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FLYING SAUCERS FAREWELL by George Adamski AUTHOR OF INSIDE THE SPACE SHIPS ABELARD-SCHUMAN (© cape sr by Geng Aas Ly Congres Canine 1 dedicate this book to a beter understanding of our ‘art Roar 61905 place inthe Universe, George Adamski Lindon Seow Yate roan ‘tect Soma ats Shama tat can ‘inal inte ‘Cans Lite King Stee 6 Won sth Sues Ste ee Pd the oil Sef Amen FOREWORD "The purpose of this book is to share with my many friends throughout the world knowledge gained through personal ex- pperiences during the years since Inside the Space Ships was published in 1955. wish to express deep appreciation to my devoted colleagues and friends—from this world and other planets—who have asised me in preparing the material contained herein. George Adamski INTRODUCTION FPor thirteen years I have pursued the clusive “fying sauocrs” investigating every available fact in an attempt to solve the many questions created by their presence. ‘Now many of the riddles have been solved on the basis of scientific proof, and I am firmly convinced that men from ‘other planets have arrived on Earth! In this conviction I am not alone, Many scicntists and gov ernment offcisls now admit their belief that people from ‘other planets in our solar system have come to Earth and that ying saucers are spacecraft of extraterrestrial origin. ‘in 1957 [ first met George Adamski, space leturer-philoso- pher who, with the British writer Desmond Leslie, coauthored Flying Saucers Have Landed, one ofthe mast informative docu- ‘ments to be published on spacecraft and their origin. Adamski’s starting aecount of his meeting with a man from Venus met ‘with tremendous response from readers throughout the world. Since my fist meeting with George Adamski, we have worked together on an extensive study of what some officials prefer to call “Unidentified Flying Objects” My interest in UFO's actually began many years ago in Boise, Idaho, where I lived at the time of Kenneth Arnold's first report in 1947. Tn those days [ worked at a radio repairman for an auto dectric shop and had serviced the radios in Arnold's private plane and automobile. Arnold visited the shop shortly after the Mount Rainier incident, when he sighted a formation of UFO's, and I was very impressed with his sory. I knew Arnold swmmooverton ° to be a wher individual and had no reason to doubt his ex- perience. maintained tis interes for several yeas afterward, In the samme of 1951, moved to Seatle, Washington, where I ead cccasionsl UBO reports in the newspapers, most of them tonguei-cheek accounts which hinted that hallucinations, ot pethape crackpots, might be behind the ying saucer stories. “Then I bought a pocket book entitled Flying Saucers Are Real, by Donald E. Keyhoe. This book convinced me that saucers were indeed real and were of interplanetary origin TThegan to purchase every UFO book I could get my hand on, as fata it was released to the public. ‘Al contact cms 1 dismissed as pure fanasy, writen by wilful hoaxers of by sincere though deluded peopl One morning I read an advertisement in the Seattle Pos Incligencer requesting that pexons interested in UFO's con- tact Robert J. Gribble ofthe Civilian Flying Saucer Inteli- gence. (This group later changed its name to Aerial Phe- nomena Research Group.) I contacted Gribble and joinet his organization. A few months later, Gribble invited me wo be come an asocate director in the group and to participate more actively in its UFO research program, This I did and got in on the ground flor, st speak, of what I consider to be the best and most scientific investigation agency in the UFO field Each month clippings would pour in fom every major news- per in the world. Gribble maintained lage maps pis-ponting all the major sightings and landings in the world. Separate ‘maps were used for other incidents connected with the URO'S In July of 1957 I moved to Southern California. At ths time 4 new opportunity presentad itself; T was very close to the majrity of the socalled cantacees ‘Some months previously I had come to the realization that contacts of some kind must have been made. Ifthe situation 0 Introduction were reversed and our ships were ying around another planet Tor several years, they would certainly in that length of time try wo land and contact some of the natives. If we landed and weideneally ran across an inhabitant, no mater what his st tion in life might be, we would certainly attempt some sort fof communication. The space people wouki be no different from us in that respect. “As a result of all this, I decided I'd better pull my head out of the and and investigate the contacter claimants. drove hundreds of miles on weekends and visited many people. All of them were fing, friendly persons but I was very disappointed fot one had proof of any kind. Many were etablishing cul tvth one in California even incorporating 26 “celigion.” None Of these people were genuine. Some freely stated their e petinees were aot physical, but occurred as “psychic” or Renal” eontets. Several aimed contact via Ouija boards automatie handwriting, tances, or equally ridiculous methods. ‘None of them seemed to realize these incidents