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Towards a theoretical framework for curriculum

development in health professional education

A. Lee¹, C. Steketee2, G. Rogers3 & M. Moran4

Abstract This paper describes a conceptual

framework for curriculum development
The aim of health professional education
in health professional education.
is to graduate safe, capable practitioners
Developed in the context of a major
who are able to meet the healthcare
national project for the review
needs of society. In meeting this aim,
and renewal of interprofessional
contemporary health curriculum tends
education curriculum, the four-
to focus primarily on the articulation
dimensional framework supports
of competencies (often expressed as
the conceptualisation and design of
objectives, outcomes or attributes)
curriculum for health professions
and learning activities, resources and
more broadly. It recognises the need to
assessment tasks that are designed
connect health curriculum directly to
to produce these outcomes. This
the larger political, social and economic
linear approach is typically informed
issues surrounding the profession for
by classical models of curriculum
which it aims to prepare graduates
development that rarely recognise
in addition to acknowledging the
the dynamic, multi-dimensional and
cultural and historical forces that often
integrated nature of curriculum. Nor do
underpin these influences. The proposed
they make visible the value judgements
framework does not offer a prescriptive
regarding present and future healthcare
set of steps for curriculum developers
needs or workplace practices that
to follow. Rather, it is intended to assist
actually shape curriculum.
educators who are developing, reviewing
or reshaping health professional
courses in the higher education sector
so that graduates can receive the most
1 University of Technology, Sydney comprehensive preparation for the
2 University of Notre Dame, Australia complexities of the present and future
3 Griffith University
4 University of Queensland health workplace.
Correspondence: Keywords: theoretical framework,
Dr Gary Rogers MBBS, MGPPsych, PhD
Associate Professor of Medical Education curriculum, health professions.
Academic Lead in Clinical Skills
Deputy Head of School, School of Medicine Background
Program Lead in Interprofessional Learning
Griffith Health Institute for the Development of
Education and Scholarship (Health IDEAS) Last century, the Flexner Report
Griffith University catalysed a transformation in medical
Tel: +61 7 5678 0326
Email: training, shifting it from an idiosyncratic

Curriculum development framework

apprenticeship model to a more rigorous, it is nonetheless difficult to identify a

systematic biomedical and educational theoretical framework that might be
approach (Flexner, 1910). Since then, replicated and used to guide curriculum
other health professional programs have development in general.
undergone similar transformations. As
these programs have been subject to This absence of explicit theoretical
periodic curriculum development and framing within health professional
review, a series of reports has emerged curriculum development is not
describing competencies, content and surprising as it is only recently that
projected graduate outcomes (e.g., curriculum has emerged as a significant
Gatenby & Martin, 2009; Huang field of enquiry in higher education
et al., 2009; Levine & Scott, 2010; (Barnett & Coate, 2005; Hicks, 2007).
Mulder, Ten Cate, Daalder, & Berkvens, In contrast, within the broader field
2010; O'Brien, Bone, Sinclair, & of educational research, debates about
Solomon, 2010; Seale, Shellenberger, & what curriculum is and what it is for
Clark, 2010). have undergone successive iterations
of development, reconceptualisation
A thorough review of health professional and critique, the outcomes from which
education literature reveals that little have substantively contributed to
recent attention has been given to the educationalists’ understandings about
theoretical underpinnings associated
this construct (e.g., Pinar, 2008; Wraga
with curriculum in the broad or
& Hiebowitsh, 2003). Indeed, as
comprehensive sense of the term. As a
Prideaux (2003) points out, the term
result, there is scant guidance available
‘curriculum’ is used inconsistently,
for health professional educators engaged
with a range of meanings from its
in conceptualising curriculum as it
pertains to the larger healthcare needs original description of only the content
of society. Rather, the term ‘curriculum’ of a course (from the Latin word for a
tends to be used in its limited sense, running track—a course to be followed)
often referring to the development of to contemporary usage, which is often
written syllabi for courses where learning intended to include how content is to be
objectives, activities and assessments are learned, the pedagogical approaches to
identified for localised needs. In this be adopted by the teacher, the resources
regard, little systematic attention is paid and assessment methods to be used
in the curriculum development process as well as the overall evaluation of its
to the impact of curriculum decisions effectiveness. However, designers of
on the health of citizens or the future health educational programs now require
development and sustainability of the more rigorous and comprehensive
health professions; that is, there is little conceptual frameworks through
theoretical framing of the curriculum which curriculum development can be
development process. While the purpose approached critically, systematically, yet
of some training programs, such as flexibly, in order to accommodate the
Tomorrow’s Doctors (General Medical nuances of different educational contexts
Council, 2010), is to prepare students and organisations and to meet societal
who can meet societal health needs, healthcare needs.

