places like bending and tee separations, ‘© PE pipes are light in weight which enables the installation with high speed at places where the construction season is short, ‘© PE pipes have very good welding characteristics, ‘+ PE pipes are elastic which is a big advantage during the earthquake or any other earth movements. This charasteristics also gives big advantage in transport (coiling up to 125 mm diameter) and in installation costs, ‘High impact and breakage resistance, ‘Very good adoption to earth movernents, += Very high resistance to direct sun light (UV resistance) for long time. This is supplied by Ultraviolet light resistance agent mixed to the PE raw material, ‘+ Many different pressure resistance options. PE pipes can be produced resistant to 12 different pressure classes from 2.5 Bars upto 32 Bars. + There is no need to take protection precautions at the time of installation ike cathodic protection. SE 2.1.1 Perfect Leak Proof at connection points 5000 jo eeccapenne bet 500.0 toad) toad ew) 0.0000 sain) 1000 «10600 stain) 1000 1.40 Sample with butt welding Figure 2.1.16 Sample without welding (Result of tensile test) (Result of tensie test) ‘As seen in the test samples, as the result of the tensile test, the energy required for breaking the welded and unwelded pipe area is the same. It means that the butt ‘welded area is also as strong as the pipe itself. (Test sample is shown in picture 2.1.8) Result of the test : Butt welding is the most reliable welding method for potable water PE pipes. The advantages of Butt Welding; + It does not require special fitting for connection * With butt welding, some fittings like bends and T pieces can be produced at the site * The butt welding machines are easy to supply in all comers of the world. + The fittings produced for butt welding have low production costs. * Butt welding can be applied for all diameters and for all pressure ratings (For best results the minimum wall thickness must be 3 mm.) «The lips forming inside and outside the pipe increases the welding area's cross- section hence increasing the safety of the welded area, ‘= Butt welding operation is very easy to learn and very practical. 2.1.2 Availability of more than one connection method PE pipes have the several options for connection. The connection method is selected according to the place and condition where the pipe will operate. + Butt welding method Picture 2.1.1 - Application of butt welding. This method of welding is the method most frequently used. For operating this welding, an electric power source and butt welding machine is enough. + Electrofusion welding Picture 2.1.2 - Application of electrofusion welding. This method is applied for ensuring the highest safety in the welding area. This, ‘welding method is used especially for gas transmission PE pipes where any gas leakage can cause mortal disaster. A socket specially designed and produced for electrofusion welding and electrofusion welding machine is necessary for this welding, The cost of this weld is higher than butt welding. * Push-Fitt socket connection. Picture 2.1.3 - Application of push fitt-socket connection. This system is not a welding but instead a system of pipe and muffle inserted into each other by pushing, This system is preferable for the ones who like connection with o-ring. The superiority of this system to the other o-ring systems is the usage cf double o-ring which one of them ensuring the leak proof and the other prevents the movement of the pipe from its place in the socket. Picture 2.1.5 - Cross-section of push-ftt socket connection 2.1.3 Availability of connection at a place out of the trench Because of their elastic nature, PE pipes can be connected at a place near the trench and then can be layed down into the trench. During the lay down, the pipe connection points do not move or break. This method of making connection out of the trench can be applied to all PE pipes of every diameter. 2.1.4 Advantages of PE pipes during installation ‘Its enough to open the trench 5 cm wider than the pipe diameter. This means less excavation and less sand filing, * To make connection in the trench is very difficult. To make welding works out of the trench gives good savings in installation time and costs. + Itis possible to prepare the pipe line near the pipe line area without even opening the trench. Because, if the trench is opened much earlier than the time of pipe line installation, then there may be some collapses in the walls of the trench and also it may be necessary to clean the trench again which is a cost also. Picture 2.1.6 - Making connection out of the trench and laying down the pipe. ER eee ea ed 35 3.0 Asbestos steel pipes 25 20 rp pipes. 