were products of their own wishful thinking and meant absolutely nothing to anyone but themselves. ‘At this point I was so disgusted with the whole ying saucer Insiness I didn't even bother to visit George Adamski. T as sumed he wa just lke the rest "A few months later my family and T traveled to Mount Palomar to sce the 2o0inch Hale Telescope. After an enjoy able day on top, we were returning down the movatain when T noticed Adamski’s name on a mailbox. I decided to stop, as 1 was preparing a series of lectures on flying saucers and 1 didn't want to talk against someone T ha never met. I was determined to expose the whole contactc setup a8 a hoax Timagine my suprise when I met a man who appeared to be as distinguished a a college professor and who take of scien- tific things as an expert; who claimed his contacts were real xmopucTion 1 and physical and further stated the contacts were in no way connected with so-alled “mystic phenomena,” “psychism” or “spiritualism.” ‘Adamski produced clear photographs and affidavits from many witnesses who were present when the photos were taken and the contact established. No one else had ever done this. ‘At last I was geting somewhere, proceeding on a sane, logical Tn Adamski's 16am, color motion picture, the large metallic dome of a spaceeraft was cleacly visible. Expert photographers hnad examined his pictures and stated they couldn't even be faked with expensive “motion picture studio” equipment. Orthographic projections comparing Adamski’s films with pictures taken overseas proved that models were not used. Each fact served to cinch the authenticity a litte tighter. 1 became intrigued enough to revisit Adamski, and on a few occasions I met scientists and military technicians who had ‘come for information to be used in their research laboratories, ‘These men took Adamski at face value and I began to gain increased respect for him. compiled all the information I received about Adamski and of the material he furnished to the research laboratories. Later Tread newspaper accounts of how the reentry heating: problem of our missles had been solved. The method was the same as outlined by Adamski several months previously. 1 read leters from scientists thanking Adamski for formation and stating the methods he outlined had worked, When the now notorious “Strath Letter” arrived from the US. State Department, participated in the twomonth investi- ‘zation that followed. Much of the information that arrived concerning the Stith Letter has never been made public, and so I leave it to Adamski to release or hold as he sees fit ‘The facts boiled dawn to one thing, though. The “Straith 2 Introduction Letter” was never disproved! The same cover-up was attempted with the letter as with the UFO itself. Before long I was actively working with Adams in his effore to “tll the Amer- jean public what it should know,” as the “Straith Letter” bad asked. ‘During the latter part of 1958, I traveled with Adamski on ‘a qocomile lecture tour reaching as far north as Bellingham, ‘Washington. During the intermission of our letare in Everett, ‘Washington, a public information officer from Paine Air Force Base came up to 1s and complimented Adamski on his sien tific, down-o-carth and physical approach to the subject, He stated that when the psychics were kicked out of the UFO situation, the Air Force would be able to release its informa tion, Hie said the mystics had so confused the issue with their false claims of contact that the general public looked with ridicule at the whole matter and refused to accept any of it. "After all, what normal, intelligent person would be seen at a‘séance” attended by persons who claimed they lee their bodies behind at night and few off into the wild blue yonder to ride in a space ship? The average person would never accept a fantastic claim that “astral entities” and spirits were flying around in invisible ships, mateializing and dematerial- iting at wil ‘Notice how, overnight, the mediums abandoned their Indian ‘guides and substituted “spacemen.” "As a result of my investigation, I wholeheartedly. back George Adamski and the other legitimate, though mostly un- known, contactees, So far, Adamski is the only well-known contact claimant in the United States who has proven legiti- ‘mate "His photos are the only publicly-known pictures to be listed as authentic by the intelligence agencies of many world gov ‘ernment In the files of certain governments, his name heads emmopucrion es the ist of autem onactes. His photo ar ed wniveally cre ea pac ing moe Aron ine he wa sed o undergo a goverment sci clk and leer a lily inallaions sound the ol ‘his refuedto do sine foc an arangement woud have bound him sce, closing hs information tothe publi. During Adamstlt werd soc in 195 oruin heads of gveraments informed him they were alo contactec, Tis Evident the space vistors have no confined ts wsis to the nied Sine Tn regard t knowledge about the space people and thir reaons for coming, the United Stats fl sally behind the tasty of other nations. Peshape Americans will soon rele ie that a vat new horizon bas opened Before, «Tinie desing which only the open alert mind wil inher Now, lt us hear of that desing