A brief critical survey of curriculum professional values as well as complex

theory in the health professions to clinical reasoning abilities.
the present The second main conceptual
Curriculum development in the underpinning for health professional
health professions has been mostly curriculum stems (with almost no
underpinned, implicitly or explicitly, acknowledgement in the literature) from
by two key conceptual models. The the work of early industrial psychologist
first is the 1940s behaviourist model of Arthur Kornhauser (1927, cited in
Ralph Tyler (1949). Tyler’s ‘objectives- Hodge 2007). His work on trade
driven’ curriculum model is product apprentice learning first emphasised
focused and linear in its approach. the primacy of individual acquisition
Because learning objectives can be of capabilities over 'time-in-training'
measured, this model appears to be and thus formed the basis for what has
readily able to satisfy the requirements become known as the 'competency-
for curriculum development in many based' model for the development
performance-based health professional of curriculum and assessment. This
education courses. approach has come to dominate the
vocational education and training
There are important critiques of the (VET) sector in the developed world
Tylerian conceptual frame within and appears to have been first suggested
curriculum studies as a broad field of to be applicable to health professional
inquiry. The works of Pinar (2008), education by McGaghie and colleagues
Green (2003) and Yates (2009) (1978). In recent years, a competency-
suggest that the social and cultural based approach to health professional
purposes and outcomes of curriculum training has been encouraged by
require a rigorous debate and focussed government agencies as a tool to address
engagement, as there are often increasing health needs and shortages
competing ideas about what the ideal of qualified health professionals
graduate is and how to produce this because of the possibilities it might
individual. The ‘big picture’ of the future afford to shorten training programs
of healthcare is a case in point, where and allow professional substitution to
there are competing or contradictory contain costs (see Australian Medical
imperatives between the future shape of Association, 2010; Health Workforce
healthcare delivery and the gate-keeping Australia 2011).
agendas of present-day disciplinary Interestingly, criticism of the competency-
interests. Furthermore, as Stenhouse based approach closely parallels the
(1975), Bevis (1988) and Prideaux concerns about reductionism and
(2003) suggest, the Tylerian requirement oversimplification levelled at Tyler's
for 'tight' behavioural definitions of model as described above, particularly
learning objectives leads to an inability in relation to areas of professional
to capture elements of curriculum that judgment, enculturation to professional
are of great importance in the health values and the acquisition of clinical
professions. These elements include the reasoning capabilities. It is worth
development of appropriate norms and noting, however, that more sophisticated
Curriculum development framework