15. J oe Concrete Pipes 10 05s 200.000 ‘400.000 ‘600.000 Figure 2.1.2. The curve of abrasion Test The curve above proves that HDPE PE 100 pipes have the best abrasion resistance value among the other pipes. For PE, throughout the service life, the abrasion is only 0.09 mm. The curve above also proves that Asbestos steel pipes and GRP pipes have worse abrasion in comparison to the concrete pipes. Besides their very good abrasion resistance, PE pipes have perfect resistance against the chemicals. These pipes give the best servic in all acidic, alkaline and salty solutions. The resistance of PE pipes to different chemical materials is listed in Table 2.1.6 2.1.6 The advantage of less need of bringing special CR cM eek ce cree ur cel rr) PE For laying down the PE pipes, itis enough to leave a small place at each side of the pipe which is enough for the operation of the compaction machine. There is no need to bring sand for bedding. It is enough to prepare the trench bottom surface with ‘an angle of 120 degree. The earth derived from the excavation can be used as filing sand after eliminating the big size stones and sharp objects that may damage the pipe. In rocky place, the sharp sides of the racks are covered by sand in order not to allow it to damage the pipe. Advantages « Since there is no need to bring special filing sand from out of the excavated area, filling sand cost is minimum, ‘= Since less excavation is done, excavation and filling costs are minimum compared to the other pipe types, & 2 BR ee PE 100 pipes are elastic, not easily breakable, perfectly strong to external loads, perfedlly strong to internal pressure and have 1000 years of decaying time in nature. These big advanlages make them very suitable to be used in sea discharge, os wel ‘5 seo, river and lake passes and also taking water to islands. PE 100 pipes are the ‘easiest pipes fo be sank under water either completely or as units of 300-500 meters. = a 3 = Picture 2.1.7a - A view from sea discharge application of 1600 mm o.d PN 4 PE pipes in Istanbul Picture 2.1.76 - Pipes another view from sea discharge application of 1600 mm 0.4. ®@ ee ee ee 2.1.7 Advantage of adoption to the earth movements, durability and high impact resistance Below are the statistical values regarding the damage percentages of various pipe types at Kobe//apan earthquake in 1995. This table tells everything about the superiority of PE pipes to the other pipes at tough conditions. Table 2.1.1 The damage percentages in the potable water lines at Kobel/apan earthquake. es ste Pos (a Table 2.1.2 - The damage percentages in the gas pipelines at Kobel/apan earthquake. a ee Steel pipe Ductile cas P| ree 12,204 Daag 0S SCE 0082 After the earthquake in Kobe, the use of PE pipe in Japan increased as a boom. As a country in a region of very active seismic zone, the use of PE 100 is increasing as a boom in Turkey. Spoon shape Elongated sample shape —<=-—CU UD ‘Welded spoon shape Elongated welded sample shape (ed Pleture 2.1.8 - Dizayn PE 100 material in standard test unit elongates 600 % at the pulling test until break. 2.1.9 PE pipes have perfect resistance to water impact. ea PE 100, DN140,Di=123,4 | PVC DN140, D=126,6 Fron Hao To_[ex To [228 w Surface Elasticity Coefficient (K) Pipe material Iron and steel pipe 05 Ductile font 1.0 Lead pipe 50 ‘Asbestos concrete pipe 44 PVC pipe 33,3 Dizoyn PE 100 pipe 377 Because of perfect surface elasticity coefficient, Dizayn pipes have the lowest affection from water impact when compared fo the other pipe types. For this reason, for certain pipe lining projects, one size smaller Dizayn PE 100 pipe can be used for the same work of the other ‘alternative pipes. As its seen from the table, fora velocity of 3 m/s, the maximum internal pressure stands to be 21.63 Bars for PVC pipes ond 48.53 Bors for steel pipes. ince to water impact. PE pipes can be transported as the smaller diameter pipes ore inserted into bigger diameter pipes (telescobie transport} enabling big transport cost savings. Picture 2.1.9 - Telescobic storage of PE pipes. a eee a ee) Ca i emcee uaa ol aed Because of their perfect elasticity, Dizayn PE 100 pipes can make turns with a radius cof 20-35 times their outer diameter. While the other pipe types can make even 11 and 22 degree turns by using Elbows, Dizayn PE 100 