fom George Adams, wh, snoely elev, ws one ofthe Best Amerie o tne the peopl fom oer planets. ©. A. Honey ‘Anaheim, California July, 1960 CONTENTS Foreword Introduction by C. A. Honey BOOK ONE, 1 Why They Came Space Activity Within Our Solar System Spaceships and Gravity Recent Developments ‘Changes in Our System The Symbols ‘Answers for the Skeptics Rumors and Rumor Mongers What I Have Learned from Interplanetarians "The Bible and the UFO ‘Metaphysics, Psychism, Religion BOOK TWO—The World Tour 1 America to New Zealand Australia 2 3, Darwin to England 4 The Royal Audience 5 6 ‘The Zurich Incident End of the Tour BOOK THREE 1 Satan, Man of the Hoar 2. Conclusion 5 41 50 B 8 m1 m1 14 10 9 170 5 189 Book I 1. WHY THEY CAME Te was in October, 1946 that the U.S.A. shot its fist radar beam to the moon, This was for experimental purposes The center of the moon was the target, since our scientists thought they had accurate calculations of the distances between our planet and her satellite. The intent was to learn the tine re- ‘quired fora radar signal to travel sucha distance through outer space and return, "At that time considerable publicity was given to the feat and its achievement, but, 0 far as the public has been informed, the ratier was dropped there. Yet, in reality, that event was only the beginning of our rapid progress speceward. ‘According to the spacepeople with whom I have had the pleaare of discussing the subject, the radar signal sent out at that time hit che edge of the moon and richocheted into space, alerting watchers at thir instruments on Mars and Venus. Its strangeness was mistakenly interpreted to be a signal of dis ‘ress Immediately they answered with their owa signals. When no seplies were received, ther ships were dispatched to in- venigate. Naturally these went to the section of our planet ‘whence the signals had originated, This explains why, in the beginning, more spacecraft were observed over the US.A. than other parts of the world. And, asi will be when our space ships reach other planes, some of their eraft landed here and there as they found it safe or neces sary. Because they were unfamiliar with our terrain and at- mosphere (Wwe had been experimenting with atomic bombs 6 Flying Saucers Farewell and, not long before, had exploded some to end the wary thereby setting up an tunnatural condition), oF the strength of four plane's magnet feds, there were more crashes than We realize, Prank Scully reported some of these in 1959 in his book Behind she Flying Saucers Ifa person happened to be in the vicinity of a landed craft, the crewmen incvitably endeavored to mect and talk with him. When successful, they always ex: plained why they had been attracted to Earth in increased numbers. ‘Our space travelers will do the same, I am sure, It is only natural Tt was this information that enabled me to tell whether @ claimed contactee was telling the truth or indulging in wish fal thinking, because one having an actual experience of this kind would mention this part of the conversation during his relating of his meeting with people from a space ship. T have never divulged this fact previously because it would have ferved as a basis upon which imposters could work. Now, hhowerer, I have been given a means of identification, and the Brothers have suggested that this information be made public at chs ime in order to answer many questions heretofore un answered, ‘In 1946, shortly after the echo of our signal had returned to Earth from the moon, our scientists began picking up strange ‘code signals which they were unable to understand, ‘Time cal- colations indicated that these signals were coming from our neighboring planets, inspite of accepted scientific theories that for many reasons human life was impossible there, Other sige nals seemed to be coming fom open space, an unexplainable ‘and unbelievable state of affairs, unless one took space vehicles into consideration ery Hal & Co New York way Tay cAME ” [Not only did these signals continue for several months, they ae sll being received! ‘Our scientists have worked diligently in an effort to decode them » .. at fist, without succes. ‘Their accomplishments through the years have naturally been kept seret from the general public. Nonetheless, today in America we have Project OZMA at the Green Bank Radio Observatory in West Vie- sinia; England has her gigantic Jodrell Bank radio telescopes ‘Rustralia has her Mills Cross along with other radio tele- scopes and is now in the process of building a 21ooot circular radio telescope scheduled to be completed in Apri, 1961. This trill be the largest in the Southern Hemisphere, but 1am sure there are many others throughout the work) all decately tuned and receiving signals from space which the scientists are endeavoring to decipher. ‘Our Bible contains several hundred reports of space vsita- tions, all of which have been misinterpreted and misunder- stood until recent years, due to the many translations as well as personal interpretations and teachings of Biblical records. To- ay many researchers are conceding that the history of our carh and its inhabitants was old when our Bible history began. Te was prior to that time that