models (e.g., Ten Cate & Scheele, 2007) was not always acknowledged), these
differentiate higher level 'competencies' initiatives emphasised the importance
from observable 'entrustable of a ‘needs assessment’ at both the
professional activities'. broad and learner-specific levels to
In parallel with, but distinct from, the guide curriculum development. More
development of the competency-based recently, Wong (2005) proposed an
model, there has also been considerable approach to postgraduate anaesthetic
writing about 'outcomes-based' health curriculum development that recasts
professional education. Originated Tyler's approach for a contemporary
in school education literature, the context and applies it to the particular
term appeared in health professional curriculum issues of that specialty.
education literature towards the end of In pharmacy education, Ho and
the last century (e.g., Harden, 1986; colleagues (2009) recently presented a
Myer, 1999). Advocates of the approach model of outcomes-based curriculum
seem to focus more on the philosophy, development which bears a striking
politics and organisation of education resemblance to Kern's six-step model,
than on curriculum per se, with an with the addition of explicit references
emphasis on the outcomes from versus to ‘feedback’, 'fundamental concepts'
the inputs to education. Nonetheless, the and a specific focus on 'actual learning
language of curriculum has been strongly outcomes' as the guide to evaluation.
influenced by this theoretical turn, In summary, other than Tyler’s classical
with curricula now more likely to refer curriculum development model (and
to 'learning outcomes' than 'learning its subsequent variations), it is clear
objectives', in what appears to be a shift that there remains a lack of a coherent,
of focus from intent to expected result. contemporary theoretical framework
However, as Prideaux (2003) points out, to guide the development, review and
the semantic differences consequent renewal of curriculum in the health
upon these theoretical distinctions are professions. Whilst the concept of
of little real importance, suggesting that ‘curriculum’ in and of itself is complex,
“it is not the statements of objectives the process of developing curriculum
or outcomes in themselves that are to prepare graduates for an equally
important but the questions that must complex health workforce environment
be posed and answered in arriving at is particularly tricky. Educators,
their definition” (p. 169). therefore, require a tool that will enable
Generally speaking, attempts to derive them to acknowledge and address these
theory to guide curriculum development complexities as they attempt to define
in health professional education remain curricula that will allow graduates to
based, explicitly or implicitly, on a meet the rapidly changing nature of
Tylerian model; for example, Harden's healthcare needs. Such a tool would
influential 'ten questions to ask when encourage faculty to articulate and agree
planning a course or curriculum' on a collective vision of their graduates’
(Harden, 1986) as well as Kern’s attributes, a concept that is often taken
(1998) 'six step approach'. Building for granted yet divergent when discussed
on Tylerian principles (though this in detail.

In the next section, a theoretical agendas are taken up or not taken up,
framework for health professional who benefits and loses, whose voice
curriculum is introduced, followed by a is heard and whose is silenced, what
description of how it might be used as future is being formed for individuals
a tool that engages directly with the key and what future is being set in train
questions for any curriculum, namely: for Australia as a whole. Curriculum
What is it? What is it for? What does it is concerned with effectiveness, but
do? and What will the outcomes be? also with expansiveness and voices,
and who gets a say (Yates, 2009,
Principles underpinning p. 127).
contemporary curriculum
development This formulation uncovers the basis
on which decisions are made about
Within the broader field of educational curriculum priorities, connecting
scholarship, the term curriculum content and activity with purpose and
refers to overall policies through consequence. Furthermore, curriculum
which the content and assessment is best understood as a dynamic interplay
practices of education programs among knowing, doing, being and
are structured (by the state, an becoming (Barnett & Coate, 2005).
accrediting body or a university). Far from its limited application as a
Curriculum inquiry and scholarship set of course documents, this broader
are concerned with conceptions of conceptualisation of curriculum requires
what should be encompassed within attention to be paid to knowledge,
policies or frameworks as well as how action and identity when educating
the educational work is to be done professionals. These three elements
(O'Connor & Yates, 2010, p. 127). translate to questions about the design
Yates (2005) suggests that questions and capabilities of health services, the
about curriculum ‘involve both big answers to which are influenced by the
picture thinking, and attention to social, political and economic factors
everyday pragmatics’. Such questions surrounding contemporary health
look at the substance of what education professional practice. Such factors
does, going beyond just seeing education include various health reports on
as a ‘black box’ that produces outcomes. quality, safety and access to healthcare;
Curriculum inquiry, therefore, attends changing health demographics; the
to issues about what is being conveyed push to specialisation and the demise of
(or is intended to be conveyed) within general medicine; the reassessment of
a curriculum and, in particular, the the role of primary healthcare; the push
choices that are made about values, for greater collaboration among health
emphases and directions that are not professions and the changing role of
simply derivable from ‘evidence’ of what health consumers and communities; and
works: the move to global healthcare and the
Curriculum asks us to think about internationalisation of curriculum—all
what is being set up to be taught and have implications on what counts as
learned, what is actually being taught, curriculum in terms of priorities, funding
what is actually being learned, why structures and educational activity.
Curriculum development framework