pipes can turn these angles without any elbow or another fittings. This means big material and time saving in the installation. Dizayn PE 100 pipe can even turn 90 degree without elbow with a turning radius which willbe calculated with the following formula; , R=— (or-1) 112 The radius with which the pipe can bend without breaking Dg: Outer Diameter of the pipe SDR: Standart Dimension Ratio (outer diameteriwall thickness) Picture 2.1.10 Pictures showing bending ability of Dizayn pipes of 1600 mm dia. PN 4 produced For sea discharge project in Buyikgekmece | Istanbul PCr ene eT) Pecunia aCe ee Ce OE Because of their perfect impact resistance, Dizayn PE 100 pipes do not break during installation and transportation. This enables having zero material loss during transportation and installation. The pipe pieces remained after installation can be used in production of fittings or installation in another place. For the gas pipes, thanks to the nature of the plastic raw material, the passage of the gas can be stopped by squeezing the pipe. AYter release, the pipe will remember its round shape and will return to its normal shape. Picture 2.1.11 - The squeezing of PE gas pipe. ice seu Leela) By the advantage of easy mobilization of PE pipe production facilities, the production Cf PE pipes can be done in places near to the installation place enabling big transport cost savings especially for big diameter pipes. Picture 2.1.12 - A mobile pipe production facility. 2.1.14 Advantage of minimum 50 years service life of PE Pipes The curve in the figure below shows the change in the physical properties of PE 100 pipes in time. The production design of PE 100 pipes is done for a service life of 50 years. So, the minimum service life of PE 100 pipes is minimum 50 years. Circumferencial stress ao 100: = Ww 1 10 10? 10> 407 10°} 10%h Time ae" Figure 2.1.3 - The curve of hoop strees against time. nue EMP) u 10 1000 9 8 800 7 6 600 s 4 3 zi 200 1 ° ° oor tOCCGHCDOS OF Time 50 years. Figure 2.1. The change in the elasticity module of PE pipes in time. ep a ep sad an we, eins nae apa (mwa) ed a puna pon 0 BO (aap ad 50) gam pn pasan ecu uo sed cy (o-vureo1xeu) sued vorsawe> 1 je Sul mae mei ‘pnw hon ‘pou hon spon, smo, paw hon TOU Np ans aR He sw um 9090 pen aa © PD aro Paro aba Sea pa aa Hoey pie arpa an Grn aa Se aT op a IOS i a aD 0 SSus59 cr aura ees WRT enon 2 jena hon on ay Gasp URL ese pul uosouc> yee uans aa aT HAAS ‘goa vomrpeN ergo ames 050 a0 senayao sodA ada 12410 axp (MM SOdiy a6emaS 3d NAVZIO JO UOSIESWOD “E49 a1gL PPotobie Water Network Pipes ond Fittings] Table 2.1.5 - The Strenght of Dizayn HOPE Pipes Against chemicals Strenght at 20°C Strenght at 60°C good _medium weak good __medium _weak x CHEMICALS Acetaldehyde Acetate, amy! Acetate, butyl Acetone ‘Acid, acetic (10%) ‘Acid, acetic (100%) Acids, aromatic Acid, benzoic* ‘Acid, boric* Acid, butyric ‘Acid, carbonic ‘Acid, chromic (80%) Acid, citric ‘Acid, dichloroacetic (50%) Acid, dichloroacetic (100%) ‘Acids, fatty, higher than C6 Acid, formic ‘Acid, glycolic (55 and 70 %) ‘Acid, hydrochloric (all conc.) ‘Acid, hydrobromic (50%) Acid, hydrocyanic ‘Acid, hydrofluoric (40 and 70%) ‘Acid, lacti (96%) ‘Acid, maleie ‘Acid, monochloroacetic ‘Acid, nitric (25%) ‘Acid, nitric (50 and 70 %) xo) ‘Acid, oleic (conc.) ‘Acid, oxalic (50%) ‘Acid, perchloric (20 9%) ‘Acid, perchloric (50 9%) ‘Acid, perchloric (70 %) ‘Acid, phosporic (50 %) ‘Acid, phosporic (95 %) ‘Acid, phthalic (50 %) ‘Acid, propionic (50 %) ‘Acid, propionic (100 %) ‘Acid, silicic ‘Acid, stearic ‘Acid, succinic (50 %) ‘Aci, sulpho-chromic x ‘Acid, sulphurous ‘Aci, sulphuric (50 %) Acid, sulphuric (98 %) ‘Aci, tartaric Acid, trichloroacetic (50 %) Acid, trichloroacetic (100 %) Acrylonitil Acrylonitrl, ally! Acryloniti, ally Acryloniti, benzyl ‘Acylonitel, butyl Acryloniti, enthy (96%) Acryoniti,furfuryl Acrylonitil, isopropyl Acrylonitril, methoxybuty| Acrylonitil, methyl Aliphatic esters Alum Ammonia x x) xo) x) ro [ cHewicars Strenght at 20°C. Strenght at 60°C good medium weak good medium weak ‘Anydride, acetic ‘Anydride, sulphuros ‘Anydride, sulphuric Aniline ‘Antimony trichloride ‘Aqua regia Benzaldehiyde Benzene Borax Brine Bromine Calcium hypochlorite* Camphor Carbon sulphide Carbon tetrachloride Cetones Chlorine (liquide and gas) Chlorobenzene Chioroethanol Chloroform Chloride, aluminium* Chloride, ammonium* CChioride, antimony* Chloride, calcium* Chloride, ferric Chloride, magnesium* Chloride, mercury* Chloride, methylene CChiloride, potassium* Chloride, sodium