interplanetary communication ‘was normal between our planet and her neighbors. Most of our carly records have been lost and our education since bas not ‘admitted the possibility of anything of this kind. Yet, regard- Jess of our understanding or lack of i, spacceralt have moved through our atmosphere now and then through the centuries, ‘Many sightings of chese craft have been recorded during the centuries, both by scientists and by the man on the strest. But because even yet we have not entirely cutgrown out fears ofthe unknown, and certain witchcraft ideas, reports of these sight- ings have for the most part, remained in closed files, forgotten 18 Flying Sancers Farewell because of fear of ridicule and persecution of those having such ‘even Lede of London, England, spent years and end- Jess effort in compiling many of these records. The results of his efors were published in. 1953 in Flying Saucers Have TLapdeds in which my report of having meta man from Vent was also incladed. “Viste from spacecraft to our earth during the past several centuries might be compared to oceantiner visits to some far Gucofhe-way island which is visited perhaps once or twice & sear to leave sop and pick up merchandise ofthe natives Gensionally some of their people would wish to remain on nth to become beter acquainted with our people and theit sways A cera percentage ofthese have iked it here and have Remained, Others have returned home after certain Lengths of time, In this way the people of our neighboring plancts have been abe to keep in touch with some canitions on earth. "This practice continues today, with many governments Having re- rds of identification for these interplanetary vistors. Tn 146, when our signal was fis picked up and ther ships were ated with instructions to investigate, an increase in numbers of spacecraft moving through Earth's atmosphere took place, For the following twelve years this increase was Continued, with sightings reported over every nation in the svorld, Ofeial documentary seconds can be found in the fies OF practically every nation as the clusive objects have been picked p on radar sercens in the USA, England, Rusia Brazil, New Zealand, Australia, and many others often over their capital cities as well as above their recarch lboatorie, their texting grounds, moving with and around their mises a¢ 4f studying them loslg, and at times moving in close proximity to airplanes and sips. ih Bok Gene, ay Now Ya ‘way THEY CAME 19 Many books have been written which include sightings in large numbers or singly by individuals alone, or at tines inthe sight of hundreds of witness as in 1954 in Bilbao, Spain, ‘when a formation of ing saucers lew slowly and at quite low altitude above the multitude so that they could be seen easily ‘without binoculars, In this incident, according to a newspaper report, portion of the citizens knelt. ‘Rome, too, has had her visits from formations of spacecraft moving overhead, watched by people in the streets At the time, these were mistakenly taken for Russian squadrons on zecon aissnce flights, but there were those who knew beter, and Inter these events were publicized for what they actually were. Tn Mexico in 1952, in the dark of night, a passenger train vwas escorted by a fying saucer for more than an hour. Some- times this craft moved above the train, or it would move ahead and wait for long moments. The glow from this aerial ship was ‘0 bright that the passengers were able to see one another, ot to read as if in full daylight. Testimony of ths event was taken from all the pasengers, the crewmembers, and some tech- nicians who were traveling on the train, These were docu: rented and notarized, and I have been told that these records are in the hands of competent Mexican authori ‘Several years ago dusing “Exercise Ardent” in England, the radar station picked up images of ten ships that flew from Eng- land to Holland above the British air forces. Their speed was ‘timated to be above 30,000 kilometers per hour, according to the report. They suddenly disappeared from the radar screen. From Australia, during the latter part of 1959 and the first half of 160, detailed published reports were shared with the world about Father Gill, a priest who, with a umber of his ‘parishioners and a fellow-lergyman, watched a large space- craft hover not too far above them in their litle town in New Guinea, while repairs were being made on the craft. This vember 2oth, in commemoration of my first mesting with a 2 ‘Flying Saucers Farewell lasted for a considerable time, and was repeated a few days fater. Father Gill traveled throogh Australia, giving public lee. tures on the event, He alto talked over radio and TV in order to reach as many people as possible with the story of his ex: eepuring che summer of 1959 an ar show was being eld in Canada. Thousands of people attended. During the height of the show a large Russian jet came in, and behind it but stay- ing a short distance above a¢ the jet Ianded, was an immense space ship. According to reports brought to me by several who were there and saw it, portholes along the sides of the pignntie CGgarshaped ship were open and people looked at the multi- tudes on the