Yet these issues are rarely considered (1971) and Ball (1990), these elements
systematically as part of the curriculum are identified as ‘message systems’ of
design process, being treated by default as curriculum. Each element conveys a
somehow sitting outside the educational message about issues that matter, for
questions of competencies and example, what will be known, done,
outcomes. Additionally, in the absence why and how and by whom, how its
of systematic, informed, research-based effects will be measured and its impacts
inquiry into curriculum design, values evaluated. Bernstein identified three
are encoded into the selection and message systems: knowledge, pedagogy
sequencing of curriculum activity with and assessment, while Ball (1990) added
little or no accountability to policy and a fourth, that of the organisational
workforce imperatives. dimensions of curriculum.
Notwithstanding this criticism of Outline of a four-dimensional
current curriculum development curriculum framework
practices in health professional
education, the authors acknowledge Dimension 1: Big picture decisions –
that linking educational practice to the why?
the ‘bigger picture’ is often easier said
than done, particularly when there In the first dimension, curriculum is
are few theoretical tools available to understood as a program of knowledge
facilitate this process. Accordingly, the and learning, shaped by social, historical,
following four-dimensional curriculum political, economic, professional
development framework is presented and educational forces, a purposeful
as a tool to help health professional selection from relevant aspects of a
educators to link educational practice to culture. At the same time, curriculum
health policy, workforce and professional contributes directly to the shaping
practices in a coherent and reflexive way. of professional, social, economic and
This framework has been developed by personal futures through the production
the interdisciplinary team conducting a of graduates who enter the workforce
national project on curriculum renewal with particular knowledge, skills and
attitudes (Australian Curriculum Studies
in interprofessional health education in
Association, 2009). Curricula in health
Australia ( The
professions respond to the requirements
team consists of educational researchers
of registration and accreditation bodies,
and educators from a wide range of
service public and private health systems
health professions.
and articulate the values of professional
Each of the four dimensions in the bodies. Additionally, each curriculum
framework is necessarily linked to, reflects a particular vision of a future,
and dependent on, each of the others. that is valued either implicitly or
Furthermore, as each element within the explicitly by those who are responsible
dimensions moves from abstract to more for shaping it. Where health professional
concrete and practical considerations, education is largely structured along
it articulates the principles of the disciplinary lines, assumptions of value
other elements. Drawing on the now- and notions of future workforce needs
classic conceptual framing of Bernstein are primarily made in the interests