Chloride, sulfuryl Chloride, thionyl Chloride, zinc Compote ‘Copper salts Cresol Cyclohexane Cyclohexanol Cyclohexanone Decaline Detergents Dibutyl phthalate pedichlorobenzene Dichloroethane Dichioroethylene Diethyl ether Dioxane Ether Fluorine Formaldehyde (40%) Fruit juice Gasoline Gelatin Glyeerin ‘Glycerin chlorohydirin Glycol Giyco, butyl Glycol, methyl Hydrogen chloride gas (dry, wet) Hydrogen, peroxide (30%) x x CHEMICALS ‘Strenght at 20°C Strenght at 60°C ‘good medium weak | good medium weak Hydrogen, peroxide (100%) x Hydrogen sulphide lodine tincture Isoctane Mercury Metallic sulphates Methylethyicetone Molasses Morpholine Naphta (heavy petrol) Naphtalene Nickel salats* Nitrogen dioxide gas Oils, essential x x Oils, mineral Oils, paraffin Oils, silicone Oils, vegetable and animal Olleun x Ozone x Petroleum Petroleum ether Phenols Phosphates Phosphorus oxychloride Phosphorus pentoxide Phosphorus trichloride Photographic developers Polyalycols Potassium bichromate (40%) Potassium hydroxide Potassium permanganate Pyridine Sea water Silver nitrate Sodium benzoate Sodium borate Sodium carbonate (es) Sodium chloride (50%) Sodium hydroxide (iye) Sodium hypochlorite* Sodium nitrate* Sodium silicate* Sodium sulphide* Sodium thiosulphate Sugar syrup Sulphur Tallow Tetrahydrofuran x x Tetralin x 3 Thiophone x x Toluene x x Trichloroethylene x Triethanolamine x x Turpentine x x Vaseline x x Yeast x x Xylene x x FO x ‘Aqueous solutions, all concentrations. D= discolouration ERBERe ee cued Dizayn Group gives the first priority to quality assurance system. Our group has ISO 9001 certification. We have also the quality certificates of the countries we export. The most important element of the quality production is the tough control of the ingredients and the product. For this purpose our group formed the laboratory which can make every tests required by the relevant standart. ur laboratory makes periodically the tests listed below. Besides our company tests, the certification institutes ike DVGW, SKZ and BVQl) make their own tests in their ‘own laboratories for checking the conformity of our products to the relevant standart, ‘According to the results of these periodical or instant tests, these certification institutes extend the validity of their certificates. 2.1.16 Thi jes and their purposes for our quality assurance tests 1) MFl (Melt Flow Index) Test Device: This device is used in simulating the material's flow behaviour before being processed in the extruder. This device gives us information regarding the flow rate of the material in the unit temperature and time. This helps Us to have information on the possible behaviour of the material in the extruder. The quality Standart for this testis ISO 1133. 2) Precise Balance: Using this balance, the weight of the material which was passed from MFI device is determined according to the standard ISO 1183 seperately in the air and in the liquid whose density is known. After having these weight figures, the material's density is determined by using the spesific density formula. 3) Izod-Charpy Test Device: With this device, the amount of the eneray absorption and the possible applicable force on the unit area are determined by using free falling method using materials having different weights. By doing this test, we obtain information regarding materia’s behaviour at the different loads with sudden impacts. The standards applied for this test are TS 1004, TS 1005, ISO 179 and ISO 180. 4) Tensile - Compression Test Device: Using this device, we obtain informations about the maximum load strength, elasticity module (the maximum force strength per unit area), maximum tension, elongation in percentage, deformation, elongation at break point, tension at break point etc. of the product. By means of these tests we can make forecasts on the possible behaviour of the material in the working conditions. In these tests ISO R 527 standart is applied 5) Hallow Die Punch (Sampling Device): This device is used for the preperation of the sample which will be tested in the tensile test device. The sample is prepared in accordance with Standart No. ISO 527. 