Crossing The Bar

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“Crossing the Bar” is written by Alfred Tennyson. The poem written in 1889.

He describes
peaceful attitude towards death .It is a popular poem due to its theme of over-reaching death. The
tone of the poem is not sad and sick. The poet is wondering about his death but he does not fear
death .Tennyson followed this work with upcoming poems .He requested that ‘’Crossing the
Bar’’ appear as the final poem in all collection of his work. The other important thing in this
poem is one of ‘’Crossing ‘’ purpose Christians ‘’Crossing’’ refers both to crossing over into the
next world. This poem is set in the imaginary world of the poet. He uses the extended figure of to
describe the concept of death.

Tennyson describe his death as a peaceful journey in to the ocean he notice that he nears the end
of life .Basically Tennyson uses the metaphor of, the sunset and evening star to compare his call
to death. The poet talks about old age through his quotation for sunset and evening. Mostly
people die because of old age. People become clever to accept the reality of death. They believe
that death is the beginning of another life.

The sunset represents life, while the darkness represents death. The poet finds the sunset fitting
to his life. The peaceful move from daylight to night or the sunset, compares the life to death and
evening star as a guidance of his final destination, similarly, the evening star guides Tennyson to
a peaceful death.
Sunset and evening star,
And one clear call for me!

Tennyson said we all arise from heaven, go to Earth, die then return back to heaven .When he
returns to heaven, Tennyson hopes to see pilot face to face. The Pilot is a symbol for God
Tennyson hopes he will meet his the God of his ship crosses over the sandbar .The pilot guides
the ship toward its destination and he believe in God. Tennyson wish to see his God in heaven
after his death. Tennyson said spread out of one’s faith will be able to experience the happiness
of heaven and God. Tennyson compare as his peaceful death and another way to describe the
“endless sea” that led them to their destination, their passing from death. Tennyson look for to
return to heaven and become ‘’face to face with God. He present the idea that faith returns him
back to heaven and brings him in to the existence of God.
I hope to see my Pilot face to face
When I have crost the bar.
Poet knows his final journey into death is near which he said “too full for sound and foam”
signify his fulfillment with life and readiness for a peaceful death .His word choice of a
“sleeping tide” means holding up death.

The poet depicts a move from dusk to darkness .Twilight signifies sunset, and evening bell, give
the signals the approaching night .After all the start of the poem ,poet said the time changed from
evening to night . The evening means the age of the poet while he approaching his death.

In the third line of stanza, poet wishes that there would no sadness during his death. He does not
want to be sad when his time to leave comes. The poet said also signifies the grief of other
people when a human dies. The poet does not his family and his close friends sad due to his
Twilight and evening bell,
And after that the dark!

Now we can conclude that this poem’ ’crossing the bar ‘’ between life and death and there is no
need to fear death because we believed that death is always going to happen in our life .We
cannot stop it so poet said there is no point in fearing it.

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