of that discipline. Similarly, if health conception of the second dimension

professional education is shaped through extends beyond an approach to
work-based, interprofessional or public capability development understood in
health foci, a different set of interests purely ‘what works in the real world’
and visions is encoded into curriculum terms, to a need to encompass change.
design. Consequently, this dimension
does not sit outside curriculum design Dimension 3: Teaching, learning and
but actively shapes and drives it. assessment – the how?
The third dimension involves the core
Dimension 2: Defining capabilities of
graduates – the what? educational activities of teaching,
learning and assessment. As a message
Dimension 2 is concerned with system, these three elements constitute
identifying sets of learning outcomes, the daily decision-making and dynamics
expressed in relation to standards and of education. However, they also carry
sets of attributes: knowledge, skills important elements of the previous
and capabilities as well as dispositions: two dimensions: assumptions about
values and attitudes, articulated within the big picture, what model of the
the idea of professional practice (Barrie, future is articulated in the selection and
2006). However, rather than practice sequencing of learning activities, how
being merely the application of abstract practice is best learned and so on. For
knowledge gained during traditional example, traditional didactic modes
modes of study, contemporary of teaching (large lectures, memory
theoretical understandings of practice learning, sequestration of disciplines
demonstrate how professional from each other) encode values and
capabilities are complex and develop hierarchies about the relationship
in situations where they are enacted between theory and practice between
(Green, 2009; Schatzki, 2001). That the various professional disciplines
is, becoming and being a health and between curative and primary or
professional is substantially learned preventive health models. In contrast,
on the job, through practising and collaborative, inquiry-based, team-
systematic critical reflection on practice. based, work-based or simulation-
This second dimension is the primary based modes of teaching, learning and
place where the dynamic interplay assessment carry a message about a
between ‘knowing, doing and being’ different set of assumptions regarding
(Barnett & Coate, 2005) is articulated. these relationships. Further, the
Health professional practice is multi- practicalities of addressing the hospital–
dimensional, contextually specific and community divide and the involvement
relationally complex, and this must be of patients/consumers in curriculum
reflected in the capabilities of graduates. development and delivery are also
Understanding professional practice deeply underpinned by the assumptions
in these terms requires a curriculum embedded in Dimensions 1 and 2. In
framework that is directly connected order to understand the workings of
to the considerations in Dimension 1. this message system, the underpinning
That means that this practice-oriented theories and assumptions about learning
Curriculum development framework

and knowledge in different curricula Yet organisational life within educational

are examined. settings is a powerful force, shaping what
Dimension 4: Organisation – is considered possible and desirable.
the where? Each university carries its own historical,
demographic and organisational culture.
The fourth dimension considers the Practical matters such as the mix of
organisational and administrative professional programs, rural and regional
context in which curriculum is locations, the mix of graduate and
structured, implemented and undergraduate entry and so on shape
experienced (Ball, 1990). This fourth what can be achieved as well as how
dimension involves cultural norms, change is envisaged and approached.
protocols and procedures responsive To elevate organisation to a dimension
to specific universities and locations. of curriculum, rather than to relegate
It addresses the complex cultural it to the static conception of ‘context’,
challenges and accommodations of is to render it visible and systematically
translating curriculum ideas into accountable.
curriculum practices that are enacted
and experienced by teachers, students, A diagrammatic representation of the
clinicians and organisers. As a message four-dimensional framework is presented
system, this element is often overlooked below followed by a discussion of how
in accounts of curriculum renewal and this framework might be adopted by
considered to be ‘outside’ curriculum design. health professional education.

Figure 1: Four-dimensional framework for curriculum development


The four-dimensional curriculum in by the implications of the previous two

action in health professional education dimensions. This dimension encourages
us to consider the particular vision of
As proposed, each specific element
healthcare (its strengths and limitations)
within the four dimensions of the
that is being encoded into the design
framework is a message system within
of learning activities. This allows the
the curriculum. Each element is a
practical activities of design to be
realisation of a particular vision of
directly accountable to the broader
the future. Consequently, the benefit policy and philosophical questions
of this framework is that it requires concerning the kind of health system
and enables educators to consider the being produced through the education
message systems together and to think of future professionals.
about their interrelatedness. In relation
to education in any of the health Dimension 3 is also where questions
professions, the dynamic interplay about the underpinning theories of
among the four dimensions allows learning may be addressed. Where
educators to focus on a set of issues theories of learning are absent or
entailed in developing curriculum. implied, they often remain limited
and problematic. For example, the
Dimensions 1 and 2, for example, are persistence of implicit Tylerian principles
not simply concerned with effectiveness, limits the range of possible descriptions
or compliance in relation to standards, of learning objectives (e.g., Mager,
though these are key considerations. 1962). In a rare recent theoretical
Dimension 1 focuses directly on the paper in relation to nursing education,
future-oriented aspects of health policy Brandon and All (2010) argue that
and its implications for educating a the solution to these continuing
health workforce capable of practising concerns may lie in the application of
in contemporary models of care. constructivist theory. Furthermore,
Dimension 2 allows educators to ask concepts such as ‘constructive alignment’
critical questions about the learning (Biggs, 1996) presuppose theorisations
outcomes being encoded into various of learning that are constructivist in
competency frameworks, joining orientation, focusing on individual
technical considerations of particular learners’ constructions of meaning
knowledge, competencies, attitudes and from structured learning activities and
learning experiences rigorously with assessment tasks.
a consideration of the vision of the
healthcare practice world they imply. In Dimension 3 also allows us to ask
this sense, every competency framework questions about what theories of
articulates a set of assumptions about learning align with the development
of contemporary and future-focused
what it means to be a particular kind of
practice capabilities, such as situated
health professional, and this cannot be
learning (Barr, Koppel, Reeves,
left unexamined.
Hammick, & Freeth, 2005; Lave &
Dimension 3, concerned with Wenger, 1991), collective learning
the actual design of learning and (Hager & Johnsson, 2009), reciprocal
assessment activities, is also informed learning (Fowler, Dunston, Lee,
Curriculum development framework