ground, a8 they in turn observed those in the ship ‘Those in the ship were described to me as men, women, and children, judged fom their appearances, differing in color 28 Earth’s people. Changes were made in the faces at the por hholes as those having a look moved away to give room 10 ‘thers. Some of the children looked so small it was thought they had tobe lifted up to see out, the same as we do with our children. "Naturally T asked my informants, who had driven hundreds of miles to tell me of their experiences, why someone had not taken pictures of both the Russian jet and the spacecraft as they flew in and came to a standstill. The spacecraft remained hovering for several minutes before turning its nose upward and disappearing from sight ata fantastic speed, according to the report. The reply was that, of course, hundreds of people present with cameras had taken pictures, but after the space ship had moved away, the Canadian military had moved in and confiscated the film in every camera. ‘Las told later that the report of this event weat over the ‘press wires atthe time, but with instructions to Kill t and not letit be published. “Through the yeats Brazil has had her share of sightings and personal contacts with space vistors. Some of these have been publicized in Brazilian papers, but few have been able to get beyond, Now, Tam told, Brazil is making an effoe to get other nations to acknowledge the reality of our space visitors, open. their “secret” files on the subject to the people of the world, and make an attempt to be more friendly with these space neighbors in order to learn more from them that the entire world might benefit from their knowledge and their presence, Tt is a well-known fact that although, for reasons best known, to themselves, government offcials throughout the world ‘have persistently refused to admit the realty of spacecraft mov- ing through our atmosphere, they do admit the presence of Unidentified Flying Objects. From time to time they endeavor to.excuse or explain these things as “nothing,” duc to their own inability to locate the craft upon investigation, perhaps several hhours, days or weeks later. But obviously this is merely to pacify the general public, who would be much happier with the truth contained in government files. This consists of authenti- cated records and photographs, many of which were taken by their own personnel and aireraft. ‘Through the centuries, crewmen of space ships have taken samples of our earth, plants, water, et. for analyis. In this way they have been able to keep informed of changes taking place fn the surface of our planet, and in its minerals. And as I told in my book Inside the Space Ships, they have taken frequent samples of our atmosphere, especially since our scientists have been experimenting with atomic explosions. Now their re- searches are becoming more detailed than they have been for thousands of years, because they have become actively inter- ested in us and our planet, and more oftheir ships have come our way. They know that our planet is undergoing 2 natural, “Attn Sma, ae. New Ya 2 Flying Saucers Farewell periodic change which will have its effect upon outer space, and in turn upon their planets in varying degrees. ‘Whien our ships reach the moon and our neighboring planets, the crewmen will likewise bring back samples of their arth, plants, water, et for scientific analysis and comparison. with ours, I'm sure. Ei were not for these space ships moving through our at- mosphere in such numbers that they could no longer be denied land discredited by our researchers, and if it were not for the help given Earth's scientists of all nations, both personally and ‘by mental impressions when a researcher's mind was open for inspiration, our space program would not have progressed as jt has. Although they have not been able to give us their full knowledge, our friends from space have shared with us as ‘much as we were able ro accept. As with all nature, growth and rogcess is slow; 90 we must grow in respect and understand ing of the powers with which we are working before we can successfully harness and use them beneficially. Our scientists are doing just this, aad within a matter of afew years, we will be joining our neighbors in interplanetary flight in our own “Earth-made ships, i we are wise and forego further destructive wars that may well annihilate Mankind from the face of this Earth ‘Our neighbors on other planets had to go through the grow ing stage, just as our scientists have, except they have not had the setbacks we have experienced through a history of wars and destruction, ‘They too were helped by those who had learned the answers to space travel. On Venus, Mars, and some of the other planets in our system, scientists studied deeply the secrets of Nature, her actions and reactions, with satisfactory results Thus, with the help of other space travelers and in- spiration from Nature, they succeeded centuries ago in accom plishing that which today we are endeavoring to do. ‘way THEY cAME 3 Suange as it may sem to us who have been taught our pres cnt system of mathematics, Nature works on the principle of fone and one adding up to thre. The postive