6) Shore (Hardness Device): This device is used for the determination of the material's, hardness. When we apply load on the sample, if the material is too soft then it will be pressed like paper while if itis too hard then it will be broken. For this reason, the hardness value of the product must be within the range of the values mentioned in the Standart No. DIN 53505. / SO 868 7) Microtom Device: This isa device used to cut small pieces which can be monitored under microscope for the purpose of inspecting the infrastructure of material '8) Microscope Image System: This isa system used for monitoring the fibro structure of the material. The aim of this tests to secure for the material to have a homogeneous infrastructure. Ifthe fibro's image is not in the linear form then it means that there is a mistake either in the production stage or in the quality of the raw material itself. 9) Deep Freezer: These devices are used for shock cooling. In certain intervals of time, impact test is applied on the material which is hold in the deep freezer and its behaviour is monitored at different test temperatures, 10) Furnace: This device is used in thermal strength test. The aim of this testis to monitore whether the length of the material exceeds more than 3 % when applied toa certain temperature for certain time. This tests important because at considerably higher temperatures the material expands and elongates but at low temperatures it shrinks. But after application of higher or lower temperatures, the material does not return fully to its normal sizes in the normal temperature. This character leads to a change from round shape to oval shape in the close pipe systems. The standart applied for this testis TS 5450. 11) Pressure Test: For the pipes produced according to the Standart TS 5439, to monitore the strength of the pipes to the pressure, a pressure test is applied under 100h (at 20 °C), and 165 and 100h (at 80 °C). The standarts used for this test are 1SO 4427 (for PE 100), ISO 4437 (for PE 80) and TSE 10827. 12) Momentum Strength Test: In addition to the leak test also strength test is applied with the aim of testing the harmonical work of the metal fittings with the plastic. In order to be able to apply a 95 °C temperature to the pipe it must resist to.a4 kgm momentum, 13) Cross-link Ratio Determination Test: To monitore the success of the cross linking in the PEX pipes, a testis done according to the Standart TSEN 579. The material must have a minimum cross link ratio of 75% (for PE-Xa), 65% (for PE-Xb) and 60% (for PE-Xc and PE-Xd). 14) Dsc-oit test device (Differential scanning calorimetry and oxygen induction time): This test is applied for analyzing the qualification of the raw material. with this test, itis analyzed the temparature at which the material starts melting, the temperature and duration at which the material looses its characteristics, the amount of the energy absorbtion of the material, etc. The standarts considered in these tests are ASTM D 5028/ASTM D 4591 / ASTM 3895. 15) Test for determination of flammibility: This test is done for determining the burning time and the flammibility of the material. The standart ISO 3795 is used for this standart. 16) Tensile - compression device with heating chamber: This test is made on spoon shape samples having different temperatures from -40 °C up to +90°C. 17) Special tensile device: With this device tensile testis applied under constant load to spoon shape samples with different temparatures and in different chemical solutions. Tablo 2.2 1 - Classification of PE pipes Deane Nomencotuce siross ae i Dering sess MRS: iG 21) C :Sofety coefficient (1,25) Picture 2.2.1-A picture from butt welding opplication. a ca A EReIo kuch Rec iel ed eA } Dm Figure 2.21 Internal hydrostatic pressure in the pipe The following formula is used to calculate the force (N) Pn ae 222 2 D = Average diameter p =Internal pressure N = Force Ded Dp=—— =D-s 223) 2 The stress at the pipe surface is calculated from the formula ; Pm o= (2.24) 2s Pm Wall thickness s= -—™ 225) 20 Since the outer diameter is considered for PE pipes in international standarts, formula 2.2.3 is inserted for Dm and; pD po tee 20+p (2.2.6) is obtained for calculating the wall thickness. a 2.2.3 External Hydrostatic Pressure Figure 2.2 2- External Hydrostatic Pressure In case of existence of external hydrostatic pressure, a load of PLDm will be exerted on the pipe. Then the stress on the pipe due to the pressing on the pipe will be ; Po2m 2 For the pipes under external pressure, the torque also must be considered A E =| OT tv? [Dn The pressure that will create the stress in formula (2.2.9) will be; 3 ne [2 a t-v2 [Dn Here; E : elasticity module Vv : poisson ratio : wall thickness Dm : average diameter. ce a (22.7) (2.2.8) 229) (2.2.10)

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