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Class 6

BSU – Round-up Task

Name: abdurehman amir

Section: E

Campus: PECHS

Q 1. You have studied ‘nostalgia’ in Language and ‘Treasure Island’ in Literature. Read the
following excerpt about a grown up sharing his/her childhood memories about watching
Treasure Island on TV. Imagine that you are the grown up and complete it. What do you
remember about it? Try to maintain a tone that is nostalgic. Quote the fondest memories
from the serial (you will use your reading but portray it as the serial) and relate it to some
effect it had on your personality back then. For e.g, you tried to copy a character or did
something that suggested that you were inspired by the T.V serial at that age. 

“Treasure Island and childhood memories”

It was 1988. I was then eight years old, and, at that time, we did not have a television set. The BBC
was serialising Robert Louis Stevenson’s Treasure Island on Sunday afternoons, and I used to go to
my friend, Kevin’s house to watch it. And afterwards, we used to play at being pirates. And I
remember taking out the book from the children’s section of the library in Kirkcaldy (where we
were living at the time), and thrilling both to the story, and also to the vivid illustrations that
brought to life an imaginative world that has stayed with me since.
My apologies for boring you all with a bit of autobiography, since one’s nostalgia is generally of no
interest but to anyone but one’s self. But if it is true that experiences of one’s childhood shape
what one becomes as an adult, then I have no doubt that my childhood immersion in the
imaginative world of Treasure Island has shaped me. Not that I’ve become a pirate, of course, nor
yet that I have led an adventurous life: I have always been physically timid, and turn away in
trepidation even from some of the more adventurous rides in Thorpe Park. But the imagination
does, after all, exist to fill the gaps in one’s personal experience, and no story looms larger in my
imagination, even now, than does Treasure Island.
There is many a book I enjoyed as a child, but which are impossible to enjoy as an adult, not even
with all the mitigating factors afforded by nostalgia. Treasure Island, however, needs no mitigating
factor at all: quite simply, there has not been a better adventure story written. From the very
opening paragraph, where Captain Billy Bones knocks on the door of the inn run by Jim’s father, I
am hooked. And after that, it is one adventure after another.

The starting mystery of Billy Bones chest was enough to captivate my attention towards the series
sipping hot chocolate and having cookies with my friend. I still remember how we used to fight
while playing the role of Jim while playing treasure island. I have always imagined what it would
be like to be living in the age of pirates. I will take all of the treasures by myself and i will make
alliance with Dr,Livesey,Trewlaney, and captain Smollet helping them to take down all the bad
guys, I still remember how i got into trouble by hiding in Kevin's car inspired by Jim plan of
sneaking into silvers boat. I remember having dreams about the one leg sea fearing man.
Dr.Livesey quality of standing up money wisely by watching how Ben Gunnspend all his treasures
on useless things and ending up as a beggar again. My fascination of fighting and bringing down
pirates was never fulfilled but as i grew up older i realized that we are all surrounded by characters
like silver israel and other bad people all we should remember is how to be with what's right and
be an honest and brave person like Jim

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