and negative, trought together in relationship, result in an effect. the thind part of the equation, the ofsping, in which a certain per centage of the original two primal forces has been maintained. In ather word, the offopring has the benefits ofits parents within itself, Were it not for the operation of this Lavi, there ‘would be no food to eat, nor continuance of life of any kind, “The Law too was known and used on Earth centuries ago, bout somewhere the aero was injected into our mathematics, Nowhere in Nature ean inactivity or a state of nothingness exis, as represented by the zero, Thus there i n0 10, 20, ete in Naural Law. ‘The Cosmie principle of mathematics takes ws from one to ning, but does not go into numbers, plus nothing. Insead, it progresses from nine, to nine plus one, which might be ex- presed 28 92. Upon reaching nine plus nine, 09, the count proceeds to'a mukiple factor of nine: 18, From there it pro- greses to 181, and s9 on until 189 again becomes a multiple of nine, making 27. And soon without end. Because of our introduction of zero, or “nothing.” into our mathematical systems, it may take many years before we learn to think in Cosmic mathematical terms. Tn Behind the Flying Saucers,* Frank Seully mentioned that in the first crashed spacecraft examined by our scientists some twelve to fiten years ag, all measurements were found to be divisible by nine. Thus he gave the fist clue to Cosmic mathematics used in construction ofthe spacecraft Although one of the frst books written on this subject of spacecraft, and bitsy denied by the opposition who feared the acceptance of such facts even in those days, this book stands * ey He ey Nw Yo 4 Flying Saucers Farewell ‘as one that has never been disproved. Of the hundreds of books ‘written regarding space vistors and theic ships this remains ‘one of the comparatively few authentic treatments of the sub- ject. Built in compliance with Cosmic principle, these ships operate on Cosmic forces. We have much yet to learn about these force, but our scientists are researching constantly in an effort to guin this understanding. ‘Study of the atom is their first effort. They have learned auch, both of its dangers and the potential for constructive tuses of the atom. Atomic blasts such as we have developed are destructive in a terible way. Why, when the atom is consid- fered to be the buildingblock of all forms? In Nature atoms blend with others for which they have an affinity and harmony results, But in our scientific eflors we have divided natural ‘atomic combinations and have forced together elements that hhave no affinity for one another. Negatives or positives, denied their natural opposites, exert all their power to part company and seek those opposites. Confined under pressure, when proper ‘conditions are set up, an explosion results with disastrous effects both from the force ofthe explosion and the unbalanced released atoms seeking to balance themselves. "To date, our scientists in their atomic research have found a ‘use for certain elements, while at the sme time establishing vast stockpiles of other elements whose accumslation results in lethal conditions, Since they have so far found no use for this waste, they seal it into huge lead drums and érop them into the sea. But this is not the correct solution to the problem. ‘These pressured elements will continue exerting their energy toward escape, and in time will free themselves to join with ‘other elements for which they have an affinity. The result will be disastrous to life ofall variety. ‘On the other hand, scientists on other planets have found ‘WHY THEY CAME 25 sneans of sing the elements which we throw away, by allow- ing them to unite in certain proportions with other elements, by which they obtain usable energy. In this way they maintain the natural balance of thei planets. Temay sem dificl for some to understand why people who have progressed so far ahead of us inelecully should con- tinue having accidents, But one must remember that there is always an unknown factor tobe taken ito consideration. The ‘minerals on their planets are like those on Earth, Scientist, ‘manufacturers, mechanics on Earth who study and work with ‘metals ofall kinds, kaow that conditions sometimes arise in which metals do not zeact as expected. It has not been too any years that we have been reading about “tired” metal. Natural conditions act up a varity of effects, many of which can e anticipated, others of which cannot. Even. Nature her self bas a habie of performing in unexpected ways, especially vwhen interfered with by the efforts of men. ‘Man too is an unpredictable preduct of Nature. Thus the effets of his efforts, even. when working with other products ‘of Nature, will inevitably be subject to faults of one kind or nother which may result in minor or major accidents "The wise man learns from all such experiences and through continuous efore progresses along the pathway of life, wher- ce he may be living. ‘With so many of their ships moving through our atmosphere, permitting close observation of Earth's people and their ways, it did not take long forthe space travelers to learn ofthe many divisions and misunderstandings