Rossiter, & McKenzie, 2011) and, the research team has
sustainable modes of assessment (Boud synthesised a range of recent strands of
and Associates, 2010), all of which are educational thought into a fairly simple
attempting to come to terms with the model that, nonetheless, accounts for
relationship between the learning of the complex, dynamic and collaborative
abstract knowledge and the learning in, work required for conceptualising
and of, practice itself. These theories curriculum reform across multiple levels
support the complex organisational of activity. The framework provides a
interface between higher education template through which curriculum
and the current and future world development in the health professions
of professional practice across the can be approached comprehensively,
health professions. in order to accommodate the nuances
Finally, Dimension 4 is the dimension of different educational contexts.
that allows systematic questioning about The proposed framework does not
how and why curriculum is shaped offer a prescriptive set of steps for
and constrained by local institutional curriculum developers. Rather, it is
and sectoral circumstances. Examples a four-dimensional theoretical tool
include the mix of professions in for the identification and systematic
any one university; the mix of entry interrelation of priorities and directions,
levels; prior curriculum histories and possibilities and constraints, specific and
precedents; local institutional politics; generic capabilities, outcomes, academic
the effects of urban, regional and rural standards and assessment practices
circumstances; the particular histories in health professional education.
of relationships with the local health There are many implications for the
bureaucracies and so on. Far from being implementation of this framework: in
ancillary to the processes of curriculum curriculum design, in the development
design, these often become the structural of teaching/learning resources and in
sticking points that shape attachments the development of assessment tools as
and resistances to curriculum renewal suggested, for example, by Hays et al.
initiatives. Dimension 4, reflexively and (2002) in relation to medical education.
systematically, loops back to the ‘big Finally, this framework addresses
picture’ of Dimension 1, inflecting it factors that shape the design of health
with local colour and flavour. It is in this professional curriculum. It does
dimension that local interests and power not directly seek to account for the
relations play out most obviously and dynamics of the lived curriculum, as
where struggles find their most visible distinct from the written curriculum.
form. They must be configured into a Any design contains an imagining of
conception of curriculum design and not its enactment, the experiences of what
seen as just ‘noise’ within the system. people bring to daily activities and
dynamics of teaching and learning.
Conclusion This includes the effects of the so-called
In formulating the theoretical scaffolding ‘hidden curriculum’ (Hafferty, 1998), a
for an interprofessional curriculum term referring to the socialisation that
development project (www.ipehealth. occurs through students being exposed

to social practices and role modelling Barr, H., Koppel, I., Reeves, S.,
in educational and workplace settings Hammick, M., & Freeth, D. (2005).
that contradict the espoused focus Effective interprofessional education:
of the ‘manifest curriculum’ (Lemp Argument, assumption and evidence.
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