Grade 7 4th Grading Exam

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Tangub City National High School

4th Grading Examination

Grade 7 Science

Name:_____________________________________ Yr.&Sec:______________Score:______
Test I. MULTIPLE CHOICES: Choose the letter that corresponds to the correct answer. Write the answer
on the space provided before the number.
_____ 1. Which one of the following is an example of non-renewable resources?
a. Wind b. Waterc. Vegetation d. Coal and minerals
_____ 2. Which of the following is a renewable resource?
a. Soil b. Waterc. Flora and fauna d. All the above
_____ 3. In the atmosphere, the layer above the troposphere is _____.
a. stratosphere b. exosphere c. mesosphere d. thermosphere
_____ 4. Lunar eclipses always occur during ____________.
a. Full Moon b. New Moon c. First Quarter d. Last Quarter
_____ 5. Which one of the following is not a fossil fuel?
a. Natural gas b. Petrol c. Coal d. Uranium
_____ 6. Floods can be prevented by_______.
a. afforestation c. cutting the forests
b. tilling the land d. removing the top soil
_____ 7. The three r’s are:
a. Recycle, reuse, and reduce c. Recycle, reboot, and reuse
b. Reduce, remove, recycle d. Reuse, remove, recycle
_____ 8. Fossil fuels form from:
a. Synthetic technological creations
b. People extracting fuel from fossils
c. Once living organisms that have decomposed over a very long time
d. Ancient burial grounds
_____ 9. A lunar eclipse results when ___________________.
a. Moon passes through sun's shadow c Moon passes through earth's shadow
b. Earth passes through moon's shadow d. Earth passes through sun’s shadow
_____ 10. A latitude of 15 degrees north can be found _____________.
a. Below the equator c. above the equator
b. At the equator d. either at the north pole or the south pole
_____ 11. What are natural resources?
These are materials or elements from the environment that people
a. did not create c. invented for themselves
b. use to meet their needs d. observe using a scientific equipment
_____ 12. What do you call a resource that people can use again and again but its supply can be replaced?
a. renewable b. recyclable c. reliable d. unlimited
_____ 13. What two factors have the greatest influence on soil formation?
a. temperature and rainfall b. slope of the land and rainfall
c.. kind of soil particles and temperature
d. reforestation and use of compost as fertilizer
_____ 14. Which pair of resources is renewable?
a. cotton and leather c. aluminum and iron
b. coal and solar energy d soil and minerals
_____ 15. Why are coal, petroleum, and natural gas considered nonrenewable resources if they were produced
from plant and animal remains?
a. It takes a very long time to produce them.
b. Using those results in environmental problems.
c. They are difficult to locate and explore from Earth.
d. The Philippines is dependent on supply from other countries
_____ 16. The sun's energy is often called ___.
a. Hydroelectric energy c. solar energy
b. geothermal energy d. fossil fuels
_____ 17. What is the correct alignment during a total lunar eclipse?
a. Sun, moon, earth c. Earth, sun, moon
b. Sun, earth, moon d. Earth, Moon and sun’s shadow
_____ 18. What layer does most weather occur in?
a. troposphere b. stratosphere c. thermosphere d. mesosphere
_____ 19. What is the coldest layer in the atmosphere?
a. Troposphere b. thermosphere c. stratosphere d. mesosphere
_____ 20. What is the atmospheric layer closest to the ground?
a. Mesosphere b. troposphere c. thermosphere d. stratosphere
_____ 21. What does the ozone layer do?
a. It protects us from meteors c. It protects us from violent solar flares
b. It protects us from ultra violet radiation d. It helps us breathe
_____ 22. At what layer do most airplanes fly at the top of?
a. Stratosphere b. thermosphere c. mesosphere d. troposphere
_____ 23. The starting point of latitude.
a. Prime meridian b. equator c. arctic circle d. tropic cancer
_____24. The reference point of longitude
a. Prime meridian b. equator c. arctic circle d. tropic cancer
_____25. Which of the following is the result of rain and typhoon.
a. Landslide b. pollution c. global warmingd. road widening
_____26. During what season do people love to go on beach resorts for swimming because of a very hot
a. During winter b. During summer c. During autumn d. During Fall
_____27. We usually experience cold weather and in some areas they experience snow or ice.
a. winter season b. summer season c. autumn seasond. spring season
_____28. What is umbra?
a. The dark inner portion of the shadow cone.
b. The light inner portion of the shadow cone.
c. The lighter outer portion of the shadow.
d. The darker outer portion of the shadow.
_____ 29. When the Moon passes completely into the Umbra, or total shadow of the Earth.
a. Total solar eclipse c. Total lunar eclipse
b. Partial lunar eclipse d. Penumbral lunar eclipse
_____ 30. The times where the Moon, the Earth, and the Sun line up perfectly for an eclipse.
a. Apogee b. Syzygy c. Partiald. Annular

Test II. Identify the following picture below.

1. ______________________ 2. __________________________

3.__________________________ 4. ______________________

Test IV. Locate the following latitude and longitude in your world map and write your
answer on the space provided before the number.

S___________________________ 1. 10 0 S latitude, 105 0 S longitude.

D___________________________ 2. 60 0 W latitude, 160 0 W longitude
I ____________________________3. 40 0 N latitude, 15 0 N longitude
P ___________________________ 4. 30 0 S latitude, 65 0 S longitude
B ___________________________5. 80 0 N latitude, 105 0 N longitude
H ___________________________ 6. 40 0 SE latitude, 150 0 SE longitude.
B ___________________________ 7. 50 0 N latitude, 30 0 N longitude
M___________________________8. 0 0 S latitude, 45 0 S longitude
E ___________________________ 9. 50 0 N latitude, 0 0 N longitude
R ___________________________ 10. 45 0 SW latitude, 20 0 SW longitude.


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