exsing in our world, Their history showed the fallay of such conditions and the inev- table results such as we are experiencing today. The Cosmic plan is fora united people on each plane. “Although their original purpose in coming was to answer hat they thought waa sigal for help from us, and to alert 26 Flying Saucers Farewell tus if necessary to natural changes taking place in our solar system, they alo turned ther efor toward helping us broaden four concepts of human relations, that we might hale our head- Tong race toward nuclear destruction, ‘From this closer asociation with Earthlings, they were sur- prised to find how really litle accurate understanding we had ‘of ourselves, let alone of the atmosphere surrounding our planet “practically nothing of the ionosphere, our protective electro- magnetic shield, and its purpose—with no true knowledge whatever of the Cosmos of which we are apart. ‘They sent increasing numbers of their ships, both large and sanall, to eruise through our atmosphere in the hope that peo- ple’s curiosity would be stimulated toward seeking greater tunderstanding of what was taking place, and of the ownership of these strange erat. More and more of their people landed to live among us in the hope that, through their presence, we would be influenced by their kindness, their lack of criticism of others, and their willingness to be friends with all. Further- ‘more, through casual conversations they could awaken sleep- ing minds to a vaster concept of life and the Cosmos. TEven then they did not realize for awhile the many fears that the presence of their ships in our skies would create. Nor were they able to conceive the depth to which such fears would incite us: that official orders would be issued for them to be shot down, As a result, some oftheir ships were destroyed and the crewmen killed. To spite of their understanding of life and its continuance, they did not appreciate such acts on our par. Tt did not take them long to learn to stay beyond the range of our ships and their attack abilities, although coming near enough for close observation through their technical instruments. They were also able at times to increase the repulsive power within their force fields thus repelling the smaller of our bullets, In this way SPACE ACTIVITY WITMN OUR SOLAR SYSTEM. 37 they lessened the danger to themselves, while sil being able to continue the work for which they came. 2. SPACE ACTIVITY WITHIN OUR SOLAR SYSTEM (One of the most frequent problems encountered when giving a lecture on space isthe insistence of scientists thatthe outer planets are devoid of light and heat. Their objection is that radiation from the sun is so weak at these vas distances that Pluto for instance, would beat absolute zero or clos to it, with a frozen atmosphere, and totally incapable of supporting life- forms of any type. ‘This isthe main argument brought against me when doubt js expresed about my meeting human beings from some of these other planets, ‘The first thing to realize is that the sun does not emit light and heat in the form we observe here on Earth. Radiation from the sun does not manifest itself as ight and heat until it pene- trates the atmospheres of the planets themselves. Outer space is devoid of light as we know it. The light in outer space i old light caused by the phosphorescence of vast clouds of particles and gases responding tothe radiation given off by the sun. To a human observer outer space loks like a dark, vast void, filled ‘with billions upon billions of tiny specks of multicolored light. All ofthese tiny lights are in a state of continuous motion and aetivty Radiation from the sun is composed of ultra-violet light, hard and soft X-rays, cosmic and gamma rays. The greater por: tion of these destructive rays are filtered out by a plane’ ion- 8 Flying Saucers Farewell ‘sphere and upper atmosphere. The innumerable, iinitesimal particles within a plane's atmosphere emit visible light when tncted by the sun's filtered radiation, The earth absorbs these faye and fn return gives off infra-red encrgy. Energy thus given fof activates the atmosphere immediately surrounding the plane, thereby generating heat that keeps the planet warm. Tt i easy to See how this encrgy from the sun can encompass ‘our earth, Afterall, we are only 93 millon miles from the sun. ‘But what about the planets that are more remote from the sun? “According to standard textbooks, the radiation from the s38 decreases inversely withthe square ofthe distance. In layman’s anguage, this means that if you double the distance from the sun, the adiation would be only one-fourth as great. If you. double the distance again, the radiation would be only one ‘Gsteenth as great, and so on, If the sun's radiation actually Glecreaes a this rate, then the outer planets must indecd be in a sate of perpetual coldness. ‘What, then, isthe answer? I know from personal experience that these outer planets have thriving civilizations, with cli- {nates and atmospheres similar to our own earth. The larger planets, such as Saturn and Jupiter, have much lower gravity qhan has been assumed by our scientists. Therefore, our

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